Overwhelmed By The Generosity Of Others

United States
September 13, 2011 4:02pm CST
Recently, I have seen people on here blantantly asking for monetary donations. I have read about many scams and cons being run on kindhearted people. I also know that criminals often use ruses to draw their victims in only to turn on the good samaritan and violently assault them or worse. It really makes me sad, and it leaves me wondering how anybody can trust another person, especially when we can't verify whether or not the story they are telling us is true. It has also made me question whether or not there are still people out there willing to help, especially when the help is desperately needed but not solicited. Something happened the other day that has restored my faith in human kindness, and it actually brought me to tears. A friend of mine knows that I have been having problems, but this person does not know just how bad things have gotten at times. Even though they do not know the extent of my troubles, they offered assistance without my asking, hinting or in any other way trying to get help from them. What is even more inspiring is the fact that this person is also having troubles of their own but is still willing to help another person out that is in need. It made me feel extremely happy to know that there are still kind people out there and very blessed to know that I have these sort of people in my life as friends. Have you ever been in a situation where you were questioning your faith in humanity only to have that faith restored by the kind act of another? Have you ever helped or offered to help someone out, even if they did not ask for it, just because you knew that they needed the assistance? Has anyone ever offered you a lifeline when you needed it?
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22 responses
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
14 Sep 11
I haven't known you have problems, PA. Can I help you in any way? Fortunately I haven't been in a situation to need others' help badly. Life was good to me and the few bad moments passed without problems. I like to help people when it's in my powers to do so. I don't expect anything in exchange, a smile is enough to know I made anyone happy.
• United States
19 Sep 11
Thank you so much for your generous offer, Inu, but there is not really anything that anyone can do at the moment ... hopefully things will work themselves out for the best soon. I have often been in the position to help others, and I like it much better like that. There have been times, especially recently, where I have needed the help of others more, though, and I have been fortunate enough to get it most of the time. I usually do not expect anything when I help out others, either, but when certain individuals expect assistance on a regular basis and yet are not available on the rare occasion that someone else needs help, then I think that it is time to reconsider whether or not they should continue to get help.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
I can actually understand a person needing money for a specific circumstance and having to beg for it, which is very sad, but I have seen it happen. When they are doing it on a daily basis, though, it is something entirely different. Also, when they are taking the money that was supposed to be to buy food for their children and spending it instead on their own addictions, then something really needs to be done and changes need to be made. Plus, if they have enough money to take a cab, then they are doing far better than the average person I would say.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
19 Sep 11
Your comment made me think at the beggars attitude. I stopped giving money to beggars since I realized they are only profiteers. I mean, come on! I helped you the other day, I helped you yesterday, I'll help you today but I expect you to do something to change your state. But no, they just like to live like this. Should I tell you that at the end of the day the beggar took a cab to go home?
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
13 Sep 11
I can count on less then less than one hand for the people who have really helped me out and I would lay down my life for them. Others I do not care about so much unless they strike me as genuine and I have no problem giving back, but I feel things have changed over the years and some are just out to screw you and bleed us dry! I would help out anyone that I know if it was monetary and would help out anyone with the little things. Being a gentleman costs nothing!
4 people like this
• United States
14 Sep 11
I think it is a very powerful statement that you would lay down your life for the people that have really helped you out, even if it might only be one person. I do understand why you would feel like some people are just out to get everybody else and bleed them dry, but I am not sure how much this has changed from the past. I think that the world has always had these types of people, but technology is just making it easier for them to prey on a larger number of people nowadays. I also agree that a small act of kindness, even if it costs nothing, can make a very large difference in the life of somebody else. There have been days where I just was feeling down or not having such a good day, and a kind word and unexpected smile really brightened my mood and changed my outlook for the rest of the day.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
15 Sep 11
Yes it is a strong statement but these people are my nearest and dearest and without them I guess I would be popping bubble wrap right now lol. That is a good point! not much has changed really. It is the little things that make up life and it is those little things that are usually the most enjoyable. I kept these back just for you two out of three ain't bad!
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• United States
22 Sep 11
You are so sweet, Zone! *HUGE HUGS* I agree that it is the little things in life that usually are the most enjoyable ... and they can also be the most irritating. Haven't you ever complained about something and had someone else tell you that it is just a "little thing" and to let it go? I agree that we should try to let these negative "little things" go whenever possible, but when they keep happening on a regular basis, then they tend to compound and it gets quite difficult to let them go - in fact they tend to become a "major issue" rather quickly. The same is true for the positive "little things" only in reverse. It might be easy to overlook one positive "little thing", but when they keep piling up they tend to make our world a better and brighter place to be.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 11
hi purplealabaster oh yes back in Nov of 2008 my son lost his job,we ran out of money and go behind on our rent so were evicted. First we were helped by an online friend of my sons who offered to let us stay in two bedrooms of her five bedroom house until it sold.sadly we were only there two weeks when it sold and the buyer wanted into the office at once. so then my son and my best friend Mike David and his wife took us in and let us sleep on the two big sofas in their living room. we knew they could not do this very long so we found that I could come here to Gold'crest as my social security and ss i checks would cover the monthly room an board. my son got help via gov. hope haven to an apartment with two other guys who ere all out of work. He is now working part time. not the best of arrangements but a heck of a lot better than floating homeless on the streets. Mike David has always been a great friend helping in so many ways and is till our best friend too.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 11
typo wrong word not office but house the buyer wanted into the house at once.also son's and my best friend Mike David. sorry about the errors did not edit.
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• United States
13 Sep 11
Wow, it was really nice that your son's online friend let you stay in her house until it sold, especially since you had your own bedrooms. It was fortunate for her that the house sold so quickly, but it was unfortunate for you that you had to move out so quickly. It was also very nice of your friend and his wife to let you stay with them, especially since they obviously did not have a lot of room. I am glad that you had such good friends that offered you help when you needed it until you could find a better and more permanent solution.
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13 Sep 11
I'm a firm believer in RAK (random acts of kindness) and do it whenever I get a chance - like yesterday in the local grocery store (or Co-op if yer a Brit). The girl who works in the bakery was buying some stuff and didn't have enough cash on her for her cheese, so I bought it for her. No big deal, I don't want anything in exchange - she always smiles and says hello whenever I pass the bakery, so she deserved the kindness. On a more personal note, I almost agree with NoWayRo about having little faith in humanity. Most people are scum. However, I've also found that a little kindness goes a long way and the old expression "kindness begets kindness" is very true. When I actually had money, I bailed an Internet friend's business out of a rough patch (several thousand dollars worth) and told him there was absolutely no rush to pay me back - or at all, for that matter. Just knowing his family was safe and his wife's business wouldn't go under because of a temporary lack of funds was enough for me. YEARS later I found myself on the breadline (literally - £2 to feed 2 people for 2 days, that kind of thing)... and suddenly there were regular payments arriving in my bank from him, even though he was going through a rough time as well. Total life saver. (And the business is booming now, which is awesome.) My closest friends know they can ask for anything. I know the same goes for me with them. By constantly being kind and generous, I've had last-minute solutions handed to me by various people on literally half a dozen occasions (and have probably offered as many myself).
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• United States
13 Sep 11
It makes me sad to hear that so many people have little faith in humanity. I guess that I am just an idealist at heart, even though I tend to be more of a realist when approaching a situation ... if that makes any sense at all. I also believe in Random Acts of Kindness, and I practice them whenever I can. I have done a similar thing as you in the supermarket. There was a little boy that did not have enough money for the candy bar that he was trying to buy, so I put in the extra few cents he needed. The cashier seemed annoyed at me, and when he had left she told me that we should not encourage children in this manner, because they will expect people to just give them things whenever they want. I have no idea what she saw when she looked at this boy, but all I saw was a child that clearly had no concept of taxes and did not understand why the cashier was telling him that he didn't have enough money for the candy bar when he had the exact amount of change for the price marked on the bar. As for the fact that kindness begets kindness, I agree with you on that. It is really heartwarming to hear that you were willing to help out your friend, especially when it was for that amount of money, with no expectation of being repaid. It is just as heartwarming to hear that your friend returned the favor when you were in need.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
13 Sep 11
It also makes me sad when I see anything that's a scam going on - because you know that some people actually are gullible and naive enough to fall for it. Generous might be a good word, too. I haven't had a lot of these situations but recently my sister borrowed me $100 - like a pay day loan - because I was super, super broke. That was super nice of her. I paid her back as soon as I got paid but I really appreciated that she didn't scold me for not having money or judge me because how I spend it (I have slight spending problems..) I tried to pay her back with interest (was gonna give her an extra $20) but she refused. I thought that was really nice.
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• United States
13 Sep 11
It really makes me sad when I see kind and generous people being taken advantage of, especially when I know that there are really people out there that could use their help and kindness but it is given to undeserving individuals. It was really nice of your sister to loan you the money. I also think that it was good that she didn't scold you about your spending habits, especially since you admit that you have money-management issues. On the other hand, you did return the money when you said you were going to (not to mention that you offered to give her interest), so she had every reason to trust you.
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@marguicha (225681)
• Chile
14 Sep 11
I tend to be optimistic about human kindness although sometimes I get pissed by my nearest relations (I suppose that it is because I expect too much). But last month I told one of my friend that the doctor had told me that if I wanted my chemos on schedule ,I would have to have some very expensive shots to build up my deffenses that the insurance does not cover. I told her that, as I told everyone I knew and was thinking it over. Ten minute after this social phone call, My friend says: " Listen, and let me talk. My husband just transfered the amount you need to your Bank account". I have the money, I should have bought it immediatly instead of thinking it over. It´s not that I have money to spare, but this was important. When Dixie told me this, I started to cry. The next day, calmed, I called Humberto, her husband, and told hom that I could handle it, besides other things that you must guess I also said. Thinking of it, now that you ask, I did lend them money years ago too. But with them I know that whatever I can do will never repay what they did before that, when my husband was dying, and later on, during all the time that my grandson was ill. They are closer than family to me in many ways now. And two years ago, Dixie lost her only brother to cancer. I have become her sister. So maybe this story is not about generosity but about bonding.
@marguicha (225681)
• Chile
1 Oct 11
I´m sorry I did not comment your lovely answer before. I had a bad week , all my fault. My youngest granddaughter had her birthday and I decided I would eat all I craved for just for a day. Dumb idea! I was ill for a week. There is a reason why doctors give you diets when on chemo. My family is very helpful, but some of them are the kind of people that give you a speech about how you should live while they help. I hate that. My friends are not like that at all and it´s a very comfortable feeling. Besides I´m very different from them: they are all very rational and I´m more the emotional kind of person. Most of my friends are like me as most are artists and writers. My siblings are both scientists and I´m sure one of their brain lobes has shrunk I will have to wait about a month to know exactly what to expect of the future. My tests start next week, but the most important will not have results until a month. If the prognosis is bad, I´m thinking of a vacation at Disneyworld with all my grandchildren. If I am getting better, I´d like to go to Baia, in Brasil, with Humberto and Dixie.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
I definitely can understand wanting to indulge, especially on special occasions, but unfortunately sometimes there are restrictions for reasons other then the "long term effects" which you might have to endure. I do hope you are feeling better now! I do know the type of people that tell you how you should be living while they are helping you. Some will even put stipulations on their "help". I suppose that there are some instances where this sort of "help" might be needed, but most of the time I do not think it is necessary and is just a way for them to control you. I am sending positive thoughts and energy your way, and I hope that the tests results are good. Either way, though, it sounds like you are going to enjoy life as much as possible for as long as possible, and I would expect nothing less from you, my dear friend! *HUGE HUGS*
• United States
14 Sep 11
I can understand why you would want to talk about the shots with your friends, even if you did have the money to cover the shots. It was not about asking or trying to get the money, although that could just as easily have been a part of the concern, but it was about trying to process the information and make sense of it all. These things are very serious, scary, and big decisions, so it helps being able to talk with friends and sort it out in your head before making such a big decision. I think it is wonderful that your friends were so willing to help you out, though. That is beautiful. I do agree that it is about bonding, but I also think it is about generosity, because you are supposed to have a "bond" with your family and yet sometimes others are far more willing to help than family. Then again, just because you share blood with someone does not necessarily make them "family", and similarly the lack of shared DNA does not make a person any less family, in my opinion. How are you feeling? I hope that the treatments are going well, and I have been sending you positive thoughts and energy when I have been able to.
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
13 Sep 11
I have had some amazing and not so amazing things happen in my life. I practice random acts of kindness on a fairly regular basis. I have been on the receiving end of help at times. Much prefer to give it, than receive it as the saying goes. At times I question peoples values in others, can't say it changes because of another, more like the reaction from something I did. I'm sorry your having difficulties. Someone else suggested about posting on the internet, if it works for you great, just remember what you post on the internet is permanent. Just saying.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
16 Sep 11
I think that what I was trying to day was, that the gratitude I get from the person that I helped changes my thinking on people. So often I have done something for someone and they seem to be so unappreciative, but the times that someone is appreciative it makes up for the nonappreciative ones. I'm always honest on here, but I will stay away from discussions that maybe to revealing. I never start discussions that are to personal. That's just me, I keep my private life private. Once something is said its permanent, don't think I like that to much. I'm glad that someone has been able to come in and help you, hope things are looking brighter for you.
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• United States
14 Sep 11
I understand and also like to give it better than receiving it, although I must admit that the times that I have received it have really helped me out a lot - not just physically but emotionally as well. I am not sure that I understand what you are saying about the questioning people's values in others and how it changes, though. I guess that I am a contradiction. I will post on here about many things, but I am also a very private person. Thank you for the warning about posting too much personal stuff on the Internet. I know that it can help some people, and it has helped me at times as well. I try not to post too much personal stuff, though, because that just is not me.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
I have to agree about the expressions of gratitude. I do not necessarily think that everybody that I do something for has to be overwhelmed with gratitude or anything, but I do think that it is nice if they at least say "thank you" as a sign of appreciation rather than acting like I am supposed to do it and no thanks is necessary. The ones that just light up over small things, though, are the reason why doing things for others is so rewarding, in my opinion.
@allknowing (142831)
• India
14 Sep 11
It is in my nature to 'sniff around' and offer help! There is someone I know who needs a shoulder and I have offered her mine.I call her up every single day atleast twice and have a long chat which she says helps her a lot. I get immense joy to see someone out of trouble a kind of selfish motive. Right!?
3 people like this
• United States
17 Sep 11
Lending a shoulder or an ear or just a bit of time to sit with someone ... you might not even have to talk or listen but just be there with the person so they are not alone ... is a great amount of help and comfort to someone in need. I must admit that I get satisfaction from doing this as well, and it does seem a bit selfish but I do not really think that it is - I think that the satisfaction comes from knowing that you truly helped someone, and that is not selfish, in my opinion.
@allknowing (142831)
• India
14 Sep 11
When I said 'offer help' I will never offer monetary help but believe in giving the 'fishing tackle' rather than 'fish' I do have a Trust which gives help to those in need only if they approach me. I lend a shoulder for people to talk and when they do that they feel light. I never pity anyone but try and bring out their plus points and blessings with which they have been endowed. There is one friend who I do tht to every single day.
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@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
For me if you offer service that okay. But if you offer monetary that's bad unless that person really can't work because of disability I believe that each person must find ways to find works and help himself and not rely for somebodies help. Me I always help and I love to help. But what I really hate are person who is well dress than you and approach you for some donations. I work hard every day to earn money while others work hard to ask for donations. lols.
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@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Its a no no for me to give donation. Especially monetary type of donations. If I will help I will help in term of service but not monetary. Teach them how to fish not give them fish. That's always my motto. Beside if you have money today it does not mean you just pick it up in the street. You work for it. They must also.
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• United States
17 Sep 11
I agree that it is not a good idea to continuously give a person money, because that person will never learn to budget money or properly manage his or her finances. However, sometimes there are unexpected circumstances that happen in life that cause people, even the most financially responsible people, to become short of cash from time to time. When this happens, if I have the money I will give it, because I know that their hardship was not caused from being irresponsible, so I know that they "know how to fish" but sometimes the fishing net just comes up empty.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
14 Sep 11
Yeah, may times and every time I do that I try to bear in mind that I can't expect others to give like what I did. So far I need to asked them to help me only then someone will come and help me. It so rare to me when people suddenly offered me their help. What I thought before was whenever I did help others next time when I need it I will get it too without being asked to do so. But now like I said, I can't expect the same thing happen to me. So just be kind whenever we could without think we will get the same as it will make us feel down. Anyway I still thanked to those who willing to help me when I asked them to.
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• United States
17 Sep 11
I agree that when we help out others we can't expect them to do the same for us, especially if we do not ask them for their assistance. However, if we continually help out a person and they never return the favor, even when we do ask for their help, then I think it is probably time to rethink how much help we should give them. I also agree that being kind whenever we can is the right thing to do. I think that our kindness not only helps out the other person but also helps us, because we have a more positive attitude and tend to feel better about ourselves. I also think that people are more willing to help out kind people, because a kind person will appreciate the help, and it is always nice to feel that others appreciate what we do for them.
• United States
14 Sep 11
Yes I have helped many people in my life and although I cannot monetarily help anyone am usually as up and eager to help in any which way I can. Anytime I hear of someone having troubles it immediately pains me to know that they are not being helped. I do not wait to be asked I jump in and do what I can. No, no one to date has offered me a lifeline and even though I am currently slowing flat-lining, no one really seems to remember that a simple how are you can go a long way.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
14 Sep 11
How are you, HWG? I'm in the same boat here as you are I will always do anything I can to help anyone in need of it. I don't always have money, like now I have spent so much on medicine for Sara and me that I am wondering where the rest of the month will be like. No I am not asking for anything because God will provide a solution.
• United States
14 Sep 11
HWG - I am so sorry that you are having such a tough time right now and there is nobody there for you. Is there anything that I can do to help? I have broad shoulders and am only a PM away. I am ashamed to admit that I have not been as proactively there for my friends as much as I should be lately, but I will respond as soon as possible if I get a message. Manley - I am glad that you have such strong faith. I am sure that you will find a way, even though it might not seem like it right now, because you do have a very strong faith.
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hello manleyjoe! How sweet of you to drop by my friend. I hope all is well and you are recovering well. Yes God will provide is what gets me through each and every day.
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@jodylee (946)
• United States
14 Sep 11
That is a beautiful thing. I hope things look up for you soon! Be positive, think positive and positive things will happen around you and to you. It is wonderful you have someone who is willing to help and that can read you so well. Sounds like an amazing friendship has begun for you! I have helped many in my life. Not necessarily monetarily but certainly emotionally and will continue to do so as much as I am able. I have also been helped by many in my life. Being blessed with good people is something to be excited about and grateful for!
• United States
17 Sep 11
"Being blessed with good people is something to be excited about and grateful for!" I completely agree with you! I do try to be positive and think positive, but sometimes it is very difficult, especially when things seem to pile up all at once. I have also tried to help my friends stay positive and focus on the good things in their lives, even when things seem very dark, so perhaps that ray of positive light just needs to keep being passed back and forth until the darkness is gone and the sun is shining once again.
• United States
4 Oct 11
I have never really tried something like a positive journal, but I do try to jot down good things that happen, even the seemingly small things, so that I can remember them. I did that with my oldest daughter when we did special things, so we could remember all the good times we had once she had grown up. Now I am doing it with my little one. I think it would be nice to try to do it every day or at least several times a week and see how my perspective changes.
@jodylee (946)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I think that is what friendship is all about, give and take and being there for each other when the sun is not shining. Being a ray of sunshine for each other is amazing. I have been writing in a grateful journal for the past year. This is a journal for only positive things. It has really helped me shift my thinking and has given me a good sense of the good things in my life. Have you ever tried anything like this?
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@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
13 Sep 11
Purple, sorry to hear things aren't looking up; all I can say is - do share every now and then. It does help to let others know what you're going through, even if you may not always feel like discussing your personal life online. Friends in need are most often those who understand another person's problems. For instance, if you have financial difficulties, you can't expect your rich friends to help you, unless you go and directly ask them to. That's not because they're bad people (at least mine aren't), it's because they don't realize the extent of your problems and how even a little bit can help. Just an example. Now, to answer your questions: I've never questioned my faith in humanity, because it's so low, there's nothing to question. I rarely, if ever, help out complete strangers, I don't even like to give directions if somebody stops to ask (particularly funny if it's 3 am and I'm the only one walking on a three-block radius). I do my best to help friends and family. I stink with offering advice (as I think you may have noticed), so I often resort to things that can be done, not said: taking in a friend's child for a week so she could visit her sick mother; lending money; cooking for their parties, that kind of stuff. Not sure it always helps, but I do what I can. When I was going through very difficult times, I did it alone, mostly because I couldn't open up and talk about my problems. All my friends still pay the bill: I remind them every time how they weren't there for me when I needed them most.
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• United States
13 Sep 11
I agree that often times people that have been through a similar situation are a lot easier to talk with about things. It isn't that other people are uncaring or would not like to help, but (as you stated) many times they just can't relate, because they do not have a frame of reference from which to draw their knowledge or offer any help. I am actually the opposite of you. I believe in human kindness, and I will often help out a stranger if I can. Fortunately, I have not been taken advantage of too often, although it has happened a time or two ... you live and learn. The bad ones have not outweighed the good ones, though, so I will still help whenever I can. I like the fact that you know yourself well enough to know that you are not good at offering advice, although I have not noticed that about you. The fact that you are willing to help your friends and family and stick with your strengths, which are taking action and doing things, is wonderful. Not everyone can offer advice, and not everyone can do - it takes all kinds to have balance and make the world go around.
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@sjvg1976 (42019)
• Delhi, India
14 Sep 11
Hello PAB, I prefer to help people when i see them they need help as this is my habit.Sometimes i get cheated due to it as people take advantage of mine but then i realize that i did my bit of work.There are several people whom i have helped and several people who cheated me but no regrets i never left my habit and still try to help others to an extent i can.I am not that much financially strong but to give away money for food to a beggar doesn't cost me much instead make me feel happy. And when i see people taking advantage of mine i try to take my foot back but then i am helpless due to my habit. I pray GOD to make me more stronger so that i could be able to help others in future too.
• United States
19 Sep 11
It is wonderful that you still help out others, even though there have been a few that have taken advantage of your kindness. I think that it is not good if the negative and abusive people (users and liars) keep people from helping the people that are kind, honest and really need our help. Right now I do not have the financial means to help out much, either. When I was doing well financially, though, I often helped out, and it felt really good. I normally did not give to people directly, although there were times when I did. Mostly, I gave to charities and organizations in my area where I knew they would pass on whatever was needed to the less fortunate. It really made me sad that items we take for granted, such as socks, were necessities that some people did not have.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi PA, hope your troubles are all little ones cause I don't know if I understand the big ones. I know what you mean about beggars and plain old scammers, I am getting e-mails everyday from all over the world asking for free stuff. Even had one from Pakistan wanted me to give him my website so he could get rich. he was probably a terrorist wanting a place to laundry his blood money. I think we all should be ready with "random acts of Kindness" whenever we can. I do know that we will always get what we are willing to give. I think the good book says filled up shaken down and running over. I know we are having some pretty rough times right now but God has always provided us with what we need to weather the storm. I just love it when he sends his blessings to us.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Wow! Did you just read my mind or what? One time I received the exact amount that was needed in the form of a check that I did not know was owed me. This in answer to prayer for help in making payment. Most of the time it is in the form of something I can do that earns the money to meet the debt or expense or whatever. I have also found that if I am wasteful then it becomes harder to find what is needed.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
I think that many times we do find ways if we really need them and are looking for them, although they might not be exactly what we had imagined they would be. I also think that some people might not receive the help that they need due to their own mindset - they are only looking for specific ways that they think are what should happen rather than being open to all possibilities. I believe that we should try to remain as open as possible, because that is the best way to really experience many things in life.
• United States
14 Sep 11
I definitely believe in Random Acts of Kindness, and I also believe that we will get back what we give at least to some extent. That does not mean that I do for others expecting them to do for me, but I think that positivity and generosity breed similar feelings in others while negativity and greed will also breed negative feelings in others. I think that believing in God or a "higher power" or whatever is good at least for some people. I think that we can't just believe without any action, though, and expect that things will just work out for us. I am not saying that is what you are suggesting, either. I have heard people say that they pray and will have their prayers answered, because they have faith. I do not necessarily think it works that way, though. I think that praying is fine if that is what you believe, but I also think that we need to try to find a way to help ourselves, and that is when the help will come ... we have to do, even if we do not know exactly what to do, and we will be shown a way, although it might not be the way that we were expecting.
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@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
1 Oct 11
truly overwhelming. there are some people i cannot forget and had offered me help when i needed them most. to reciprocate, i do the same to others. this is the goodness of this all, it spreads out, the goodness and kindness one gives spreads out and is extended. bless are the people who are willing to sacrifice for others, and to offer a lending hand to those in need.
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@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
4 Oct 11
it is actually contagious and gives one a feeling of lightness, like you are walking without your feet touching the ground.
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• United States
4 Oct 11
I really like your description - "like walking without your feet touching the ground" - that is beautiful.
• United States
3 Oct 11
I am so glad to hear that you have also experienced such kindness when you needed it. I definitely agree that this sort of help does spread. You remember how relieved and happy you felt when someone helped you out when you really needed it, and it makes you want to do the same for others and spread that happy feeling. I think that is pretty much why when you are feeling sad and someone randomly smiles at you out of the blue for no particular reason it tends to brighten your day and make you want to smile at others and do the same for them.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
It's nice to hear about stories like this. A long time ago, I met somebody who offered to help me when I was at a very vulnerable state. I was in need of a job, and this person offered me a job in his company. It turned out that he was a scammer, and he made me hand off the last of my saved money to him. So, I lost faith on the generosity of people. I might be jaded, but I wouldn't consider myself totally scarred. I like hearing stories like this as I know that it might restore my faith in the future.
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• United States
19 Sep 11
I am so sorry to hear that something like that happened to you, especially at a time in your life when you really needed the help and instead got tricked and scammed. I think that I am probably a weird person. I tend to anticipate the worst, hope for the best, and am fairly satisfied/relieved when whatever happens falls somewhere in between ... hopefully closer to the "best" side than the "worst" side. I have also been betrayed by people that I have thought were my friends, but there have been others that were better friends than I could have ever dreamed I would have, so I guess that I am pretty lucky.
• United States
4 Oct 11
Yes, I definitely would rather expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised when things go better than expected than to expect the best and be bitterly disappointed and perhaps heartbroken when things do not go well.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
19 Sep 11
I actually don't think that weird, as I am a bit pessimistic myself. I find it better for myself to expect the worst in things, so that if plans go well, I find it as a pleasant surprise.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
15 Sep 11
Hello PA. Great to hear that their are some people who will help you no matter what. Unfortunately here it work like this. People will help you, but the whole world will know about it though. Nothing to be ashamed of, it's just the idea that gets to me. I have never needed a lifeline yet, but i won't hold my breath who will when i really need it though. Just glad things worked out for you.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
20 Sep 11
I so agree with you sweetie. People can be funky sometimes.
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
hiya PA! hope you are well and in the pink (or purple) of health! i haven't been around in a while, and what happened to you? give me some of your problems for a while....so you can be free to enjoy yourself for a bit.. well...i can fully empathize with what your discussion is about, as i too have experienced generosity from others when i least expected it. in fact, one of those experiences really helped me out a lot when i was down in the funk...God bless those kind souls for the rest of their lives. it is always an experience which reminds me that life is still worth living and that there is still hope for humanity in this world.... now if only our politicians could learn a thing or two from these kind of good people, i'm sure the world would surely change for the better! hope things are looking better for you now dear.. hmmm....it's so nice to be back on myLot... missed me? heehee...
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• United States
3 Oct 11
I am glad that you changed that pink color into purple as you should know that I do not really like the color pink. Thank you so much for offering to take some of my problems for a while, so that I could enjoy myself for a bit. You really are a beautiful person. *HUGE HUGS* I am glad that you have had people there to help you when you needed it. I know that those times really stick with you and can help you through other bad times, because you do know that even in bad moments, although it might not seem like it right at that very moment, there are still kind people and many good things in life. You know that I missed you! I have been very happy lately to see that bright yellow bum-bum streaking around myLot again!
• United States
4 Oct 11
LOL! I suspect that if I attract a bee and get pollinated, then I will be in even more trouble and have a lot more explaining to do than I really need at this point. I do enjoy interacting with you, and I am sorry that your bum-bum is attracting more attention than the rest of you right now. I guess that I will have to pay more attention to your other parts from now on. Have I told you lately that you have a very nice and symmetrical bald head?
• Malaysia
3 Oct 11
no problemo PA! a nice alabaster like you deserves some time to herself...go out and be carefree with the other flowers...attract a bee and get pollinated i'm so jealous of my bum-bum....it seems to be getting more attention from the ladies, rather than the rest of me!
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@DaddyEvil (144294)
• United States
26 Nov 15
Yes, Dearheart, to both your questions. Pretty and I have both offered to help others who needed a hand up, both in our real lives and in our online lives. Pretty has a more difficult time offering to help others than I do, but she has good reason not to trust what some people say. I have become known as a "soft touch" for people seeking help, whether they really need help or not. Pretty has seen people doing that to me and doesn't like it when it happens. (I always believe that that person must need the money/food/whatever more than we did. Pretty rarely agrees.) When an online friend's family was going through a bad time during the last few years, we actually were going through a rough time, as well. We couldn't help monetarily, so we gave all the love and support we could. Our friend was surprised and we felt very grateful for what we could do, though it truthfully wasn't much. This same friend, when we were at our lowest ebb, gave us love and support to the best of her ability, as well. Believe it or not, knowing someone else loved and cared enough to give all she had helped us over some very rough patches in our lives. We are always grateful for that love and support!
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• United States
28 Nov 15
When I had money, I always tried to help out others, such as giving donations to the Women's shelter, Salvation Army, etc. Even when we were tight on money, I knew that there were people that had it even worse, so I tried to help out as much as I could, even if it was only with a few small items. I would like to think that most people are like that, but over the years I have come to realize that is not really true. When people do show me how kind, giving and loving they can be, though, it really makes my heart full and happy.