Is it bad habit? To take more time for eating

August 26, 2011 2:33am CST
I observed most of the peoples take more time for eating like half an hour or full one hour but others are take less time only 5 to 10 minutes. Like my MIL is take more time more than half an hour for eating but my father in law take very less time only 5 to 10 minutes. So you are fit in which category less time or more time share your views which habit is best. Some time the person who takes more time for eating then not eat properly in the function because all persons finished their meals but such type of person are not do this so they also stand up without eating fully. I take only 5 to 10 minutes for eating I cant seat more than 10 minutes in front of plate.
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36 responses
@topffer (42155)
• France
26 Aug 11
I think it is also a matter of culture. Except young people eating in fast-food restaurants, you will not find many French eating in less than half a hour. I always heard that eating too quickly gives trouble with digestion, and is a main cause of stomach ulcers ; I am not sure about that, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I take my time.
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• United States
26 Aug 11
I do not think that eating quickly is the main cause of an ulcer ... that is more the food choice, stress and other factors that cause ulcers. Eating too quickly can/does cause digestive problems, though. I also agree that it is not only an individual habit but also a cultural thing. Many of our individual habits come from how we were raised, and some of that comes from what culture/country we were raised in. Therefore, it makes sense that the culture in which we were raised would be a factor. In addition, I wanted to point out here that - while it is not really what this discussion is about - breakfast is a very important meal. It gives our body energy for the day, and it also boosts our metabolism, so we will burn more calories and our body will function more efficiently ... or at least that is what many of the experts say.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
26 Aug 11
I believe both factors -- individual habits and national cultures -- play a role. By example breakfast is the less important meal in France, and is very important in UK.
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• India
26 Aug 11
Yes friend you are right eating foods quickly are arise the stomach problem I hear in two to three responses. But friend this is not depend upon the culture because culture is not said eat slowly or fast this is depend upon individual habit. Thanks to join my discussion.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
dear sis, Some people really enjoys eating,in a manner that they chew their food well. It took me less time to eat, and I admit, I am one of those who forgot to chew food very well (hehehe) But not to the extent of like swallowing it or gulp like water (ahaha) Let's say 15 minutes is fine with me, I also eat less (diet) have a great weekend ahead dear sis jaiho®
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
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• India
26 Aug 11 means our habit is same I also forget to chew the foods. I take only 10 minutes for eating. Now I confirmed we are the sis haha... because one quality is the same.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Aug 11
hi surekharathi really its not very healthy to eat so fast as when you do you do not chew your food thoroughly and that can lead to indigestion. when over the years I wo rked and only had a half hour I often ate fast like fifteen minutes then spend the rest of the time talking with my coworkers but really my own docor told me take a half hour to eat slowly and savor your food as you will not eat so much that way, and talk to your table mats. but in this hectic work world I remember really hurrying to eat so we had some time to relax and chat. taking more time to eat is a good habit for healths sake.gulping down food causes poor digestion and poor digestion causes one to feel uncomfortable too.
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• India
18 Sep 12
You are right dadi ma if eating fast means no good digestion. My MIL also told me chew properly and eat slowly. I want to change my habit but forget if while eating.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
26 Aug 11
I like to take my time to eat and enjoy my me sitting to eat specially with company it's such a good way to relax and talk I usually finish eating last!
• India
26 Aug 11
Hmmm but friend how much time you take 1 hours if yes it is not good. But you are right when we seat with friends or company employees we cant finish our foods fast. Thanks to share your view.
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@beingwell (3625)
• Thailand
26 Aug 11
Hi surek! It's not surprising, really. I for one, take more time eating when compared to my husband. He could finish his meal ahead of me and would have still eaten more than I have. I, on the other hand, prefer to take my sweet time in eating my food. I would like to cherish each of their calorie, and every bit of taste they offer!hahaha!
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• India
26 Aug 11
hahhahha friend I am also opposite of you like your husband I finished my meals with in 5 minutes no chance to taste. thanks to share your nice view.
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@beingwell (3625)
• Thailand
26 Aug 11
Nyahahah!! That's fine my friend. People are different in many ways.hihihi...
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
Actually, when we eat we should chew our food well, and we cannot do that if we are in a hurry to finish the meal. We should relish our food so we can enjoy it well. People who eats hurriedly usually are people who catches a lot of gas in the stomach. or sometimes they would get indigestion. And usually the men eats faster than women. That's what i feel whenever i eat hurriedly. So, i take my time in eating .
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• India
26 Aug 11
Ohhh really my dear smily friend the gases problem may arise if finish the meals hurry thanks to tell me this because my habit is finish my meals with in 5 minutes. Now I will care it hmmm this is the secret of your health chew the food slowly slowly with taste nice.... hahha...I will also try this.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 Aug 11
People who take their time and eat slowly will get full on less food. In my case this would be a good thing. It takes twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your stomach to tell your brain you are full. You also chew your food better if you eat slowly. I eat faster than I should, but I think it is healthier to eat more slowly.
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• India
20 Sep 12
You are right if we eat slowly means better chewing and nice digestion. I also want to change my habit fast eating.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
26 Aug 11
I know that it is much better to eat slowly, it does not matter if it takes you time.. as long as you are chewing your food well. Chewing food well means you will have better digestion rather than hurrying. Plus as you chew your brain is registering what you are doing and eventually will tell you in the right time when that you are full thus making you eat less rather than eating hurriedly which causes your brain not to process that action quite well and it makes you eat more unknowingly.
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• India
26 Aug 11
You are right my friend chewing properly means better digestion. thanks to saying benefits of slow eating and joining my discussion.
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• Chennai, India
26 Aug 11
Taking due time to chew the food avoids lot of health complications. On the other hand, taking food in a hasty manner invites lot of health complications. However, it's not good to take long time unnecessarily. Normally, I take around 15 to 20 minutes if the menu is heavy. Otherwise I finish within 10 minutes.
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26 Aug 11
Totally agree with venkataraman_vc - eating at a relaxed rate is MUCH better for your health. The French get it right on that front: meals are meant to be enjoyed, not swallowed quickly and forgotten. Of course, the 5-hour-long Christmas dinners are a bit excessive. Personally, I eat fairly quickly but that's because I'm the person preparing it all and serving it and so on. I haven't had in uninterrupted meal in months.
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• India
26 Aug 11
Thanks to provide nice view friend really you are right at least 10 to 15 minutes is sufficient for eating.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
28 Aug 11
Hi surekha, Doctors and medical practitioners say that one should take food neither too fast nor too slow. They have reasons and logic behind what they say. They hold that one should chew the food (solid ones )32 times before letting them into the stomach. But who has time to spare to eat food so leisurely? I do not think this is a bad habit to take more time when you eat but you should take care lest your food should get cold by the time you finish. As for me I am a compromise of both. Still I feel I eat rather fast than others.
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@akp100 (13640)
• India
26 Aug 11
Hi Taking one hour is bit more.. Actually eating fast is not good one.. Better we chew our food well which is quite good habit. I am really fast eater. But I want to change this habit... Even Doctors say that chewing food properly is the better one.
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• India
26 Aug 11
Thanks to suggest me dear friend really eating foods fast is not good I know my habit is not good but I cant change because when I seat for eating I forget to chew it properly and finished my meals hurry with in 5 minutes. I also a fast eater like you means our habit is same not good we can make competition who is the fast eater.
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
26 Aug 11
surekha: This world is not becoming dull because of variety of people. Some are fair some are not fair in colour. Some are fat and some are not. Some are interested in business and some are not. Some are punctual and some are not. Some are methodical and some are not. Likewise some people eat quickly and some people take more time. I understand you feel embarassed as daughter in law. Just get out of that scene by telling her. I for one is of your category only. I eat in 5 to 10 minutes. But scientifically, it is advisable to eat in a relaxed manner --chew the food and eat slowly--so that digestion will be good. Further eating fast will mean one takes more air inside and that causes problems.
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• India
18 Sep 12
Ohhh God uncle you are the first persons and your habit is same like me 5 to 10 minutes for eating. Yes eat in relaxed manner is good.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
18 Sep 12
Surekha: doctors suggest eating slowly. it is because when we eat slowly we can chew the food fully and enjoy eating. On the other hand nowadays for lack of time --especially--IT boys and girls eat so fast that it affect digestion system also. It may work when they are young. But after their becoming old they have to change the habit and eat slowly. In my case I know the advantage but still since i am used to fast eating I do it. I am aware i should change this habit. May be when we eat slowly we will eat less and it may be good for weight management also.!!
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
27 Aug 11
Friend we cant say this is bad habit because old age person take more time due to their teeth problem or health problem but if some youngers are taking more time then it is really bad because they can fast eating. But this is not good for health so slow eating is nice.
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• India
18 Sep 12
I just used to take little minutes for eating my food. During my eating i just spent my whole attention to it. I and my family members do not used to talk or do not promote other things wild having food. I and my family members believe that we must eat what we need. It doesn't we eat a lot or less but we have to eat them fast with our kind attention. My father is too strict to it.
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• India
19 Sep 12
Means you are like me few minutes for eating. Keep quite while eating is good habit. Nice habit pay full attention only on eating.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Aug 11
i don't think it is bad or good to spent a lot of time eating. besides, what the stomach gets, will take the same time digesting it. but i am more with eating fast as i am a busy person and i don't want to take a lot of time just for eating.
• India
19 Sep 12
Ohhh yes busy person like fast eating but most of the persons opinion is proper chewing the meals is good for body and digestion.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
29 Aug 11
It is actually a lot better for your body to take more time when you are eating a meal. The reason for that is that you are more likely to properly chew your food. In addition to that, you also tend to eat less when you eat more slowly because your body's natural mechanisms can let you know when your stomach is full. For people that eat quickly, they are more likely to over eat because they are still putting food into their mouths before the stomach has the opportunity to signal to the brain that is is full.
• India
19 Sep 12
You are right friend properly chewing is necessary for good digestion. You are right food in my mouth and take second piece.
• United States
26 Aug 11
It is actually better to eat slower for several reasons. First, when you chew your food properly, then it is easier for your body to digest it not only because your teeth have broken it down through chewing but also because the enzymes in your mouth have more of an opportunity to work before it even hits your stomach. Second, when you chew more, it actually triggers chemical reactions in your body that speed up your metabolism. Third, when you eat slower, then it allows you to eat less, because it is easier for your body to tell when it is full. This helps you to lose weight (if you are an over-eater) or maintain your weight. Fourth, when you eat slower, you can enjoy the taste of your food more.
• United States
26 Aug 11
Oh, thank you for the honor of best response, especially after so short of a time. I used to be a quick eater as well, especially if I really liked what I was eating. My mom used to tell me constantly to slow down and enjoy my food. Later, I learned that she was right ... there are a lot of benefits to eating more slowly. If I do not like something but it is healthy for me so I should still eat it anyway, then I will eat it first and quickly. Then, I will slow down and enjoy the rest of my meal.
• India
26 Aug 11
Wow! great response friend and thanks to telling the benefits of slow eating. Really it is good habit and I will change my habit because I am fast eater. I like your response.
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@koperty3 (1876)
26 Aug 11
I don't like eating food in hurry. I need time to taste it and to enjoy it so basically I'm slowly eater . My partner eats more quicker than me and sometimes he has to wait as I finish my food before he stands up from the table. I don't know if this is bad habit or not.
• India
26 Aug 11
Nice friend it means you thinking is good not eating food in hurry. You eat with taste it means you are a good cook I will came in your house for lunch or dinner. Are you ready means Welcome me or anger on me when I will came hahahh....
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@koperty3 (1876)
26 Aug 11
I will always welcome you with all food I have. But my food is different than yours. I would be scared that you would not like it
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
30 Aug 11
Actually, it's better to take your time to eat. You need time to chew your food, which is essential to absorb the nutrients. Moreover, taking time to chew your food will also ensure that you don't get hungry easily. (This is what I have heard from people.) So, my answer to your question is that it is a good habit, provided that you really chew your food. I spend about half an hour taking each meal.:)
• India
19 Sep 12
Yes I should try it taking proper time for eating. Proper chewing the meals is good for digestion I will change my habit. Thanks to share your view.
@crisce (25)
• China
29 Aug 11
Take half an hour to have a meal is a commen thing for my friend. As I always eat fast and she does not, every time we hace meal together, I will first finish and wait for here for a long time(at leat I think so). Eat food slowly is good for your tomach and it will be easier foe diestion because you use a loy of time to chew the food. And also, eat slowly can made you eat less food and it is good for your body and shape.
• India
19 Sep 12
You are slow eating is good for stomach and for digestion. But I always forget if start the eating.