bikini top not acceptable in wal-mart

United States
September 2, 2011 9:03am CST
Are you surprised? I'm sure many of you have seen such sites as the people of Wal-mart making fun of some of the outfits their shoppers wear. Now I caught this on tv this morning and I was just thinking... really she thought that counted as a shirt? Do you think Wal-mart had the right to ask her to put a top on? Frankly unless you have a respectable cover up on no matter your size you can't expect people not to stare or potentially ask you to leave the premises. And do you think she deserves financial compensation for her humiliation?
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12 responses
• United States
2 Sep 11
OMG this is such a sue happy country! People today want money for just about anything. First of all I don't think it is okay fora anyone, skinny and or big to walk around in a business with a bikini top. No she does not deserve monetary compensation. I can understand that she says she was humiliated, but how about those who had to endure her verbal abuse when "asked" to wear a top and or leave. I think this is a fair request, as the many above mentioned no shoes/shirt no service. If this sort of stuff is accepted then anyone can walk in with a thong bikini too. So no she is wrong and gee, there is air-conditioning in walmarts, she could have put on a top and avoided the whole mess for herself. It is just sad on how so many today are so quick to sue and when there are legitimate law suits people are made fun of because of this sort of madness today.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 11
HWG please don't give her any ideas about wearing a thong next time! She did't mention suing but you know if she doesn't get what she wants she's going to find some lawyer who will and say it was her freedom of expression. And common sense would say she was lacking when she made that choice.
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• United States
3 Sep 11
We'd all love to sue for those whom have wronged us in our life but as you said the courts and lawyers let people sue for things that were common sense. Like the person who sued McD's because they spilled coffee on themselves and got a burn.... the coffee container did not have a warning on it that it was "hot" and got millions. Which reminds me of several episodes of Seinfeld where Kramer tried suing for all sorts of things.
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• United States
3 Sep 11
By her saying she wants Walmart to compensate her monetarily. I am sure she is implying suing. They will not just freely give money unless of course it was a settlement and or court order. I hear those words way too often about wanting monetarily compensation and it drives me crazy. lol
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Well, most stores do say they requires shoes and shirts (though I have to wonder why they don't require pants.. as long as I have shoes and shirt I can be naked from the waist down??) and a bikini top does not count as a shirt.. it's more of a bra if you ask me. When I was much younger, and much more attractive, I did wear a bikini top into a store. It wasn't a Walmart, just a general grocery store. I knew the manager there, he was very friendly and chatted frequently with his customers and had gotten to know me by name. He saw me wearing my bikini top, chatted as usual, and said nothing about how I was dressed. I also frequently went into the local gas station wearing my bikini top and a pair of shorts... that's how I ended up grabbing the attention of a guy I ended up being with for over a year. He was a clerk there who eventually made a move on me.. though after a few months I found out he had originally made a bet with a friend about whether or not he could get with me. Needless to say that relationship did not work out.. though it took us awhile to figure that out!
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 11
I think there are bra's that cover more than that top she had on.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 Sep 11
I think the pants arent listed because theyd have people who would complain that they didnt say you can wear shorts or a skirt or soemthing else...
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Hello Snuggle. My daughter works at a walmart as an assistant manager. She has ask people that come in dressed just in a bikini top and has also has a problem but not to this extent. She said that Walmart does not have a sign with the shirt and shoes required at the door. Men can't enter the store with out shirts so why should women.. She also asks any one without shoes to get some on because of safety concerns with broken glass. If she sees young men or boys with sagging pants she tells them to pull up their pants. She usually doesn't get any flack from it. It is a family oriented store not the beach. And no she shouldn't be compensated. The only thing hurt is her feelings. She should grow up and act like an adult. I'll bet the other store would also ask her to put a shirt on.
• United States
3 Sep 11
I would love to be able to tell some of those folks who wear the saggy pants at their knees to pull them up. I agree, she doesn't need to be compensated and I'm sure she's the one who contacted the tv station about how she was treated.
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@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Honestly, no, she shouldn't be compensated. I feel that we live in a society where things that were taboo are now allowed in some places. It's bad enough to see some of these things on the street and sometimes in Wal-mart. A man is not allowed to go in shirtless and I feel the same for women. Really? What was the point in going to the store looking like that. That was grabbing attention all over the place and you have to expect some stares and comments. She knew what she was doing when she did it. Wal-mart doesn't have really good standards as far as people go(no offense, I have applied and have all my teeth and a diploma and got denied, whereas someone else I went to school with is an ex-addict, dropout from school and has 3 teeth in his head, and got the job) but people should still have some couth about themselves. This is a shopping center not a circus!
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• United States
3 Sep 11
I'm sure she was aware and was the person whom contacted the media.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Sep 11
"not going to show everybody my morals out in public"?! She already has! She's the one who should submit the written apology for appearing so scantily clad. I don't care how hot it is, you can put on some clothing and cover your body for an hour or so while you stroll through a public place--unless it's the beach or a swimming pool. Every store I've ever entered has a sign saying they require shoes and shirts and she had no shirt--was there such a sign there? Then their policy was clearly stated. She has no case, as far as I'm concerned. One of the minor social changes these days that has a far-reaching effect is peoples' lack of propriety. They will go out in pajamas and even underwear to a public place and make no effort to dress presentably. They have no thought for others, only themselves. We are becoming a nation of selfish narcissists.
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• United States
3 Sep 11
Exactly! That bikini certainly didn't cover much, and buying it wal-mart doesn't mean she should wear it there or anywhere else. You are right they and most places like even McD's have that policy on the door even if it's in a graphic it's still listed. I think people just like her just want the attention and hope that some ambulance chaser will call her so she can get rich because she was told to cover up. It's just common sense decency.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Sep 11
I think I've seen her on the people of walmart website before, wearing things sort of ridiculous, atleast to the scrutiny of her fellow shoppers. I am not sure, I've forgotten all the pictures I've seen of her and what she's worn but I'm pretty sure it was her. I think that she should be financially compensated, if nothing else a gift card to walmart itself. She should have a written apology made, if not because she deserves it, atleast because she asked for it and those in Oregon are probably going to be expecting it. I guess what I am trying to say is if it's not written out in the paper, they may lose more customers, her friends, her family, or just others who support her.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Every Walmart and every other store I've ever been in has a sign posted at the entrance saying that shoes and shirt are necessary for service.
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• United States
3 Sep 11
Dragon is right many of the stores including walmart and fast food establishments have signs that state that. We had to put that up once when I worked at the bank because one customer who was built to the T would come in w/o a shirt or just with a pair of overalls on and it was not appropriate for him to come in dressed in such a manner.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Ok... It is hard to realize who is in the wrong here, but I personally find this offensive, and think she should cover up, but if they are going to do this to one person no matter what the weight issue, etc. they need to do it to others. I wonder if the main complaint was the Tattoos more than the bikini top being offensive? Especially since WalMart is supposed to be a family oriented store.
@AmbiePam (96683)
• United States
3 Sep 11
I think Walmart has that right. And I think the woman is going for a get rich quick plan.
• United States
4 Sep 11
Exactly, why else make a big stink about it or contact the media about her "humiliation" at the store.
• United States
10 Sep 11
no,she shouldn't.some of these people need to stop dressing beyond casual in the stores.there's a time and place for that. having said that,i saw some guy with the dingly danglies poking out of his shorts leg at walmart.they seemed to not see that somehow. i think he may have got away with it because of his age.probably had no idea where he was let alone notice the draft.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 Sep 11
That is disgusting. She should not be dressing like that in public place other than a beach or pool area. I know I don't want to be shopping and have to look at her "girls" flopping around and possibly falling out. I don't want to look at any near naked body while I am shopping and would be really aggrivated if I had kids that saw her. That is just not socially appropriate. I don't care what you look like...your cleavage should not be hanging out like that and you should not be all but naked in a public place like a store. And for her to ask for finacial "recooperation"...crap....odds are she planned this, knowing WalMart would do something like they did and they she could have her 15 minute of fame and some money to boot. Bet all the talk shows are going to capitalize on this one! If you have any decency about you, if you have any scruples or morals about wouldn't wear this in public other than a pool or beach area. Bikinis are beach wear and what would putting on a shirt have hurt her? Dress codes are there for a reason...and she just proved it.
• United States
5 Oct 11
Of course she had more on her mind than just her humiliation but a way to make a quick buck. I'm sure WM did not call the reporters she did!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Sep 11
hi 3 snugglebunnies I am not surprised at all as i too feel' that bikin tops are okay on hte beach but not in W almart and if she humiliated she brought it on herself. Really walmarts in its right to expect people to wear clothes that are not a lap dancers apparel while shopping in public. after all all ages are in this store and why should kids see this woman's boobs sticking ou t and think its okay to be half naked in a big shop like Walmart,. that is not a shirt its a tiny bikini top.cover it up woman we dont need to see all your boobs, they are not that impressive anyway.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
4 Sep 11
Goole "walmart-people .com" you will see many more funny things just like that. People with self respect when wearing a swim suit and they go into public places other than swimming pool should be wearing a cover-up. She does not deserves compensation for humiliation. In fact she should apoligize to wal mart and all the customers. I hope she makes it into I love looking at And reading the comments. Lol!!!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 Sep 11
Really!!! I think those that had to look at her should be filing against her for compensation for humiliation she caused them!!!