How would you explain the difference between being wise and being smart?
@bagarad (14283)
Paso Robles, California
18 responses
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
8 Sep 11
I have met people and this is certainly not to be insulting or nasty that are very smart due to being educated. Now educated is a wonderful thing but then so is experience. I am thinking now about some old farmers I have met that do not have formal education but because of their choice to follow that career path they can be very wise if you get a chance to talk to them. They know life and they understand the land. Some educated people however though I do appreciate their knowledge and expertise sometimes lack common sense or just can not see the big picture.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
So you would believe the difference is that a wise man is able to learn from his experience?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Sep 11
I can, Me! I know a lot of facts about history and algebra but I am no wise. Wisdom comes from experience and smarts from a book. One can be wise and Illiterate but you can't be smart without instruction of some sort. I am not as wise as I am smart but in time... if I get the time, I will become wise.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
I would differ with you. You can be both smart and ignorant if you do not have an education. You can be smart and educated and still not be wise.

@BarBaraPrz (49053)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
8 Sep 11
A smart person knows how to replace a light fixture. A wise one will make sure the power is turned off first.
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@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
8 Sep 11
So that is what went wrong? I knew something caused my life to go astray but just did not know why until now when your post made me remember the event. - joking. Sorry but could just not resist commenting on this illustration, need to remember this one - for next time. :-)
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
8 Sep 11
I believe people could be very smart and stupid at the same time. Being wise comes with age. The longer we live the wiser we become. I do not think intelligence has anything to do with being wise. Now, when I said you could be smart and stupid at the same time, I mean a person that is super intelligent has very little or no common sense. And without common sense, you are not very life smart.

@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
9 Sep 11
I know a few older people that are very set in their ways and those people are my parents. Although my father is the wise one. He has lots of life experience, but now he is getting to the stage of being sort of annoying. I think all that comes with age. I also believe that the older we get, and I mean like in our 80's, the child begins to come out of us all over again. Thats where I find that crankiness comes from.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
I know some very old people who still have no common sense and did not get wise by getting older. Some just got more set in their foolish ways.

@merenwen315 (123)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
Hello. Being smart entails that a person is knowledgeable about something. He uses his knowledge very well to the things he s doing. Being wise does not need to be very knowledgeable. A wise person understands the things around him and all the more he'll appreciate the knowledge he has for his continuous learning.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
You have made an important point that the wise person knows how to apply the knowlege he has.
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
8 Sep 11
In my view wise man must think.When one thinks he cannot be always smart.Smart man is more mechanical and less thinking.Hitler was smart but we cannot say he was wise.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
I'm not sure I know what you mean by mechanical. It seems to be that Hitler was smart, but lacked a proper moral context.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
8 Sep 11
To me, wisdom is how you use the "smarts" you have. Smarts can be learned. Wisdom is innate, but grows with practice.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
I'm not sure wisdom is innate. I agree that it can be increased as one matures and makes more connections. I would say intelligence is innate and also can be increased as one uses it.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Sep 11
I would think someone who is smart or not wise to be someone who has a high iq and yet got herself taken in by a boyfriend. For instance, someone who lent her boyfriend who was an obvious con artist, money, and expect him to pay her back just because they were so much in love. I see so much of that on Judge Judy and she ask them with all their intelligence, and that they had gone to University etc, how could they be taken. The trouble is for many of these girls it is not the first time.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Sep 11
You can also say stupid. These girls are supposed to be intelligent and it i s not as if they cannot find anyone else to love them. If they were poorly educated and were sort of the kind who sleep around, then I could understand.

@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Sep 11
I have a daughter that is very smart....high grades in college even...deans list but not very wise. Or maybe you would call it lacking common sense....and I think common sense makes us many ways! Wise is also the ability to cipher things out....and to be able to help others with good advice.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
9 Sep 11
I have a friend with a daughter like that. She is very good at anything academic and can also apply that knowledge to her profession. But she lacks common sense in how to actually live her life.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
8 Sep 11
To me the difference is, being smart is learned, being wise is a gift.
For example, one won't know how to factor squares in math unless they are taught, and learn. But common sense, a gift is wisdom, knowing how to make decisions is G♥d's gift to those who ask.
Also, I know that one doesn't have to be old to have wisdom, I have known young people who are wiser than many older people I know.
All in all, I rather have wisdom than to be smart...

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
8 Sep 11
Yeah, that is true, because my boys have this gift in math where as I struggle to learn it. Maybe intelligence is more head knowledge and wisdom more heart knowledge???
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
Actually, wouldn't both be gifts? Not everyone is born with the I.Q. to learn complicated math. Some are not able to learn to read -- even with the very best teachers for those with learning disabilites. We are born with a certain capacity to be able to learn and God does not give everyone the ability to be an Einstein or a Mozart. (Mozart was extremely smart in the realm of music, but in his personal life he was far from wise.) So intelligence is a gift, too.
You are, though, adding a new element to the conversation here. Wisdom comes from God.
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@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
Hi bagarad! I think being smart is more on the intelligence while being wise is more on wisdom. A person who has high intelligence quotient is smart. But a person who knows how to distinguish what is right and wrong is wise. A person graduated with high grades can be a smart person but if boasts too much of all of his achievements, he is not wise at all.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
10 Sep 11
There is definitely a moral component in wisdom, whereas one can be immorally smart and be a master criminal.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
10 Sep 11
I think that a smart person who is not wise can be defined as a person due to the oh so smartness they have are not willing to take risks.
I also believe that for instance the person can be so college graduated, sort of sheltered from the world and rather spend loads of money for the best and not necessarily see that spending less may be wiser.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
10 Sep 11
It's true that many with a lot of formal education have not learned much about how the world works and can easily be taken in by scams and have not a clue as to being wise about choosing friends and a partner.
@voracious (624)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
The difference between of them is being smart knows many things but being wise knows how to make a good judgement like in the case of Solomon in which 2 ladies are claimed to be the mother of an infant but solomon got pissed off and decided to cut the infant to half so that both of them will take the infant, but surprisingly one of the 2 ladies rushed towards the infant to stop Solomon to cut the infant afterwards he revoked his action of cutting the infant so it's a good decision of the wise person.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
10 Sep 11
Since both women claimed to be the mother, Solomon's proposal to cut thi infant in half was no anger, but wisdom. He knew the true mother would want to protect the child, even if it meant giving up her child to the other woman. So Solomon gave the child to the woman who wanted to save it.
@webcodez (172)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 11
The difference between smart and wise as it is for me is that smart can be seen as something that's determined by genes ( you are smart since you're born, or you're not ). However being wise on the contrary can be achieved. People get wiser by everything they experience in life and learn from. That is what makes the difference between smart and wise (from my point of view).
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
So, are you saying your I.Q. is what you are born with and what makes you smart, whereas wisdom is what you do with the things you learn both in school and in life?
@webcodez (172)
• Netherlands
8 Sep 11
Want to add to this: you can actually become smarter by learning stuff on school and such, but it does not make you wiser. Being wise means having experienced a lot in life and learnt from that, having made mistakes that you learnt from, knowing what is acceptable or 'wise'to do in life and what is not. Being smart is more about things you learnt as in facts, knowledge from school/college/etc..
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
8 Sep 11
I have a nephew and can fix any thing from a car to a computer.
I cal that smart. But when it comes to my niece and does not
show it. She has left for another man over 3 times and he still
takes her back, she also has 2 kids by other after they were
married. I do not call that smart.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
It does sound as though your niece is not wise in her relationships with men.
@mac_fish (723)
• China
8 Sep 11
It's hard for me to list any example here,cause I haven't found anyone is wise surroud me.
In my opinion,smart means she/he is clever,involved with IQ,sometimes it's just born,sometimes we could get smart by getting education....
And wise is much more advanced,it comes from IQ and EQ,people who I think wise don't have to be high educated,but should have mature and special enterpretation of life,and could handle with everything well,they seldom get angry,sorrowful....always keep peace,and they are proved to be correct at last.
So,that's what a wise person should express.
@mac_fish (723)
• China
8 Sep 11
It's hard for me to list any example here,cause I haven't found anyone is wise surroud me.
In my opinion,smart means she/he is clever,involved with IQ,sometimes it's just born,sometimes we could get smart by getting education....
And wise is much more advanced,it comes from IQ and EQ,people who I think wise don't have to be high educated,but should have mature and special enterpretation of life,and could handle with everything well,they seldom get angry,sorrowful....always keep peace,and they are proved to be correct at last.
So,that's what a wise person should express.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
So the wise person is one who instictively knows how best to apply the knowedge he learns in all areas of life?
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Sep 11
In a sense, I think that you would be correct. This is very possible that a person would be the smartest person in the world but not be wise. I think that there are a many educated people who in the matters of books and strict data, could make your head spin. In other matters however, they are as blissfully naive as the next person. In fact they might be more blissfully naive.
I had a teacher in school who knew his subject matter but seemed to be a bit scatter brained otherwise shall we said. He could recite everything with absolute clarity but with other matters, he would get hung up like you would not believe. He was smart, but rather not wise. I think that you'd find many people who are like that these days.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
8 Sep 11
It seems that you are saying a smart person knows only that which he is taught, while a wise person can see relationships he is not taught.