Can you dance?

United States
August 24, 2011 12:42pm CST
I mean when I am in the mood to dance i get down I mean really I can hip-hop dance and all when I am going through somethings that may irritate me I dance it seems as if somethings try to get me down but when I dance I feel so relieved at times, it helps me burn off anger and how I feel at the time dancing for me is a healing process that I take when I feel a certain way you know I do what I know best and I can dance my butt off at least thats what I tell myself others tell me as well you know, I was thinking about recording my moves you know showing you all what I can do LOL i'm joking I don't think so LOl. So if you are a dancer how does it make you feel when you dance do you feel good? is it healing for you?
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4 responses
25 Aug 11
I love dancing!! I actually find it really theraputic! When I’m cleaning or cooking in the house I often put my favourite CD or the radio on, or even the music channels on the tv and dance around the house. I also have a dance for everything. The shower dance, the dusting dance, the hoover dance, the eating dance haha!! Dancing is also an amazing way to loose weight!! :)
19 Sep 11
haha get your groove on!! :)
• United States
16 Sep 11
whene m dancing its like am in another world i don't have a mom a dad no family all pain are gone dancing is so wow
• United States
24 Aug 11
What I do I am not sure is classified as dancing. In fact you might indeed call 911 thinking I was having a weird seizure. Ok so maybe I am not that bad but I still like to dance. I find it fun and I have a few signature funny moves. At least my sister and friends get a good laugh out of me and my moves. I admire and applaud anyone who can really dance!
• United States
25 Aug 11
LOL you be pop locking LOl LOl. you are funny well if thats what makes you feel good than do it, LOL. go ahead and shake that tail feather, LOL..
19 Sep 11
hahahaha!! call 911!! funny!!
• United States
25 Aug 11
I love to dance and it makes me feel good. I danced for 17 years and when i go back to do it i feel the next day that my body is hurting. It will hurt really bad for a while. I love to dance and sometimes ill et back to doing it at home but then i feel old like what the heck am i doing but i am a dance at heart and would get back to it at anytime. Dancers have a good life and its pretty hard to do it when you havent done it in a while.
@koperty3 (1876)
24 Aug 11
Before my accident I danced a lot. We use to do it often with my partner and we really enjoyed it. Now I'm not able to dance but love for music still burn inside my heart:)
• Canada
24 Aug 11
I love to dance but I am always to shy to get up and I will just forget about all the other people and dance and I have a great time...Sorry about your accident but at least you can listen to the music and remember all the times that you danced with your partner. Have a great day!
• United States
25 Aug 11
koperty3 I am sorry to hear about you accident honey, but onething about music is that it never stops in your heart if you was dancing before you got in your accident you still dance in your heart honey I am telling you, you still got it lady!! Leesa8721 I don't know if you drink or not but if you are really shy to dance or to get out there and boogie have a drink I tell you that will lighten up your mood.