Promoting Racism and Lawlessness
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
September 1, 2011 5:29pm CST
It was the "perfect storm" gambit of America-haters George Soros, Arab potentates, radical Alinsky, Cloward-Piven, Bill Ayers types, politically-correct Marxist-Socialists, taqiyya driven Muslims, etc. to install as "president" one of their own.
A perceived "black man" (though actually half-white) who would prove to be their "embodiment" of the dismantling of America was installed illegally and unconstitutionally into the WH to the cheers of millions of foolish liberal and otherwise naive Americans.
After almost three years of H--L and daily assaults on our Constitution and freedoms coupled with the deliberate destruction of our economy (a terrorist act), some people woke up to the fact that "something is wrong".
It would have seemed that the "race-card" gambit of the above-cited, as well as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. types had finally played out.
Racism in America had become almost a non- issue until the "advent" of Obama. Alan Keyes warned us in 2004 that this was a man of seared conscience.
But now we eat the fruit of our own ignorance and our own wrong thinking.
Racist and America-hater BHO, a criminal, and racist, gunrunner, Eric Holder, both of whom promote racism and lawlessness have become the example for young blacks who know they, too, can "get away with murder".
Add to that, the flaming socialist/racists of the CBC, like Maxine Waters and Andre Carson, among others, and we have the next wave of deception aimed obfuscating the truth of BHO/Soetoro, aka etc.'s crimes and destruction, and at keeping a thoroughly
unconstitutional, illegitimate person in the office to which he can never be legally entitled.
As noted in II Timothy 3:1 and elsewhere, "The spirit of lawlessness is already at work." For non-Bible believers," media pundits" have also "predicted" this lawless violence we are now subjected to.
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5 responses
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
2 Sep 11
I'd have to say "right back atcha" but it wouldn't solve anything.
To begin with, I am not a part of a group called "you people" "Tea Party", "groupie" or any group at all, but a minority of one.
What truly frightens me it that any sensient person can be so unaware of the truth and destruction around them.
Denial of the truth is not in one's best interests. Criminals are running this country and the results are dire and beyond dangerous.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 Sep 11
People who do not recognise Obama and his sycophants are dangerous scare me.
There's none so blind as those who will not see.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
2 Sep 11
"A perceived 'black man' (though actually half-white) who would prove to be their 'embodiment' of the dismantling of America was installed illegally and unconstitutionally into the WH to the cheers of millions of foolish liberal and otherwise naive Americans."
Really, Epicure! What proof do you now have that the gallant president of this US, one Barack H. Obama, was illegally and unconstitutionally installed in the White House? I thought the man finally produced the long-form of his birth certificate; or do you not believe the legitimacy of the birth certificate?
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
3 Sep 11
"Gallant "president"???
He is not a natural born citizen and has deliberately stolen an office to which he will never be legally, constitutionally entitled.
His father was a Kenyan national and NEVER a US citizen, therefore he does not fulfill the two prong mandate for eligibility, no matter where he was born.
However, since my foreign exchange student is living in Kenya and married to a Kenyan, they know where he was born as does the Kenyan government, his paternal grandmother, and more than half the world.
But, the forged birth certificate is just a taqiyya distraction to deceive the foolish among us as to the truth of his ineligibility. Even as a State Dept. acknowledged "dual-national" he is clearly ineligible for the office he stole. He is a dual-national citizen of Kenya/Britain and Indonesia. No evidence of American citizenship is given, and the fake BC clearly states daddy was African---oops.
He also thinks there are 57 states in this country!
I wonder what part of "natural born" citizenship you do not understand. It is simple common sense and very clear.
He uses false SS number, forged selective service documents. Gallant????
Re multiple SS nos and identity theft....
I, myself, called Gov. Linda Lingle's HI office two years ago and one of her assistats confirmed there was no HI BC; he said it was a big joke.
Senior HI Elections Official Timothy Adams, now here in the US, testified to the same facts - there was never a HI BC to be found.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Thank you for posting these most informative link. You can always be counted on to post the truth regarding what is going on to systematically destroy our county. I just pray that these blind Obama supporters wake up to the truth before it is too late. Obama and his supporters are are all being manipulated by evil people who will stop at nothing to reduce our once great country to ashes.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Whiteheather, many thanks for your insightful responses.
It frightens me, too, that so many CANNOT AND WILL NOT, see the truth.
One must have "spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear", by knowing God and having the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth, wisdom, and discernment.
They choose apathy, complacency, hard-heartedness to help them to disengage from the reality of truth and its consequences of responsibility and accountability.
They also choose NOT to understand the evil and its source in the supernatural, and thus cannot understand exactly how dangerous it is when people choose to follow evil behavior rather than do what is right before God.
Righteous people are to be concerned with truth and justice, say Proverbs 21 and 28.Proverbs 16 states that 'the throne is established by righteousness".
"Woe to those who call good evil and evil good", is Scripture's admonition. And, in these last of days, that's exactly what so many do.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Sep 11
Do you stand on street corners with a cardboard sign saying "The End is Near"?
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
4 Sep 11
I thought you would know better not to feed trolls. I mean there is a clear sign of trolling coming from this user. I don't think this user wants to use anything more than to get a ton of comments about how crazy and illogical their idea is and they are in it to reason with they just want to flip out and spread the same thing over and over again. In the Beginning I thought maybe they where just miss informed but I now believe that they know their points are out there and they just know that they will get a million responses so don't feed the troll any more.
@sam3m1 (190)
• United States
2 Sep 11
i know it's hard for you to imagine, but what if you're wrong?
to assume that the evildoers would pick a mulatto, middle name hussein, born in hawaii to be their leader is a bit far-fetched. i'd pick a white, middle class, nra member from the mid-west.
i've gone to your sources. hint: if they start with "obama's thugs..." chances are they have an agenda which may not be objective.
obama was illegally and unconstitutionally installed...? really? what a novel opinion. sounds familiar.
racism in america had become almost a non-issue...? for who? in which america was that? i've traveled a bit in that america and racism is alive and well. stronger in some areas than in others, but it's there.
try watching/listening to anyone but sources you know to be far right if you're trying find the truth.
it doesn't sound as if that's what you're looking for, however.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
3 Sep 11
Please see my response to nestbridge below.
Not all my "sources" are "right wing". Newsweek (hardly right wing) says (2009) we have all become socialists....
Other sources gave early info about BHO:
I stand by everything I've sourced and written. Racism had become a non-issue before BHO, except among liberal, politically correct types and race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, whose stock-in-trade it is, and elements of La Raza and "wise Latina" Sotomayor. Now we have Muslims in full force joining the ranks of "political correctness" (not politeness, sir, but, since WWI, the cultural arm of Marxism, designed to give one group preference over another- politicking one-upsmanship, like the Muslim taqiyya, in order to vanquish a perceived enemy through deception and manipulation, aka "thought reform")
How objective is it to tear a country down and sue AZ for defending our borders?
To have minion Holder say we Americans are cowards?
To bring our sovereignty to the feet of the corrupt UN?
BTW, I wish I were wrong. Someday, maybe soon, so will you.