What is your average posts in mylot everyday?

@kewlme (163)
August 30, 2011 5:00am CST
Since I am new with mylot and it is only recently that I have time to visit this site again and decided to be more active than my previous months, I would like to know from fellow mylotters your average posts per day here. Do you do it full time or part time or how many hours does it take you to do it?
1 response
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
30 Aug 11
It would be depend. Depend on my business on the days, depend on my mood, and so. :) Sometimes I was only making 2 posts, while in another day I can make through 20 posts :) Well, let's calculate it then I am 32 days old member here, and at this time, my user rating is 445. Thus, in average, I made 13,90625 posts per day It would be more since there are posts that isn't being counted on that user rating :) But again, be more focused in quality and not quantity since mylot doesn't pay us for posting, mylot pay us for discussing :)
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@kewlme (163)
• Philippines
30 Aug 11
Thanks for sharing! I agree that quality is more important than the quantity. Maybe I should have cleared it out in my question that this should include only the quality posts. I think 14 posts on the average is good. :-)