Are you satisfied with Shamcey's answer?

September 13, 2011 5:38pm CST
Question: "Would you change your religious beliefs to marry the person you love? Why or why not?" Answer: "If I had to change my religious beliefs, I will not marry the person that I love. Because the first person that I love is GOD who created me. And I have my faith and my principles. And these what makes me who I am. And if that person loves me, he should love my God too, Thank you." I am not happy with her answer, and I think that could be the reason why she didn't get the crown. The question was if would she change her religious beliefs to marry the one SHE loves. And she said that person should also love HER God? What about HIS God? If she loves him (which was given), then she should also love HIS God. She shouldn't have said "He should love my God too". That may sound good for Catholics (especially Filipinos) but in reality, it is not a good answer. It is like saying her God is the only "real" God.
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22 responses
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
i am not satisfied if what you mean is it conforms to what i believe should be the answer. there is something missing, and something in the answer that should have not included. but i am satisfied with the way she handles herself during the Q & A portion. she handled it with confidence. it maybe true that she stood to what she believes, or it can also be that she is smart enough to give a safe answer. but overall, her take in the Q & A is satisfactory.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 11
The first part of her answer was good. But I think the part where she said the man SHE loves should love her God was a mistake.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I don't know about you but I respect if you didn't like her answer. You have your own opinion too. But as for me, her answer was an answer without sugar coating, brave and boldly said and it stands out among 88 contestants. You just can't please everyone. Shamcey stands for what she believes. Why be ashamed of being a christian??? why live in the standards of others? Be brave about it, be bold. Her character speaks well for that answer, she is intelligent, didn't even paused to think what to answer, neither use an interpreter for that. We should be happy for that, she is a winner after all even if she was a runner up. Sometimes, people just think they can do better than others. They don't know that there is also pressure when you stand up in front of many people watching on live television. I am proud she answered that question well, congratulations to my kababayan Shamcey Supsup!
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Shamcey - Ms. Philippines
Her answer is a very intelligent answer. This is an answer that comes from a person who has strong faith and will never ever trade her faith for anything. I don't really know what kind of faith she has but her faithfulness to her faith is admirable and very honorable thing. So, I found nothing wrong with the answer of Shamcey. It is a very smart answer.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Yes labli, she answered without any second thought. She answered with all honestly and it come from her heart. She is straight-forward, no dilly dally, no taking of time. She is very honest about her feelings and that to me is very pleasing. Her answer in fact is the smartest answer of all. It is just that the judges are not smart enough to understand that faithfulness to God matters more than any other things in this world.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
We can't blame the judges if they are not "faithful". Religious belief is not even a criteria for judging in Miss Universe.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 11
i agree with you salonga..and she really answered it from her heart..she's so confident..amazing woman..
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14 Sep 11
I have no clue who Shamcey is (I assume someone on one of those godawfule "newest star" kind of things) but I must say it's lovely to see religious intolerance and bigotry being given a public voice... (That's sarcasm, by the way.) More seriously, she has the right to free speech and she exercised it. The fact that she's closed-minded and intolerant, with a real "holier-than-thou" attitude is probably a good reason for her not to win anything. At least she's honest.
14 Sep 11
Ah, I just saw that this is about a beauty pageant. That explains a lot.
14 Sep 11
A bigot is a person obstinately devoted to his or her own opinions, prejudices and beliefs, especially one exhibiting intolerance and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. "I won't marry you unless you convert to my religion," is obstinate devotion to one's own beliefs with notable intolerance of the other person's. Pretty obvious, I'd say. The important part is her saying "if that person loves me, he should love my God too". That's the bigotry. Of course, a lot depends on your definition of intolerance and how you understand what she says. She could mean "he should respect my religion", which is entirely normal and acceptable. However, the fact that she would refuse to marry him show intolerance and prejudice, ergo bigotry. If I loved someone of a different religion (which I do), it wouldn't stop me marrying them: I'm marrying the individual - including their principles and belief system, which I respect - not their church or their deity. They should do the same for me. No marriage should EVER ask anyone to change their religion. The two are completely separate: one is a social contract, the other is a personal belief. My opinion, anyhoo. You're entirely at liberty to disagree.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
How is that bigotry? Will you marry a Moslem woman if her family demands you convert to their religion? Religious tolerance is different from personal preferance. She did not say she hate other religion. Marrying someone is a different story.
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@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
14 Sep 11
I am not satisfied as well because it was not only her last sentence that is misleading but her first answer which is "I will not marry the person that I love". In the first place she was only asked about changing her religious belief not if she is going to marry the person she loves if she needs to change her religion. The answer of "I will not marry" is kinda unnecessary, judges wouldn't care about it if she wants to marry that person or not but then again the point is if she is going to change her religious belief. Either if she has answered it in YES or NO then explain her reason maybe she will be able to bring home the crown. Another thing that she mentioned is that God is the first person that she love where in fact God is not a person but the only one almighty. She could have said that God is her first one that she love. And lastly the word "love her God too" has a repercussion and the right term there must be "respect her religious belief or respect her God too". That is why there are other people who have been thinking that her answer was selfish. Aside from that it was not direct to the point. The repercussion that she wants her boyfriend to love her God too sounds like she has her own God, she is imposing that her boyfriend must be converted to the same religion as hers which is it already happened, she wouldn't care to her boyfriend's religion or even religious belief. To think that judges are came from another countries and yet they have different religious beliefs. Speed, accuracy, choices of words, and being direct to the point answers are really included in judges criteria. It is not about pleasing them but we must have the understanding of the main point of idea. Aside from that it is part of challenge to test your confidence, intelligence, sincerity and conviction. And you see our fellowman judge Lea Salonga rank her as 2nd in Q and A where in fact she can put that on 1st if she likes Shamcey's answer in 100%. Meaning she must be more satisfied with other candidate's answer which I think it was Ms. Angola.
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
I am perfectly sure Ms. Philippines will answer the same way with Ms. Angola, because it is such a very softball question. I just wonder why Ms. Angola needs an interpreter when she studies in UK where everybody speaks English, and she exhausted the time limit just to answer a simple question. Then she sugarcoats everything with "Respect each other", which has nothing to do with the question. Next time, probably we will be better off fielding liberal-minded candidates.
• Pasay, Philippines
15 Sep 11
Well we don't k now how long Ms. Angola have been staying in UK. She may understand the question a little bit but I am sure she is not fluent in English that is why I believe she still needs interpreter in order for her to speak what she wants that is accurate by using her own language. Because if you are going to force her to speak in English then I am sure she can't be able to express her answer accurately. When I was in college I have Korean classmate and he was not that fluent in English though and you can feel that he is not comfortable with it. But at least he can still express his message that is why I was still able to understand what he means. I also agree that "Respect each other" has nothing to do with the question. I dunno how she has been given a rate but I think the judges were satisfied on the first part of her answer that she is already contented of what she is right now.
@Harmonics (251)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
From what I see, it is her personal answer to the question. By deduction, she answered according to the context of that question and her religious belief. It is her prerogative to answer the question in such a way pleasing to her not necessarily gaining the approval of everybody. Granted that she indeed face a situation the question presented, would it be sensible to question her why she would not marry a person not sharing her religious belief? Everyone knows that she has the prerogative to decide on that matter and no perfect stranger is in the position to question that. Also, her answer if analyzed doesn't make a categorical statement that her God is the only "real" God. The question was really not about who is the true God or has the true God. It was a situational question about "what will she do" and not about "if her God is true." It is reasonable then to think then that her answer would be according to the question's phraseology. By the way, I am not lawyering for her and as far as religion is concerned, we are different. I'm only stating in my answer that although there are certain things that doesn't please us with regards to personal viewpoints or beliefs about a certain matter, still, a personal autonomy is inviolable.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Well said!
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Well, anyway I wouldn't be earning a crown for that.:-)LOL
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
For me not so because how about if you love that person personally it is good to change a religion so that you became united.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
it is not recommended to change your religion to your partners religion for the sake of love relationships.... the only thing to do is to combine what's best on your religion plus your partner's religion (merging) and eliminate whatever is useless.... i am sure, you are making yourself more nearer to God, than concentrating alone unto only one religion or giving up your religion and adopt your partner's religion is also the same.... merging religion to your partner's religion makes you more closer to God.... just like a combination of KungFu with Wrestling, you will become a MMA UFC (becoming a good fighter than before) or combining Sandstorm, plus Witchcraft, plus Hotter than a desert, plus Dogs stampede.... you will truly satisfy your stomach not hungry anymore because you eat Sandwich Hotdog....
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Her answer is correct and in accordance with the bible.. GOD.. from the very beginning command that His chosen people must not marry other people who do not belong to His chosen ones.. why? God also told the reason why.. They would lead you to worship other Gods other than Him. Do you believe that there is only ONE true religion which God have chosen? Everyone should start looking for it now..
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I believe there is only one God. We just call Him with different names, Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, Bathala etc...
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
That answer is very subject and it depends on one's principles and beliefs in life. I don't think it has a right or wrong answer at all. In fact i would have answered it differently from her too. She only answered according to what she believes in. Like what Jenni Epperson said, her answer is very controversial and is subject to criticism. I would have answered it like this: I would choose the man i love. I have God, religion sucks. And that is what i believe and that is my opinion. There's no right or wrong answer to that question.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Personally, I don't think that religion should be an issue when you're in love with someone. I am not religious and I would not care at all what the woman's religion was. She could follow her thing and I will not follow any. Thats the problem with religion, people take it way to personal. And, think of this way, there are so many religions, how does anyone know which one is true. Me, I don't believe in any of them. I feel that religion as a whole is evil because it causes not only arguments, but it causes wars. Love is unconditional and has no rules or laws. It is the strongest emotion we know. Just be with the Person you love. Remember, you're not marrying a religion, you would be marrying a human being.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I think she answered just right because she answered what was true to her heart. To stick to your convictions and with what you believe in such as faith under immense pressure is very admirable, who knows, maybe to Shamcey this is more important than the crown
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
you hit the nail on its head, very true.... because she only admit that her God and my God and everybody's God are all different... why giving up your God and receive her God and in fact they are all the same God... by combining two different religion's strong points, i think it makes you more closer to our universal God (and not by giving up your own religion for her religion)
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I'm not sure who Shamcey is, but I think her answer is acceptable. When you think about it, you can't just change your religion so easily. Changing your religion isn't something as simple as changing your clothes, or your hair color. Following a religion is about devotion. You shouldn't call yourself a believer of a religion if you don't truly believe in it. For example, let's say you have a Christian woman who wants to marry a Jewish man. If she truly believes Jesus was the Son of God, she can't be expected to change her religious beliefs and call herself Jewish. I don't think you're right about if she loves the man she would love his God. That isn't so. You can love someone but that doesn't mean you have to love everything about them, or everything that they believe. Personally, I wouldn't want to get too romantically involved with someone who doesn't have the same religious beliefs as I have. But if I were to fall in love with someone who follows a different religion, I still wouldn't change my religious beliefs.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Yes, but my point is why should the one she loves should change his religious belief while she doesn't want to change hers? No one should be forced to change his/her religious beliefs.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I guess it is her own prerogative and her opinion should the matter arise. Someone should compromise in this situations like these. My brother and his girlfriend are form different denomination of religion and I feel that if they get married soon, someone needs to give in in terms of religion. But that's Theiler problem altogether. If a male had been answering the question, I assume that he will reply just the same.
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
though i was not able to watch the pageant, I was so impressed with her answer. She is a God-fearing person, we have to respect her identity. For me, she's the winner!
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I believe that we only have one GOD and it only varies on the way we worship him that's why there are religions. I am not satisfied with her answer because for me that was a cliche. I believe that GOD wants us to be happy by all means, if we will change our religious belief to marry the man we love, I know that he will still loves us because our belief and faith in him will never change. The most important for GOD is our faith in him.
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Why they inserted a question that could turn controversial, and then they also have a question that is routine to any beauty contests, simply astounds me. We really cannot blame Shamcey for her answer. That is her religious conviction. You may not agree with her stand, but she was raised like that so nobody, not even a beauty contest can chance what she believes overnight. My opinion is that these kind of questions should be filtered out, because it is a Catch 22 for the contestant. (Catch 22 means damn if you did, darn if you dont). Some probably wants Shamcey to surgarcoat her answer, a.k.a lie, just to win the sympathy of the judges. I call that sleazy. She stood by her belief and I admire her for that. I still think Shamcey should have won the title as she really deserves it. But majority of the judges already have their own predetermined choices.
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Actually I liked her answer. It's very straight to the point and it's based on her own opinion. Everyone may vary or answer differently but then, most Filipinos are known for their strong religious belief. I think this point was clearly expressed by Shamcey when she answered the question :) Congrats to her :)
@airamtheb (370)
14 Sep 11
I dont think Shamcey wasn't able to get the Ms Universe Crown because of her answer because there could be other factors they have considered from among the finalists. There was no right and wrong answer to the pageant's questions provided the candidate can strongly support or give emphasis to her answer. In Shamcey's case, I dont think she gave a wrong answer, it just happened that her answer was not the favored answer the judges wanted to have.I myself have considered positively her answer because we have the same religious beliefs and affiliation. You know, in beauty pageant competitions, the candidate must not only possess beauty and brains but her destiny as well.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I admire Shamcey and I am 100% satisfied with her answer to the question during the Ms. Universe pageant. She is indeed beauty and brains. She showed her steadfast faith in God. Although it is but common for beauty pageant to raise this kind of question that involves love and religion but I guess Shamcey was able to answer it well. If I am the judge who asked this question I would give a high rating to that answer. God and love is synonymous so I don't even think that this would be a problem if a person is truly in love. For love learns to compromise. If I were in the same situation, I would give the same answer that she has.
• India
14 Sep 11
There's nothing wrong with her answer. It is her owen thinking and her answer shows her strong belief in her God.