Unicorns And Glitter

United States
September 2, 2011 9:07am CST
There is this commercial that I see occasionally, and the people are talking about things that just seem to go well together, such as peanut butter and jelly. The saleswoman gives an example of unicorns and glitter, and the other two people look at her like she is crazy. Now, my little one and I both think that unicorns and glitter make perfect sense as going together. In fact, sometimes we joke about it when we talk about things going together and will randomly blurt out "unicorns and glitter". This reminded me of a program that I saw where they had animals that formed unexpected bonds with other animals of different species. The friendships worked for these animals, although they were not necessarily viewed as "normal" by us humans. That lead me to wonder what other "unusual pairings" we might think are normal and natural while other people think they are strange or things that we might view as unusual that others think are perfectly normal. Do you have any examples to share?
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11 responses
• United States
2 Sep 11
Hi PA! Hmm am thinking but the brain is kind of toasted. I have been getting tons of headaches so kind of difficult to come up with something strange yet can be considered paired. All I can think of is back in the day I use to love popcorn and ketchup. Yum. Though I have not had it in a very long time it sure paired up great and I remember licking my fingers as if I was eating the best meal ever. Outside of this let's The three stooges were strange to me, but others really like them.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
2 Sep 11
Red beans and Molasses with cornbread.
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• United States
2 Sep 11
I can do red beans and rice with molasses and cornbread on the side, but I would not combine it all into one dish.
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• United States
2 Sep 11
Oh, I am so sorry that you have been having so many headaches. I hope that it is nothing serious, and that you will be feeling better very soon! As for the example of popcorn and ketchup ... yup, that is definitely a "weird combination" that you liked. I think that "The Three Stooges" is also another good example, because it seems that people either really like them or really dislike them, but there is no "middle ground" so to speak.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
2 Sep 11
Plums and bread. Does this combination sound odd enough? I used to eat this as a child. I haven't eaten plums and bread for decades, but I used to like this combination. Not any kind of plums, but the sweet early summer plums my grandparents had in their garden. I heard people who like to eat watermelon and bread, which I think is even more odd.
• United States
2 Sep 11
You mean that you cut up the plums and put them on the bread like a sandwich? No offense, but yes, that does sound quite odd ... and not very appetizing, either. I am sure that I have eaten some strange combinations myself that others would think were not very appetizing, though, so I really can't say too much about that.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
2 Sep 11
No, you don't cut anything! Just rip a piece of bread and hold it in one hand. With the other hand pick up the plums right from the plum tree, when they're still nipped. (But they don't need to be too ripened or else you'll spoil everything.) Mmmm, my mouth is watering, I must try plums and bread soon. Will you give it a try?
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• United States
2 Sep 11
Ummm ... no thank you, I don't want to take any away from you, so you can have it all. You know what I haven't had in a very long time but for some strange reason I now have a craving for it ... rice pudding. My mom used to make it when I was growing up. I didn't really care about the rice all that much, but I just loved the "pudding" part on the top! I haven't had that since my parents moved away, and now I am really wanting some homemade rice pudding.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
3 Sep 11
One has gotta have glitter! Be it on unicorns, peanut butter, or jelly I love glitter. As to friendships, I think I saw something on this on the Animal Planet a few seasons back. I think there was a bit about a cat and a dog and a rabbit all being close friends and playing together.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
6 Sep 11
Please describe the "perfect" match, I cannot picture it no matter how hard I try.
• United States
3 Sep 11
Oh there definitely has to be glitter! I think that is where I saw the show is on Animal Planet ... in fact, I think that there was more than one show about this sort of thing. I believe that I remember the one about the cat, dog and rabbit as well. Another one that sticks out in my mind was the hippopotamus and the turtle - that sure seemed like a strange pair, but it worked for them. HWG - Actually a farmer and a city dancing girl does not sound at all like a strange combination to me ... it sounds like a perfect match!
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• United States
3 Sep 11
Yup that makes sense, almost like the farmer and the City dancing girl playing in boxes. Hmm some may think that is odd but I call it great and fun.
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2 Sep 11
"Peanut butter and jelly" for starters. Yuck! The latest thing with kids seems to be "ketchup and mayonnaise", which sounds revolting but is apparently wonderful.
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3 Sep 11
Look up "Koko and All Ball" some time. Koko was a gorilla taught sign language by her keeper and she loved cats. She always had a cat companion and she named them herself (if I remember right), which is why one was called "All Ball". There are videos on YouTube, books, research and a bunch of web pages - it really is the sweetest thing, seeing a massive gorilla cuddling a kitten.
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3 Sep 11
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdACUfI6nA0 That's All Ball, there.
• United States
2 Sep 11
LOL! And here I thought that my little one was the only "weird person" that did not like peanut butter and jelly! Ketchup and mayonnaise is not bad as a combination when on a burger or something like that, but I don't think that I would eat it on something like french fries. On the show that I was watching, one of the pairs of friends was a dog and an elephant. When the two first became friends, the owners were afraid that the elephant would accidentally step on the dog, but the elephant was very careful and never hurt the dog. In fact, when the dog fell down an embankment and broke his leg, the elephant went to get help. Then, the elephant kept trumpeting and pacing along the fence line until the owners were able to bring her companion out to see her again, and the dog perked up as soon as he heard the elephant trumpeting for him. It was really very heartwarming.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
2 Sep 11
Here they have a saying. Love is like "pap and vleis" Don't ask, i have to go and translate it somewhere.
• United States
2 Sep 11
*sitting here resisting the urge to ask and relatively patiently awaiting the translation*
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
2 Sep 11
Okay, okay. Here it is. It means love is like "porridge and meat" It goes perfect together. I never could really understand that one though. Must be an afrikaner thing or something.
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• United States
2 Sep 11
Isn't porridge like oatmeal or other similarly cooked cereal? I definitely do not think that sounds even remotely like it would go well with meat. Maybe these people are not happy in their love lives, so they are not saying that they go well together but rather that it does not make much sense?
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
3 Sep 11
I knew someone who used to put soy sauce on ice cream, which seemed awfully strange to me.
• Australia
3 Sep 11
That is funny bagarad because I forgot to put my odd ice-cream combination in my list: ice-cream and tomato sauce. I tried it once and it is very weird, but oddly pleasant. You just keep wanting to go back for more. I haven't tried it in a few years but I might do later. Try it! I might even put some soy sauce on too.
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• United States
3 Sep 11
Alright, I really like ice cream, but I am not sure that I can ever look at it the same way again after the combinations that you two have suggested as toppings for it. I know people that dip their french fries in ice cream and it them, and that really is disgusting to me, but now I think that actually sounds appetizing compared to the other suggestions. Those are really good examples, though.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
4 Sep 11
Pringles, tomato and garlic sauce sandwiches
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
4 Sep 11
Yes all my own creation after coming back from the pub. I will give ya the recipe if you want lol
• United States
4 Sep 11
Ummm ... I appreciate your very generous offer, but I think that I will pass on that one ...
• United States
4 Sep 11
Is that combination after you have had your breakfast of Wheaties and whiskey?
@topffer (42155)
• France
2 Sep 11
Unicorns and glitter makes a better sense than "feather and fur", a common name for animal clinics, though animals wearing together feathers and fur are rare : http://www.calicoba.fr/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Animal_Photo_Manipulations_21.jpg
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• United States
2 Sep 11
Perhaps they were more talking about a fur coat and a feather boa when they said "feathers and fur" ...
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• United States
2 Sep 11
I was actually thinking that accessorizing your fur coat with a beautiful purple feather boa would be lovely, especially with the chilly Fall weather on its way.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
2 Sep 11
What would do a flower like you with feathers and fur?
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@ajk111 (2495)
19 Jan 12
maggots and me, they keep me clean and safe on washing powder. Asparagus and icecream, my favorite since my wife was pregnant, she is furious that i got the weird food thing but hey, she got fat
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• United States
29 Feb 12
ROTFLMAO! I love your response here. I bet that she was not all that impressed if you had the weird food cravings and didn't get fat while she did, too. I have heard many stories about men experiencing weird cravings, weight gain, sympathy pains, and swelling among other things while their wives are pregnant, especially if they have a strong connection with each other. You can keep the maggots, though. I actually knew that they use them sometimes in medicine, especially with burn victims. However, it makes my skin crawl (no pun intended) just thinking about it. If I was in such a critical situation, though, I suspect that I would have a much different perspective on the matter, but I hope that I never have to find out.
• Austin, Texas
24 Sep 15
My example to share? Bing Crosby and David Bowie duet. Best Christmas holiday song ever performed by the most unusual pairing ever.
Music video by Bing Crosby performing The Little Drummer Boy / Peace On Earth. HLC Properties Ltd., under license to Beach Road Music, LLC
• United States
24 Sep 15
That was beautiful, and I agree that it is an unusual paring but it works very well!
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@TheHorse (224444)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Oct 15
Unicorns and glitter makes perfect sense to me. But I've been working with little kids for a lot of years.
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• United States
29 Oct 15
I like to think that I am still just a little kid with a lot of years experience at it.
@TheHorse (224444)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Oct 15
@purplealabaster Good attitude. The speakers I restore are just glorified stacky block towers. Same satisfaction.
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