Too Young to Marry / Too Educated to marry? ( a rant)
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
United States
August 27, 2011 10:59am CST
Both of these statements rub me the wrong way! I read a article at Yahoo about th marriage rate in the U.S. is down. More people are either waiting to marry or not marrying at all. And in it ther was this study that in the south there are more divorced people because in the south they marry when they are younger. And in the North they is less marriage because women are more educated! I thought Really? If you are dumb and young you marry and if you are older and smarted you don't? Now anyone who knows me id surprised at this post. i see marriage as the end of hope and love For Me! But I don't agree with these broad statesments. Therr are many young , happy marruied couples and both are well educated! your thoughts.
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18 responses
@kavya06 (372)
• India
27 Aug 11
You say that in south girls are marrying very young,what south mean?is it india.?
If so your are wrong,friend...i old india it was true only certain village girls are till get married on their younger age.As per new surveys indian womens have more educational qualification than american womens.know a days indian girls are gaving education more important and they are not married as youngsters..
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
My Bad. I meant the south in the U.S. And I know in India it is a whole different story.Don't Many husbands insist that their brides be well educated? Anyway , in this study it implies either you want to get married Or you are well educated!Wrong!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I'm proud of you! I hope , when you are ready, you will find the right guy to marry.
@kavya06 (372)
• India
28 Aug 11
Oh..,god i'm sorry to hear that,i hope it is about the asian countrys,
and i like to get married and i'm still a student,
i want to study more..,only after all i will start thinking about a marriage..,do you why without proper education womens have to face many problems here in india,so we all are trying to get a good position..
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
27 Aug 11
Isn't there more important things to reasearch then this trash? Come on! Why do we need to know this information? I could care less! If a person wants to marry or not,they have the choice. It is their decsion! No matter if they are young or not! Then there are the people like us who never will get married! It is our choice!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Aug 11
They probably were going in the direction of more educated people have different having a career...where others without an education have different ones too...but I can see your point. It was too broad and included too many people. The funny thing is that once someone was talking about a study that was done....come to find out there were only a hundred people in the whole study yet everyone bought into the results? sheep led to the slaughter!
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
marrying has nothing to do with age. some people marry young and still had their education and they live happily ever after, there are also people who married young and they are still together. there are also people who married late and even they are educated they separate. it is all in a case to case basis. marriage works out on people who are willing to make it work. there are a lot of educated people who got married but still look dumb at the end.
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
29 Aug 11
I think that to be married we have to understand a lot of things that when we are young we don't, for example today I woke at 5:45 to prepare my son breakfast and get him ready to go school,I cooked grits with sausage for my husband, corn meal for my son, rice with tuna fish for lunch for my husband,iron his uniform (second time because I did it before but he scrunched again), give my husband a massage because his back was hurting a lot, and besides satisfy him sexually because he didn't want to work like that, and all what I wanted was go back to sleep but I know that a marriage is like a company in which we have to be hard worker to see the fruits, I know that if I would be 20 or 23 maybe I will quit maybe I will say that this is too much, but I know that I am a very important piece in this puzzle and that without my efforts this marriage wouldn't go on.
So I understand why a woman with experience don't get marry as easy, the people of this time like more the Mc Donald,(fast food)than to cook a healthy food, like more the microwave, than to cook real food,don't care how the kids are going dressed to school, so I really understand and think that is correct that if they don't think they can deal with a marriage don't get married, that the best solution.
But for me this is the most beautiful experience being married I already studied,I already worked two jobs,I know what getting up early to work, I know what is paying the bills without any help. So I feel great in this new experience because i only have some months of marriage.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Aug 11
would you believe me when I say by age 7 I didn't want kids and by 13 I knew I will never marry? I am far pasted 20 and 23 and I still don't cook, nor iron, nor Want to marry! I disagree about the age excuse. Women either want to me a wife or they don't, their age has nothing to do with it. There are 20 somethings who Know it is hard work and there are 40 year olds that expect it to be easy. It all depends on the person and their expenataions. Me? I would expect to be miserable. I would Have to do all the things you listed and I would resent every minute of it!
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
29 Aug 11
Hahahaha!! Don't worry is not as bad!
And maybe you are right it depends on the disposition and maturity of the woman, I said that because I got married when I was 21 with a 20 years man so it was awful, we weren't ready for marriage we couldn't deal with each other and we got divorced.
But maybe there are woman that at 20 are mature enough to keep a marriage going on.
Happy lotter day!
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@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
29 Aug 11
So yes maybe you are right, but sometimes the time of a marriage don't determine the happiness,my mom was married with my dad for 25 years but she was not happy, I grew up listening to her always talking about divorce, even thought my dad is the best man of the earth, lol.
But she got married when she was 17 and he was 30, so she didn't really know what she wanted or what was being married or what is love.
At the end they got divorced, and they have being divorce for 18 years, I would really love that they get marry again!.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
27 Aug 11
Stupid statistics! My duster married at 19 and it worked. Mom married at 21, and it didn't. She married again at 47, and it worked. I married at 25 and it worked.
I agree that education gives people different reasons to marry, but there's no such thing as being too educated or too uneducated to marry.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I agree it is hard to try to be two opposites, a career woman and a wife. but it isn't impossible. And any guy who is intimidated by a smart woman , isn't husband material for her anyway!
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
28 Aug 11
Too educated to marry?! That's just ridiculous! According to my parents they say that really smart women find it difficult to find a husband because the men find it intimidating that a woman is smarter and has the better job. Really, I don't care, love is love and marriage can be unpredictable.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
31 Aug 11
I agree, my friend, that smart people do get married. I think that a lot of people who marry young are simply not mature enough to make that sort of decision. They don't know what they're facing. They think it's going to be all hearts and flowers and have no idea what's really involved in making long lasting relationship. The key is making sure they are both equally ready for what lies ahead. I don't think age matters, per se.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
29 Aug 11
Much to my dismay, it seems to be the thing for young adults to live together and even produce children rather than getting married. That may reduce the number of divorces, but it does not reduce the numbar of broken homes.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Aug 11
Why is it broken? Oh, do you mean the biological parents part? i see if there are two adults that love the child or children then the home isn't broken, even if one Or both aren't blood related. And it is better to have one loving parent than one or even two parents that just don't care.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Well since I haven't read the article, I can't speak much on what it was trying to say, but it doesn't sound to me like it meant that only young, stupid people marry. It sounds like it's just pointing out a correlation, which does not necessarily mean that one causes the other.
Firstly, of course those who marry young are more likely to divorce. Kids are stupid. That is a fact. As a fairly young person, I can certainly attest to this. lol. When we are young, we have unrealistic ideals about the future and things are not so black and white in the real world. We grow up and we start wanting different things. Sometimes, the people we spend time with start heading down a different path than us. That's just how things are.
About the education thing, Women who get a higher education are generally going to be more financially independent than those who haven't, so if a marriage isn't working out, they are going to have more resources to leave, and therefore those with a lower level of education may be more likely to stay. They will also be more likely to get married in the first place. If a woman does go to college, then she is more likely to be more career-, rather than family-focused, so she will be less likely to marry or wait until she has her career, which would make her a bit older when she does get married, and as I said before, of course older couples are a bit more likely to stay together.
I know what you are saying and I certainly understand why you would find this article offensive, but the information itself really makes a lot of sense to me. I just don't think that it indicates what you were interpreting it to mean. Perhaps the article was very misleading or is misrepresenting the information.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I'm sorry but as a young 13 year old I vowed never to marry and it Still holds. As 16 year old I vowed not to go to college and That still holds. So many young people are stupid but there are others who are not.Some who can't make up their minds and obliviously many who don't. I have a friend Who Went to college and Still married young. And I don't believe just because you are older And educated you will stay Any longer in a bad marriage. If you are unhappy , you leave , regardless if you are rich , poor educated or not educated.A difference? A person, because it could be either gender, who can't get a good job may go from one person to another . The college grad will go from married to unmarried with job or career intact. And I do believe this article was written to scare the career woman Who Wants to marry into doing it sooner and for the young to think twice before marrying at all. but what they forgot was, which was mentioned in the article, that young people are delaying getting married Or opting never to marry.the author or should I say the suits that made the study want more people to marry. sorry it aint happening.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Aug 11
Woo! Do you think I'm young? Oops I'm not see what happens when you assume. And I still stand by there are exceptions to every rule and if you think All of anything is just one way you will be mistaken , just like you were about my age. And I never said I was special , just not stupid!
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
29 Aug 11
I don't know how you came to the conclusion that the people who did the study want more people to marry, but as I said, you didn't post the article, so it's a little difficult to really see what's going on here.
I still hold that all young people are stupid. Good job if you think you are special.
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@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
hi sarah,
i guess in some way this is true. you see, a girl (or even the parents) lets her marry at a young age because they think there will be someone who will be giving her the basics which they cannot because they are no longer getting younger. when a girl reachers her marrying age (sometimes, younger - like teens) the parents start to let them go independent. hence if she is already needing to be independent, yet she cannot do because she doesnt have skills nor education to boast of.
in areas where there are not much recreation, too, they marry young.

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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Here where there is no recreation , kids have kids. They Don't marry. And I think that is why the suits are coming out with these surveys. They are finding that many of us don't see getting married as a main goal in life, especially the young.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
30 Aug 11
That's interesting!
So education and marriage don't mix?! I always thought that education and academics are with the head, and love and marriage is with the heart, so I don't see why one would get in the way of the other.
But, I'm just a guy, so I don't know much about these things.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Sep 11
No I haven't . But I can understand the tradition to marry young if you are suppose to have 5 or 6 kids in your lifetime! In that culture you better marry and marry quickly!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 Aug 11
Sexist!Lol! No they are assuming Just because a woman works toward her career first that it will be so hard to find a husband and if a young woman Wants her marriage More than a career , she will marry too young! So neither is right! That's Bull! It all depends on what you want out of life and when! That is why this crap rubbed me the wrong way!

@allknowing (142122)
• India
31 Aug 11
Much water has flown under the bridge since the institution of marriage not to say marriages were successful even in the good old days. I look at it as a package deal and each package has different contents depending on the needs of the couple. Along the way things go awry leading to divorce or separation. It is better that way than living in misery and this thing about 'young or educated' it has no role to play in this equation.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 Aug 11
Thank you! I agree 100%. Age has nothing to do with it. The connection does. Or should I say the lack of connection. And That's why I know Never to marry. I refuse to connect with a husband! a boyfriend Oh yes, husband no!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Sep 11

@allknowing (142122)
• India
1 Sep 11
I only hope not all the population thinks the way you do. There will be no human beings on this earth after a while!

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@inertia4 (27972)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I don't agree with that either. What makes women in the north smarter then women in the south? Are they saying that a southern girl is stupid and dumb? I think kids today are much smarter then they were years ago. I also think that marriage is just not a big deal anymore. There are very few people that marry these days that stay married for a lifetime. Getting married just gives legal rights to each others money and possessions. Marriage should me listed as a bad word in the dictionary.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I know I havent married yet is because I didn't find the right man until I met my boyfriend. It has nothing to do with my education or my age. I have a college degree and am older, but none of that matters. What matters was finding the right man to who would love me and treat me the right way. I have been in other relationships where if they asked I would have married them, but it wasn't "right." Now I am with the man I will marry and I am glad I waited that long for him to come my way.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I'm no 20 something either. My guy was worth the wait. I will never marry , but I do love!
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
28 Aug 11
People who seek to further their education tend to delay marriage. Those with higher levels of education also tend to marry those with similar levels of educational attainment. In other words, like marries like.
However, as one delays marriage, the pool of people available to fill the role of potential mate dwindles. Our culture emphasizes youth and a certain prescribed idea of beauty, so women often face a tougher dating scene as they age.
When one marries early, one generally hasn't had a chance yet to attain a higher level of education, see much of the world, or really date very many people. While that may work for some people, that really doesn't work for most people.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
So you are saying , if you want to marry , you have to either take a chance and marry the first guy that asks or run the risk that by the time you have finish grad school , Mr. right will already be married! Am I glad I will Never marry!Silly me I think it doesn't matter How old you are , which degree you have Or don't have ! all you need is a open heart and the patience to let love happen. But if you think you must be married by age 30 or it is All over , then you will be in desperate mode and you may just settle for Anyone !
@HeartROB (434)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
For me, it does not depend whether the couple married early or not. The success of their marriage really depends 0the couple. If the couple are really good in facing the obstacles of marriages and if they are responsible enough. Then i think their marriage would really last long. It does not matter that you have to be smarter to be old enough to marry. The couple should work on their marriage together in order to make their marriage last long.
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@bhavdutta (7)
• India
28 Aug 11
Both the statements show the dilemma situation of the people, no one in this world is satisfied in either way, you see some says getting married in young age is not a good decision and it will end up soon and some says too educated women will not be fit in the family and life because she may keep on arguing on one and another thing, i think it depends upon the partner that how well they carry on the relation and understands each other, love is the only thing which need to carry on with the relation, keep your mind aside and let heart do everything then all is going to be well.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I say have your heart and mind work as one. Find a partner you are compatible with. marry if you like or not but just keep your connection strong.