Windows 8 Boots Up in Superfast Mode...

September 9, 2011 12:04pm CST
Anybody here seen the new video from the Building Windows 8 website? There's a new video in which they showed just how fast Windows 8 will boot. I, myself, literally timed it, from the time she press the power button up until the desktop shows up, it was all that in only 8 SECONDS. I just couldn't believe it. You can watch it here:
5 responses
• Philippines
9 Sep 11
That's amazing but slower than what I want and need. Well, it's a huge improvement enough.
• Aruba
10 Sep 11
Looks great, but also looks to good to be true. I don't think most people will be able to boot so fast after they bought windows 8.
• India
13 Sep 11
Yes its true that windows 8 have minimum boot time and fastest speed compare to all old windows versions. same have lot of improvements like new features, applications. and minimum operation time to complete any task
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
10 Sep 11
That is good. They must have consolidated device drives and services to improve booting time. Good!
@petersum (4522)
• United States
9 Sep 11
And after the desktop shows? It will be buzzing away for ever, doing things that you will never know about - just like all the previous versions! Yet another bug infested, virus attracting, wormhole on it's way!
• Slovenia
9 Sep 11
That's why I am using linux. :) Not that I don't like windows, but linux is more friendly for me. I am a developer too and it makes great system for me. I am using windows just for computer games sometime. :)