Is all chocolate good for you?

United States
August 23, 2011 5:11am CST
I like eating chocolate, its just sometime I crave it a little to much especially during the time of the month, I mean if anyone could answer that question for me why is it that women crave chocolate during the time of the month, I mean does it have something to do with the flow of your cycle or your blood count I mean what is it? I think that it's weird though how our body works like that you know, its crazy like that, but when I feel my monthly is coming I go to the dollar store and I rack up on all kinds of chocolate and sometime I go through a whole pack in one day, so I mean is that normal or is it just me?
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17 responses
@koperty3 (1876)
23 Aug 11
The best chocolate for health is dark chocolate. Milk chocolate got too much fat and sugar. So the healthiest option will be dark chocolate.
@miessy24 (235)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
yes, it is true. The healthiest chocolate is the dark chocolate because of its pureness and less of sugar content.
• Bulgaria
24 Aug 11
Dark might me the healthiest but is by far not the tastiest! I really don't like eating dark chocolate.... I stick to the milky one :)
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
I think it has something to do with our hormones too. I also have my cravings before my period starts. I crave for different food, and I sometime think that I might be pregnant, but it ends up like a pre period craving.
• United States
24 Aug 11
I don't know I am male and have crazy cravings for salt and chocolate lol. But yes I hear women tend to have more so during those times as well.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
23 Aug 11
Chocolate contains iron, which is desirable when one is losing blood. It also contains chemicals which activate the 'pleasure centres' of the brain and caffeine which is a stimulant. The psychology of chocolate cravings is complex but seems to be very common especially with females and particularly during menstruation.
• Bulgaria
24 Aug 11
I fully agree with owlwings. Each month I also have craving for chocolate and I eat a lot. I try to stick to plain milk chocolate or the one with nuts in it. I stay away from chocolate cakes, wafers and the rest. So I think it is pretty normal during this monthly periods to spoil yourself with some chocolate!
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
16 Dec 11
I like only some chocolates. Some chocolates are not sweet, or not tasty. Some chocolates I like too much and some chocolates are not.
@vkatrix (78)
• India
23 Aug 11
Hi walking2010 :) Craving is really very individualistic trait. Different people have cravings for different things. I suffer chocolate cravings - UN-EXPLAINABLE ones at that!! I read long ago that women generally crave for sweet (anything sweet that they prefer) while men prefer fatty foods (like fried snacks). And it is supposed to be because of different hormonal levels in men and women :P Also, according to research, chocolate raises serotonin or dopamine levels in the brain, which raises the 'feel-good' factor. But, MOST IMPORTANTLY the combination of the caffeine, with the sugar and fat as well as the taste (as your taste buds perceive it) play a HUGE role in causing craving. Low blood sugar levels are one important cause - you know it's a sugar level problem if the cravings occur between meals. Check and see if it's because of drop in blood sugar. Otherwise, don't you worry, it's not just you. You are perfectly normal!! :) Good day! :)
• India
23 Aug 11
PS: I forgot!! :P All chocolate is NOT GOOD for you. The everyday chocolates have high milk content, too many butter solids, nuts, nougats fillings: all the ingredients that negate the healthy effect of chocolate. Dark chocolate is the best to have; it contains antioxidants and not only does it slow down aging, but also reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. The latest research says that a little helping of dark chocolate a day actually contributes to your health. BUT it MUST NOT be more than one small bar a day! To be more specific, that is maximum of 3.5 ounces of daily intake. Because it does contain milk and fats after all - not to mention the sugar AND ALL THOSE PRESERVATIVES!! Also, everytime you crave, it helps if you wait a bit, say about, 20 minutes, because sometimes, it's just momentarily. If you still can't get over it, it's better to pop a piece of that dark chocolate into your mouth. Have it slowly! ;)
• Mexico
24 Aug 11
I cannot figure my life without chocolate, I depend upon it altogether. I am an adict to chocolate, I always eat chocolate. I think I should keep of it for a while, but I just can't do it :S I love it. I know many kinds of chocolate, and when I was to Brussels and Switzerland I spent all of my pocket money in chocolates :s
@Keola12 (820)
• United States
23 Aug 11
I once read in a peridiocal that chocolate has some health benefits. What exactly the health benefits are, I don't recall, but I have read a number of periodicals that state that chocolate, especially dark chocolate is really beneficial.
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
I think no....not all chocolates are good for my health but boy, good or bad I like chocolates yummy!
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
24 Aug 11
There's a diet with pure chocolate, the Vegan one without milk and anything created by a nutritionist I forgot her name. It is done like this: you eat this pure chocolate everytime you are CRAVING not hungry, you know when you want to eat but you actually don't need it? So you eat it and this chocolate is so much healthier, it's not that fat and tells your brain you are satisfied, and stops you to eat other calories. I think chocolate is very healthy, specially to us gals, it make us feel pleasure or in a better mood, very recomended for depression.
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
Hi Walking2010, I am not so into chocolates. Chocolates has high content of caffeine that is bad to the health plus sugar that makes it sweet. Now a days there was a research published that dark chocolate is much less harmful. In fact, they said that one can still lose weight while enjoying the goodness of eating chocolates. I don't know if it's true but all I know is, anything you take more than the allowed amount is indeed bad for your and your health.
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
I think craving a lot when you have your PMS. In my part, i don't feel like eating chocolate because it caused so much pain in my teeth.
@HeartROB (434)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
Well i guesse that is just some of the effects on you of the hormones that is released during your time of the month. Or maybe that is just a compensation that you usually do during the time of your month that has become your routine and becomes your cravings. Cravings is satisfied only when you fill your cravings up. Is it normal? Maybe. Is it only you? Maybe. Different person has different responses during their time of the month.
• United States
23 Aug 11
all chocolates are good for you in a way but also bad for you. All chocolates are bad in that they are high in sugar. All chocolates are good in that they give energy. Some chocolates like dark chocolates are good for your heart.
@ghanser (10)
• United States
24 Aug 11
I am sure it has some good aspects to it such as anti-oxidants. However, just like everything it must be used in moderation. That is biggest problem I see with people including myself is moderation. My Kryptonite is ice cream.
@vycess (1588)
• Saudi Arabia
23 Aug 11
NO, not all chocolate are good. Regarding the craving thing I think it's kinda normal to crave specific foods you like, I'm not sure what is the specific day but if I'm not mistaken it is post menstrual craving? not sure though.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
hello, No, I never feel this. Well, maybe I can say that it is just you because it never happened to me at all. Though i love chocolates, for me it is normal to crave for it when I have period maybe it is just coincident. But not every month I look for it
@bond027 (107)
• India
23 Aug 11
Though chocolate is very bad for teeth..It is favorite eatable for many children.. And as a common human being I also like chocolate very much..haha..;-)