What should I give my friend for her birthday?

@lady1993 (27224)
September 2, 2011 7:42am CST
I am kind of out of budget now, but I really ant to give her something since we haven't seen each other that often, we have different courses in college and she's been a really good friend to me in the past years... I wonder what gift I can give her that isn't very expensive but still really cute and reminds her of our friendship.. since her birthday is like only 5 days away..
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17 responses
@Amanda81587 (3042)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Maybe you can make her something. Do you have a lot of pictures of the two of you? Maybe you can make like a colas where you put all your memories and pictures on a board. I am sure she will like it. Put happy birthday in the middle and paste things of her interests all around it with things that remind you two of your friendship.
• United States
9 Sep 11
Well you could print those pictures and maybe cut things out of magazines that remind her of you. If not a card would work to.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
9 Sep 11
Sadly, all of our pictures are just on the internet and it isn't that many either. I think I would just write her a letter or give her a card which has a personal message on it.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
3 Sep 11
ohhh friend first gift is you should present there aha.... second one is check which she likes more but she has not.. and purchase it.. I think you will receive more suggestion here. Because I not celebrate my birthday and not attend any birthday so difficult for me to suggest you..
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Yeah, I was present- and I was really glad i came. Why don't yu celebrate your birthday? No matter how busy people may be they should never forget to celebrate the day they were born.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
Since you don't have a budget for the gift I think a bag or a slipper will do. I guess the cost is not much. Birthday card is also an option but I think the most precious gift you can give her is to be present on her birthday. She will really appreciate it because you are there to celebrate it with her.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Yeah, she did...She was quite happy that her close friends came. Although we weren't that many in her party, it was really fun. The food and reception was great.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
3 Sep 11
think about something that you know she likes does she like music or some t if she does you can get her an album or some cute flat shoes it doesn't matter what you get her its the thought that counts
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
I got her some flat shoes before and she did love them- I can still see her wearing it now too. She loves Disney shows like Hannah Montana and High School Musical though, so maybe I'd buy her an album..
@kry893 (222)
• Canada
3 Sep 11
How about a handbag ? Maybe one that doesn't cost much. I have a friend who gave me a handbag on one of my birthdays and it wasn't anything too expensive, just a simple handbag for daily usage. I didn't mind that it wasn't anything expensive because it comes from the heart and that counts alot with the gift she bought me. So, I started using the handbag and each time I bring the handbag out on a short trip or to work, the handbag reminds me of my friend. Or maybe something decorative with her name and the birthday wishes engraved onto it.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Yeah, a handbag would be a great idea. Maybe I might just give one to her on Christmas day. I don't know what she likes though- so I might take up so much time in choosing a handbag.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
2 Sep 11
The best present one can get is to know you are real friends and you will always be there for her too. It's not about the price or size of the gift but if it comes from your heart. Be creative. Go look for some things with which you can show her how much you appreciate her being there for you. Small things that remind her and you about a special time, situation etc. It can be everything.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
21 Oct 11
Thank your for your response. That is a really good advice and left me with some good insights.. I agree with you- material things aren't that important anyway, maybe I'll just give her an assurance of our friendship and time..
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
20 Oct 11
So now that a couple months has passed and so has your friends birthday...what did you end up getting for her? Something special I would think. A gift doesn't have to cost a lot..it just has to have some special meaning to your friend, or even just a birthday card will do it sometimes. My daughter and a new friend went out with a mutual friend who they had met through the mutual friend, for her birthday. They were co-incidently planning to go shopping together the same day so they asked me what they should buy her. I suggested just getting her a birthday card and write something in it like...all her drinks all night while they are at the bar being paid by them. So it was what they did and the friend was very happy with that because then it didn't cost her anything when they went out and it only cost my daughter and her friend...each $20 more than what their own bill was. And the friend appreciated it. Cheers and happy mylotting, Chris
• United States
2 Sep 11
Maybe you can get her a bracelet of some kind, or something that maybe useful for her since she is in college. You can get her a t-shirt with a cute saying on it or something. I'm sure whatever you get she will be thankful as everyone likes to be though of on their birthday.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
Yeah, i would really love to give her a bracelet but then I didn't have time to go to the mall and buy her one... I think I'll just stick with the cards.. since I can add my personal message to it.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
Hi Lady! Is she your best friend? Anyway, there is this really really nice gift that wont cost you that much. When i personally made this gift for my friend, he cried so hard as he was terribly touched. It was an autobiography of our friendship. In this mini book, my first pager was a comic picture of him that i effortlessly made (it doesnt really have to look a lot like him, you just have to ensure that the remarkable features in his face is there). The exciting part is how you start the book. Vital parts of the story is how you two met, what were the things that you shared, the things that you fought about and how you were able to patch things up. At the end of your minibook, you can write there the wishes and dreams that you have for your friend. How much would this cost you? Hmm... Around 10 sheets of bond paper, a crooked pencil, and lots of reflection. I assure you he will keep that mini book till the rest of his life. Furthermore, it is one resource that he will hold on to whenever he is feeling down.
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
I agree with your idea. With this, it won't cost a lot and it would be very meaningful. I for one also made something like a scrapbook or minibook for my mom on her birthday. I could tell that she was happy with it. Although it might not be the most expensive gift she'll receive, at least it was done and personally made by you. And as always, it's the thought that counts.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
2 Sep 11
I suggest to give your friend a perfume for this is classic and when she use it ,it could definitely remind her of you.Of course,some other gifts that could remind you guys relationship is ok,just think what things that she always want,and that's so-called friendship,you always do something to touch that person.Anway,hope this will help.Goo luck and wish your friend happy birthday ahead.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
Thank you for your suggestion..I think I shall try giving her perfume but I haven't even noticed that she wore any.. I think I'll give her a card though, a hand made one.
@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
Why don't you give her a card that you design personally with maybe pictures of the two of you way back from the time of your younger years. Or photos of all souvenirs that you kept which she gave you and identify them for her to remind what is the occasion of each item you received from her. She will appreciate anything that for sure you have given time and effort to please her rather than just buying something for her.
@hafiz008 (450)
• India
2 Sep 11
I just cant say about the gift that you have to give in her birthday. As you are close to her and you know the likes and dislikes and hobbies etc. So you must have to choose what to buy and according to your capacity. The main important doesnt lies in the gift as you know more than me. I am not interested in wishing birthday and you must have pray for her future.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Yes, i already said happy birthday to her, just sent her a message though since I didn't even get to see her today.. I haven't even bought her a gift yet, well, better late than never- I hope she likes whatever I might give her.
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
Personally I would make a birthday card out of my creativity. I know its very simple but as what they have said its the thoughts that really counts. Best wishes for your friend and let me greet her advance happy birthday.
2 Sep 11
You could get her one of those photo frames that has several photo frames within it, and get photos printed of you and her together
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
I haven't seen that much photo frames like that, although that is a good idea. We don't really have that much pictures together though.. Welcome to mylot by the way, I hope you stay and enjoy it here.
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Sep 11
The dollars stores have cute little plaques for friends to share with eachother. There are alot of cute little momentos you could find that could be a keepsake for her to carry with her and remember your times together. SOmething like a necklace or a ring would be nice. If you look in these type stores you are sure to find something.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 11
Hi lady! Buy something like cups/mugs or frames, a clock which you can decorate it by your ownself. My sisters always do that. Last time she did buy a clock and deco them with shiny letters and attached a picture of them together at the center.(Now I Ggot no idea what to give to my friends for their wedding days~(^^)
• Canada
2 Sep 11
Hi Lady! Whenever I try to think of gifts for my family or friends, especially ones that are inexpensive, I always decide to make something for them. The benefit of making something for them is that it's personalized, inexpensive, and very cute. It might take a while, but I think making something would be worth it. Some examples of things you could make for her is jewelry, with beads or other material, maybe a pop-out card with her favorite colored construction paper, or even a drawing or other type of art. Hopefully your friend will be happy with whatever you decide to give her! Best of luck, calder