Can Partners w/diff. Religion Marry?
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
September 15, 2011 6:39am CST
For me, that is
People had been talking about how Ms. Shamcey Supsup answers her question during the Ms. Universe 2011, the question was about her choice if she would change her religion for teh sake of marrying the one she loves. her answer was a bit reverse, for her it was the guy who should change religion for her. Which actually happened in her real life, her bf change religion because of her.
But there were some who kinda disagree with it, and I find the answer misleading a bit.
[i]Because a local network was able to interview a couple with different religion. the Husband's a catholic and the wife is a Muslim. they were both Married with both religion rights, parents of both disagreed first.but they changed they're mind and support them seeing them happy together. now, they have three children both baptism in both religion..
they said that they will respect what ever religion their children will pursue.[/i]

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27 responses
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
I am a Baptist and my boyfriend is a Catholic. This has been a serious topic for us. Our friend once asked us about this and until now we're still discussing it (from time to time).
His view is that it's okay for different religions to marry. But mine isn't. Faith is a serious thing. If you're serious about your faith, it's not going to be easy to give it up, especially for someone you love.
Think of it this way: I believe there is only one way to Heaven. I believe on it with all of my heart. If my guy doesn't believe it, would I be contented living my life with him knowing he won't go to Heaven?
It's like: You're visiting a place you've known well, and you know the exact route to it. Now your partner took another route. Aren't you gonna tell him the route you know of? Aren't you even gonna convince him to take it?
And if not, What if he or both of you gets lost, aren't you gonna blame yourself?

@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
@Salonga: Thank you so much! I never knew I could find someone who would understand where I stand. This is a serious topic for me, and it has been so many times that my arguments just got everybody hyped up.
Thank you for your prayers. Im so glad you have a happy ending your husband.
@LetranKnight: Yes, most Christian faith have the same background. But there are also a lot of differences. Differences that for me is pretty heavy to just ignore. Example is the way to God/Heaven. In our religion it isn't "doing good". No amount of good deeds can bring you to Heaven, if you lack this one thing.
I once asked my boyfriend, if he'd die where will he go, to heaven or hell? He said, "Well, we don't know. We'll only know when we die." And that just SCARED me.

@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
Oh excuse me please LetranKnights and Swirl! Kindly let me just butt-in for I find Swirl's response very interesting. Yes dear, a Christian (true Christian, I mean) can not be contented in living when the man she loves is lost and is bound to hell! That fact will tear her heart over and over again. We Christians should evangelize to the lost so we should evangelize to our loved one first and foremost. But the problem is what if your loved one can't accept the gospel? What if he wants you to be converted to his faith instead? Of course a true Christian will not, ever ever give in to this demand. It is just like getting lost again after being found. Oh well there are situations when after marrying, the wife was able to win the husband and this happens to me.
I just pray this happens to you too.

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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
Swirlz, Almost All Christian faith believed mostly or some parts of the Holy trinity but they have one goal, and that is to be good and hope you finish your mission on earth and go straight back to heaven. the real deal here is you do GOOD regardless of religion and it will lead you to heaven. you're talking about changing route because of religion but we are all christians here..spreading the word of god and hope to heaven is our duty by being selfless, regardless on which christian religion you belong to. have a nice day

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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Sep 11
I don't see anything wrong in mixed marriages. The only difference is our way of worshiping the One God that we all share. But my country where Islam is the official religion, it is a taboo to marry a muslim without converting. Whether you are man or woman marrying a muslim, one must convert to the islamic faith.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
Zandi458, This isn't mix, probably couples with different religion. that's probably why I love the Philippines, it's all fine for couples to marry a person with a different religion and live their lives together. I guess it shows how democratic my country is despite of it's trouble. Have a Nice day.

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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
19 Sep 11
zandi458, a lot of people (including myself) don't believe that all religions worship the One God (although I believe there only is one real God). For example, the Christian God exists as three persons: God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Allah is categorically single and indivisible and doesn't have any children. Buddhism and atheism don't have any gods. Then you get these gods with elephants' heads and things! How can these possible be the same?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
16 Sep 11
I think her boyfriend is just acting the part to be with her and if it doesn't work out , he will change back to his original religion. I think religion is a personal thing and it has to come from the heart not from the groin! In other words you can feel it in your heart when you are on the right path! And I think any two people of different faiths with full mutual respect can make it work.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
17 Sep 11
If he is doing out of respect or genuine love for her , then I can see it working out . But if for him it is out of a attempt to appease, then it will not last. I wish them well.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Sarah, The guy has no conviction of some sort because he easily convert because of her. i think she worships her more than his converted religion. but we do live in a free democracy and can almost do what ever we want and need. I like how they mostly respec each other. Have a nice day. 

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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
23 Sep 11
I don't know anything about the people you're talking about. I think it's possible that this man finds the arguments supporting his girlfriend's religion genuinely convincing and has come to sincerely believe it.
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@Galena (9110)
20 Sep 11
so long as each person respects that the other has just as much right to their sincerely held spiritual beleif as they do themselves, and that it's a part of the person they love, and to accept it and not try and change that, then it works just fine.
we all have a personal spiritual journey. interfering with someone elses path isn't very respectful.
if I had a partner who tried to convert me, to try and make me turn my back on my Gods, and my spiritual ways, I would know that they do not love me, as it's such a large part of who I am. it's a way of life, not a hobby. it colours the way I see the universe. if you took away that part of me I would be a completely different person. and if they want to make me a completely different person, then they do not love me.
I expect a partner to respect my spirituality, and I give them the same respect.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Galena, I agree they are doing it but this is the first time I've seen others done and it proves that there is room for peace with regards to people with different religions. Have a nice day. 

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
21 Sep 11
Galena, maybe somebody wants to convert you to their religion because they do love and don't want you to go to hell (or whatever their bad afterlife is).
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Sep 11
Yes, marriages can last, but only if both are not 100% dedicated to G♥d or possibly a god. The G♥d of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob has standards, and if one if following those standards and the other is not, that is compatible to being unequally yolked..I should know, I am a part of a marriage like that..

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Sep 11
But if one wholeheartedly believes in one scripture as truth and the other does not and does not follow that scripture, then there will be friction. My husband and I both believe in G♥d, but I believe Jesus never came to destroy the OT, my husband does..So he sees me as legalistic and I see him as not a spiritual leader because instead of listing to G♥d, he listens to man and does not put G♥d or his family first..He comes first, then his job, then his friends, then maybe G♥d and family. He can do this because his church thrives on grace without law, he does what he wants..
Anyway, I am just saying if one is completely devoted to G♥d and His ways, and their spouse is not, someone will be unhappy..
I hope that made sense, and thanks for the BR by the way, this shows me that though we disagree, you knew I am not giving lip service, I will speak my mind on this subject every time, because I live it..
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Hello carmel,
Well it's just the difference of religion but certainly they have only one GOD.the important thing here is that they have proven it to the world that they can live happily ever after despite of their religious differences.
Have a Nice day.

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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
20 Sep 11
camelanirel, I assume you meant to write: "both are 100% dedicated to God".
I don't understand these "Christians" who believe they can ignore the OT. How do we know that Jesus is the messiah? Because he fulfilled many of the OT messianic prophecies (he will fulfill the rest when he returns). Without the OT, he is just a miracle worker, "messiah" is meaningless! Then what about all those prophecies in the OT, which have yet to be fulfilled (not just messianic ones) or have been recently fulfilled (like Zech 6:1-8 which obviously is related to Reve 6:1-8 and I think we're seeing Psal 2:1-3 right now!)? How can they ignore Jesus saying things like "Not a jot or title of the law will pass away."?
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
17 Sep 11
The marriage will never be truly happy unless one partner willingly converts. This should be because the one converting believes that the religion to which he/she is converting to is correct.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Bellis, that is your view and not to mention i respect that. though i disagree with you knowing they have three kids already and have the support of the sides of the family even though they have different views in religion.
Have a nice day.

@Galena (9110)
17 Sep 11
my marriage is perfectly happy.
because I love my husband I would not try to have him convert to my religion unless he feels it in his soul.
and likewise, he would not have me turn my back on and abandon the Gods I have a sincere relationship with.
if one person converts FOR the other, and not for themself, then they will never truly be happy, as they know that their partner only accepts them conditionally.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
17 Sep 11
I am a Catholic married to a Hindu. I did not ask my husband to change his religion because after marriage I was living with my husbands family. And I dont think it would have been possible to follow two different religions in the same house. I did not get myself converted and continued going to church after marriage. When the kids came they automatically followed the rituals that were being performed in the house everyday i.e. Hindu rituals. But they would accompany me to church on Sundays and now know both the Hindu as well as Christian prayers. Now that I dont live with my inlaws we celebrate both Hindu as well as Christian festivals at home.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
llo mayka123, I would like to say congratulations to you because you have proven to other people that it's beneficial for people to love each other in different religions. besides, the kids gets the benefit of getting to know two different religion from their parents. Have a Nice day.

@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
15 Sep 11
I would honestly tell that on my part as much as possible I don't want to change my religion or even my religious belief but it depends. Though I still have this question in my mind if in case I am in the position of other people. Yes I am not going to change but what if my partner is a Muslim which his worship is different to my case as a Catholic then if we are going to have a kid meaning to say if one of us didn't convert then the kid will have to choose?
I am also wondering married couples that the one is Catholic or Christian then the other one is Atheist wherein that person is not a believer of God. Then they have children, how was that kid baptized?
If in case that my partner is a Christian, I still want to open my mind on how they worship, study more about their beliefs and it's religious conviction especially on how they help each other or how do that religion influence other people. If I think I am comfortable with it that is the time that I have to think otherwise if I could change my religion from Catholic. I have this kind of thinking because I have my nephew who converted himself from Catholic to born again Christian already and as I observed him I could see how deep he is in terms of faith, he became more optimistic, his religious conviction was very strong and more his knowledge on his religion was more influential. It was like he have chosen the right decision. And you see it was his choice just because of his faith not because it was dictated from other people around him.
Now on the other hand as we have heard on news that Shamcey's boyfriend have converted into another religion that is same with her, my question here is did he change his religion because of Shamcey or he is just willing to change it because he wants the belief of that religion. Then if I am the parent of Shamcey's bf that could be my number 1 question to him. If that is for the sake of Shamcey then I myself would disagree on that guy's decision because the repercussion is like he is worshiping Shamcey and not the religion.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11

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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
19 Sep 11
LetranKnight25, you ask why people believe that leaving the catholic church for another "Christian faith" makes them a better Christians. Pretty well all really Christian churches (not including things like Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses) are closer to Biblical teaching than the Catholic church. There's nothing in the Bible about worshiping saints, Mary being the queen of heaven, priests having to be celibate etc.. Therefore most Christian groups don't have these teachings or practices. I suspect that many of those who leave the Catholic church for a protestant church do so because they believe protestants are closer to what the Bible teaches.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
That's very true indeed ms pitot, nothing is impossible. 

@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
16 Sep 11
For starters religions that say that one can only marry someone from the same religion are separatists and it shows already it's a terrible religion. Religion is about goodness, to help us not to demand anything from us, specially money or to get in the middle of our relationships and lives. Now if the person chooses to remain in this, the couple could not talk about it, or try to visit each other's temples and churches.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Katie, I agree and i have seen this in movies, documentaries and stories of other people. religion was supposed to make us good in every way for others and not exclude them. they shouldn't talk about it or debate about it because there is no end to it and would cause couples to fight each other. have a nice day.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
21 Sep 11
katieO, I think you're objecting to a lot of religions including Christianity, Judaism and Islam (although this says that Muslim men can marry women of other religions but not the other way round - Muslims having their cake and eating it again!). If your religion doesn't govern your life what does?
I'm not sure about people, I think in mixed marriages, not talking about religion or visiting each others temple or churches.
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@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
My friend is a Born Again Christian married to a Muslim man. They are both happy for three years now but they still don't have children.
I think that's very possible and nobody has to give up their faith.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
Toniganzon, That's good to know i hope that you're friend would have a child some day. I didn't realize that the people in our country are marrying spouse with different religion. Too bad this isn't happening much on other countries. Have a Nice day.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
19 Sep 11
I find it difficult to believe that a born again Christian and a Muslim could be happy being married to each other. Born again Christians (I've heard it said, "Is there any other type") should take their faith quiet seriously. I believe mixed religion marriages only work for people who don't take their religion seriously. I suspect at least one of them can't really be the religion they claim to be.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
Well, Chamcey's opinion is also correct. It's a real test if the guy loves the girl.
However, if i were to answer that, i would still marry my husband even if he has a different religion. What is important is that we worship the same loving God.
And like what you have narrated, it only proves that difference in religion is not a barrier to two people in love. They just have to respect each others' religion. 

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Hello Simplyd, Yeah as long as they worship the same god but unfortunately with different religion. I think this goes into respecting each other even with their beliefs. am glad this is happening in our society, i feel that we are entering a completely modern era despite that they are labeling us still a christian country.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
23 Sep 11
What two religions worship the same god? I know some people think that Christianity, Islam and Judaism worship the same God but this doesn't hold water if you really analyze them. Things like Catholicism and Anglicanism are really forms of the same religion, not different religions.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
They can still be marry but expect sooner or later, a great argument they will encounter for sometime....
because both of their religions still intact, never merge, never combined ideas, never absorb what is useful and to reject what is useless...
if you compare it to Hydrogen Element(Husband) and Oxygen Element(Wife)
when they get married, those gas elements never merge, it is still Hydrogen and Oxygen, so their children are forced to select either of the two separated elements...
and never form a compound (H2O) which means "Water", a liquid (only one compound for their kids to choose)
not selecting this one and reject that one....
and if you compare it to crayons or pastels....
Blue(Husband) and Yellow(Wife)
so the kids may choose if either blue or yellow,
instead of choosing only one color, and that is "Green"
choosing only one color is like choosing only one family and not two families...
I am getting weird already hehehe
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
mantis, wow you speak of the chemicals, that can be a good combination though.

@nasapiyush (147)
• India
15 Sep 11
In my opinion if the guy and the girl truly love each other the there should not be any hesitation or any problem to change their religion for that particular person .
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Nasapiyush, Respect is the other thing that can also apply in the relationship. but i can see that the guys conviction was more on her and not his beliefs. anyways, i think for what it's worth they are both happy with each other. Have a Nice day.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
21 Sep 11
nasapiyush, you're assuming that religion isn't very important to somebody. If it is, they be reluctant to change for the person they love. They may have serious problems with the other person's religion. Then you can have the basic relationship dynamic thing of "Why must I be the one to change, don't you love me enough to change to my religion?"
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@Minesky (245)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
Most of the time, the people who negatively reacts to this relationship is not the pair, but the family, friends and the religious group they are members in.
Initial fear is caused by the concern that the other has no respect on certain practices that other one has.
But at the end of it all, it lies to the partners themselves, and how open and accepting they are to each others values and practices. If that is balanced, I do not see why they should not be together.
Respect is what is most important of all.
Happy mylotting!
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
minesky, At first they disagreed with it but later they realized how happy they are together and that's when they just let it be. there is unity in this family because their sides of the family actually get along. they dont debate and that's what is important. Have a nice day.

@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
I think it is possible.
But it won't be easy as it is impossible to imagine both of them not having an argument on religion later on.
Also, the Bible warns about being yoked with non-believers and I believe it applies to those with different religions.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
wrangel15, If they always talk about religion then they would have never be together now. It's not for us to judge since these some responders here have truly done it with their own experience. maybe it doesn't apply to every one i guess. Have a Nice day.

@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
16 Sep 11
I think it's freaking disgusting that people have to change religion to get married. Why are people stopping eachother from being in a specific religion to get married to eachother? Why does there have to be that exact placement of beliefs that way? Why can't people just be happy with who their husband or wife is, and not have to be changing around the way they think about religion? It makes me pretty upset to think about it in these ways...
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
llbo1981, I agree with you that they can live together in peace as a couple and respecting each other's religion. the one interview that they had with them, already has three kids and the relationship goes strong every single day. Have a Nice day.

@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
The religion is not really important. It is your belief that matters most. In the answer of Ms. shamcey, I think she was referring on religious beliefs and not specifically in the kind of religion. She was focusing on her God. In my interpretation, Shamcey answer about not changing her religious beliefs even the guy ask her and not merely pinpointing in the type of religion.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Zerd, But i guess that's what not the judges wanted to hear, it's so unfair the more i think about it when she only mention her stand. it was about her choice and she only said base on her belief. anyways, it's all in the past now. Have a Nice day.

@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
16 Sep 11
Partners with different religions can surely marry, some may choose to convert just to make the family ties more connected and similar. I have a family friend who is Christian but she's married with a Buddhist husband. He's okay about her keeping her religion and me even agreed to marry in a church! Couples should understand and consider whether their contrasting religions will cause conflict within their relationship. This should be considered before marriage.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
Triple0, Yes there is always a conversation such as that and with agreement before they tie the knot. there's nothing wrong with it actually, except to those who are too dwell in their religion. though in some cases they can be right, but i don't want to dwell in it deep enough. have a nice day.