Today,a question for whites about Obama.

United States
August 30, 2011 7:29pm CST
Yesterday I started a discussion about why whites disapprove of Obama.His approval rating among whites is 38%.although I agree with this,I have my own reasons.I'd like to here from others why their opinions are so low. Again,this isn't about race.It's about the job he's doing.
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6 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
31 Aug 11
Your questions are about race call them what they are. Hussein O's approval rating is 38% across the board isn't it? Not just amoung whites. The man is losing his ratings and it has nothing to do with race.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
31 Aug 11
I agree that it does not have to do with race. What it does have to do with is that people will not work with him and make everything that comes out not at all or not so smoothly his fault!
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@crossbones27 (50156)
• Mojave, California
31 Aug 11
I tried to see what Obama's approval rating was by ethnicity. but could not find anything conclusive. Though from what I have heard he still has a high approval rating from blacks. Then the rest of the ethic groups are pretty much the same. As far as the job Obama is doing. I think if you took out the economy and negotiating (or some would say "standing up to the Republicans") with Republicans he is doing a good job. Right now most everyone in this country only cares about is improving the economy. The only people that seem not to care about the economy is many politicians that just want Obama to fail so their side will be back in power. I will say I voted for Obama and I am white. I personally think he is a good man but I have been very disappointed with the way he has handled the economy. He has seriously lacked leadership in that department and let the Republicans walk all over him on the issue. He has a little over a year to correct the issue. It is simple if he don't he will not get reelected. That being said he might as well come out some real bold new plans even if he can't get it to pass congress because what ever he comes up with it is not going to pass congress. Then he needs to get everyone in his party and and his base all fired up. Then he is going to have to fight tooth and nail every single day for his plan and every time congress rejects it add one minor thing and send it back to congress until they they cannot stand the word economy. Maybe people who consider themselves independents will start agreeing with his point of view and start backing him again. They will then know one side just cares about being back in power an not about getting the economy back on track. If that does not work then at least he went down swinging. I think most people would respect that. At the end of the day I think most people could careless that he is black. They just want him to start leading and show he has some fight in him.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Sep 11
"I think if you took out the economy and negotiating (or some would say "standing up to the Republicans") with Republicans he is doing a good job." Do you feel he's doing a good job with foreign wars? Are you glad that he got us into an illegal war in Libya without a vote from congress? Are you glad that we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan long after those missions have been accomplished? Are you glad that he plans to have troops in those countries till at least 2024? What are these things he is doing a good job at? Certainly following the constitution isn't one of them.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Sep 11
If you look at my posts in other threads you'll see where I have repeatedly said that there is absolutely no reason for us to still have troops in Japan, Germany, Iceland, and a whole host of nations where they are unneeded and sometimes unwanted. Troops were kept in those countries after WWII because leaving the countries unoccupied after WWI led to WWII. Iraq and Afghanistan are NOT German. Neither has tried to conquer the world, much less tried twice. We were never even meant to be at war with Afghanistan. That was supposed to be done for the sole purpose of capturing bin Laden, which has now been done. Afghanistan is a $hithole. It always has been and always will be. It can't be stabilized. The best we can do is leave it alone now to keep the scum in that nation from infecting neighboring countries. I honestly never had a problem with keeping troops in Iraq for a while to keep it stable, but Obama PROMISED to have all troops out after 16 months and reamed McCain for saying he would keep troops there for stability. No democrats sided with McCain on that one. They called him a warmonger for it. Libya was an illegal war no matter how you dress it up. Bosnia was too. According to the constitution only congress has the power to declare war. In Bosnia congress almost unanimously voted against that war and Clinton violated the constitution by going in anyway. In Libya Obama basically gave congress the finger and went there without even ASKING for authorization. I find it odd that democrats who called the Iraq war illegal despite congressional authorization are more than happy to see their own party march into illegal wars without question.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
31 Aug 11
I am sorry,I was really busy yesterday and missed your discussion.I wish I hadn't. I am white,a widow on social security and voted for Obama and will again too. At the begining of the campaign,I was not sure who I was going to vote for....wasn't paying good enough attention.Then,I really woke up and started paying attention when I got the newspaper one day and seen how McCain could not remember how many homes he had!Then I heard that Obama had 1 and he said that is all he needed. Then I watched the news and debates and seen how dingySarah Palin was then I just made up my mind there. Now,I see how there are things are not going right,but if WE would all work together we would do a lot better.But,there are people(in this case republicans) want to see Obama fail,so they can say ha ha we were right.And hopefully then only republicans would be voted in! Now,I am not a republican or a democrat.......I vote for who ever I think can do the job!But,right now most republicans are not impressing me.In my opinion the best president that the USA ever had was Ronald Reagan and I am sure he would very ashamed how the party that he was in is acting right now.He wanted people to work together and the republicans right now are sure not acting that way at all! I would not care if Obama was purple! If people would work with him then things would work out better.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
31 Aug 11
I guess it's a good thing you're on social security and not looking for a job. You based your vote on whether McCain could remember how many houses he has? You didn't care about Rev. Jeremiah Wright or the former terrorist Bill Ayers or that Obama had no executive experience. He'd never created a job or run anything and he was a junior senator from Illinois. He has and is surrounding himself with socialists and communists. Did he work together with everyone when he shoved health care through? No, he bullied and bribed and got what he wanted even though the people didn't. He's signed more executive orders than any other president with the latest amounting to back door amnesty for illegals. I guess for any of the Republicans to impress you they'd have to only have one house?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Sep 11
"McCain could not remember how many homes he had!Then I heard that Obama had 1 and he said that is all he needed." A pity you just read the headlines. The reason McCain has those homes is that they are used as rental properties. It's not like he takes turns sleeping in each one. But hey, if a successful business venture is not what you want from a candidate, then Obama's the guy for you. "i'm curious. who are the socialists and communists around the Pres.?" Van Jones ring a bell? What about Carol M. Browner? There's also his pro-segregation buddy Arnie Duncan who wanted to put gay teens in a separate "gay school". Oh, but don't forget David Bonior. Really, I could go through a nice long list of self-proclaimed communists and socialists working for Obama, but if you cared, you'd already know who they were. Van Jones made headlines as the communist green jobs czar before he eventually had to step down. "the health care law that gives health insurance to millions of americans" It doesn't GIVE anything. It FORCES people to BUY insurance whether they can afford it or not. "perhaps we should consider the gop proposal that gives a $6,000 voucher to seniors and others, to buy there own insurance from companies who will turn down many due to pre-existing conditions" That's just another left wing lie. The GOP proposal specifically BANNED insurance companies from refusing coverage due to pre-existing conditions. But hey, don't let the truth get in your way.
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@sam3m1 (190)
• United States
31 Aug 11
i'm curious. who are the socialists and communists around the Pres.? also, the number of executive orders are as follows: Obama-94 Bush-290 Clinton-363 Bush the Dad-145 Reagan-380 Carter-319 Obama has had the highest number of deportations than any of the pres., over 84,000. the health care law that gives health insurance to millions of americans who didn't have it before? the one that keeps them from having to use Emergency Room care, one of the most expensive levels of care which we all wind up paying for? the one that administrations since FDR have been trying pass? that health care law? perhaps we should consider the gop proposal that gives a $6,000 voucher to seniors and others, to buy there own insurance from companies who will turn down many due to pre-existing conditions, and if they can't find any companies willing to insure them, they're out of luck. not very christian/family values. when did we become such a greedy, mean-spirited people?
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 Sep 11
I would say he is doing a terrible job, he is putting so many regulations on businesses, and I suppose going against lemonade stands is one of them, that I suspect that he will kill initiative. He is also turning America into a socialist country, increasing debt, wanting americans to be dividd by race or class. What bothers me is why so many blacks voted for him. I wondered whether they did because they approved of what he is going to do, or whether because of him being black. And the I started to wonder what would have happened if a blackcandidate appeared and said, "I am going to take away all your freedoms, I will tax you unmercifully, and not only that, you have to put my carving on Mount Rushmore and take away everyone else's." Would the blacks vote for him? You see, if a white candidate appeared and said the same thing, no one would vote for him unless they loved living in a dictatorship,"
@mehale (2200)
• United States
28 Sep 11
Honestly I would not care if he were purple with pink spots, I simply don't like the way the nation is being steered. Our economy is in the tank, he forced a health care plan that most disapprove of upon us....whether we can afford it or not, his new jobs bill will do more harm than good in the long run. What can I say, we need change yes, but good and solid change, not things that will cause more problems for our already troubled nation.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
7 Sep 11
I had high hopes for Obama. I was blown away by his speech at the Dem convention and saw him as a potential. I disagreed when he ran because I felt he didn't have the experience yet and should wait a few years.When he won I was happy we finally had a black President because I thought he was a good role model for the country. As time went by I think his inexperience is showing and he has made a lot of mistakes and shown poor judgment..I wish he had waited to run.
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