Why do People get Angry????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
September 3, 2011 12:31am CST
I get into all kinds of discussions and interactions with people, not only on MyLot but everywhere I go. I have noticed when it comes to religion, people get angry at you if you don't recite things exactly to their beliefs. My question is this. Why do they get angry?? Are they mad because you challenge them? Are they mad because they fear their beliefs might be wrong? Are they mad because they can't convert you? Maybe they are mad because they really like the package religion presents and do not want to hear the truth. You know, it's not just people of religion. I've had plenty of atheists mad too.
In any event, for me, it's about wonderful people and interaction. I never am angry. I also love it when people come discuss, just as they are, even if it gets heated. I guess my only real problem is that when people get angry, they stop thinking. I have to have them thinking or what good is any discussion??
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18 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Sep 11
I don't know if angry is the right word. I think frustrated is more accurate, at least in my case. The problem with your truth is that it's something you've made up, and you refuse to give evidence. I will have to disagree with your statement that you never get angry. There have been times when I've corrected you, and your response has been an angry one. You may get over it, but not before you've put down some bitter and not very well thought out remarks.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Sep 11
I have found that when one does not recite their beliefs, one is considered sometimes rude. This stems from that anger. As you well know, bestboy19, I am very direct and straight forward. Often I do not sugar coat things like people want. I have never been angry at you. Never. If I sense you might be feeling this because I am direct, I will remind you that you have all my love and kindness. I will always do my best to bring the reality of myself out whenever people are using their view to define me rather than what actually is. As for truth, I am one who always searches for more knowledge and truth. This is something that is not made up. Truth is something that is. One may not agree with truth but one can in time come to understand truth. Ask yourself. Have you always agreed with truth when you first discovered it??? Why do you think they came up with the statement: truth is stranger than fiction? Ah, but fiction can be shaped in such a way that it always feels good, doesn't it?? As for not well thought out statements from me, I am sorry. Sometimes, it gets late and I admit I have rushed a few statements. I can get very busy and I just didn't want to leave a comment unanswered. Let's not nitpick. Overall, I should be coming across pretty clear or you wouldn't get so angry at me. Ooops, am I doing it again???
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Sep 11
I'm sorry, but I will have do disagree with you again. When I have asked you to explain your believes, or what you call your truth, you are evasive, suggesting I discover it for myself. That is where the frustration comes in. As far as your love and kindness goes, you always give that response after I've called you on your angry outburst. I know you think you search for truth, but I believe you search for what you want the truth to be. This is my interpretation based on what you have written. I don't doubt that some of your, not very well thought out, statements are from being tired; but I know some are out of anger. I don't believe you are lying. I think you believe everything you've written. Just because you believe it doesn't make it true. Read some of our previous discussions. You might understand why I've challenged your response.
One suggestion, you might want to invest in a dictionary to learn the difference in frustration and anger.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Sep 11
Calm down bestboy19, it will all be OK! You must remember I am not you. My goal is not to convince you of anything. I am merely placing truth out there for people to see. I do point people in a direction if they ask just as I have done you. Simply because you do not understand what I am really saying doesn't mean that I am being evasive. Yes, I have challenged you in an important way. Instead of relying on others for all your answers, I ask that you search and discover the truth for yourself. Yes,everyone gets frustrated when they can not figure something out. Are we to give up easily when answers aren't served on a plate or is this where those who really hunger for knowledge and truth really get working on the problem? The choice is yours. I am not or have ever been angry at you bestboy19. I welcome all your comments. You have all my love and kindness.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Sep 11
It is all of the above! Especially that they like their path Just the way it is. Me? Whenever people can't except that to them I'm damned and I like it that way I get a little angry and I will not lie once I get a christian to tell me I'm going to hell i say Thanks so now you can leave me alone? But that only happened once! Usually I can and do talk about other religions with my friends. We all are of different faiths and we all respect the differences and celebrate the similarities. So I Know it is possible but when you come across a person or persons who wants to bully or scare you into following their path , it can make you angry.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
6 Sep 11
No! I am sort of weird . I do my best thinking when I'm angry. And no once one says something so stupid, I give up on them Ever having any insight. Many are stuck on stupid And they like it that way. So why in the hell should I waste my breath trying to get them to change what little minds they have? Sorry I may look like a teacher but I am not!

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Sep 11
Yes, religion will use scare tactics to get followers. It is a real evil they can not see. Still, do not allow them to anger you. Angry people stop thinking. You need to stay cool and think, for you never know what you might say that will get them to thinking. Don't give up. Move that grain of sand. You might never see the change, however move enough sand and you can move a mountain.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
5 Sep 11
I like your last paragraph where you say it is about interaction. That it should be a discussion and that when folks get angry they stop thinking and you need them to be thinking for a good discussion...Bravo. This is true in any discussion, whether it is religion, politics, philosophy, what have you. It can be heated which sometimes turns out to be the best, as long as at the end all parties can smile and say WOW, that was interesting and shake hands (even if it is a virtual handshake...lol)
Insecurity in ones topic can cause problems in a discussion. Often folks are "taught" certain things from childhood. They do not always investigate them fully for themselves. Even if they learn things as an adult it is still often "taught", not "learned". There is a difference. What is "taught" from a pulpit is not the same as something you investigated on your own. If you sought the info out on your own and have an in depth grasp of it then it is yours for life and your are more comfortable with it. You are more "secure", and less apt to become upset and defense in a discussion, and maybe less apt to try to convert.
The best way to influence someone is with the way you live rather than with words anyway.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Sep 11
Taught and learned. OK. Maybe that's why God doesn't just give us all the knowledge of the universe. We would have the knowledge but very little wisdom to use it. You are right. The struggle to attain true knowledge is very important. If we discover the answers for ourselves, we have true wisdom. I have fought to show people this for the longest of times. People love having it all just handed to them on a plate. This gives religion great power for they love to serve it up.
I do love a good discussion. I agree there is no room for anger. Lastly, you are right in that our actions have always meant much more than mere words.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
9 Sep 11
Adoniah, a picture is usually meaningless without a legend. OK, sometimes it's pretty obvious but the obvious isn't always true. Have you seen a TV show called The Collector about a man who collected the souls from people who'd sold their souls to Satan? Of course whatever people had sold their souls for backfired and the collector tried to get people out of their deals. In one episode, there was an alchemist who Satan had given a book of pictures that were supposed to show how to make gold but the alchemist couldn't figure out what the pictures meant.
Anyway, my point is that however well you live your life (and some people will have problems with some of the "good" things you do), you're not going to convert people unless you sometimes say, "I'm doing this because I believe [whatever]."
@pickwick (858)
• India
5 Sep 11
I usually stay away from controversial topics but sometimes it happens.They are so rigid about their views that it does not even look like a discussion.People even get angry when we speak about countries too.And its true that the more you argue the more friends you lose.I just decide never ever to respond to their discussion again.

@pickwick (858)
• India
6 Sep 11
Hi Bird.Don't really want to change people.There are bound to be differences of opinion but you don't need to be rude as some of them do turn out that way.I love responding to your discussions because sometimes I really can relate to them.For example this discussion itself.I sort of gave vent to all my feelings here.Thanks for this discussion.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Sep 11
Always feel free to comment on any of my discussions. Come exactly as you are. That is the way I really like it. If things get heated, know that there will always be love in my heart. Interaction with people is a gift. It is an opportunity for everyone to learn. I will never allow drama to prevent learning. THe next time they get angry, move the grain of sand and don't let it bother you. You might never see a change, however if enough people move the grains of sand, we can move a mountain. I have seen the most stubborn person change in this way.

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
6 Sep 11
Hi bird: I think this is actually a very interesting question. Same happends with politics. I think people get angry so easily on these subjects because a person's religio or political positions are usually too personal so for some people is not just all about the ideas but they consider when you are question their beliefs that you are making a personal attack and that's why they get mad. At the same time some people are intolerant and get angry when they notice that a person could strongly believe in something that is completely different respecting their religion and they have their own convictions. For me this is all about respect, if we respect people we can have a debate on ideas. But some persons are not prepared to understand this

@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
9 Sep 11
I think when they refer to god they subconsciously refer to themselves. That explains why they want to rule the world. I say they use god as a puppet and themselves as the ruler which explains why god agrees with everything they believe in.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Sep 11
I think you are right. In a way, everybody wants to rule the world. If you interfere with the way they want things, some can get awful mad. Like you said they feel attacked. Still interaction is important especially for those with a closed mind. I'll just give a dose of love and kindness when I ruffle their feathers. After all, we can't simply ignore the problem even though we know we are going to leave them screaming. OK, starsailover, don't let the drama stop you from moving those grains of sand. THey will see in time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Sep 11
Well, yes. Everything counts. Jennyze, don't get angry. Think up a good way to point them in the right direction. Let them hear what you have to say but without the angry. Logic and reason steers toward thinking instead of feeling. I am actually glad to see your comment. Didn't your country have a major Earthquake??? Hope everything is OK.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Sep 11
OK, Earthquake not so bad then. Great! Yes, I have seen those boasting proud religious people. I really don't get angry or mad. When I meet them, I just starting asking them all those tough questions they can't answer. THat doesn't stop them from getting on TV and asking people for money. Still, people like that usually get caught doing something they shouldn't. Everyone is surprised then.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Sep 11
I like your attitude! I think it's tense times for
christians because their faith is very much ridiculed.. and taught in universities (and some public education) in this way, when man's theory of evolution is nothing more than a faith, also.. (I love to debate that topic because I've studied the science of it, and both it and natural law strongly refutes the theory!) I think, especially in discussion groups, there is a lot of very heated debate which includes much condescension and insulting, so I think people (on all sides) have gotten very defensive.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Sep 11
Seems the drama is where the learning lives. It would be better with a strong dose of love and kindness rather than the hate I have seen so often. Yes, the discussions would still get heated but the respect would still be there. For those who fight, scratch, and claw not to be wrong, it's really not all that bad being wrong. Every wise person has been wrong at one time or other. Being wrong teaches as well.
@Galena (9110)
3 Sep 11
people get angry because they are insecure in their beleifs.
they feel that if someone else can be told "the truth" as they beleive it, and not beleive that it is true, then it challenges their opinion. the very fact that you don't immediately jump to the same conclusion as them introduces the tiny seed of doubt that they might be wrong, after all, it's not so black and white that all people automatically beleive it.
and this anger arises as they can't accept that not everyone will look at the world and feel the same as they do. they are afraid of the possibility they are wrong, so they fight back with anger.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Sep 11
Interesting. Everybody wants to rule the world and we better not contradict their view or Anger. I think people also do not like being wrong. People have been working very hard to memorize those holy books, some since childhood. Maybe it's like when one is the butt of a prank. There is embarrassment then anger. Maybe people are trying to avoid that because they think that is what you are doing to them rather than merely exploring the real truth.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
8 Sep 11
Galena, yes I think the people most prone to getting angry about religion are those who are insecure about their beliefs. Have you noticed that those who are most prone to getting angry are those who's religion was founded by a pedophile and terrorist, who's scriptures read like a collection of drunken rants and promote violence and sexism. These people know their beliefs are rubbish, which is why they get angry, and often violent, when somebody questions them. I think we all know who I'm talking about, I expect to get angry comments from them after this.
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
9 Sep 11
They think that if they are wrong then they would be considered stupid and don't want that. They think you are trying to lure them to the devil. They only go by what feels good as oppose to what is logical.
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
3 Sep 11
There are two things that are bound to get someone upset: religion and politics.
When I see that someone online very vocally doesn't share my views and is seeking to convert everyone else to his/her religious and/or political camp, I try to limit my contact with that person. The same is true offline as well.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Sep 11
Hold it!!Hold it!! Limit your contact???? Your view is probably the one they need to hear. Even if you don't stay long, share your view. One day they might see what they are doing and come to their senses. It might be your view that is the light that shines so they might see.
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
4 Sep 11
I would agree with the insecurity reason, but I also think that for many, their religious beliefs are a major way of defining themselves, and if you criticise their beliefs they take it that you are criticising their very view of themselves.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Sep 11
Yes, I guess some take it personally and react to that rather than thinking things through. Anger is an emotional response. So often thinking isn't involved. Further, should being criticised really be considered an attack??? I know it is sometimes, however it can be a benefit.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
12 Sep 11
I think there are lots of reasons why people get angry, many of them having nothing to do with the person's religion. People get angry if they get hurt (particularly a bump on the head seems to activate some fight reflex), fail at something important, get dumped romantically, or see things happening that they don't agree with. If several "bad" things happen to somebody in a short time they can go off at something relatively trivial. To some extent it's due to the person's health, age and genes.
There are things I believe everybody should be angry about and act against when you can: child abuse; people criticizing Christianity but then showing tolerance and respect for religions that have equally bad or worse problems; failing to see that atheism and agnosticism are religions and letting them have their way while organized religions are discriminated against; environmental problems; injustice (particularly why nerd discrimination isn't considered a problem); poverty; the rich and big business having too much power; general incompetence and corruption of pretty well all politicians; political systems that are suppose to be democratic but don't give any real choice (like the one in the US but the Canadian one is nearly as bad); giving gay rights a higher priority than religious freedom or protecting children; people who do nothing in the face of evil (like all those nations not stopping Iran's nuclear program); hatred of Jews which now days often masquerades and tolerance for Islam and support for the Palestinians; reducing people's freedom to grow their own food and choose what types of crops to grow; teachers who say, "It doesn't matter who started it" because they don't want justice for children who are picked on etc.. There are probably more things that I fail to think of at the moment.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
5 Sep 11
I guess being angry is the normal for human. But being angry on religion purpose is little sad. People are surely more emotional with their religion. Don't know about other countries. But In India we having many religious people and nobody will like to listen a word against their religion. But I guess this angryness should not reached to violence..
About me even I don't used to be angry.. My nature is quite polite. Surely being more angry is not good and can impact bad on health. And instead of solving problem it can arise the another one.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Sep 11
You are right. Getting angry is just the start. It can stem into much worse actions. A world of bad things can happen when people stop thinking. Glad to see you are good natured. You are teaching many around you. Perhaps it's time for you to become friends with a real angry person. Teach them that there is another way.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
Getting mad because your beliefs are challenged isn't quite right, tho getting angry per se doesn't mean bad at all. In fact Christ himself got mad in the temple at those who were using the house of God for trading and gambling. Because these people knew well that doing so was unrighteous. it was their stubbornness that Christ was mad at.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
For me in many reason one is the economic crisis so down and have many credit to pay and no money to save so bad really.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Sep 11
I can see where an economic squeeze and no money for food can get one angry when CEOs are getting bonuses while the government bails them out. I guess religious discussions aren't the only thing that get people angry. All in all, give the world your unconditional love and kindness. It will return.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Sep 11
Yes, they tap dance around the real issues. I guess people have their walls they keep around for what they think they need protection from. Of course, no one really needs protection from little ole me. I'm always out to better everything. I do my best to love everyone Unconditionally. And I guess that means sticking the truth where it doesn't always feel so good to some. If I didn't care, I would do nothing. We all must care.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
3 Sep 11
Pretty much religion shapes our opinions, morals and ethics. if someone contradicts this and states otherwise, then people will become quite defensive. Because religion shapes one's life and it's a very personal thing. You wouldn't like it if someone challenged you in something you've believed ever since birth.
I'm Christian but I don't mind what you say because everyone can share their interpretations. It's the really religious people who are conservative who don't accept other views. There's no point in getting angry, it just makes the situation much worse than it is.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Sep 11
Is it really religion that shapes our opinions, morals, and views??? Shouldn't we be making those choices for ourselves rather than allowing others to do it for us??? After all, God gave each of us the power to choose. Shouldn't we be the one choosing? Further, I think truth should always come before beliefs of any kind. If you meet a person living blindly on beliefs, isn't it an act of love and caring to interact with them? God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. The genius behind this is that it allows us to teach each other. If we sit on our hands refusing to interact because of a little drama or ruffled feathers, are we really doing as God wants? We are to learn, grow, and teach each other. So many people in this world strive to have it made or easy. Is that really what life's all about? We should all share that which is special about each of us. Interact. You are right, getting angry makes things worse. Maybe that's the time to give them a Hug.