How do you decide where to go?

@maximax8 (31047)
United Kingdom
September 2, 2011 9:12am CST
There are many countries in the world. How do you decide where to go? When I was in my teenage years I didn't have very much money. So I wanted to explore countries close to home like Greece, the Netherlands and France. At 20 years old when I planned my trip around the world I wanted to travel to Australia and have Pacific island stopovers. In the last three years I have been trying to see must see destinations off my travel wish list like Cape Town, Vancouver and Cartagena De Indias. How do you decide where to go? Did this change as you got older? Where is the next place you would love to go?
12 responses
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
3 Sep 11
I think you are a rich person who have money to do the traveling around the world and that too in the age of 20 years old. I also want to travel but can't afford for it. I am starting my career and I think it will take a lot of time for me to travel around the world. If I have the money then I will make my preferences by discussing it with my friends and then I will take the decision. I am also quite impressed with your number of discussion you have responded to.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
I got some money left to me in my Great Aunts will. To be able to travel around the world I had to let out my cottage and get a working holiday visa for Australia. I hope that you will have a very enjoyable time starting your career. Talking with your friends will give you some travel ideas for future travels. Thanks for your compliments.
• India
5 Sep 11
You are welcome .
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
3 Sep 11
Hi Maxine, I used to decide first thinking whether I had the money to go, so I would mentally draw a line depending on air tickets, the item with more expenses from my country. After that I checked on the places I most wanted to see in that line. Now I will have to think of my health also. There are places where I will not dare to go yet.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
Hi Marguicha, It is lovely that you looked at how much money you had then decided on your destination. It is interesting that you mentally drew a line comparing the cost of air fares. Good luck with your health for now and on future travels.
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
4 Sep 11
I have to look at prices before traveling, Maxine. It is very expensive to go anywhere from where I live. Fortunatly there are cheaper airlines. With some of them I would not be able to travel at all.
@GemmaR (8517)
4 Sep 11
I have a map in my bedroom with blue pins showing the places I've been, and red pins showing the places that I still wish to go. I add many red pins every month as I read more magazines because I see places that I would like to visit that I had never realise existed in the past. I have around ten blue pins at the moment, not including all of the places that I've seen in my own country, but I have literally hundreds of red pins. I see how much money I have each time I plan a trip, and that decides where I go and how many places I can afford to go and see in one trip. If I go to a country that's far away I will try to do as many places as I can, incase I never get the chance to go back to that particular place again.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
Hi Gemma. I love hearing that you have a map in your bedroom that has show the places that you have been and the destinations you wish to visit in the future. I like the way you decide where to travel. It is an excellent idea to see as many places as you can if it is a very faraway destination.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
2 Sep 11
Hi maximax, Reading your post and the mention of the names of the country you have visited I remember the nursery rhyme 'Jack and Jill went up the hill...' In my earlier response itself I had said that I have not visited more than 5 countries. We decide long before the actual journey takes off. These ae mostly inland traveling. Really my country is 4th biggest countries in the world and it is difficult in itself to cover the country. Now I have a plan to make overseas travel after my retirement. lol
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
Hi Krajibg, It is lovely that you have done some traveling and hope to do more when you retire.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
10 Sep 11
No. no maximax, not after retirement. I would execute them much early. Or to say I would at least cover England, Norway and Ghnaa. And of course Vietnam and Mauritius. And the rest later on.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
3 Sep 11
Since I don't have a lot of money to use on travelling at the moment, I've got two methods. A) Go to somewhere I've got friends so I've have somewhere free to stay :-) B) Buy plane tickets when they're for sale and go to the cheapest place. It has been the plan for some years, not sure if it'll change anytime soon :-)
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
I like it when airlines have a sale and cut their fares. It is wonderful to visit friends and family overseas. Good luck with traveling in the future.
@libramie (562)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
I didn't travel yet outside my country. However, wish to go soon and like to go in a historical places and spots when I traveled. I already visit 75% of my country's historical spots and beautiful nature places.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
I hope that one day you are able to see some other countries. Though it is excellent that you already live in an interesting country that has historical sites and beautiful places.
• China
2 Sep 11
Hi,dear friend, You are in the same position as me, the different is that I am in the process of choosing which province I should go,should I live in the country near my hometown or should I follow my dreams ,go to somewhere that can realize my dream. There is one thing that always haunted in my mind is my beloved parents ,friends in my hometown. For my part(this is only my personal opinion)I would like to stay in a place near my family as you know that my parents are getting older ,they need me .When I am grow older I will choosing the place perpahs a countryside that has lakes or mountains nearby.I like the quite country life from the day when I am a little child .Hope you everything goes well Molly
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
Hi my friend Molly. It is lovely that you would chose to spend time somewhere close to your family. I think that lakes and mountains are beautiful choices.
13 Oct 11
I know it is so difficult for me to decide where to go next but, sometimes I just know where I want to visit and if it will be expensive I set my heart on saving - sometimes I get lucky and get certain things free with work so I know where I can go and narrow it down that way. For example, when I went to Venice, I had won flights and as I had wanted to visit Venice for ages, I decided that would be a good time to do it when I only had to pay for a hotel!
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
3 Sep 11
I find it very difficult to decide which places I want to visit, because I think that there are so many beautiful and interesting countries to choose from. I hope that I will be able to visit a lot of different countries around the world, every country gives me the chance to experience a different culture and I think that every country has something to offer. There are some countries that I probably won't be able to visit, because I am worried about my safety or because it is too difficult to get a visa, but aside from those places I would really like to visit as many countries as possible. I have visited most of the other European countries and I chose to travel in Europe because it is cheaper than visiting another continent. In the future I hope to visit other parts of the world for instanse Asia.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
It is excellent that you have visited many of the European countries. Yes, it can be pricey to fly to a different continent. It think it is wonderful that you are interested in different cultures. Yes, there are so many different places that are worth visiting around the world. I don't like the situation when it is difficult to get a visa. Luckily many destinations in Asia are quite cheap to visit.
@Simon1223 (903)
• China
3 Sep 11
Personally speaking, I also decide to travel to places near my hometown. As I live in a very big country, there are still many beautiful scenic spots far from my hometown I've never been to. And the cost of travelling domestically is much lowerthan that of travelling abroad. So in the next few years, I will mainly travel in the country. I hope that in the future it will be more convenient for me to apply for visa, then I could have more opportunities of travelling abroad.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
Yes, the cost of traveling within a country is usually cheaper than going abroad. Therefore going to a border town, then going over the border and finally taking transport from there can be the cheaper way to travel. A direct bus would be the more expensive option. I hope that in the future you are able to travel abroad. I know what you mean about being able to get the visas.
@xuyxuy (432)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
I too would love to visit different countries like France, Greece, Italy, Rome, Venice, Canada and Malaysia. In as much as I wanted to go out and explore, I know I need to earn to reach this ambition of mine. The places I wanted to go when I was young were still the same I wanted to visit now when I am old. It did not change at all, still the same since I haven't visited even one yet. But I'm still hoping that someday I could go to those lovely places I wanted to go.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
I am really pleased to hear that your travel wish list of destinations hasn't changed over the years. I hope that you will make enough money in your lifetime to travel to all these places. You might be able to combine seeing France alongside Italy and Greece perhaps.
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
Himaximax Ive never been outside of my country. But if given a chance I'll visit france first just to see the Eifel tower. Next stop china im dying to see the great wall of china then new zealand, australia and Scotland. Wish that it would happen.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 11
I hope that you will be able to visit the beautiful city of Paris. I am also very keen to see the Great Wall of China. Australia and New Zealand are on my favorites list. I live close to Scotland but have only visited Edinburgh the once.