Let them be as they are!

@dpk262006 (58673)
Delhi, India
August 24, 2011 12:44am CST
Hi all! As we all know that it is not easy to change anyone’s nature or attitude. Despite knowing these facts many of us keep trying to ‘change’ the nature and attitude of our respective partners or children or siblings. We keep on pursing it and we give up at a point when we realize that the other person is not going to change, as per our desires. If we accept the other person as he or she actually is, then this kind of exercise may not be required at all. We may perhaps let the other person in his original persona. If we stop taking such initiatives, we may spare ourselves of the agony of not being able to change the nature of the other person. On the other hand, it is easier for us change ourselves rather than to change other person’s mind-set. What do you say friends?
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49 responses
@SViswan (12051)
• India
29 Aug 11
I don't believe in the idea of changing anyone. I wouldn't like it if someone tried to change who I am...I think I should show the same respect to others. One either likes the other person's qualities or doesn't. Even if it is my husband or children, I do not believe in changing their basic nature...the main thing is to accept who they are. If any of their behaviour is affecting me...I will tell them so. If they respect my feelings, they will try to change or else I prefer to avoid them at the time. No one can be forced to change and in most cases the ego comes to work and even if the person wishes to change...being forced to do so will not be taken well.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
29 Aug 11
Hi SV! How are you doing. Welcome back. It is good to hear that you won't like to 'change' others and you believe in accepting them - 'what they actually are'. I think this is the best course of action, you one could adopt. It is not easy to change others and for that matters to ourselves, even then some people keep making efforts to change others and when they do not change, they grudge about it. Many thanks for dropping in.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
hello dpk, Changing attitude/behavior is not an overnight process. You are right,no matter how we want that person to change,if the person itself doesn't want/like to cooperate or no intention to change his/her ways,then, we can never do anything about it. It's an individual choice and we cannot dominate anyone over their freewill. Even if that person is our partner, sometimes even kids- yes, not all kids listens to their parents aint? So,after giving all our best and effort and still they never want to change...let them be. After giving my best, I tell myself "go on and you will be burnt by your own fire" have a good day jaiho®
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi Jai! You are very correct that there should be some degree of willingness in the other person change himself/herself, if s/he happens to be stubborn, then things get difficult. It is true that even kids now a days do not pay any heed to good advice and don't mend their ways, despite our best efforts. Please elaborate your last sentence, I found it difficult to comprehend - "go on and you will be burnt by your own fire"
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Sometimes support also helps, I agree with you. Triple (I would have much appreciated, if you would have posted your response in a separate box, that would have earned you few cents).
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@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
24 Aug 11
I agree with you too, if you can't change that person no matter how hard you try, let them be who they want to be, even if they're resembling a bad person. Let them learn from their own mistakes, only they can change themselves. You just go to be there and be supportive along the way. =)
• United States
24 Aug 11
I agree 100%! I have seen all these women in film and t.v. say they want their husbands to change. In fact they say they will change them. And I have always said why? He isn't going to change! Maybe it is because I was born stubborn and I was raised to respect others that I just assume Everyone is as stubborn I! So I see this trying to change others as a waste of time . But with that said I know people Can change but they have to Want to. My dear friend stopped drinking . And I have changed from being a pessimist to a hopeful person. So people can change but They have to want it , it can't be forced on them. If it is , they will do it for a while but they won't keep it up.
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• United States
24 Aug 11
Exactly! Once a person wants to change , you Can give them the support but you can not make them change.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi Sarah! Many thanks for agreeing with the points made in my discussion. I agree with your points that firstly there should not be very much concerted efforts to change the other person. Secondly, if you do want to make an attempt, you should test the water in the sense whether that person has any willingness and capacity to change, else the efforts may come to naught.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
25 Aug 11
Yeah, other person's willingness is mandatory.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
24 Aug 11
When two people have to live together whole life it is not that easy to ignore everything and there is limit to how much one can bear. What you are saying is true, because the fact is that we are just wasting our time trying to change our partners or changing our own self, but the truth is that nothing changes.I agree with you deepak, but I don't think many people will be successful in doing this.Besides it is not only nature and attitude, but also some habits that irritate each other, so the arguemnets will continue
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
24 Aug 11
Thanks to you for understanding the difference between preaching and practicing
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Preaching is definitely different than practising the things yourself.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi aps! Same points have been raised by Kalav, as you have stated that there is limit to everything and I agree with this point. It is very difficult to change the other one, therefore, we better try make changes in ourselves, in terms of making some adjustments. Many thanks for joining and sharing your views.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
Hi Dpk! I understand that if we truly love a person, we should accept and love them the way they are, love them in their best and in their worst and that the initiative to make changes should come from themselves and not from anyone else. I know that it's annoying when someone keeps on dictating us to do this and that and pushing us to change something that's already natural to us... But, I also believe that we can give some suggestions to them, give our opinions on how we see them, on what they are doing and so... more than anyone else, it is us who must show concern on them especially when we feel that what they are doing are no longer good, sometimes we want them to change not for ourselves but for their own good too...but then again, we can't insists what we wanted coz it will just fire some arguments but if we are able to tell them what we are thinking in a way that they will not be offended I hope that it will open their eyes to have some changes on themselves for the better... It may not be easy but I believe in time, even if we don't expected, the changes that we wanted are already right in front of our eyes... which reminds me of what happened to my family...especially with my father.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi CK! I appreciate your stand and points. If is possible that when you love someone, you would surely accept him or her, the way he or she is. Giving commands to someone could really be very irritating and can spoil a good relationship. No doubt about it that we can give some useful suggestion to our partner or whomsoever we want to 'change' for his or her own benefit and own cause, provided the other person is willing to accept our suggestions and ready to 'listen' to us. Many thanks for joining us and sharing your excellent views. dpk
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
25 Aug 11
I should say that you have a very optimistic approach. I appreciate your approach. Yes, it is possible that we continue to make concerted efforts, we might see some change in the person, whom we want to 'change'.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
Yes I agree that there should be willingness from them because as long as they think that they are not doing anything wrong, then they wouldn't want to change. Anyway, it will not happen right away, it will take some time and changes will come little by little...after all, just like most people says, nothing's permanent in this world, except change!
24 Aug 11
I agree with you. I think it’s wrong to change and change someone anyway.. I mean sure ok if you’re just trying to show someone why you are right, and they are not.. to change and change their perspective if they do happen to be wrong, that’s one thing, but actually trying to change someone isn’t right.. I mean.. you took that person into our lives and our hearts for who they were when we met them, so it’s wrong to try and change things about them. There are certain things that we need to change, for example if a girl met a guy and he went out partying with his mates a lot when they met,.. but they were heading in the direction of settling down, getting married etc.. things like his partying would need to change.. but as far as his beliefs and his values and his morals and even his personality, even if that includes a temper etc.. we cannot change that, and shouldn’t try.. just as what makes us who we are, those things make them who they are :)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi chick! Thanks for agreeing with my contentions. If anyone is doing something very silly, then we need to interfere, else things could move. As regards your second point and example given by you, if someone is showing unusual behavior or tendencies, s/he needed to be corrected. And s/he should not feel bad about asking him/her to mend his/her ways because it is his/her outwardly temporary behavior and s/he is not being asked to change his natural and permanent attitude.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Many thanks for agreeing with my points.
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24 Aug 11
i couldnt agree more! there is a major difference between trying to change someones personality, and merely having an input into their behaviour!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Aug 11
Hullo Deepak! Regarding the first part I agree that we should not try changing another person. If it is children we can guide them ; otherwise , with any other person who is an adult we ought not to do this because it is not possible and not fair if we ourselves are not subjected to another person’s bad attitude . If it hits us we have to protest in our own way. But for the last part [ of changing oneself] I have something else to say. Your “peace loving” attitude and the subsequent recommendation are very commendable and I am also like that. It is a realization that “ A leopard can never change his spots”. The leopard can jolly well be with his spots but if it is going to pounce and devour another person [self] that cannot be allowed. Getting into another person’s brain or tormenting another is what I am referring to. No one can change anyone’s attitude . Nor can one change. Why should one person change and lose one’s individuality to accommodate another ? Everyone has a right to live. If another person demands something just on account of his/her specific likes how can that be allowed? There is a limit to being philosophical and resilient and patient.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Aug 11
I myself have changed a lot after marriage but I was always encouraged by my husband to be my own self in many areas. Whe n there is no "live and let live policy" and an attitude of "You have to follow my rules" , then there is a compromise on individuality .There is a limit to being self sacrificing. EVery human being HAS a right to one's own peace of mind and whether it is a woman or a man, the dominating partner cannot be always allowed to have the final say. In our culture, generally we abide by our husbands' rules whether we like them or not . But some people exploit the meekness and goodness of a partner and this really irks me . Many women are also like thta Kiran and I myself have seen a few like that. In such \cases my heart goes out to the oppressed man too. Be it man or woman, there needs to be fairness. And a break up is better than putting up with a lot of nonsense.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hullo Kala! I endorse your views that if other persons' attitude hurts and things stretch beyond a limit, then we must tell that person to 'change' herself/himself. In your second part, you have a very valid point for consideration and I will have to but agree with you that why should one lose one's identity to satiate the demands of the other person. Nonetheless, one is required to reach a mid way point, so that life could run smoothly and sometimes if mid way point is not reachable it could be in the ratio of 60-40. I think little variation in ratio will also run the show. Many thanks for enlightening us.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
24 Aug 11
Hi kala, I agree with your views , but in most cases people expect their partners to change for their sake.It could be from any side, but it does happen and some do give in and change most of the time women ! i have seen ladies change like mad after their marriage and blame it on their husband and his family. I feel that in many cases ,they too like the change so why not? However, expecting a person to overhaul and change his/her personality is definitely unfair.That is one of the major causes for break up, especially when one of the partner criticises the other's upbringing and constantly finds fault and expects a change in his her personality and behavior...
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Aug 11
I agree with you wholly. There is no point in changing a person's attitude to suit us as the nature of a person is the mint where the coinage of human life is stamped. Every person has their own unique nature and favored those who knew rather than those who lived for others. That is where compatibility comes into existence between two people. No two person are the same and hoping to change a person are always met with rebuke. The only option for us to compromise with a person whose nature doesn't go down well with us is to apply the universal formula of 'GIVE AND TAKE'. Then there will always be peace in the home front.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
HI Zandi! Many thanks for endorsing my views. It is really difficult to change someone because as you have rightly pointed out that s/he has been stamped and s/he would have a unique identity. We need to keep in mind that everyone is unique and they just can not like us. If we try to change a person and our efforts come to naught, we feel more disappointed, so better not to try such things.. At last the best option is to compromise with the situation and let go.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
24 Aug 11
Hi dpk Of course, one cannot change ayones basic attitude or temperament unless the other party decides. And yes many of us do not realize this and continue to try by giving suggestions, advices, even punishments(for young children). I think they are right in doing so. No, not because of any other reason, but because of the fact that many a times, a person doesnt realize until told or until he experiences the other darker shades that result due to his temperament or attitude. After all, it is the duty of well-wishers to see that we are on the right track and so if they tell us, they are merely showing us other perspectives. How we take on these, depends again on our attitude and temperament.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi thesids! It means that we should keep reforming others for their betterment, if there is some serious flaw in their attitude. It is understandable that if the other person has some abnormal traits, then s/he needs to be 'informed' about it and may be given some suggestions to improve upon himself/herself. The other person should also 'understand' that we are his/her well-wisher, then only s/he will 'listen' to our advice and may try to bring changes in himself/herself. Thanks for sharing your views.
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@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
24 Aug 11
Totally agree with you. Still when seeing someone else not doing good things we had suggested I think I would be irked or itched to get to them... Is there anything you want to change about yourself at this stage? I guess at some point we get comfortable with ourselves that we do not change anything...
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi Jen! Will take your later part first. I am not averse to change, however, it is true to a great extent that we feel comfortable the way we start living and remain resistant to change, if others suggest. I am nonetheless broad minded and don't mind adopting new things or changing the existing ones for betterment. You are right if you suggest something to a person, whom you treat as closer to you and if s/he does not implement your suggestions, it pinches.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
24 Aug 11
Well, you are a better man than I am...
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Please do not come to any conclusion that I am a better man than you . You are equally good. To make changes in our outlook is alright because each one of us want to look beautiful and smart. The more important thing is 'changes' in our inner attitude rather than our outwardly appearance.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
It is so true. Why should we change another person's behavior? Why is there a need to change it so that it would suit ours. I met my husband exactly the way he is today. I have loved him that way and as we live together as a married couple we learned more of each other's behavior both good and bad. But we have accepted this. If i want harmony, i would rather chose to change for the sake of the person that i love.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi toni! It is great on your part that you accepted your husband the way he is and you did not try to change it and he also did not try to make changes in your attitude. You both apparently accepted each other gracefully with all minus and plus points and this makes a perfect couple, I would say. Thanks for sharing your views.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
Correct my friend. Since it's so hard to change our partner, then adopt what is easier, us to conform to what they do. Like , when we watch TV, if it's his turn to hold the remote, i would just watch what he watches. I found out that they are nice too, since they make us laugh together.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi sim! I agree what you say and I also sometimes adopt your approach and try to watch what my better half wants to watch on TV.. If one can change himself/herself or can make adjustments, things would move smoothly. Thanks for sharing.
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@jdex_143 (1093)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
Hello, there! I think,this has been one of my weaknesses. I can relate this to the relationships that I had and I have at the moment. I know to myself that you really can't change a person the way you want them to be but I can't seem to just accept the fact. I'm trying my best to just accept the whole being of a person because you're right, it seems like I am just punishing myself from that attitude. I just hope I can just change myself rather than hoping and try to change what the other is.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi there! It is nice to hear that you are aware about the problem and its remedy. The problem is even though you know the 'remedy', a part of your mind is not ready to implement the remedy. I think you can make yourself understand that it would be better to change yourself rather than changing the other one. Thanks for sharing your views.
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@thetis74 (1525)
24 Aug 11
We always want to try to change someone especially those we love if it is for the better and if they are hurting others. But there will be times that it appears to be so hard to do. So there is nothing left to do but accept therm for who they are if we can't reject them, because we can;t. And just be sure that we remind them how they are if they can potentially hurt others.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
thetis - do you have any relations with the user 'thesids', who responded just before you? (or it is simply a matter of chance that you both have similar looking log in names). Back to discussion - If others show abnormal behavior and start hurting, then they be told in clear terms that their behavior is uncalled for and they should restrain themselves. Thanks for sharing your views.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
28 Aug 11
this is something i want my children to be, to change their attitude. to change the way they treat us, their parents. i never stopped talking with them that what they are doing is not good, that they are being disrespectful with their parents. i know that time will come soon, they will realize that they are not the children we want them to be.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
29 Aug 11
You see you can always guide your children as they are growing and it is possible that they may 'listen' to you. Guidance of parents is essential for children. However, my intention of the post was about 'changing' a grown up person. Thanks for joining us.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
30 Aug 11
There is no problem, if you keep making efforts. Best of luck.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
29 Aug 11
it's not too much of a problem and still bearable with the kids. but i am also talking about the younger adults, our 14, 19, 20 and 21.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Aug 11
I do not think there is any reason why a person should change who and what they are for anyone. I can see if it is detromental to themselves then they need help but for the most part people need to be strong within themselves. Set up strict boundaries and have good self esteem. Children need to be left alone too. Beyond teaching a child the difference between right and wrong and some values kids need to have the right to be who they want to be.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
25 Aug 11
Hi cel! It means that you normally do not make any efforts to 'change' any person who is closer to you, even if s/he his attitude does not suit you? Knowing fully well that everyone is unique, we sometimes still make efforts to change others, either consciously or unconsciously. As regards, children you are right that they could be told what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' and then they should be left. Thanks for sharing your views.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 11
It is correct that we should try to 'know' a person before committing a relationship, but we get to know the 'real' person, when we get involved with him/her in a long term relationship (even in the case of arranged marriage), is not it?
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Aug 11
Yes, everyone is unique and if you don't know all there is to know about a person before committing to a relationship with them then who's fault is that. Trying to change a person just causes problems and unhappiness.
@allknowing (142130)
• India
24 Aug 11
When there is love between partners either of them will surely hear out the other and accede to their requests. Many a time one suffers in silence not knowing that if whatever that needs to be changed is spelt out there will be positive results as love conquers all. I feel one should make an attempt. I have seen so many complimenting those in whom they have seen change and when they give the total credit to their partners it is a win win situation all the way!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Hi all! When there would be strong bonding and love between partners, perhaps need for a major change may not arise. In that case, they will 'adjust' and 'change' themselves for the sake of others. I agree that efforts could be made to change the other but keeping in mind that it is not a cake walk. Thanks for sharing your views.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
You are right that smaller irritants could be brought to the notice of the partner for removal. But if s/he is not interested to 'listen'[b][/b] with open mind, you stand no chance. The general human tendency is - "I am right, others are wrong".
@allknowing (142130)
• India
24 Aug 11
It is those small irritants that could mar one's happiness and these need to be brought to the notice of the partner. There is a limit how much one can put up with each other's idiosyncrasies. And if there are major issues I doubt if anyone would risk such partnerships. imho
• Philippines
25 Aug 11
hi dpk, No one can change me if ever I change myself because that is the way I wanted not because of others choice. I can tell them that they are like this and like that but not to the point I will force them to change because I think that is good for them. People should change for their own willingness and good happy mylotting
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 11
Hi bhaby! It is true that no one has the capability to 'change' you, till your are willing.. Did you try to 'change' anyone for his/her betterment and did you succeed?
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
26 Aug 11
You are very broad minded and I appreciate your logical statement.
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
I did not try for a reason that if I don't want other change me then it will be the same with them also
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
24 Aug 11
Hello dpk2006! Long time no see! I think we all know inside that people don't change overnight and even fewer actually change at all. However it is hard to live with a grump crab. Especially if said person is family. We don't want to live with that so we try to change them despite what our deepest hearts say. Not sensible but true. However I don't know if is easier to change ourselves. We have a gift to see what is wrong with others but we wear blinders when it comes to ourselves. For example with me it took me years to knowledge that I have a hot temper problem. I have admitted the truth for a few years now and yet I still struggle to be a more peaceful person. If the right hot button issues comes along, I am gone! People are just to complex to draw a yes or now conclusion that is universal in relevance.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Awinds, am very much active on mylot, how could you not find me. Thanks for introducing a new term to me 'grump crab'. You are right despite knowing in our heart of hearts that it is not easy to change our family members, we keep trying like a incorrigible reformer. Your another argument that it is also difficult to change ourselves, holds true to a large extent, yet comparatively it will be easier for us to make changes in ourselves or to convince ourselves to change. It is nice to hear that you have come to know that losing one's temper could be dangerous to one's health and now you can hold back your emotions, except exceptional situations. It is also correct that human being are very very complex in nature and no yes or no conclusion could be arrived at.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Aug 11
Awinds! I can understand your point that due to our different time zones, it gets difficult for us to be on line at the same time, therefore, you may complain that am 'missing in action'. I know while it is around 1245 hrs for me, it would be around 2.00 a.m. at your place. Many thanks for acknowledging the fact that it would be easier for us to change rather than expecting others to change.
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
24 Aug 11
It just that our time zones are quite different - we are on different sides of the world after all. :) It is rare for me to be on myLot at the same time you are. :) That was a great summary. I do agree now that changing ourselves is easier than changing someone else.
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@francesca5 (1344)
31 Aug 11
i have had a few people try to change me, and i really do not like it, as i am who i am, and also they usually want to change me to be like them, and in so doing make the false assumption that they are somehow perfect. there are some aspects of people's behaviour that it is in their interest to change, bad habits like drinking too much, or things that cause them serious problems, but they really have to want to change, before any change could work. we have to be careful that we don't try to change people into someone they are not, as if that is what we are doing we should, perhaps, go and find someone else who is more like the person we want, than the one we have. in the bible jesus says first take the plank of wood from your eye, before removing the speck of dust from someone else's. and that we be a good thing for us all to remember before trying to change people.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
31 Aug 11
Very well said France, it is nice to hear that you understand that changing some or someone changing us not good and it should be avoided. It is true that few of the irritating habits could be asked to be removed. Thanks for sharing your wonderful views.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Sep 11
I really loved your response.
31 Aug 11
thank you, dpk, for creating this opportunity for me to share my views, and thank you even more for describing them as wonderful!