Do You Want Gods To Exist?
By bestboy19
@bestboy19 (5478)
United States
8 responses
@maidangela7349 (1191)
10 Sep 11
I don't care one way or the other. I am sure that if there was any being or power that you could call a god he,she or it would be far more concerned with the control of the massive universe than with some minor species on some tiny planet on the edge of one of a billion of so galaxies that had only appeared a few seconds ago in universal time

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Sep 11
So, what does God need to do to show you that He loves you, and wants a relationship with you?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 11
The massive universe can't love and worship God. I would think He'd be more interested in what could love Him.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
10 Sep 11
It isn't G-d perf se but the version many Christians describe.To many , it is Jesus or Nothing. Many like me will choose nothing then! But there are many paths to G-d and He?She comes in many forms.So to Want Him to exist or not He is there If you want Him. If not, that is ok too.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Why do you have a problem with Jesus or coming to God through Jesus?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
12 Sep 11
Do you really want to be a person who hates? Do you think hate has ever done anything for anyone? Why should you hate yourself if you love your enemy? I don't understand that. And why do you think you'd lose your right to be angry? I don't understand that either. Christians get angry. Even Jesus got angry.
Only those who don't know God would say you can't question. Do you think Christians have never asked why? Read Psalm 13. David did a lot of questioning of God.
Instead of listening to others, why don't you find out about God and Christianity for yourself.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
11 Sep 11
There is only one Almighty God of creation, though several gods exists. The Bile speaks of other gods including the god of Israel that is often mistaken for the good and loving God of creation.
I believe in the Loving, Good, Omnipotent and Omniscient God of creation. And everyday, I look forward to and experience his love, goodness and faithfulness.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I would be terrified if a celestial being with super powers were to exist. It would be like having a mafia boss with reality warping powers taking over the earth. This person can erase you out of existence and change reality so much that it would make you crazy. Imagine having a joker with super powers who plays tricks on you and threatens you by using curses, making things appear and disappear and you losing your sanity.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Jun 12
Or you could imagine someone who loves you unconditionally.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Sep 11
Hi bestboy, It is because of the way that the Christian God is portrayed. Many Christians will tell you that their God is a God of love, than they will preach about how God will send people to hell where they will live in torment forever. The Christian church only exists because it's members have been brainwashed, just as their parents and grandparents before them. If you tell someone something often enough they will believe it,and this is especially true for children. Is it any wonder that church leaders have always insisted that parents bring their children to church and Sunday school every week? Read the old testament and see some of the things that God is supposed to have told people to do? Such a God would be no better than a Hitler or any other dictator. Blessings.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Hello to you Pose, It's too bad that some who claim to be Christian are giving Christians and our God a bad name. God does not send anyone to hell. As it says in 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." NIV Since God has given us the right to choose, if we choose hell it's on us, not God. It sounds as though you don't think Christians are capable of reasoning. If we are not, why are there so many different denominations and interpretations of the Bible? Reasoning people are not brainwashed people. Just reading the Old Testament straight through, you could see God as you've described Him, but if you reread it WITHOUT ANY BIAS and with a commentary or a study Bible, I think you'll see that from the beginning God told us what was acceptable and what wasn't. If we disobey God and suffer the consequences of our action, why blame God?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Sep 11
Hi again bestboy, It appears that you take the Bible literally and that's something that I cannot do. It is a book that all who calls themselves Christians, and others who may be interested should read. Too many Christians just let others interpret it for them. I would not agree to a commentary or study Bible, because once again you are getting anothers ideas instead of your own. I see good in the Bible but I also see teachings that I feel certain are wrong. I've heard preachers from one denomination quote the Bible to prove that Jesus is God and than someone from another denomonation quote the same book to prove the opposite, and going strickly on the Bible, they can both prove their point. Blessings.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 11
smilingjack: I don't believe the verses you referenced to are about "peace and love," but rather acceptance and rejection. If you'll start reading John 12 at verse 37, you'll see that even though the Jews saw the miracles Jesus did and had to have known He was a man sent by God, they still rejected Him. John is reminding the reader that this was a prophesy of Isaiah, a fulfilled prophecy. You are a good example of someone who hears the truth, but is enraged by it and thus have blinded your eyes and have hardened your heart. God is not the one who keeps you from believing. It has always been your choice, just like it is the choice of everyone who rejects Jesus as Lord and Savior.
In Romans 9:11 Paul is simply telling the reader that God chose Jacob to be the continuation of the line of the promise.
I don't understand why you have a problem with Ephesians 1:4,5 & 11. You must remember that during biblical times, there was no punctuation in their writings. Paul is simply saying that God decided "before the foundation of the world" that those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior would be found to be "holy (set apart) and blameless (free from guilt) in His sight," and that they would be "adopted" into His family with the same inheritance rights as a begotten child.
Pose: I believe the message of the Bible to be the truth, that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life. That God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
9 Sep 11
Thats a really open ended question... more philosophical then anything else... so I'm going to go over it in parts.
Do you want Gods to Exist.... The first part is the, "do you want". By this, are you implying that they only exist by Want, and not by some other force, or is it just the opinion of the individual? Through this spiritual force, if you did not want them to exist, then would their existence be blank to you, but not the rest of the world? Otherwise, if everyone did not believe in it, except for you, would that mean they exist to you, but nobody else? Would this make you crazy, or the only enlightened one?
The next part is on the pluralized form, "Gods". Seeing that you capitalized it, that would imply that you're talking about the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but those have a standard of only one God (or as it's put in the old testiment, "Thou shalt have no gods BEFORE me", showing that even God believed in other gods back then).
So, asking if you want Gods to exist is more going towards the original biblical version, that there are many gods, you just have to pick out the best one, the one that You want there to be. But, in this, does it wipe out the existence of other gods? If you believe in the biblical God, then does that mean that ones like Zeus or Ra do not exist, even though the one you believe in, somehow does? If you're Christian, and you believe in the Jesus as the son, does that mean that the singular God of Judaism and Allah of Islam do not exist? And thats just the beginning of it, there are zillions of others that I'm just skipping over.
But, to look at the whole question, if I had a choice, then I would want a God that actually kept in touch with the people to exist, and would help all of us out all of the time, and made it really obvious that he was there... like show up in schools all the time to teach classes, or do public service announcements on TV.
If you just mean it as, do I want the Gods that already exist to some, but not to all, to exist, then I'd say no, not at all. If we didn't separate from eachother because of which gods we do or don't believe in, then this would be a better world, and things like the dark ages wouldn't have happened, and our standard laws and ethics would keep us away from things, not being told that we couldn't do things because of some fictitious, all-powerful force. On the basis of God stopping you, if someone was religious, then believed it didn't exist, they may think it doesn't matter if they break the law. Have someone never believe in God, then they stick to reality and laws. Don't want to break the law, don't want to hurt others, that's what really counts.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 11
I can't agree with your assessment that, "do you want," implies God or gods only exist by Want. I could ask the question, do you want the universe to expand? Does that mean it expands based on our wants? The individual who said he didn't want God to exist has not made God blank; so it would appear, many who don't want God to exist (even though they deny Him), aren't so sure of their denial that they can make Him blank in their minds.
Only the title is capitalized, and I always capitalized my titles. In the body of the discussion, "gods," isn't capitalized, but the God of Christianity is. Didn't God instruct Moses to pit Him, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, against the gods of Pharaoh? Didn't Elijah, a prophet of God, challenge the people to choose between Baal and Yahweh? Weren't Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into a furnace of blazing fire because they refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar's gods? Haven't you yourself declared there to be other gods? So is it surprising God would say we are to have no other gods before Him?
As Joshua said to the people of Israel, "...choose for yourself today the one you will worship..." They might exist in your mind or they might exist for real. You would have to discover for yourself which gods are mind gods and which are real.
Would there be laws if there was no law giver? Even with the laws given to us by God, gods, and man, men who do and don't believe still break them and hurt others.
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@lazybug (273)
• Philippines
9 Sep 11
Whether you believe in Him right now or not - God exist. When a person is experiencing a great turmoil, or a situation he/she thinks could never happen in his/her life and does not know what to do; what do you think they would do? Simple. They will pray saying "God, please help me" or "God, why are you doing this?" or "What do you want from me?". Resisting the fact that a God exist means you are aware He exist. You don't have to belong to any religious congregation/denomination to know this.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 11
If you can't deny the unproven, and you, smilingjack, believe God is unproven, does that mean you can't deny God? If to deny is stating that something is not true, then how can you deny things that are true?
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