Will you still go to an event even when raining?

@vycess (1588)
Saudi Arabia
August 27, 2011 9:28am CST
I just feel lazy when raining and wanted to sleep and sleep. But if the event is important I just need to go. I also don't like bringing umbrellas, and then sometimes being splashed of some water to my garments. What do you usually do when raining?
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23 responses
@vivamir (671)
27 Aug 11
Hi vycess.. Regardless of the weather if I have to be somewhere..I get there.. but then again, if the event gets cancelled.. I end up doing something else anyway LoL.. I just love the sound of the rain.. in the car, opening the window at night- whatever..I just love the sound of the rain, so soothing and relaxing.. takes me back to my childhood when I used to make a 'den' near the back door to watch the rain fall LoL.. (",)
@vycess (1588)
• Saudi Arabia
28 Aug 11
You like the sound of the rain? For me sometimes it is soothing yet sometimes it's irritating. I guess it still depends from me.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
18 Jan 12
hi, actually i am really annoy when its raining because its a kind of messy things in everywhere.but if i have an event to attend it will depend upon the event it is,if i am really interested i will attend what ever happens but if not necessarily and not cope my interest i dont especially when its raining.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
30 Aug 11
It pretty much rains here 3/4 of the year. Summer is only about the time that it doesn't. So rain does not stop people from doing anything. People just deal with getting wet. There are garments available for almost anything that can repel water. I do understand how it is so nice to sleep in when it's raining, but sleeping in goes for anyday for me, rain or no-rain.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I don't think anyone want to go anywhere when it's raining. But if it's something that has to be done, do it. When I was working I would go everyday, rain or shine. Also, I went to work in snow blizzards. I had to go, so I did. Rain should not stop anyone from doing what they need to.
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
That depends if it is raining so hard or not. If it is raining so hard then I won't go to the event if it is not very important. I always feel down whenever there is heavy rain and an event going on at the same time. It is very tiring to go out and know that you can get yourself wet at any point.
@tong_jd (29)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
I agree with some posts. It depends on the kind and the importance of the event. If it's like missing-half-of-your-life importance, then I will go even if it's raining cats and dogs. But if it's something I can just pass on, I'll skip it and I'll just spend the day at home with a book.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Yes i will go if the event is important even it is raining especially if it is connected with my job. But if not well depend upon the condition of the weather and the place where to go. I am very lazy when it comes to a party nowadays so tiring and too much socializing makes me crazy hanging around there talking and talking to anybody. Anyway that is good for me but at this time i feel tired being with the events or in social gatherings outside my job. IF it is for a private and selected group of friends and cousins well maybe i can go..but depends also to a weather around. i hate going our under the rain....
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
27 Aug 11
I usually depends on the event and where it takes place but at general i go to all events raining or not as long as it isnt an outside event.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
For me I would go if my umbrella can't do more destroyed so be good and all things would be great.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
28 Aug 11
You know, since I have to drive to work everyday, when it is rain, I hate to bring umbrella too. When it rains, depends on the time of the day, I would definitely want to stay home and get myself lazy around. Especially when it comes to bedtime, and there is rain outside my window, I would sleep much better when listening to the water splashing outside my windows.
@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
I usually wear rubber slippers and denim jeans when raining so even when I do get splashed, the stain doesn't appear too obvious. I also wear a jacket and use an umbrella so I don't get soaking wet. But if I can stay at home, I usually watch movies or get cozy with my better half. :D
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
I also don't like to go out when it is raining. I love to stay home, sit at the veranda and watch the rain with a cup of tea. I don't like to go out because like you, the streets becomes messy when it's raining. But if there is an important even, I don't have a choice but go.
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
Wet weather is really hassle. I don't like rainy days but I have to accept that it is by nature. If I have an appointment and it is raining, I usually contact the organizer of the event if the event will continue or will be set on another date. If the organizer will continue the event then I will go even its raining. I will be forced to bring my umbrella and will anticipate traffic due to street floods and re-route because of impassable roads or accidents.
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
It doesn't stop us from going to somewhere else despite of heavy rains. It's all about the will to go and the commitment you have given to whoever invites you or should be a calling for you to be present.
@twinklee (894)
• India
27 Aug 11
Dear Vycess, It all depends on the fact that both our mind and body should accompany us in this. Why I say this is, when either of this is not favoring us we will cancel our plan what so ever. For eg. Consider these two examples of Mr.X. Climate is fine, X's health is fine, but Mr.X is compelled to go to an event that he don't like to go. In this case, X's mind is not favoring him. In the next case, assume that X's health is gone down, but he wanted to attend the birthday party of his very close friend. In this case, even though the person is having desire he is not able to make it. So, as one of the above case, we feel the same when it is raining because we can say that we are very conscious about what could happen when we go out in rain. Had we taken this with ease, we could have managed to go out even when there is a storm So I conclude that, it all depends on how both our mind and soul is accompanying us.
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
It depends. If I'm really tied up to it then I'll go. If I can bail out without turning down anyone, I'd bail out of it.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
It really depends on the event. If it is so important I'm really expected there, I will go there even though it is raining. However if this event is like a convention where every one can attend, I think I'll pass. I really want to stay at home during rainy days. I want to avoid flood and traffic as well. And it is really nice to stay at home during cold rainy days.
@erez98 (166)
• Israel
27 Aug 11
i prefer the rain than the high humidity.... you can protect yourself against rain, but what can you do when there is high humidity and you are sweat?? rain never prevents me of going outside but heat did!
@hafiz008 (450)
• India
27 Aug 11
According to me I goes only when the event is important to me. I also dont like to bring umbrella. I used travel in a car.If I have gone to an event then I simply sit in a chair and stare at rains.
• China
27 Aug 11
It depends. If the event is a must-be-finished thing, why do i hesitate? Just do it. If it is not that important, i will not be entangled either.It depends on my mood and the rainfall. A shower can make me in good mood.