Do you know any alternative to Adsense?

@yopyyop (187)
September 12, 2011 3:37pm CST
Hy, In the last days I noticed that google adsense is not working very good for me and my site. I don't know why but I want to change them. Do you know any alternative to them? Or can you gove me some tips to other ways of earning with my website? Thank you very much and I hope this is going to be very helpful for others not just for me.
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4 responses
• Algeria
12 Sep 11
give a try to bidvertiser or adhitz You Don't need a lot of traffic to use them
@gk655321 (236)
12 Sep 11
Never heard of those sites before then again I'm new to all of this. I'll give them a try.
• Philippines
12 Sep 11
Hi, try adhitz and nuffnang if its available in your country.
• Algeria
12 Sep 11
give a try to bidvertiser or adhitz You Don't need a lot of traffic to use them
• Algeria
12 Sep 11
give a try to bidvertiser or adhitz You Don't need a lot of traffic to use them