The Devil made me do it!!!!
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
September 10, 2011 12:16am CST
What would people do without the devil?? Who could they blame for their bad choices? Seems so many people claim that God will not speak, however the devil doesn't seem to have that problem. Yes, the devil gets the blame for talking you into all your bad choices. The devil doesn't really exist. People are making their own choices in life. OK!OK! I'll try to be more open minded on this. Tell me exactly what the devil talked you into. Just what did he say to you??? Was he carrying a pitchfork??? Details. I must have more details. Tell me where to find the devil. Who knows I might be able to talk him into changing his ways.
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12 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Sep 11
I watched a movie today that I think portrayed the devil perfectly.. it was called "The Fourth Kind" whether the movie is true or not, or the dr was telling the truth or not.. a good movie.. but rather spooky.. reminded me of "the exorcist" which I saw a documentary saying that movie was based on fact, but was a boy who needed the exorcism, after he and an aunt fooled around with a ougi board.

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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Sep 11
Hmmm?? The Fourth Kind. I might have to check that out. I didn't think too much of the exorcist though. It's more hollywood than anything else. Based on facts doesn't mean they are telling the entire truth. Got to make those movies exciting or no one will watch them. Reality is much different.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Sep 11
I'm afraid it's going to take much more than a flagging to get me to believe. You see, I'm been flagged by the best of them. I depend on actions rather than words. You might like to tease but you are an Angel at heart. I've read some of your other comments on other people's discussions. I see no evidence of being the devil. Maybe you ought to use that famous line. When I'm good, I'm good but when I'm bad, I'm better.
Through my rose colored glasses
I see only the Angel in you! 

@urbandekay (18278)
11 Sep 11
it was the devil that convinced me not to believe in his existence
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
12 Sep 11
That you spot the paradox, demonstrates you are using logic
all the best urban

@Keola12 (823)
• United States
10 Sep 11
People are responsible for making their own choices in life, not the devil. God provided man with a brain and with the ability to use logic, even though people sometimes choose not to use them. To say that the devil made them to the bad things is nothing but a copout. They need to fess up and take responsibility for their own actions. After all, they are thinking beings who obviously know right from wrong, even though they choose to do bad things in life.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Keola12. Yes,no matter how anyone talks of beliefs, we are responsible for our actions. We are thinking beings. Well, supposed to be anyway. I find many are just reacting to life without much thinking going on. Of course lessons come with that choice as well.
smilingjack. I understand how you can't believe someone dying for your sins even before you did anything. It's a way of trying to get you attached by convincing you there is a need. Of course, many christians really believe in the devil. Maybe one will show up to point the way. I'm still looking to hang that pitchfork on my wall. What a trophy it will be.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 11
smilingjack. One might also ask what crime could really justify a punishment of eternal hell,a fiery pit forever. They say their god is merciful. Doesn't sound too much like mercy to me. We are talking eternity here. Of course, this isn't really God. This is mankind's idea. If we can't get them to believe, let's use fear. It's the old get followers at all costs. After all, what religion could survive without followers? I wonder why such religious people can't see that they do hurt people with these ideas.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 11
I think it is also evil when religion teaches people they are flawed and sinful from birth. Religion is teaching people they are evil. I ran into a lady who is the most giving and kind person. She felt like she wasn't good enough to make it to heaven. I reminded her that she was a good person. She left ok. I wonder how many others are wounded like this lady, convinced of how bad she is and the bad isn't there.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
10 Sep 11
I loved the first response here. I have some qualities in me and those are my own qualities which I use for myself. Sometimes people love them and some people will not love them so they consider them devil. I also think that everything is in our mind.
Even no one have seen the God so it is also in our mind. What he did is a story which is written in the books.
So it is an imagination, no body really have seen any one of them. Now since we watch movies and TV serial where they create these imaginative faces which make us believe that this is the God and this is Devil. It is all in our mind nothing really exist. I think we keep learning the new things that is all.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 11
You are right that much of this stuff is in our minds. Do not discount the possibility that God exists. God exists. He doesn't think like me. I am learning to think like Him. I am learning everyday to discover the true genius behind everything. God is actually Someone. I believe anyone who truly searches for God can find Him. Of course, searching means more than memorizing and following holy books. Get rid of all the middle men.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Sep 11
It isn't faith that tells me God exists. It's experience. If you were to bump into God, there would be no doubts. God has ways far beyond anything of mankind further An IQ level that makes one realize we are but mere ants. The experience always leaves one thinking and struggling to understand. All mankind carries a very narrow view. There is so much more depth out there. Look around you. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. When you come to understand just what God is doing with this world and how everything does add up, it opens doors. You will know the way from there. Without a certain level of understanding, most will just be confused by the experience. We each choose our path in life. It is important to have a hunger to know, willing to see what is, rather than what one wants it to be. One must be willing to venture out of their comfort zone into undiscovered country. It's a journey to discovery that anyone can take if they choose. This isn't a ten minute journey. Much work time and effort will be needed.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
12 Sep 11
I respect your faith in God, but in real I think no body ever met him. He will some sometimes in our dreams, but dreams are the result of our own thought.
In real physical world there is no God.
If he is then why he didn't come in front of anybody. He only comes in our thoughts only just because of the beliefs that are from the long long time in our society and we are told about them from our childhood.

@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
10 Sep 11
The devil did not make me do anything. It's just a cheap way not to be responsible for your own deeds. Very cheap. Actually I never heard anyone around me saying this. Only little kids or adult men blaming their friends for their deeds (he was doing it so I did it too).
The devil just exist in the eyes of christianity or church.. everything that is not accepted is from the devil. What is excepted depends on the group you are joining.
And you join a group if you don't feel sure enough, don't have enough self esteem or because you are raised that way.
Personally I think god/church is doing and saying more evil things as the devil. I never heard him talk. If I would feel myself way saver with him as with with a good talking about love but killing as a serial killer at the same time.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 11
wangfeil123. I don't quite understand what you are saying. Are you saying the devil is here now blaming me for my wrong choices??? WEll, blame away. The water rolls right off my back. I have learned from my bad choices. I could not be who I am today without the learning that came from those choices. Will I make any more??? I do my best to make the very best choices in life, however where our understanding might be weak, the bad choices will lead us to the correct answer. After all, consequences from our bad choices teach very well. Blame has never been important. It's the RESULTS that count!! Yes,everyone makes mistakes. It is part of the journey on the road to perfection. No need to publish everyone's mistakes. The book would be too large for anyone to read anyway.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Yes, your are right. The devil is a creation of religion. Anything they do not agree with is from the devil. Religion then associates the devil with burning in hell. They are using fear to gain followers. There are religions that do great works in the world, however evil is done as well. I don't think religion even sees the evil they do to some people. In time, maybe they will. Religion's goal is to be like God, however they do not understand God themselves.
@wangfei123 (28)
• China
11 Sep 11
The devil is in your ground and blame you for your wrong choices.Many people may make mistakes,so anyone are published

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
11 Sep 11
While the devil can be through the person sitting next to you, the devil can only make you do anything only if you let me. The devil cannot control or possess you unless you allow the devil.
The best way to keep the devil away is to know what God says about you, and then use the word of God against the words of the devil. In conclusion, the devil only has power that you give to it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Sep 11
Isn't the person sitting next to me making the choices themselves? I'm afraid I see no devil in that. People choose evil simply because they do not really understand their choice. I still say the devil does not exist. I have never met him. Of course, I am looking to get that pitchfork from him to hang as a trophy on my wall. Religion uses the devil to have someone to blame for it all. Blame has never been important to me. I look to RESULTS!!!!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Hi, bird123. There is no such thing as the devil, always making us do bad things. It is only the person that is capable of doing bad things that is the devil himself/herself! People are just giving the devil too much of credit. It is true that the devil is around us, but we can make the choice to decide not to follow up the devil when he tries to pull a sneaky tactic on us. In other words, the devil only has power if it is given to him. Otherwise, a person is made capable of doing any wrong.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 11
So you think the devil is all around us with sneaky tactics. What tactics do you refer to??? My next question is that if people were tricked into doing evil, are they as guilty as coming up with the idea and choosing it for themselves??? Example: People who are tricked out of their money may have made a bad choice out of greed but if no one was there to trick them, what are they guilty of, nothing?? So who is the guilty party??? No, I'm not going for a devil with sneaky tactics. We are all confronted with life. The selections we make are through our own choices based on what we know. If a person does not understand evil, they are much more likely to choose it. The result is learning what evil really is.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
10 Sep 11
What we consider evil and immoral as intelligent animals is often just nature elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Killing, cheating, stealing, even rape - these things we would cite as evil are par for the course with many species.
It's our own emotional well-being we're concerned about when we try to create infinite morals to prevent infinite evils. Things we view as "wrong" aren't even always "wrong." It would just depend on the circumstances, i.e. killing in self defense vs. for revenge.
I think our way to grasp being emotionally brutalized in the past was to create a reason for it. And we still do it today to an extent, projecting "evil" on others who do not fall in line with what we need to tell ourselves is a moralistic way of living so that we're don't curl up like pansies and cry about life being hard and unfair.
Remember, it wasn't always the "devil." Before Christianity and Islam and Judaism became predominant religions of the world, we had Viking gods and Greek gods and Egyptian gods. Even what we would consider a "devil" in the world today was a "god" back then, just a vengeful god.
If it rained too much, angry gods. If it didn't rain enough, angry gods. If disease took your wife, angry gods. If your son was murdered, angry gods.
We might have advanced a whole lot in some areas, but we're still stuck in 10000BC as a society when it comes to attributing things to higher powers.
I think what you're getting at is the whole cop-out deal with some people refusing to take responsibility. And I agree with that. Some are very quick to attribute all things in their life--not only the good and not only the bad--to some mythical figure.
And I also agree that I'd love to hear all about it when people claim to have been spoken to or touched, etc.
I mean, if you can prove it, I take the stance that you owe it to everyone else. After all, if your devil exists, your god exists, and we all better follow it or else be damned. So come clean and prove it or just take responsibility as you should.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Yes, blame has been very important to mankind since the beginning of time. Mankind will create someone to blame to prevent claiming responsibility themselves. Yes, very good point that elsewhere in the animal kingdom what we consider evil is the norm. Each soul is at a different level of understanding. As we progress we learn to rise above these petty things discovering there is a better way. Until then we struggle until we learn exactly what our actions mean. The devil does not exist. On the other hand God does. Your quote; After all, if your devil exists, your god exists, and we all better follow it or else be damned. With the real God, it isn't about believing or following. Failure to do either will never damn you. There is much more going on with this world. Look around you and see. It stares us all in the face. If God exists then He can be found. I find very few who choose to even search. People are doing their best to shape the world as they want it to be rather than discovering what is. That, of course, is a choice. With all our choices, learning will be the true result.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
10 Sep 11

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 11
OH NO!! I couldn't possible make any bad choices. The devil did it all. I'm innocent as a newborn baby. Yes, you are right. Smooth talking won't change the fact that good or bad we must live the path we choose, learning every step of the way what the correct choice should have been. I have no regrets for I would not be the person I am today without those mistakes. If fact, I can't wait until my next great screw up. It's going to be Glorious. That is how we all gain wisdom.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
12 Sep 11
Hi bird: First of all, let me tell you that I've noticed sarcasm on your words. Some people believe there's a devil, some other think it's more like a negative force. The problem is when they use these theories to not face their own responsibilities. Even if there's a devil- nobody can prove it- religions or at least most religions teach that you are finally the one who decide for yourself and chose what's good and bad.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Sep 11
If the devil exists, then he can be found. Has anyone ever found the devil?? Further, religion teaches that the devil was cast out and God gave up on the devil. Does this really sound like God to you??? Even the most evil of people will be taught in time. The only reason people choose evil is that they do not really understand what evil is. Our choices show God and the world exactly what lessons we need to learn. These are also the lessons we choose for ourselves. An evil person is just choosing very hard lessons to return. There is a difference between fact and fiction. Finally, you are right that each of us will choose what is good or evil, however the final choice won't be made until after it returns to show us exactly what our choices mean. People can blame the devil or whatever but that won't change the resposibilities we must face from our choices. Hmmm??? Maybe the real answer is to give nothing but unconditional love to the world. We will all learn in time. OK starsailover, if you run into the devil now, let me know. I'm still looking for that pitchfork to hang on my wall. Of course, since the devil isn't real, that's not really going to happen.