What is God according to you?

September 4, 2011 9:10am CST
People have different perceptions about God. For people in India they see God in everything.They believe in Idol worship. In Islam they pray to the Creator in a formless form. Christians believe and pray to Jesus.Is it necessary to see God in images and idols?Isn't doing good in words and deeds enough to reach God?What is your idea of God?
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15 responses
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
5 Sep 11
Interesting question.. The Bible tells us about the Creator - the one Almighty God and also tells us His name YHWH in Hebrew, Yahveh or Jehovah in English. Everyone else is created by him, including his son Jesus Christ. The Bible does not teach about a cruel god but about a God that loves his children very much. He does not torture anyone and he has promised to restore the earth to a paradise like he meant from the beginning. I learned to know this God many years ago, and he has always proved himself to be reliable and a person who listens to prayer. Sometimes he answers in a few seconds, sometimes after a longer time, but he always knows what time and way is the best. This is what the Bible says: [i]"20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. 21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. 23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles."[/i] Romans 1 (New Living Translation) Why not go to watchtower.org and make a search with "the true god" or something else you want to do research on? Happy studying..
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
6 Sep 11
Human beings have a strong need to worship a god, and that is why they have been searching for one and often made up their own gods. But if there is a true God, then we should expect him to reveal himself so that we chould worship him the way that pleases him. In our time he has sent out people who contact others and tell about him. They can prove who is the true God by showing prophecies that have come from him and have already been fulfilled and still are being fulfilled in front of our eyes. The true God listens to prayer and can send his people to us if we ask him for help to learn the truth. There cannot exist several truths, only one truth. Why not ask him for help to find it??
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
18 Sep 11
Thank you very much for the BR award! I hope my response was helpful! We can see a wonderful reminder of how important it is to pray for wisdom so that we do the right things and keep on praying: [i] 7 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? 10 Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! 11 So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."[/i] Matthew 7 (New Living Translation)
• India
5 Sep 11
Lovely response.Yes we all have our own version of God. In India we worship everything right from Nature to dust in which we try to see God. Islam and Christianity have their own version. Whatever, as you said God is all loving. No God in any scriptures have suggested that we indulge in violence or hatred towards others.Its all wrongly interpreted to suit vested interest
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@libramie (562)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
God for me is a creator of all things. Therefore, He is the owner of our life and breath. That's why we must worship Him but not by images because God prohibits it.We must worship God in spirit and in truth through His name and His will. All people obligate to serve God and Know Him will and keep His commandments according to the bible. God has warning to those who refuse to know and obey Him, as stated in II Thess.1:8-9 that He will inflict vengeance on the day of Christ's second coming.
• India
5 Sep 11
Ys surely He is the Creator. But the more important words are that follow in your third sentence. He must not be restricted to mere images or idols. There is something much more deeper than that.You said it rightly when u say that we must worship Him in spirit and in truth through His name
@libramie (562)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
As it is stated in Acts 17:29 preet that we ought not to think that the God is like gold, silver or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man. Then in John 4:23, we worship God in spirit and in truth through His name in Matthew 6:9-10 as stated.
@Galena (9110)
4 Sep 11
well I beleive in a Goddess and a God. so as a general force, I tend to refer to as Deity, as Goddess and God is a bit of a mouthful. Deity is a force that is present in all things. it drives us to live, and as it is a part of everything, it connects us with all other living things in the universe. as for doing good things? the only reason to do good things is to increase the amount of good in the world. it makes you feel happier and better about yourself. if you just do good in order to reach whatever God you beleive in, rather than simply to do good, then it becomes almost an empty gesture. doing good should be its own reward.
@Galena (9110)
5 Sep 11
I don't beleive in the concept of Sin. there are acts that do harm, which we should try and avoid, from a moral rather than a religious standpoint, and acts that do good. when you do something good, it improves how you feel and makes your life better. the concept of Sin doesn't exist in my religion.
• India
5 Sep 11
My contention that doing good equals to God is being wrongly misunderstood. I only meant that doing good will clear us of all our sins gradually.this will bring us closer to God. We never carry negative thoughts in Temples. churches or mosques. We only think and do good till we are inside .So these places are filled with positive energy always. More positive energy means less negativity which in turn means a clean person
• United States
4 Sep 11
Isn't doing good in words and deeds enough to reach God?What is your idea of God? You ask a really loaded question. It really depends on what your culture and your beliefs are. A Christian follows God through Christ, and the only way to God is through Christ. Good works can't get you to God, though doing good works is part of what we do when we know God on a personal basis in our lives. I see God in everything also.. I see God in the beauty of a morning or evening sky, the plant sitting on my desk, the trees within my field of view.. just everything. I see God in the homeless person asking for something to eat, or the child wrapped in his mother's arms. Everywhere I look I see evidence of God.
• India
5 Sep 11
As ordinary people who dont have the inner sight or intuition or power to understand the complexities of Divinity, i suggest we do only good in our life. Good deeds,good thoughts and good words will,bring us closer to God. Practicing all these will purify our soul and rid us of all sins. God is Man minus Sins
• United States
5 Sep 11
Again, this is purely conjecture on an induvidual's perceptions on how to get close to God. One must believe in God to believe there is a possibility to get close to God. Someone who has no beliefs in a divine entity may also do good and think good thoughts, but if they have no beliefs in Gid then there is no God/god to get closer to. And according to the Chistian belief there is no one good except God. No one can be good without first being connected to God through Christ. This is why your question is loaded and the answers will differ as to their belief system. I believe the only way to be close to God is to be connected to God. Someone else may have a totally different belief.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
5 Sep 11
I am and Indian. I am seeing God in everything. What is happening is good.God lives in our heart. To enhance the power of God we worship and we worship in idols and placing a photo in front of us.We have to do good and truthful always which enhances the power of God who lives in our heart.
• India
5 Sep 11
Without bringing affront to your belief, i have a different version. The more we practice idol worship there is an inherent weakness that we may keep changing the idol depending on our needs,without sticking to one and completely reposing our faith in that One.When we need wealth we bow before Goddess Lakshmi, for education its Saraswathi,to clear obstacles we pay obesience to Lord Ganesha etc etc.This in a way will dilute our trust in God.
• Finland
28 Dec 11
Christianity has done wrong in many ways the history of the Bible and taught things wrong. That is why in part, at the time wanted to Catholic keep the Bible the Latin language that ordinary people do not understand what it teaches. Now, almost every man can read the Bible in their own language. For example, the image of worship is wrong according to the Bible: (Exodus 20:4-7: "3 You must not have Any Other gods against my face. 4 "You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything That is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. 5 You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation, in the case of those who hate me; 6 but exercising loving-kindness toward the thousandth generation in the case of those who love me and keep my commandments." New World Translation) (Exodus 32:4-7: 4 "Then he took [the gold] from their hands, and he formed it with a graving tool and proceeded to make it into a molten statue of a calf. And they began to say: “This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt.” 5 When Aaron got to see this, he went to building an altar before it. Finally Aaron called out and said: “There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow.” 6 So on the next day they were early in rising, and they began offering up burnt offerings and presenting communion sacrifices. After that the people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to have a good time. 7 Jehovah now said to Moses: “Go, descend, because your people whom you led up out of the land of Egypt have acted ruinously." New World Translation) And Jesus is not God. God has a name. It is Jehovah in English. ???? in Hebrew, which is written YHWH: http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Psalms-83-18/ (Psalms 83:18 That [men] may know that thou, whose name alone [is] JEHOVAH, [art] the most high over all the earth. King James Bible)
• Finland
28 Dec 11
Sorry, First Bible quote is Exodus 20:3-6 :-)
@derek_a (10873)
5 Sep 11
To me God is a word for life. It is everywhere, so we don't really have to go in search of it. As a Zen practitioner, I would saying searching for God is a way to ensure that we will never find it, because if we are searching, we believe that God is not everything. Everything exists, that must be without doubt. _Derek
• India
5 Sep 11
Yes a nice way to put it. Its foolish to go in search of HIM. Since he is omnipotent and omnipresent there is hardly a space without Him.Since He is present in all of us,cleansing ourselves of all our sins by doing good deeds and by words will bring us closer to Him
@daliaj (5674)
• India
4 Sep 11
My perceptio about god has been changing every day, every week, and every year. I was born in a traditional Christian family and was brought up by very traiditional parents. I grew up seeing my grand parents going to church everyday. I used to go to church every Saturday and Sunday when I was living with my parents. Now, I'm married and my husband's perception about god has influenced me a little bit. I'm not very religious now. Not very religious doesn't mean I am far away from god. God is the first person I approach whenver I have problems or whenever I am very much stressed out or worried. I still read bible every day and whenever I go out of my house. But, I don't think I pray as much as I used to be. I also wish god would directly involve the lives of people doing bad things to others. I don't understand how god can be very patient seeing the evil in the world.
• India
5 Sep 11
In a way you are closer to God than most others. You have lived in two religions respecting both without any discrimination. Ths very notion of God and divinity is to lead a life of no discrimination and to accept all as equal.By doing so you have accepted God in its broader sense.Its not easy to adapt to the tenets of different religions.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
For me, God is the creator of everything, the almighty one and the father of our savior. For me, Jesus is also God because he is also powerful. My faith with them are extremely strong that's why they existed wherever I am and whenever I am.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
God is the Creator of all. Just by merely looking at nature, it reminds me how wonderful God is. Even my dog is a reminder that God is so good to all of us. I'm a proud Christian and I'm glad that I am.
@kavya06 (372)
• India
7 Sep 11
Yeah.,i storngly belive in god.,i'm sure there is a power which everyone calling as god.,its not only words many people in this world have diffrent experience in god., belivers of exist since historical peroid .,do you ever think why peoples start this type of things., i belive the strength of god is much more than any of other supernatural or natural powers....!
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
4 Sep 11
My God this is what I believe. God helps us in every difficulty, and sometimes just to pray and if a stone falls from our soul. with God we can share everything that we can not tell the others. whenever I have a dilemma or a serious problem I pray to God and he gives me light in the tunnel. nice day!
• India
5 Sep 11
In short God for you is someone in whom you can repose your faith and belief.I wonder whether you need an idol or an image to express your feelings. For me God is all loving who doesnt need any gift or pampering. We do good to others and that God for me
@msrema (36)
4 Sep 11
As a human being whenever you realize that you are so limited and short lived when your science is unable to answer the mystery of universe then it comes about the existence of almighty God. God is the creator of this universe and all of its creatures. Those who are believers it is not even right for them to discuss about God and his power we can just believe that God is almighty.
• India
5 Sep 11
Yes Science has no answers to all the problems we face. Sometimes miracles happen which science cant find an answer. There is some power surely controlling us.But for the uninformed they see it in images and idol. But for someone a step ahead he/she sees God in his actions
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
4 Sep 11
I don't believe in a god, not in the god people are talking about, in who's name they fight wars and scold at other. Thinking their god is the only one. To my opinion such a god can never be a god of love. Which I think god isn't since he was killing too. I also can not believe in this god because it seems to be a he, a man. If he used himself for an example he can't be only a him. Since man and women don't look the same, are the same, think the same. If I would believe in something it would be in a goddess. If it comes to believe I believe more in the old believes (Celts) as in the new believes (catholic, christianity, islam).
• India
5 Sep 11
Yes you have a point. Today the very notion of God is wrongly interpreted. Riots take place to establish supremacy as to which God is more powerful God according to me is doing good in words and deeds.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
4 Sep 11
How can god be good and full of love if he allows those who believe in him to fight and kill eachother? Where are those good deeds? How come nearly nobody is able to accept and love his/her neighbour (everyone)? Already since ages people fight wars in his name, they lie, cheat, rape (incl. the leaders of some churches), take away women their rights (without women there is no life). God seems to be a man. If I would believe in a god it would be a she so a goddess. To some it might be necessary to have an images of their god (I don't think that should be forbidden) but for me there is no need to. I am capble myself to decide what is good and what is wrong. I don't need a god or church to show me the way and tell me with whom I am allowed to talk to or live with.