Many teachers assign homework to student everyday. do you think it's necessary?

August 30, 2011 10:09pm CST
I believe that daily homework is not necessary. Students already spend most of the day in school.They need their time outside of school to do other things.They need time to spend with their families,to work,and to just relax.They can learn their lessons with homework two or three times a week,but every day isn't necessary.
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8 responses
@marguicha (225145)
• Chile
31 Aug 11
I think it is better to have sone homework to do than to be alone in a house watching TV shows that are not for the kids age or playing with the computer endless hours. If that time was used by parenta and children doing things together, I´d approve of it. But that is not usual. So I go for homework.
@marguicha (225145)
• Chile
31 Aug 11
I don´t think children should be responsible of self control and self discipline. I do think that children should be guided by their parents. I see that less often nowadays as parents are working fulltime, sometimes to make ends meet but more times to buy unneeded luxuries. Parents prefer to give many things to children instead of giving them their time and love. If they did, homework could even be an instance of bonding and learning for all.
• China
31 Aug 11
Thank for this. I can understand . Some children lack adequate self-control and self-discipline, so that they revel in online games..
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
31 Aug 11
with all the standerdize testing the goverment has established it is impossible for theachers to get all the ciriculim the states require with out homework. so yes it is nessisary
• China
31 Aug 11
homework is important for students,but other things are important ,too. some homework is good ,but daily homework can take time away from a student's family,job,and relaxation .There need to be balance.
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
31 Aug 11
and i don not disagree with that but take math for instance if the state says you have to have taught likee the first 100 chapters by the end of they year. Well you pretty much have to do a new lesson everyday. It takes most class time to explain the new formulas and such that it is nearlly impossible to not have math homework. When i was in scool i always had homework in math. and english I would rather my future children get homework so i know they are learning. Yes it dose take away from a job or familly but at that age school should be a child's main focus
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
31 Aug 11
I think that homework that carries on work done at school is an extension to the learning. I know that sharing a reading book with a parent is a valuable experience for primary school children. I hope it installs a love for reading. I think that spellings are important to learn. These days many children and teenagers are watching television or playing computer games. I believe doing homework every day after school can help keep a young person away from those things. At the weekend that young person can spend time with family members. With a Year 2 class I make sure once a week they write a story to improve their writing skill. They need to revise spellings for tests. Some children hand in homework every day from the previous day. Other children hand homework in late. Some children need reminding to do their homework and this is mentioned at parent's evening.
• China
31 Aug 11
Thanka a lot for your discussion.Doing right amout homework can help children to review knowledge and can help them to learn how to contol themselives
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
31 Aug 11
Hmmm... To be honest, I agree and disagree with you at the same time. I think everyday homework is not necessary. I'm more leaning towards every other day assignments but I think there are instances where the teachers thinks that a daily assignment is required depending on how the students behaved in the class (I go to school to become a teacher). I also think that it will be better if they will spend some of their free time doing homeworks and studying than doing other non productive things. I do agree though that they need time to relax and not think about school.
• China
31 Aug 11
The fist, congratulation to pretty teacher~ .That's a eduction problem.I hope u can find a comprenhensive way to solve it.
• India
31 Aug 11
I agree with u.Daily homework is not neccesary for children unless the child is really weak in studies and needs full attention.Todays studies itself is so stressful for students that they become tired till their school finishes and even after that most of schools conduct some or the other coachings relating to physical activities that the students are completely exhausted by the time they are back home,so i feel they should not be give homework on daily basis so that they can relax at home and spend time with their families.
• China
31 Aug 11
Thanks for your support. But still some parents seems children should need much homework ,they dont want their childern behind the competition peers.
• United States
1 Sep 11
Yes I think it is important for kids to be assigned homework every day. You go to work every day do you not? It teaches them that not only does their hard work and motivation to succeed help them become better adults, but also that there is more to life than video games and other things that will serve no purpose but to distract them from what's really important. Also, if our children didn't bring home work to do in the evening, how many of us would actually take the time to sit down and review the day with them? How many of us would show interest in their passions or subjects they are showing interest in? It also helps teachers to validate that what they are teaching their students during the day is sinking in and being understood on a deeper level than just while they are sitting at their desks. It helps them to see which kids need special attention and in what areas.
@youless (112839)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Aug 11
I think it is alright to give the homework to the students everyday. But you shouldn't leave a lot of homework for them since they hardly have spare time left after that. Students not only need some time to study, but also some time to play. Here the study pressure is just getting higher and higher and it is so sad. I love China
• Canada
31 Aug 11
I think it is necessary, keep in mind curriculum's are easier than they were years ago. My parents always criticize me for having too little homework now that I am in university. I have 6 courses per semester, compared to my dads 12 course minimum per semester. Even teachers know they give too little homework. Usually now they state, homework is for your benefit, do it if you want to succeed. Which I agree it is, I think it should be turned mandatory. They only reason why they give that message is reverse psychology, as students now are usually more lazy, as they are more privileged than years before. Yes student spend most their time in school, but how many of those can actually recall the lessons learned? About 5% of the students actually can recall the days work. Especially the older children, the younger children on the other hand, 90% can recall their day. But older children, are more slackers. I can relate because I am part of that group. The reason why more than 50% of students fail first year university is because of the habit of not doing their homework from high-school. Influences such as partying are more important, and the habit of last minute work has taken them over, as high-schools do not enforce doing homework. For every 1 hour of lesson, it is suggested you do 2 hours of studying in relation to the lesson. Yes it is a lot, but time management has to be involved. I am student and I am guilty of many things I've stated. With second year approaching in Days I am dedicated to do my work, knowing the results I received after first year. I was foolish, just as many students are. But from experience, as we students may hate homework, it is to our benefit to do them. I highly suggest to start. I was an A student in high school, but I became a B- to A- student. I was lucky that I was born "witty" I was able to pass my courses because of being "witty". My friends on the other hand weren't so lucky. Yes you have students who are gifted, and may not need to do homework. But the majority of students can only obtain "real" success by doing homework. Not all students are lucky like I was, and I know my mistakes, and as I mentioned I'll be working even harder, this second year. We students can always argue, yes we need time to spend with our parents, but I only suggest that type of lifestyle to children in elementary school to early high school. Late high-school to university should dedicate themselves using their time management skills to the best of their ability.