Does everything happen for a reason???

September 5, 2011 7:19am CST
My girlfriend brokeup with me two weeks ago, just b'coz some other guy asked her out & proposed her, he's a very rich guy. It was a shock to me, she talked about him once,I did not take that seriousaly, I was always a open minded person nowit has changed my life. I never doubt her,we always shaired our secrets with each other.3 weeks ago she went for his b'day party & he proposed her, & she said "yes" .She never talked to me after that. I SMS'ed & call her but she never replied. Finally yesterday I met her, she told me that everything happened for a reason, I call this cheating I can't belive this if it is so than why have we ever met? Is it true???
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17 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
5 Sep 11
It's a philosophical argument! What was the reason she left you? She preferred this other guy over you. Is that a good reason? It was for her. People are people! What can you do? Just forget her. Look at the positive side of things. She was not loyal to you. She just followed her own desires. In the end you are better off without her. Now, cry a bit and move on. And who knows? You may find someone better than her. I feel your pain and I hope the best for you!
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
6 Sep 11
Yeah! I agree with you! Very blunt and heart breaking but it's the truth. If it was genuine love, the woman wouldn't have left for some rich guy who had the cash. Some women are quite vain and selfish. But move on, there's always ups and downs in love. =)
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Sep 11
I personally want to be loved for what I am and not what I have. I want someone who is in love with me and not things. I want to be loved through thick and thin. If I can't have that than I would rather be happy alone.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Sep 11
Thank you Norton100 for the BR award!
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
5 Sep 11
I call it cheating too. I don't know if she really met him as you were together long or they did get to know eachother mucht better. Might be his proposal came very spontaneous and so did her answer. Perhaps she did think over how her life would be with a rich guy or perhaps she did find out you are not the one for her? This can happen since people can change. But I also do think it's not very adult like not to talk this over with you. Leave you behind without giving you answers to the questions and doubts you have. It's a bit cheap to say everything does happen for a reason and with that it's all explained. But if everything happens for a reason (which I don't believe) then the only reason I can think out is that you know now what she prefers more and that she probably would have left you anyway. Which could have hurt you even more.
• India
6 Sep 11
Wakeupkitty, Why don't you just wake up??? I can't think of anything I could not ask anyone for advice that's why I thought to discussing it on mylot. B'coz of it I can atleact understand what to do & also no one knows me personally, so I feel comfertable to discuss it. Through the response I got I now know what should do & also move on. & I also know that you will only understand my problem shen someone cheats you or use you so WAKE UP KITTY!!! MYLOT rocks... :):):):)
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
7 Sep 11
Hi, Norton100 As I could be your grandma, I think it´s ok to give you some thoughts.. I guess your ex girlfriend is young too. At that age everyone has not yet learned the real values in life. Sometimes it depends on what you have been taught by your parents. I was taught some good values by my parents, as they were not materialistic. So I have looked for a good personality - not what the person owns. So when you try to find the love of your life, look for someone who is rather a giver than a taker. Do not hurry and start dating too quickly, just check and see how this girl behaves against her parents, friends and others. It can take time and patience to follow a person on distance for a long time, but it is worth it. I have found that the advice I am getting on the site is very practical and valuable. I went to the English site (there are lots of languages to choose from) and made a search with the word "dating" and found over 20 interestin articles about how to do it in a wise way. Wish you a happy life..
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Yes i believe that it has a purpose in with reasons, i think her reason why is because she looks for her better financial security. Sorry to said this but as you said after she meet him at that party there was a sudden changes. So that is really one big factor for you to see the truth about what had happen to her and with her own reason.. Anyway dont be sad about that at least you know her at early stage of your relationship. Or maybe that is only for friendship between them.You just try to ask her frankly so you will know the exact details. Try to be calm.
6 Sep 11
Her leaving you for a richer guy shows you that she really never loved you.And her leaving you now maybe the best thing that will happen to you because maybe you would have been more heart broken if she left you later when you guys had already been more attached.She may have left you because there is something better coming your way,maybe not now but very soon.
• India
6 Sep 11
Everething happens for a reason. She left you it means she was never in a serious relation with you. And it also good for you that come to know her truth at time may be your relation reached to marrige and after that she cheat you then how you feel. Then you would must feel worst than now. And accept this thing that she was not right one for you. Your right one is still waiting for you so forget it and go ahead
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
6 Sep 11
yes or else nothing would happen.
@kaylachan (75994)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Sep 11
Sometimes I like to think so. The results may not be to our liking, but they do. You may not realize it now, but this break up might be a good thing. Sure it hurts, but when you look back on it, do you really want a girl who is so shallow that she'll dump you if something she consider's to be better comes along? Who knows, this guy may be a total jurk, he may hurt her... we don't know that. But, she's very insecure and shallow. Because life has no guarantees. At this point, you should respect her decision. Be civil to her. Heck, be her friend if you want, but don't worry so much about what she did. That's just wrong, and I wouldn't take it. Had I found out, I'd be the one ending the relationship. So, just take some time and try and get over her. Go for someone who will treat you better.
@knicnax (2232)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
I believe that everything happens for a reason. There's always one, even if it's not clear to us now, it will be in the future or it was clear in the past and we just forgot about it. When you say "proposed" did you mean a marriage proposal or just a bf-gf proposal? Anyway, when your x said that everything happened for a reason, did you ask her what the reasons were?
• United States
5 Sep 11
Hi Norton, I think everything does happen for a reason, but we might not always know what that reason was or is. Why did your girlfriend cheat on you? Who knows, but she has taught you a valuable lesson. We learn from the mistakes we make in life, or the mistakes of others that affects us. She might not marry this dude, she may break up with him one day and then come crawling back to you. I would learn my lesson and never trust her or anyone like her. You learn the different types of people in life, and once you have met someone like her, you will recognize it if you ever meet another one like her. My advice is to hold on to your heart and guard it. If a girl is talking about another guy to you, chances are she is interested in him.. or she has a reason for telling you. Every girl should know that it is poor taste to talk about another guy to her boyfriend.. just like it would be poor taste to talk about another girl to one's girlfriend. From there, I think the writing is on the wall and it is up to us to see it.
@voracious (624)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
Everything happened for a reason. For example vehicular accident, it happens if the driver is drunk, ran out of brake fluid. Well about your case I can call it cheating because she went to another man for the sake of money but don't be sad because now you know her true attitude that she was a gold digger, well sorry for the term but I speak frankly. I suggest that don't too much sad and prove to her that she made a big mistake in her life so she will realize soon that you are much worthy than that rich boy ^^
@kry893 (222)
• Canada
5 Sep 11
Things can happen for a reason, sure, sometimes that happens. But was that all that she told you ? Well, if she didn't elaborate on what the main reason was, then it's certain that she was in for the rich guy's money. That's not a very loyal person anyways and you're just better off without her. The sooner you know now, the better. Besides, one day, she'll realize that money isn't everything and it certainly won't buy her any love or happiness.
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
You are better off without her and one day you will be glad that the relationship you had never continued. There is someone better for you out there and I guess she probably thought that she would be better off with the guy although I seriously doubt that. What if someone richer proposes to her? All these questions come into ones head and I believe that you guys should have just been friends. I could be wrong...
@jeztrose (1405)
• Philippines
6 Sep 11
yes! .. i guess..evrything happens for a reason... maybe the reason would be..that she is not meant for you.. there would be someone out there who is worth your love than she just move on..time will come..and you'll finally find the reason for you..
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
5 Sep 11
everything happens for a reason and definitely it would keep us to continue on growing as an individual in trying to rationalize on things that transpired or else would end up as a nut case. be thankful as clearly she is not the typical partner one would aspire for. it's best to move on and get over with it, sooner or later you would realize the reasons as to why this happened in you life. the pain would make or break you, but for whatever is worth, only time will tell.
• United States
5 Sep 11
Hi Norton100, It is true that everything happens for a reason,,,and what happened to you very well could be for the better. Unfortunately, I don't neccessarily know your whole situation so I can't give you much advice. I do believe that it is NOT true and not fair the way the girl treated you. Just forget her and continue living your life. Be happy this happened now instead of further on in your relationship. Best of luck on this tricky situation.
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
5 Sep 11
I think everything happens for a reason and in this case it seems to me that she was with you just for convenience.But then it is better a broken relationship than a broken marriage so she has saved you the trouble of having to deal with worse problems if you would have ended up together.