The Secret to Life

@pia005 (11)
September 10, 2011 9:32pm CST
I have just finished watching the documentary of "The Secret". I won't lie, the documentary struck a chord in me but I am still a bit dubious. I guess what I'd really like to find out is if that there are people out there who can share their thoughts regarding the Secret to Life. The documentary emphasizes: "Follow you bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were walls." It also stresses: "The greatest power in the universe is a feeling - a feeling harnessed by the greatest thinkers, discoverers, inventors, and saviors of the world. You are just one feeling away from changing your life... just one feeling away from the life of your dreams." Your thoughts?
1 response
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
11 Sep 11
I am not interested in any serials of TV
@pia005 (11)
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
Uhm.. ok... great that your sharing your sentiments...