Stray Animal

@lampar (7584)
United States
August 27, 2011 11:35am CST
My lotters, what you normally will do with a stray animal that wondering aimlessly in front of your house or by the street for several days, will you kind enough to take it home and feed him /her, make him a member of your immediate family or remain oblivious to his existence or you will call those employees from animal control agency so that they can be euthanized and put to rest even though in most cases it is not really necessary. Or do have have a much better idea dealing with stray animals that you think is in the best interests of these poor animals. i will like to hear from you all to learn about what to do in the face of this rising reality . Thank you, my friends.
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11 responses
@kavya06 (372)
• India
27 Aug 11
I don't have any experience with a rescue or caring in stary dogs, many of them are killed behaving the government orders, but many of my friends have the mind to recue the stray dogs, i think its a great deal.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Yes, the government employees will just have them kill if they can't find enough places or owners for them, especially if there are many stray dog around the neighborhood. I understand few of the big dogs may be too wild to contain them, so it makes sense to euthanize them. Those that are tame and non aggressive one should be allowed to live instead of killing them to make space for the other dogs, cats, etc..Yes, it is very kind for some of your friends that willing to take them home and keep them as pet.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I can imagine paying for the cost of vaccination on these animals can be a big headache for the city government of the day if too many stray animals are around.
@kavya06 (372)
• India
28 Aug 11
Yes,the government have to spend a great amount to the vaccine itself for the workers and i think this workers get good payament for this they know wild one's are much dangerous and tough to press..!
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
so far there are no stray animals at our neighborhood. if you have a pet and the city pound or the veterinarian office will catch that. they always roam around the street any time 24/7. of course when they catch your pet you need to claim it at their office and pay for the fine. so i havent experience any stray animal yet. but if ever this happen i will not feed it, i will report it. the veterinarian office knows if this animal is harmful or not, animals are animals they get a little irritated when there are people they dont know, so i better let the expert handle it.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
That is correct, my friend! Some of them can be wild and get irritated when approach by human especially those big dogs or big cat. In this case, i will also call animals control agency and let these experts handle it. Only those that are small and tame i will try to feed them and adopt them.
@KiblyKat (187)
• Singapore
28 Aug 11
depends on what stray animal it is :) cats dun bother me, and if it is cute and cuddly, i would not think twice before taking him home! but sadly, i already have cats at home, so i would just play around with the for a while and leave them there. but if it is injured, then i would help it by taking care of it for a few days or so until it recovers. sending them to the animal control agency is rather cruel if you ask me, as these stray animals did not do anything to harm us but we humans, indifferent to how they might feel, just do whatever they want to this animals who does not have a place to live and not taken care of.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
That is what i think too with the way animal control agency dealt with the stray animals, it is rather cruel than humane. But on the other hand, if the animals are wild and fearsome, then i understand euthanize them may well turn out to be the only way to prevent them from hurting the residents in that neighborhood. But for cat and little dog, rabbit or squirrel they are not neceesarily need to be killed. I assume it is too expensive for the animal control agency to house them indefinitely and vaccinate them too, so killing them is the only way to go.
@koperty3 (1876)
27 Aug 11
In my native country I fed homeless cats. It was important to have such cats in the area just to prevent rats coming to people's houses. So all neighbours made sure that cat were well fed because hungry and weak cat can't hunt. In UK there are animal shelters and animals there are put to sleep only when they are dangerous or sick and there is no chance of getting better for them. I did not hear that healthy animal was put to sleep. All this organization make sure that stray animal in shelter are well fed and chance to be adopted by good owner.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Cat can come in handy dealing with rat problem at home, it is an asset for those home owners. They also can be great companions for the elderly too. It is nice of you to fed the homeless cat, i also did the same whenever a stray cat wondering in front of my yard, sometimes i just left my leftover meal for her to eat, take care of her one meal at a time.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
1 Sep 11
That is right, for any age to cuddle if the youngster like to do that.
@koperty3 (1876)
19 Dec 11
Thank you for rewarding me
• Ireland
27 Aug 11
awww I hate to see animals separated from their owners. Well I would take it in, cat, dog, elephant, I would have it in my back garden until I figured out what to do! :-) Contact as many places as possible that deal with lost and found pets; these are usually charity or voluntary run organisations so they would be against euthanizing the animal prematurely and post pictures of the animal on the internet as well as local shops etc.. then hope to hear from the owners. If you dont find the owners, either become one yourself or find a family who will take the animal. I have a three year old dog and love her so much and she was dumped as a puppy in wasteland. Find it so hard to believe that no one wanted her, she is a spoilt princess now :-)
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Hi, Hobbs! I agree with you, some people can be really heartless and cruel on animals even though many of them are domesticated already.
• Ireland
28 Aug 11
I know people can be really cruel. The great Mahatma Gandhi once said "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" I think this applies to individual people also, you can tell a lot about a persons morals in how they interact with animals. At the end of the day, they are helpless, and need people to care for them, we are all on this world together :-)
@JosephP (1116)
• Jamaica
8 Sep 11
Stray animals can cause problems. However I usually just ignore them. Sometimes I see dogs come and hang out at my gate and I admire them, However I do not feed them or anything because I cannot keep a pet right now and I do not want them to get to comfortable at my gate.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
9 Sep 11
When it get too comfortable and was fed by the home owner, it would normally stay put in your place, even if it decided to leave for the day, it would usually come back again next day, that is what a stray cat did in my previous experience with stray animal, i assume dog is having the same behavior too, it will come back for food again if it get hungry the next time.
@whatrow (792)
• United States
27 Aug 11
I would study the animal closely to see what it needs. I could bring it food outside if I have enough for my own pets.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
That is cool, my friend! Even by giving him some food can be a real life saver for him.
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
28 Aug 11
That "animal control agency" isn't an option for me, since here in my country, these kind of agency aren't really working well Unfortunately, I can't keep any animals on my home, so I will just feed him. :) In fact, there're 2 or more cats that comes to my house everyday . They still be considered as wild cats, as I don't own them. But the fact that they come everyday is enough to consider them as my family
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
SInce you fed them few times already, they probably consider you as their owner even though you may not own them, or at least they know that you are a kind human being that will not harm them, i think cat, dog or some domesticated animals are clever enough to know that from their animal instinct.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
28 Aug 11
I love stray animals! It's sad that someone has abandoned them and let them wonder the streets defenseless. I've taken in a rabbit before who wondered around my front yard. Surprisingly, it was tamed and approached almost anybody. I took it in and I eventually gave it to the kids next door. I had a stray kitten too, the mother dropped it in our yard. We took him in for about year. It's nice taking in strays and giving them a home. They'll then develop into one of your best friends! =D
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I agree some of them can become your best friend and companion in the future. my friend!
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
If no one owns it, then I would definitely take it as my own and would take care of it as long as I am able to. If you don't mind taking care of it then please do. I'm sure it is in need of love and affection just like us humans. However, if you cannot take care of it then might as well find someone who can. Do you have adoption centers for animals? I'm sure they will be able to find a good home for the animal and make sure that it is in good hands.:)
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Normally there is animal control agency from city government one can call in, but many tme, these animals will be euthanized at the end as the way to contain their population. If the animal is small and tiny, then i can catch it and either adopt it or give it up to privately owned animal shelter, they will try to sell it to the public for ten -twenty bucks a piece as kitten or puppy.
• China
28 Aug 11
Stray animals is really pitiful. If having enough time enough ability and a specifical love for that animial,I will take them in without any hesitation. If no above-mentioned conditions,I will not accept them. The best choise for them may be an animal shelter. At least,the basic living condition can be contented there.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Yes, they are very pitiful especially those that are small and very young like puppies or kittens. It could be really cruel and tough condition out there for these stray animals, many time they are at the mercy of human being like us.