Do you have such habit? While sleeping voice like grrrrr grrrrrr grrrrrr

September 3, 2011 5:55am CST
Last night when I was sleeping and besides me my husband was also sleeping in the mid night they start the voice grrrrr grerrrr suddenly breaks my sleep and tell hello dear what is this grrrrrr grrraaa sleep silent then my husband tell me ohhh I not know I was doing such voice grrrrr sorry then we again sleep.. What you think this habit is good or bad because some people are loudly ggreerer and no one can sleep besides them and some people irritated due to this voice. So you fit which category grrrrr voice or sleep silent ahaha...share your views... dear my friends
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20 responses
@ronadelle (1547)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
What you're saying friend is snoring when sleeping. Yes, my husband do snore so loud at night especially when he's very tired. It's normal my friend and I should say it's not a habit because a person does not know that he snores when sleeping unless someone says he does. Honestly, just last week, my husband told me that I'm starting to snore. I was not snoring before but he said lately I am already. And so I was kind of worried why. Maybe because i gained weight. Anyway, if ever it bothers you again (your husband's snoring) try your best to sleep before he does so you'll be dreaming already in a far away island and not hear him snoring. ;) Haha.
• India
3 Sep 11
Sorry friend I not know the English word of this but I think snoring because I heard in every response.. I am laughing if your husband doing such voice then how you can sleep... friend dont follow the husband's habit haha.... You are right friend the person not know about this like eyelids open I start discussion on it 3 days before.. thanks to share your view..
3 people like this
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
Snoring is normal if you are very tired but snoring every night might be a sign of a bad health. If your husband experienced frequent snoring I suggest you should seek a medical advice.
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• India
3 Sep 11
Yes friend sonring every night means like push the person from our room. No my husband not daily snoring thanks to suggest me..
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@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
3 Sep 11
Do you mean snoring dear friend?? If yes then, no i don't snore while sleeping. And I really feel the sound of snoring is too irritating and it gets me annoyed. We had this uncle who would snore in the guest room but I could hear him faintly from my room too. It was seriously annoying haha.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
7 Sep 11
snoring really is irritating to people especially to those who sleep beside the one who snores. and snoring is not to be taken for granted. i mean, if snoring is loud and heavy, this could be a problem with his health.
• India
3 Sep 11
Hahahha... friend I have seen here in every response at least one family member has the same habit thanks to all because I start this discussion and know grrrrr voice called snoring.. because I not know about this...
• South Korea
4 Sep 11
Haha yes I think every one of us has a snoring family member
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
3 Sep 11
Hi Surekha, Snoring may be sign of health issue. I have read about snoring and related issues. I think it is very difficult to sleep if somebody snores in high volume. At the same time the person needs medical attention as she/he may have some health problems. Once we were coming back from our native in train and person who snores so loudly, nobody could sleep in nearby seats. He was so fat and the sound was very scary. My four year old son used to snore loudly when he had problems with breath, now he is alright with that issue. For me, I am not sure dear, I think I have to ask my hubby You can read more about here:
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
7 Sep 11
I know about that long story and happy that your angel is back to normal life now.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
7 Sep 11
you are right sreekala, snoring could be a sign of a health problem and it could possibly be sleep apnea. remember my son who had sleep apnea caused by the large tonsils he had. after the operation, he has normal sleep now, no stop breathing and no snoring.
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• India
3 Sep 11
Ohhh it is called snoring thanks to tell this I dont know the English word so I write funny grrrr grrrr and I was laughing when writing.. yes friend really difficult to sleeping and if anyone other than my husband sleep like this snoring I will give a hand on chick... Lovely experience I am laughing once again haha...,in train then what happen people beat him... or they also start grrrr grrr friend ask your hubby and tell me thanks a lot to share your view....
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• Chennai, India
3 Sep 11 wife and my son say I am snoring. Actually snoring is related with breathing trouble. Though I don't have big issue with breathing, usually I get cold and I'm little allergic to dust. So, that might be the reason. (And they say I stop snoring when my pillow is adjusted. So you can also try this technique.) Snoring doesn't only irritate others, also it irritates the person who snores. But, proper treatment could be the only resort.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
7 Sep 11
one that snores all the time should be given proper medical attention. so it is better suggested that he see a doctor preferably a nose and throat specialist.
• Chennai, India
7 Sep 11
15 years back, I had taken a treatment (naturopathy) and I was feeling quite well for a long time. No allergy, no cold attacks, no runny nose, no hangovers...nothing. Recently, I'm starting to develop the same symptoms. So, I'd go to the same doctor soon.
• India
3 Sep 11
Hmmmm hahahah.... your wife is also such habit then how you sleep to close your ears with cotton ahha.... Yes friend I read here the snoring is arise when breathing trouble thanks a lot I dont know about this. I start this discussion and know about it.. No my husband no snoring daily only yesterday so I was shocked and tell hello dear what is this...
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
3 Sep 11
Hello Surekha, it is right that sound of grrrrrrr disturb sleep of other person. But it is not habit. Indeed it is health problem. It is concern with breathing. I think moreover person have this problem in old age. My self and my wife have this problem. But not to much. Some one do voice of grrrrrrrrrr when they are in sound sleep. In these a bad aid available to stop grrrrrrr. Suggest to your huby to use it. Have a sound sleep.
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• India
3 Sep 11
Hello friend good evening really I am laughing on grrrre word but not know the english word for it.. but after discussion know very well.. thanks to tell me. ohh you have also such problem but then why not do the check up.. Friend my hubby has not habit but I dont know why yesterday they are doing such..
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
3 Sep 11
No I don't do always grrrrrrrrrr. I write some time I do it. When I was doing I know it I stop it. My wife never complaint me about it. It is not habit of your huby. It may be possible when some one in sound sleep. But if some always snaring while sleeping than it is health problem. Persons having too much fats on their body have problem of snaring. Your huby is not a faty man. He is slim one.
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• United States
3 Sep 11
Hello my dear friend! Yes my boyfriend is a big snorer, he does this each and every night. It is very difficult for me to get a good night sleep since I have been with him. He really tries so hard to find something to stop this but sadly nothing has worked. He does buy a lot of things to try and prevent it. He has also had sleep studies by a doctor and still to date he snores loudly. I cannot wear ear plugs because I would be uncomfortable and would not be able to hear the alarm in the mornings. So all I can do is bear with it and when he is really extra tired I hear it louder.
• India
3 Sep 11
Hiim my dear friend good evening and good night both] Ohhh your boy friend also have such habit I read in every discussion in every family at least one member has such habit.. Ohhh means you heard daily his snoring ahha.. so put the cotton in your ears.. but no option friend carry on. No this habit is not prevented..thanks to join my funny discussion because when I start this discussion I write grrrrrr grrrr because not know the English word and I was laughing after writing this discussion.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
Hi! Do you mean grrrr as the sound use to symbolize anger? I haven't encountered a person who grrrrr in their sleep. That is just so weird. Although I have encountered people who clench their teeth while sleeping. It sounds like they are grinding their teeth. Someone told me I do it, too while I sleep. I don't know the explanation for it. It's amusing to know that some people do that. But it doesn't really interest me as to why they do it. I think it's just a habit, I guess.
• India
4 Sep 11
Yes friend anger because voice is danger grrrrrrr grrrrrrr snoring... thanks to share your view...
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
7 Sep 11
they are right, that grrrr grrrr grrrr sound is called snore that created by the vibration of the muscles inside our mouth, our throat. snoring to some is really normal. they say they snore when they were tired during the day. some say because of allergy. some also will say that snoring is present only to grown-ups and adults. but snoring is not that normal to our family, with our little zay. my wife noticed the loud and heavy snoring of our son when he was still 4 months. at that time, we were having fun at him, recording the snores while he sleep. but i learned from friends here on mylot, that it could probably something that we should not taken for granted. and yes, it was, it was sleep apnea. we had been to many doctors. as each month, he was sick. the doctors found out that it was his tonsils that was big. it was not actually an enlargement as i look at it because, the big tonsils were already there when he was still that young. so the doctors gave different medicines, to possibly shrink those tonsils, but no. for almost three years, he was snoring. and when he sleep, we can notice the stopping in his breathing. this stopping of breathing is what they call, apnea. and there goes the problem with snoring, which is or was the problem with my son. tonsillectomy, the surgical operation to remove tonsils, was done to him last december of 2011. after three years of suffering, now my son sleeps well, quiet and without the apnea. of course, not all who snores have apnea. but snoring could mean or could be a serious health problem hidden behind those nasty sounds. though tonsillectomy resolved the sleep condition of my son, it is not the only solution or treatment to sleep apnea. there are different treatments, temporary and permanent, to apnea but only the doctors will tell which is which. The Fight Is Over:
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
Oh snoring you mean. lucky me hubby does not snore. He only snores when he is drunk or too tired. or else i kick him out of the bedroom lol
• India
4 Sep 11
Wow! really you are lucky because here in every response if hubby is not snore then wife is snore and if wife is not then child is snore.. haha.... you really kick him out of the door here in my case will be in reverse ahha..thanks to share your view..
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
4 Sep 11
That my friend is called snoring...if the person sleep on it's back is bound to snore more ask your husband to sleep on his side and see how it goes and if that does not help I would suggest medical advise.
• India
4 Sep 11
Yes friend thanks I heard here thats called snoring I dont know about it. wow! this is depending on side.. No no friend my husband do the first time so tell him thanks because due to their snoring I start this topic and appeared in mylot digest haa...
• India
4 Sep 11
I do not think it is in my habit, My wife complains sometimes but I always deny her because I am sure about not doing so. Now she is trying to record of it and than show it to me as proof. Let's see if she will be successful. Thanks for sharing.
• India
4 Sep 11
I do not thing it is true .. may be sometime. I was sure that it was a joke so all good ... Thanks for sharing.
• India
4 Sep 11
Hahahha... if your wife complaint about it, it means you have such habit accept it otherwise she push you from bedroom hahhaha dont anger I am joking my friend.. thanks for sharing your view..
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@akp100 (13640)
• India
3 Sep 11
Fortunately I am not having snoring habit. But there are few members in my family who having that. In fact their snoring makes too much noise. But then again fortunately my sleeping habit is quite good that I can sleep in any kind of noisy or other situation.
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• India
3 Sep 11
Hmmm tell thank to God you have not such habit haa...ohhh but in your family few members have such dear friend I read here every response in every family at least one member have this habit...
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@ritzz07 (788)
• India
3 Sep 11
HI SUREKHA Finelly i got time to respond my friends discussions since last two weeks i waa very busy in office work as i told you i am working with airline and there was forecast of hurricane,was busy in rebooking and refund.......... I have a habbit of snoreing however some if there is workload or mental stress i do speak in sleep such as i am guiding someone how to speak with passengers and like helping my new colleagues, i dont remmembers this all after waking up but my roomparter he tells me i was speaking like this sometimes i do take my friends names and tell them what to do in some critical conditions if passenger want to speak with superviser........ i know this all sounds funny but this is true........... thank you have a great day!!!!!!
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• India
3 Sep 11
Ohhhh ritzz my friend where are you and how are you? Wow! working with airline then next tour in your airplane...hhaha... you have also habit like my husband but yes he is also snoring when he tired...Ohhh great you guiding someone how to speak I am also a student of you so guide me also.. I was laughing when I start this discussion grrrrrr because not know the english word snoring... thanks to join my funny discussion...grrrr
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@ritzz07 (788)
• India
4 Sep 11
hi surekha i am fine,i do guide to new representatives only in my office to avoid supervisor call.........and that is just how to say no in sofesticated way in other way you can say i do guide them how to use sugar coated words...............and really i felt good by reading your comment on my comment........ thank you have a great day.........
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
4 Sep 11
What a funny discussion grrrrrr grrrrrr that is called snoring wow! I also know this word first so thanks to start this discussion and I think in all responder my family is the first family who not have such habit.. But yes my husband's brother's child do such voice but only in the hmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm grrrrmmm such I am laughing hahah...
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
24 Feb 12
My husband snored worse the older he got. Also as he got older he put on more weight and for various different reasons his health got worse. When he would sleep in bed with me I would have to nudge him and make him roll on his side to sleep so the snoring would stop. If he was on his stomach or back he would snore very loudly. He usually slept on the couch so it didnt bother me anyway as I slept up in my bedroom.
• India
4 Sep 11
No,i dont have such habit and i am happy for that ,many people have this habit and they create such a louder sound while sleeping and irritate other,in some cases it is habitual but sometimes this sound occurs when somebody is tiered and is in deep sleep.
@pahak627 (4947)
• Philippines
3 Sep 11
My husband snores heavily. His snoring is heard at our next door neighbor which is about 5 or 6 meters away. I also snore because I am sometimes awakened when I started to snore. In my country we don't consider it a bad habit because it is natural for people to snore but in the United States it is one of the grounds for divorce. Maybe it's bad for them.
• India
4 Sep 11
Then friend how you sleep with cotton in ears or ... hahhah I am laughing next door bap re.. ohhh you also follow your husband.. you are right this is natural. Ohhh only on this point divorce it is scary.. horrible..
@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
It is really a bad habit. However, we men don't really know if were snoring or not. According to the medical society, snoring indicates problem in the airway and it can maybe lead to other problems in respiration.
• India
3 Sep 11
people who makes this sound in the while sleeping would have breathing problem i really disturbs the people who are nearby..but that can be cured..they give this sound only at their deep sleep so we cannot make them to wake up.. so we have bear that sound and nothing else to do
• India
4 Sep 11
Yes friend i heard this is due to breathing problem.. thanks to share your view..
@dilrajj57 (1757)
• Pakistan
5 Mar 12
oh you husband habitual of that voice like grrrrrrrrrrrr, perhaps then you will awoke all the nigh. dont worry use to sleep in day time. he will work of home in day.