Do you still read?

@ksherrie (891)
September 8, 2011 3:40am CST
What I mean was, amidst all those busy schedule, do you still read? I used to read it whenever I can, but now, i hardly have to time... I don't know why, i just can't find time. And suggestions? How do you juggle time to read?
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27 responses
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
me if i have time then ill read. i have stock of books at home for reading. And every morning i read yahoo news to update what is happening around.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
8 Sep 11
hi igatiful_badass, thank you for your response. every morning? wow. Is it a fixed routine for you to read in the morning? not newspapers?
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
16 Sep 11
YEs, i'm still reading, newspapers.. haha. I'm not a fond reader especially when it comes to books and magazines. Rather should i say, as long as they are printed words, it tends to put me off.. haha. But when it comes to newspaper, i do have the patience to read it all, taking 1-2 hours to finish them slowly.. lol =D Weird isnt it? As for your time for reading, u can do it while u'r on your way to work, or home, if u'r not driving. Or even read during in between breaks
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
Hey kun, yup you have a rather weird reading habit. Newspapers are printed too... And you can take 1-2 hours to read it? Why not books? very strange indeed... I did try reading on my way to work or home as I don't drive.. but once i start, I can't make myself stop. I will be too engrossed or addicted to the book that I won't feel like stopping. I can even read while walking once I get myself started. I have a "addiction" reading habit. I just have to finish that book unless of course that book is really really boring one. But if it is boring, i won't even started reading it.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
11 Oct 11
LOL.. I never notice the thickness... The light wood, paper smell from new books is something i missed. You can't get that same smell from else where. Good for you. I hate to be an addict. But problem is I miss that addiction.. I guess I'm weirder..
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
27 Sep 11
Because books are thick.. lol =D Just looking at the thickness tend to put me off.. lol HOwever i love the smell of books, especially new books and their pages That's what i hate abt reading too. Once started, i must finish. SO in order not to be an addict, i stopped reading.. haha
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• Malaysia
8 Sep 11
It is very difficult to read when you have a busy schedule. I have a passion for reading and I really do wish sometimes that I could spend more time reading. Everyday, just set yourself 1 or 2 hours, or 30 minutes if you're really busy, to just sit down and have some "ME" time. Just sit and read or just spend the time relaxing and clearing your head. It helps you de-stress after a really hectic day.
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• Malaysia
9 Sep 11
Yup. It would. It'll be even better if you could completely clear your mind of all thoughts just for a while. It'll be so refreshing. Unfortunately it takes a long time to be able to train yourself to do that. Especially with so many distractions these days.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
By completely clearing my mind off all thoughts is a very challenging task indeed!
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
9 Sep 11
Hey a_year_older, thank you for your response! I totally agree! some "ME" time will sure helps in the de-stressing after a busy day!
@kkanaka (886)
• Singapore
12 Sep 11
I still read even amidst busy schedule. I will read while eating, or while watching TV, where there is a break I will read. At home I am always with a book while I am on the sofa. I feel very bored if I am not with a book.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
Hi kkanaka, thank you for your response! Power! You can read while eating?! I can't... I will be rather careless and dirty my book... To me, reading during a commercial break is not advisable for me... I will tend to mix up the plots and story and the characters from the TV with the books... I have to really bow to you! I guess you even reads in the toilet?
@kkanaka (886)
• Singapore
30 Sep 11
[I guess you even reads in the toilet? ] No I dont do that, infact I hate those who do it
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Oct 11
Why hate them? Maybe it's the only time they have?
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
9 Sep 11
I have the same problem. There was a time that I can't last a day without reading at least a chapter. I was so addicted that it was already interfering with my daily tasks, so I had to minimize reading. If I have a book, I postpone reading it until I'm not that busy, and then the habit of not reading just went on and on that I can go for months without reading. Then I would suddenly sorely miss it, so I'll start reading again, and then I'll get addicted to it again and my productivity goes down again so I have to stop at finishing just 1-2 books. It's a vicious cycle!
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
9 Sep 11
Hi knicnax, thank you for your response! I guess i'm in the same exact vicious cycle as you do! Oh man.. we need a solution, right?
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@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
yeah! We so need to get out of this cycle. Maybe should quit our jobs? hahaha. just kidding!
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Oct 11
I'm like that, too. I found my favorite author had written a new book and I ordered it at the library. When it came in, I dropped everything I could and read until the book was finished. For two weeks I was reading a book every one or two days and was doing almost no computer work. I can read nonfiction a chapter at a time, but a good novel, especially if it's a mystery or thriller, I simply have to read to the end as quickly as possible.
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• United States
9 Sep 11
Hi! I hear you as it is not easy to find time for reading. I have two little ones so my time is often spoken for. Depending on your schedule, try taking a few quiet minutes for yourself. Do you go to the library often? Talk with your family about it so they understand that this is important for you. Make sure that everyone is taken care of, set a time limit that is feasible, so you can escape whether it be to a library or a quiet corner of the house. Hope this'll help!
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
I am sure just like you, i have even more less time to read when I have kids... I guess talking to my husband about spending time to read is like teaching guys how to sew... They never seems to understand... I guess i need another method...
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
26 Sep 11
Cricket127 one thing a person with kids can do is make surethe kids no matter what age they are see you reading. You could try reading to them then asking questions on the book after so many pages or chapters. Make a trip to the library fun include kids let them pick out books they will like and you get something for yourself.I have an 11 year old daughter that loves to read now thanks to me reading so much around her and with her. Us moms need to make time for ourselves and get a good book and read no excuses about it make husband watch the kids for an hour or so maybe once a week or so and just take some time.
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• United States
26 Sep 11
Hi! Yes I have found myself doing that or if I am going past the library and have a few minutes, I ask her what she is interested in. If I can't find anything in particular, I ask what animals she is interested in or if there is something else I can be on the lookout for. She usually agrees. :-) Can you suggest a few books? She does like Magic School Bus. :-) Thanks!
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Hi ksherrie, Love your profile pic! To answer your question, yes I still read. I am an avid reader. I always have been. Its an escape for me from the chores of life. One that I enjoy greatly. However, I am very picky when it comes to my selections. It has to grab me right away. If it drags to much in the first chapter, I lose interest. To find time to read, I just have my book out where it is handy and I read whenever I have time.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
Hi ladygator, thanks you for your response and compliment. haha! Wow, I'm jealous. I can't just stop what I am doing to read.. Neither can I stop what I was reading to do work again. It has to be one or the other. So I haven't has the the chance to start reading again. So what type of books do you usually read?
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
9 Oct 11
I constantly read. Sure I am busy with work and running a home and things, but I still make sure I have time to read. I read on my lunch break. I get an hour for lunch so I eat and then read for the rest of the hour. I also take time to read in the evenings before bed, whether I am in bed reading or in the bathtub. Reading is so relaxing for me. it's a part of who I am.
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
11 Oct 11
Hi Jezebella, Thank you for your response! It is really good for you that you have such determination! My determination are often thwarted by my tiredness after a day at work in front of a computer. I guess pro-longed usuage of computers do lead myself feeling very tired, especially my eyes. So that decreased my chances of even reading a book whenever I do have the time.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
11 Sep 11
Admittedly, I haven't found time to read anymore. I used to be an avid reader. But that was when I was young, and had a collection of pocketbooks. But growing up, and having some responsibilities, I haven't really found time anymore. Of course having the internet doesn't help either.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
Hey bounce! What about your mobile phone? I do try to read on an eBook sometimes.. but it's just never the same as reading a hardcopy... And yup, time is never enough....
@oldchem1 (8132)
8 Sep 11
I love to read, especially in the summer months when I can sit out in the sun in the garden or around the pool while my grandchildren play. I often read 1 or even 2 books a day!
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
8 Sep 11
hi oldchem1, thank you for your response. Your response makes me miss reading. Haha! How I wish i can just ignore all my work and chores, grab a book and sink into those story plots.....
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
I totally agree!
@oldchem1 (8132)
9 Sep 11
There is nothing better than getting lost in the pages of a book and being transported off to some far flung and exotic place!!
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@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
9 Sep 11
I read all the time I love to read. As for finding time to read I say you make time do all your most important things that you must do everyday and then sit down and read even if it is only for an hour or so a day. I read when I take a bath it helps me relax.
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@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
26 Sep 11
Thanks I tend to be a pretty discipline person at times. Yeah working can make you very tired you need your rest once you get home. Reading is one of my favorite things besides computer time and spending time with my family.
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@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 11
When I were in the busy life as a consulting Engineer, I were reading all of the while because this was my job. I needed to read a lot of new products' catalogs, operation manuals, reports and so on. Until now, I am still having the habit to read newspaper, e-books , magazine and so on even though I am so busy. Normally, I shall use my spare time wisely for my reading. This is the most valuable reading period for me.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
Hi aeiou, thank you for your response! You have a job that requires you to read! While I don't, at least I don't count reading tutorials and user manuals as reading. I guess my spare time is used to rest and spend time with my family and husband.
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
Everybody is busy and have been given the same 24 hours a day to live. It is all about time management. I do have times when I can't read something due to busy schedules, but almost always I try to find some time for reading. I usually do reading during after work at home. Weekends are the best bet to do some reading. Or maybe set a time when you think you are free and give that time you want for reading and stick with it.
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@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
11 Sep 11
I read a lot, but only medicine books! I don't have time to read others type of books and when I do, I feel bad, because I think that I should be studying and not wasting my time reading something that it's not about what I do. I do have a book next to my bed, so, when I'm not able to sleep, I start to read the book.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
Hi Moneywinner, thank you for your response! Medicine books?! Why? Are you very interested in being a doctor? So by reading a book, it will make you sleep easily? That is opposite of me, I will be quite awake by reading, because most of the type of books i read, is of a mystery or exciting story plot... I can read all through the night and regret missing sleep when it's in the morning.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
9 Sep 11
I also have a busy schedule, but I MUST make time to read, as I think it is very important and helpful! One obtains a different perspective on things and it also widens our horizons!
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
9 Sep 11
Hi sylvia13, thank you for your response! I guess you are right. Reading does broaden one's mind on things and perspective. But that is also dependent on the type of books read! I admire your MUST-read attitude! I wish i have even 50% of it.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
I really would like to read some books , but i just don't have the time and stamina to do so anymore. With my full time job, by the time i go home i have to do some exercise while i watch TV or sometimes is just too tired already that i would just sit and watch TV to relax. After washing the dishes, we are already sleepy while i watch TV again. But then , before i go to sleep, i read a verse or two from the bible. At least , that makes me read. I realized that TV nowadays are also very informative, so that's why it takes my time more than reading.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
8 Sep 11
Hi simplyd, thank you for your response again! Haha... I have the same problem too! But i don't even have time to watch the drama on tv when i was at home, all those chores, washing clothes, the floor, cupboards... My working hours are not that fixed either! urgent requests for changes to website would take away time from knocking off work on the dot. I guess pro-long exposure to laptop makes me tired most of the time.
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@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
9 Sep 11
One of the unwritten goals that we set my early (willy-nilly, because it is tradition-) was read. And not only "read more" as I said in a previous post but I even set some sort of program. I mean that every proposed salary this year to buy me a book (even so) that prove it to the next salary. Not that I would not take home books I've read ... but even so I make sure that I buy and read what I want to read fixed. We started with Digital Fortress, which together, Angels and Demons, he escaped. Okay, now do not understand that I would have some hundreds of books on intellectual asset, but on how good I thought Digital Fortress, Dan Brown, really do not know how I missed it until now. So, as a first recommendation for those who have had the opportunity until now, Digital Fortress - Dan Brown. I did not have to leave the book in hand until I finished. Keeps you engaged, has a simple action, dynamic and easy to understand. I rediscovered a very interesting kind of Dan Brown, though fabuleaza brings enough reasons to believe that even for a second that might be true what he says. See "DaVinci's Code" which brings some incredible arguments in favor of the theory that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene ... and DaVinci in his paintings, such details would be hidden. What after all is hard to believe ... simply because DaVinci lived to 1500 years after Jesus. From this I conclude that it was difficult to reach such a secret (or as you call Da Vinci, Michelangelo, or Maldini from AC Milan ) ... almost as hard as we are us in 2011 ... And yet , how to write,put you a little on thoughts... Next book - Angels & Demons ... that all I am in that department ... To "read" well!
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
26 Sep 11
I like "Da Vinci" and "Angels and Demons"! But i stopped reading due to busy schedule... I used to have a plan with my girlfriend. We each buy a new book to read each month, and exchange it the next month... so that we have abundance of books to read as well as to keep our reading habit intact... Sadly, the plan never came to light....... haha
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@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
I think that reading is a good habit and I love it since I was a kid. I still read on my free time and before I sleep at night, I read a few pages on the book I am currently reading. I think that reading is a good habit I want to pass on to my future children.
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
8 Sep 11
hi pbbbsra, thank you for your response! I think your way of reading is a healthy habit. Mine is horrible.. Haha... I hope when i have kids, they can have a good reading habit too.
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@airamtheb (370)
9 Sep 11
I do read from time to time but not the way I used to read books on novels when I was in high school and college. My full time work eat up a lot of my time, even bringing some work at home. What I read now are only stories and other informations I got from newspapers and readers' digest. But it doesn't made me stop to buy books, usually those self-help and other self-inspirational books. I have a collection of them.Unfortunately, some friends who borrowed books from me have never thought of returning back those wonderful books.
@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
9 Sep 11
Hi airamtheb, thank you for your response! You read the readers' digest, me too! But due to busy schedule, I have almost stop reading them. It's a pity as I am still subscribed to the digest... Oh... I understand those feelings when you have a favourite book that is still in your friend's hands. Worse still is when they say they couldn't find it, or they haven't started on it.
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@emjay86 (640)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
Yes I do still read. It takes me to places where I haven't been yet. It is one way of relaxation for my body and an exercise for my brain. It is a good thing the neurons gets heat up once in a while :)
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@ksherrie (891)
• Singapore
9 Sep 11
hey emjay86, thank you for your response! Yup, I used to imagine and try to visualise those places described in books. That is one of the factors that keep me reading non-stop once i start reading! Not really a relaxation in my case! =P
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