Ways to bond with family

@whengcat (1457)
September 5, 2011 5:55am CST
Spending time with your family and bond with them comes even in simple ways. It doesn't need to be scheduled or be expensive. A small talk with your kids before or after school, drinking coffee together with your husband, sitting and eating together in the dining table or just simply watching tv and laughing together are just a few of those simple ways of bonding but leaves a big mark on each and every member of the family especially on your kids. As when they grow older, they'll cherish every moment of it and they'll grow into a more loving and caring individual...As they say "plant now and harvest later", start planting love with your family by bonding with them even in just simple ways and surely enough, you'll harvest more love in return
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14 responses
• United States
6 Sep 11
Sometimes my 7 year old and I bake, sift through her room, and others we just go out and enjoy life. In regards to my husband, we'll talk about what we want to do with the house, cook together, and sometimes play a game. We do travel together and talk about what we'd like to do in the future; travel to different locations, try new family things, and sometimes the memories that we have as kids. :-)
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
Nice bonding moments you got there, just reading it made me feel happy too, Keep it up and God bless you and your family
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
Actually, I mostly do them in the most simple ways like hugging and kissing my kids whenever I want to, talking and laughing with them or play with them. I guess in this manner they would feel that they are important and loved and I also believe that big things come from small things. So I think those small gestures will have a big impact on my family
• United States
7 Sep 11
Thanks! I forget--what do you do or hope to do? Could always use some ideas. :-)
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• Philippines
6 Sep 11
True indeed. Simple gestures like that are one of the best ways to bond with our family and loved ones. Me and my hubby can talk anything out of the blue. We can talk, sit and laugh anything that goes. It's okey for us to just stay at the house for the whole weekend as long as we are together. We usually buy DVDs and watched together at home instead of paying much in the movie house. Now that we have a baby who is turning 11 months next week, one of our best moment is playing with our son together. We love to take videos of him then watch together and played it over and over again. sometimes, in the midst of our busy day we get to text each other just a simple hi-hello or i love u, just to enlighten and keep our day going. A text doesn't cost much to keep the bond and communication going. ;-) Keeping the bond to every relationship is very important to make the relationship last and better.
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Thanks for sharing your bonding moments with your family and I really feel that you are very happy, Keep it up my friend
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
Your welcome.. And yes, thanks to God, am very happy. ;-)
• Mexico
7 Sep 11
I have never bonded with my family, we are a very disperse family actually. We have very little confidence on one another, plus we have gone out in vacation only once or twice ever. C'mon, it's not that expensive, I don't understand why my parents (specially my father) never took us out for a weekend, I will never forget that, and hope to never repeat it with my children. It's an important aspects for families to stay together, and I think it was so mean from my father never wanting to spend a bit of money on a holidays.
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
Yes you're right, you are doing the right thing not to repeat it with your own children. Because you know exactly what would your children will feel about you and it's definitely not good right?. Correct this by enjoying life with your kids, savor every moment of it and I'm sure your kids will love you back, more than you love them
@ur4mae (217)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
We are a very close family. We always bond with each other, we always talk and laugh about things. Once a year, we go to the studio and have our family picture taken. We also go out of time, all of us, every summer. We always look forward to it.
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5 Sep 11
we always bond with each other, to close each other: then sharing problem.....
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
That's great, openness is also a key to let your children feel that they are being heard and not neglected. In that way they won't go and try to seek for other people's affection.
• United States
6 Sep 11
The best way to bond with family members is to take an interest in one of their passions. My father loves to drag race. For years he has spent every Saturday at that track. Just recently I began working in the tower running the software for the races. I can't quite explain it, but we bonded :)
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Yeah, it's an effective way of bonding together as one member feels the support of the other, I'm happy for you and your father
@zapzap (1)
• India
6 Sep 11
Very true. I make a point that every day there is one meal together with wife and 2 children. In fact i was more obsessed with work than family. Since 3 years i am doing this and my family feels it great. Separately I find the children always on to something and each time they have some questions for which they expect a response or look into us to care for them often. Overtime i found this a nuisance. However i came over it since the same 3 yrs, taking time and care to repsond, no matter how silly the questions were or how important my other work is
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
You know, that simple gesture will sure make a mark on your children's heart. As they will feel that they are very important and loved. Keep doing that and they will love you more in return, you'll never regret those moments when time comes. You'll simply smile when you try to recall answering even the silliest questions your kids asked you
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
5 Sep 11
There are so many enriching ways for families to bond together. Just spending that quality time together is a positive step in the right direction to keeping those family ties strong. find activities and events to do together can only help you grow as an individual and strengthen your bond as a family.
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Yeah, even a simple kiss, hug, or pat on the back is great. Makes us feel that we are important and loved
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
5 Sep 11
As a housewife it is not problem to me. because i have plenty of time for communication and relationships. But my hubby has problem as he is always out for his work. Nowadays my small son misses his father very much. anyhow my hubby manages to have bonding with the family.
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
That is one of our responsibilities as wives and moms, to fill in the gap so that every member of the family feels that they are loved and neglected. You can tell your son that his father goes to work everyday because he loves you both and he's doing it for you and even if there's only little time for them to be together, make the most of it by just simply enjoying and savoring the moment
• United States
5 Sep 11
Hi whegcat! So true my friend as life is really short and the years go on by so fast that the bonding and quality times make for everlasting memories. Being that I worked a great deal and being a single parent, I did concentrate on a great deal of quality time together with the kids. We had a movie night each week at home with a few snacks which the kids loved and looked forward to. We shared a great many times together that although mine are grown they still recall our wonderful times together.
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Hello my friend First, I want to congratulate you for being such a wonderful mom Your children will surely cherish every moment of it and as they will start their own families, they will pass it on and most of all, the'y won't forget that it all started with you, their loving mom
@xuyxuy (432)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
As a mother, I always make it a point to bond with my kids and my busy hubby. Yeah, I definitely agree that it doesn't need to be scheduled. I always join my kids during breakfast and chat with them and I have fun listening their stories from school that happen a day or two. Yes simple ways of showing care and love to your family will always be cherish as time goes by.
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
...And they will pass it on to everyone around them and eventually to their future families because they will grow into a loving and caring individuals
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
5 Sep 11
Yes frined spending time with our family is necessary I have seen most of the divorce cases in between husband and wife due to this reason. Husband has not time for wife and they spend most of time out of house etc.. Child goes in wrong way if parents not care of them.. daughter will run away because she feel my parents are not loved me so if someone is loved me then I should go with him etc.. we bonding with our family members and it is necessary part of life..
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
This is very true my friend, if a member of a family feels that he/she is being neglected, they develop a low self esteem and feels worthless so they tend to seek for other people's affection. So yes indeed, bonding time is really important
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
6 Sep 11
Yes,no matter how busy we are,we should find some time to get together with our family,even a small talk would enhance our relationships. I love this kind of family union when i have holidays,i would definitely stay with them.
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Moments like that are worth the cherish, no one will take it away from you
• India
5 Sep 11
I stay in a joint family so family bonding plays an important role in my life. Comming to the point. I know a simple & effective way to bond with the family. Watch a cimady movie together atleast once a week on Sundays. Belive me it is the best time to bond with each other b'coz, if you laugh together than it creats a better understanding in each other. I have learned this through my own experiance. I can try it. [em]laugh[em]
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
This is great too as they say "laughter is the best medicine". Just seeing your family filled with laughter and enjoying the moment is a great feeling and definitely priceless.
• India
5 Sep 11
The best way to spend quality time with your family is to have dinner together and play some games
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Yeah, this great! every member of the family will surely enjoy moments like this