deleted do you deal with it?

@meticulo (1286)
United States
September 13, 2011 8:58pm CST
My topic about Miss universe yesterday was deleted. It was my first time and I can say it's not a good feeling. It was so discouraging to think that I got 16 responses before it was deleted.It's really a sad feeling. Anyway, I have read all the responses in my email and I appreciate all the effort and time my fellow mylotters spent on my topic. Thank you all for everything.I have to say sorry if your response was deleted. I have no authority to stop it. For now, I guess I have to lie low in mylot for a while. I think I was not making good at it recently. :(
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9 responses
@dheckerz (473)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I had the same issue few months ago. Just shake it off, they have reasons of doing so even though they've already seen responses, that doesn't stop them from deleting the discussions. I guess it does not meet the standards or it violates on of it. Just continue to respond and make new topics.
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi there dheckersz! Thanks for the reply. I was about to lie low.You know, when you feel hurt it's a good thing to just go away and forget about the sad thing. YES! But when I received a best response earlier, it made my day really. Thanks God for lifting my mood and cheering me up. Thanks to @zhawee for giving me a best response rating.I am back and happy! Thanks for the advice!
@dheckerz (473)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Hi Meticulo. That's really a good news and congratulations to you. Keep it up! Sometimes what we learn and the fun on it matters most. I know what happened earlier is not desirable but I guess it happens. Good job!
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Thanks dheckerz! happy mylotting!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
14 Sep 11
Everyone here who did post discussions will had to face such thing-topics get deleted. Yeah, thinking about how many respond we get from others and how they spend time to respond to our discussions. Anyway that is the up and down in mylot. Every time you get such notification try check to FAQ why your topic get deleted. A good practice to avoid us do the same mistake again.(^^)
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi CTHanum! Yes, that's true and we need to adhere to their rules. Thanks for your advice!I hope I will not have a deleted post ever again!
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
14 Sep 11
I used to say that we should just write comments without even care about the discussions will get deleted or not but somehow someone scold me and say that due to my number of posts I should know how to determine if one discussion will be deleted or not and proudly say that they never get such thing happened to them. The irony part is not long after they post such comment to me the discussion get deleted means zero deleted comments are not belong to this member anymore~ So the lesson of the story is even if there are FAQ and guides on which and which discussion will get deleted we still somehow have no idea on how to determine such discussions and accidentally make the same mistake again and again..Never mind~ You still can write and start more discussions after this~(^^)
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@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Oh, so sorry to hear about that. Don't give it too much thought, though and don't let it get you down. It happens and it happens a lot here. You'll get use to it. Just enjoy it here.
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi choybel! Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I was just saddened because it was my first time. Oh forgive me but I don't think I can get used to it. Maybe I'll just be cautious with the topic that I'll be posting to prevent it from being deleted.For me, it's not a good thing to think that mine and fellow mylotters effort and time were being wasted.But I am fine now. I just received a best response rating and it makes me really happy. Thanks God!Thanks to you too choybel!
@zhawee (873)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
me alsoone of my topic id deleted of mylot admin. maybe 5 times. they always say me my question is like poll, but i never intended my topic make like a polls. But its okey for me. but in your topic is encouraging to make response and beside its very current news.
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
15 Sep 11
Hi there zhawee!They sent me a notification that my post was duplicated. That's why mine was deleted. It's current events that's why people were talking about same thing. Why would they stop it if what's in the other persons thought and mine were the same. I guess I can't accept their reason but who I am to argue. I'll just accept what happen and think of it as not a nice experience here. Thanks anyway to you, you made me happy after knowing you gave me a best response rating in your post. Happy mylotting!
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
I know what you mean :( It just feels a bit sad when your discussion gets deleted just because one comment/response broke myLot rules but then, rules are rules :D I'm quite sure that those who responded on the deleted discussion would understand it. It's not your fault anyway :D Just shrug it off :D I'm sure you can come up with more discussions and a lot of people would still reply on it :D
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi there keihimekawa! Thanks so much for your time and encouragement.I'm alright now. In fact, I am happy because after the sadness here comes joy because I received a best response rating from one of our fellow mylotters. It boost my confidence again. I believe angels are real through the people around us. They brought cheer into our life when we are down. I'm back again and hoping I will not experience it again. Thanks!
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Maybe the reason why it was deleted because someone has already started the same topic. And duplicate topic i think is not allowed here. Don't be sad.
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
15 Sep 11
Yeah! That's it! They notify me later on that my topic was deleted because of duplicate post. I didn't even know if there was a topic posted like mine. For me, it's unfair because I don't read post of other people before I post mine. How come it has a duplicate post. And if the words are not the same I guess it's just alright but for them not. So what should I do except to accept it. Thanks for your concern pepperpopper!
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
14 Sep 11
Hi meticulo, I have had just one topic deleted so far and it did unsettle me at that time .However ,on second thoughts when we become members of a site we have to realise that we need to follow rules and regulations, also that we are not being targeted, it is just a disciplinary measure taken by the admin. I dont think that if any of my future discussion gets deleted I would really feel bad...all the best
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I understand how you may be upset by this, and may not quite understand. However, please understand that myLot only deletes discussions or comments when they have violated the discussion guidelines - It's important to read, and understand these guidelines so that you will know what is, and is not allowed here on myLot. That way, future discussions or comments of yours will not be deleted due to violation of discussion guidelines.
@cow_boy29 (236)
• United States
14 Sep 11
hem it is maybe not tos of mylot?