How can thin person gain their weight?

Weight gain? - How to gain weight
September 13, 2011 11:47pm CST
One of my relative she eat all the day but no result in her weight, she is as thin as she was before she wants to gain weight what should she do to gain the weight???
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11 responses
@vikku2001 (258)
• India
14 Sep 11
Hi sheetal I have gone through this condition and you don't believe that i gained a lot of weight and I am very healthy now about 70 kg and before that I was only 50 kg. So the method is very natural and healthy. Just do some exercise, better to join gym that makes body work.After working physically out diet increase. After work out take 3-4 bananas with milk. It is very health gaining.You can take this two times daily. And do some rest also.It brings body more weight.You will surely see effects just in 20-30 days.
• India
14 Sep 11
oki will her to do this thing twice in a day
• India
14 Sep 11
No sheetal just take bananas and milk twice in a day and do exercise just one time....
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
14 Sep 11
I, myself, do not how exactly what she could do to gain weight. So, I would suggest she visit her doctor, as he/she will be able to better assist her in this matter. I am sure there are medications, or other things the doctor can prescribe or suggest that will help her out.
• India
14 Sep 11
ya actually she visited near by doctor but no affect
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hmm... perhaps she should try another doctor? I am not sure how doctors are where you live, but here... they will give you something, or suggest something to help you. Whether it be for losing weight, or gaining weight.
• India
23 Sep 11
I have observed some thing similat thin people eat lots to gain weight, fat persons obseve dieting to get slim, but fail, one can try Ramdeb babas exercises , it keeps ones body weight right.. Thanks for sharing Best of luck. Professor
@sanofer (525)
• India
23 Sep 11
Its very important to realize that pills and supplements are not the good way to gain weights.Ask you relative to take food which contains more carbohydrate and protiens in it.You can increase your carbohydrate rate by having foods like pasta,cereals,breads and rice products.Red meat,diary products,egg,yoghurt etc are rich in protiens which are best food to increase weight.The other foods which helps to gain weight are nuts,Baked potato chips,Apple,raw baby carrots etc.hope you find this comment useful:)
@DiaJ88 (170)
• Singapore
14 Sep 11
Hi sheetal2900. My sister has the same problem with your cousin. However she has gained weight now. What she did is drinking protein milkshakes to build up the protein content in her body. She run regularly to build up her muscle mass and eat balanced meals three times a day. If you are unsure if it doesn't work for your cousin, you should consult a doctor. Hope this information helps! :)
@eila80 (1)
14 Sep 11
Hi, I used to be really, really thin for my height. What I did about 10 years ago was eating a lot of fatty foods every single day. Junk food and fast food did help me to gain weight such as Burger King and McDonald's. Ice cream, topped with chocolate syrup and Oreo crusts were the best comfort food to indulge right before going to bed. Trust me, all those food did add fat to your body.
• Malaysia
14 Sep 11
Eat late at night and go to sleep ~ everytime after meal Sleep
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Wow I never had that problem so I can't relate. I do see some thin people using protein drinks to try to build muscle and gain weight. The last thing they should do is try to load up on junk food because surprisingly that doesn't really work for them.
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Her metabolism is probably so high. I also have friends who are like that. They eat a lot but they don't get fat. Sometimes I envy them. My friend went to the doctor and he said that the doctor prescribed him to drink "appeton" weight gain milk to gain weight.I don't if it was effective.
• United States
14 Sep 11
There are several foods that can help to slow metabolism, also being lazy you still burn some calories so if she is a busy body she will have to eat more than her BMR and it takes 3,500 calories to gain one pound. Kind of weird for me to explain how to gain weight though. Good luck.
@m4ndr4ke (219)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
Eating all day is only part of the equation. she must do weight training to build her muscle. more muscle = more mass and her body will be well toned.