I wanna be_______ when I grow up. (I made it! )

September 2, 2011 6:32am CST
Hello mylotters, I was just wondering if you had the career that you wanted to have when you were young, I mean, when you were a kindergarten or elementary student? Did it work out? Did you get it? If not, why? did you change your mind? Well in my case, I really wanted to be a teacher. So, I took Education course and passed the licensure exam. I was so happy and proud that I have made it in spite of everything. Though, I am not a regular school teacher now but hopefully next year I will be teaching in one of the regular school here in my place. I just thought about pursuing my dreams and happiness. So, did you??
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13 responses
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
When was still young,in my grade school days i really want to be a nurse. In my high school days I don't want to pursue nursing because of the rumors that it's more on memorizing dozens of bond papers. But my mom wants me to study nursing so i grabbed it foe her to be happy. I wans't a good student, going home late during my 3rd year in college. Always with pals at bars having disco and drinking a lot. Wasn't studying and just really having fun but i didn't fail in my nursing subjects. To everybody's surprise, I took the board exam and passed for just take ONE. God is so good, i did 99% prayers and 1 % study.. I thank God for whatever i have now.. I am happy for you being a teacher, i salute you tess.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
Congratulations to you nurseclare. Being a nurse student isn't easy. I know it is one of the hardest career. Glad you made it too! Well, that career is really for you. Cheers for both of us!
@seven314 (69)
• China
2 Sep 11
I want to be a good accountant,or maybe a CPA.I'm a college student in China,my major is Accounting.I love it.I want to try my best to learn it good!!And my dream is I can pass the CPA exam one day!!
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
Hoping for the best. If you love what you're doing, the end result is remarkable. If you stay focused and determined, surely you will pass. Good luck and keep it up.
• China
5 Sep 11
Thanks a lot!!I'll try my best to do everything!!And I wish my dream will come ture.Goof luck to you too!!Hope you happy eveyday!!!
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
I could not remember if there was anything I wanted to be when I was young because all I wanted to do then was play and play. LOL. Well, I became a teacher too, then I had a brush in selling, and now I am running my own TV program as a blocktimer and I think this must have been the goal I secretly wanted.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
4 Sep 11
Wow so glad your dream profession has turned into a reality. Well as for me, I am not a career woman already but I am working for it. As a kid, to be honest, I had a couple of things I wanted to be. I had a fickle mind and would constantly change to what every interested me back then. Anyway I have a thing I want to be now so I will work hard on it and I am
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
3 Sep 11
When I was younger I wanted to be a nurse but as I got older that faded away I'm in to art
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
3 Sep 11
I have wanted to be many things. First I wanted to be a librarian, but instead I had to move to where there was no library school, so I had to get a teaching credential, instead, and I taught for a few years. I did not like classroom teaching. Then I got the chance to work in a Christian bookstore where I could be a card buyer for the store. I loved that and would have happily stayed there for a longer time if I hadn't moved. I wrote about that eperience here: http://www.squidoo.com/my-life-in-greeting-cards- Then we adopted two children and I was a fulltime mom for nine years before starting my home school vendor business. Except for setting up and tearing down all those exhibit booths, I loved picking out the books to carry, going to trade shows and home school conventions to exhibit, and talking to customers about finding the right books for their home schooling adventure. When my husband wore out both hips helping me with loading and unloading all those books, I took the business on line and was the first home school vendor to go on line. When I had my web site up, my first customer was a teacher in a private Christian school. Since 1996, when I built my web site, I've sold to parents and teachers and students all over the world. I like being independent, but it's getting hard to take the occasional 40-lb box to UPS, and I'd like to transition to writing full time. I just don't think it would pay as much, but I wouldn't have any overhead but my computer, either. What I have learned is sometimes when you chase the dream you think you want to live, what you want might change.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Sep 11
When I was really young, I had like a lot of things that I wanted to be. It did in fact change every single week, depending on what I wanted out of life. Actually it wasn't really anything that I wanted, because I was about six or seven, it was just whatever job sounded the coolest during this week. Knowing what I know now about a lot of those jobs, I would never want to do them. Still I can't complain where I have ended up, working with computers. Of course, when I was a child, computers were something that were more of a mystery and rather primitive. It was not until my teenage years, until I got into them. It is really something that I got into and continue to get into. Alternatively writing, which I do do to make a bit extra money online.
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Sep 11
My dreams were to become a writer and it has remained that for all this time. Even though I did computer Engineering course, I still dream of writing. The only set back I'm having is how to improve my English to standard level, I'm not that confident with it by now but I see some improvement since joining mylot. I know it gonna take time, but I'm sure I will make it one day.,
@koperty3 (1876)
2 Sep 11
When I was little I wanted be a vet. I never realized this dream because my family got no many to send me to vet college. So I had to adjust my dreams or forget about it and I choose different occupation.
@hafiz008 (450)
• India
2 Sep 11
I am very happy to hear it. You have fulfilled your dream. As in my case I am keep on changing. In my childhood I want to become a mechanical engineer and later on changed to to become a cop and protect the people. But now I want to become a business man. After one year of my study I will took part in my father's business nad very happy to it. This was I searched for. Every time when I think of my ambition I was not satisfied but entering into business made me passion to market and trading,
@kry893 (222)
• Canada
2 Sep 11
Well when I was younger, I had dreams to be a teacher because I love to be able to teach and mingle with kids. Anyways, I think I got inspired by a teacher we had as our form teacher. He would always motivate us and he would tell us to never give up chasing for whatever we would want to do in our lives later on. It was like, he knew each of us by names very well and if his students didn't do well in a certain subject that he was teaching, he would make sure to guide them in the proper way. I thought he was a very caring teacher and I thought I'd like to be a teacher just like him to be able to teach kids and making sure they understand things and not to be intimidated, the very least. However, my path didn't turn out to be that way and instead, I took up Sciences later on in my studies and then eventually went on into Business Administration.
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
I remembered as a child, I always wanted to have my own board, chalk, lesson plan and all stuff a teacher has. Maybe because my mom is a teacher that's why I look up to her and I also come to school with her that ended me up doing things that she does. But as time time passed by, I realized I wanted to have an office of my own and do paper works or just doing cashiering duties, simple as that. But maybe God has other purpose for me, now, I ended up becoming a nurse. I never imagined myself being one, but reality is here, so I am doing my best to be happy with this career and fulfilling not just my dream but also my parents dreams.
• India
2 Sep 11
i wanna be a successfull business men. when I grow up. As today life is very competitive so if we had to survive in the generation we had to be greedy and envy. But my way is different I alway like to enjoy life then to survive the insticts. As life would be once if we wasted in fight there would not be any use. So why to waste life in fighting or so. Let live happily and lets other live happily. Thats my funda hope you all like it.