Crazy Friends and doctor day...update

@bunnybon7 (50973)
Holiday, Florida
September 13, 2011 10:51pm CST
Geesh what a day I had. but im not complaining just discussing how nutty people are. Ive tried to stop my complaining because like ive said, Im still alivemy son had to work and couldnt possibley take me to the doctor today and it was one of those visits you cant change. So... i had to ask his ex-ex, my friend/enemy/Agra to run me over there. some of you know who i mean, since ive discussed her many times here. anyway, i always pay her 20 bucks for gas and buy her a pack of cigs. and sometimes even lunch!! She still lets on like shes doing a LOT for you when she does something anyway. ever know someone like that? So, she picks me and daughter up at 9am. she brings some other gal with her because its so far over here she says...geesh, about 16 miles. so, im put into the back seat. away from the air. its AZ here you know. get over there and she stays outside with her friend all the time im in the office with my daughter. shes out there smoking. my funny doctor puts more marks around where i have a reddening spot to keep an eye out he tells my daughter that it dont spread. before surgery, he did the same thing. drew all over my chest. I said, this doctor sure likes his marker and to draw on me he said it looked like they got all the cancer...yay! and he took out one of the nasty drain sacks we been emptying. yuck, yuck, yuck. it hurt when he pulled it out to. anyway on the way back, Agra starts saying she thought i was going to buy her cigs, so we stop for that. said she was hungry, but my daughter said since moms tired, i will fix you lunch when we get back. no, she says thats fine. we get here and find out the garage code wont work. son had changed it and didnt tell me...uuugghh!!then i notice that the key i usually carry, (even though it dont always work) is not in my purse? so i tell my daughter, go through the gate into the back yard and through the sliding door. guess what? she had put the block in it, even though most nights i find i have to put it in when everyones in bed already!! DOHHH! finally my daughter tried my sons birthday and that was the code..!! then Agra sees a thing i bought some time ago that you use to move things with and says how she'd like to have it. ive never used it so she says could she buy it off me. i tell her 20 bucks. she says well ive got to put that in the tank so guess i cant buy it yet. yes, i know i was mean at that point. but have you ever just felt like a person takes advantage of you every chance they get? i mean shes a user and every time i ask her for something she forgets all ive done for her and acts like shes so put out. have you known anyone like that? what a day!
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12 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I'm so glad the cancer is gone, what good news!! As for Agra, I'd have called a taxi before I called her. I'd want her out of my life for good, she's poison.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Sep 11
When I lived in Phoenix there was "share a ride", an offshoot of the bus company that would pick up and drop off at the times you needed, especially if it was medical. It cost about $2 in the mid-80s. And if you're on a fixed income there should be some form of transportation that's state sponsored that you can qualify for, isn't there? Look around. Call your doctor's receptionist and ask her if any of the patients use shuttles or medical transportation that's subsidized. Call your bus company, the ambulance companies in town plus your local state welfare office. Do you have a Community Referral office down there like Phoenix does? They are there to help you find things like inexpensive, safe transportation. I hope you find something!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
14 Sep 11
ive wanted rid of her for a long time. it just seems circumstances always makes me unable to stop. but my daughter says never again. plus we have no money for a cab. it would have cost me more, i'll admit for a cab and i barely had enough to cover what i paid her. we are having financial problems quite a bit what with all the co pays, her fiance looking for a job, etc. im on fixed income and just need to get over this hurdle.
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@GardenGerty (162810)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I have known people like that and sometimes I let it make me mad. I am glad you didn't, It is good your daughter is there helping you out, I think it is funny she offered to cook and Agra and her friend turned her down. Must not have really been hungry. Have a great day tomorrow, one of these days you will get rid of all those markers all over you and be more spry than ever.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
14 Sep 11
i know my daughter is such a match for these people. it was also her that guessed the code her brother must have changed it to. how smart is she. yes, i love this doctor but hes way to fond of his freaking marker.
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@GardenGerty (162810)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I think Agra had a lot of nerve bringing a friend along in the first place. I feel better knowing the daughter is helping and looking out for you.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 11
HI bunnybon oh have I. this woman and here drunken husband put us through hoops after we helped themn to move as they could not afford a mover. so then about every day she would come around begging my husband to take here to this or that,he was out of work so he kept doing it, so then we'd formed a gardening landscaping co. and I was the one to do this or that, never once paid for okay finally the drunken husband did get his drivers license back. yeah . so she comes over, runs up at my husband who was watering our veggie garden throws her arms and wraps her arms around him, and plants a big fat kiss on him. I lost it. I ran over, grabbed her off him, he was grinning like a loon, and shook her. I yelled," go kiss your own husband, this is mine, If you ever,ever do that again I will knock you silly ." I guess she figured I meant it so she shied away from me. no more tasks I had to do for her, no more free rides. My hubby claimed he was not kissing her, she was doing all of it.Knowing her I felt he was really telling the truth.When they moved away I felt like cheering for they had used us over and over for a whole year. I am sure they found another family to save them having to use their car and buy gas, and someone to make extra dishes of food as she was always out of food. I guess users is a really good word for them.Oh and finally they got cross ways of welfare people as they had put down they had three children when all the time they only had two. they showed up then wanting to borrow a thousand dollars that they owed to the welfare for false information. we did not have it so I h ave no idea what happened to them. I was too sick of them to even care.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
14 Sep 11
way to go Hatley! I bet your hubby was so glad you finally lost it and gave her a whopping! no wonder he was grinning. I can see she needed some setting straight and i wish id done that with Agra years ago when i still had the health to do it.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Sep 11
No wonder she's an ex, she sure doesn't sound like a very nice person.She's the one that lived there awhile, right? I imagine it would be a cold day down below before i ask her to take me anywhere else.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
14 Sep 11
i know. right? its just that daughter dont have a car and we are sharing one vehicle right now and to top it off ive lost track of all friends i had here way back when i lived here before and i dont know anyone else/ yes its the one that lived here when she and my son first talked me into moving here.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Goodness what a day. The best thibg about days like that is once they are over...they are gone. I can't stand to be around people like that. I hope you aren't put in the position to have to ask for anything anymore. Take care and watch that red spot closely.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
14 Sep 11
oh iam so not asking any more. my daughter says no matter what we will figure something out from now on. im thinking of finding out about that transportation the insurance helps with ive heard of.
@inertia4 (27978)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Yes I have known people like that. And one of them is my ex-wife. Well, I won't get into that. But, you're right, they always look to take, take and take some more. It seems to me that she has no compassion for others. After all, you're tired and want to rest. A normal person would not be looking to take something from you, but would be asking of you needed something. Well, I am glad everything is good with you. You rest now.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
20 Sep 11
thanks dear. you are a nice man
@inertia4 (27978)
• United States
21 Sep 11
You are welcome. And thank you.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
Yep, my neighbour is like that- expects everything done for her and expects you to be at her beck and call and to do odd jobs. She often has visitors and they are always doing work on her old shack of a house. it turns out she's a hoarder too so if there are any garage sales or similar in the district, she will be there early, grabbing all the good stuff. You know how much I love Agra...NOT!! I know she's your friend, only because you are such a loving, giving sweetheart. The fact is, the woman is toxic and I'm so glad she is no longer with your son. Did your doc have to put in a new draining tube? I hope things are not tyoo sore and that you are healing well.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
22 Sep 11
actually, they finally took the last drain tube out 2 days ago. man did that hurt. but im so happy to have it gone. it was so irritating and painful. i think im on the mend. and we will not be asking Agra for any more rides. the problem being only having one car. but hopefully that will be fixed soon also.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Sep 11
Your day sounds so confusing and so fill of medical details. I nave never known a person like that, but I am little like that. I have a friend who takes me out for coffee, and really I should treat her once in a while. That is more then when I go out for supper with friends and we all do our part. Glad you got back all right. I mean your story is making me feel guilty as not doing more for my friend.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Sep 11
I sure wish I had enough money to treat her. The trouble is with getting the tv fixed and the furnace looked at, do not have that much. Plus I have to get boots. WE do go to Tim Hortons' and was thinking of getting a card . Usually we just have coffee and a treat. That might help. She does ask if we can go to Tims. and I did treat her one time, but really I have to do more.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
15 Sep 11
your comment reminds me of another time in life when i had another so called "friend" that would ask if we could go to lunch together then alway end up somehow with not bringing money or enough with her and id end up with the whole bill. i finally just started telling her i couldnt go. had other plans
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@ElicBxn (63827)
• United States
15 Sep 11
yes, and I'm sorry YOU have to deal with a person who should be wearing a dog collar when you have so many other problems
@ElicBxn (63827)
• United States
15 Sep 11
well, they don't permit us to call people by that female dog name... so I suggested the collar... I agree that dogs are better than some people, but there is a name for people like her...
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
15 Sep 11
a dog collar? frankly friend, i think dogs are so much better then some people. more appreciative and a lot more helpful
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Oct 11
Nope, I don't. What a pain in the butt. glad you're OK, I've been reading your discussions, but I can't get on often to respond. :-(
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
8 Oct 11
glad to see you sweetie. oh i know how it is you are a busy little good mommy thats why
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
30 Oct 11
I think you did the right thing when you told her it would cost her to obtain the item. It is never good to give in to a user like that. I don't think I have run into anyone like that, but if I had I think I would use the same tactics. I just hope that I won't need to depend on others for transportation any time soon. Have a great weekend!!!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
31 Oct 11
yes shes always been like this. gets as much as she can out of you, then acts like she done you the biggest darn favor ever.
• United States
14 Sep 11
Yes I do know several people like this and as you will only call upon in desperate measures. They always seem to make sure that they anger me each and every time. No matter how many times I try and not let it bother me it is like they know what buttons to push. As you, yes the "favors" do cost me money and although I will only call upon them in my most dire need somehow I always live to regret it. I am glad though that despite all she were able to get to your appointment and did not allow her to get on your last nerve. I am also happy to hear that your surgery has gone well and that a great chance that all the cancer is gone. Sounds like soon bon will be back to her ole self and ready to fight against anything. So maybe "Arge" best not bother you any longer. lol
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
15 Sep 11
thanks friend. yes im looking into some different medical transportation,