Is Blasphemy really all that Bad????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
September 17, 2011 12:32am CST
When people speak against God, people of religion get angry and cry foul. There are places in the world where people will kill you for such a thing. Is it God or religion that holds blasphemy as such a crime?? Religion and religious principles are based on beliefs. If people stop believing, your religion will no longer exist. Isn't this religion's real motive behind teaching people to hate others for blasphemy?? Aren't religions really teaching evil when they teach people to hate?? Does God really need anyone to defend Him?? God has ways far beyond those of mankind. God has many options. God could take their voice. Hey, God could walk them off the nearest bridge. God doesn't need anyone to defend Him or His good name. God's actions speak for themselves. So what does God do?? God does nothing. God knows our challenges and lessons can be hard, further, depending so much on beliefs instead of facts can lead people to all kinds of places in life. In short, it's all part of the learning process. God knows every child at some point has run their mouth and said things they would later regret. Once again, it's part of learning. God will love us Unconditionally no matter what. We are all influenced by many things in life. We must all be careful not to learn hate when others are teaching it. If we hate for any reason, we will discover that hate is never the answer after it returns to teach us what it really is. When I see people talk badly about God, I make them a good friend. It's clear they do not understand and are hurt by a view they are missing in their life. It's time to show them that view.
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11 responses
@vikku2001 (258)
• India
17 Sep 11
Hello bird You took a very good topic.We know that there are such places where religious matters are taken very seriously.But now its time to get over this.I believe in God but I don't believe in taking blood of anyone make them believe in God.It is not very good to talk against God even you don't believe them because it hurts some people.But it is much worse to take any actions against him with the name of God.If God really wants to punish, he will do in his way.We don't need to show cruelty as we all are the same creation of God.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Yes, seems there are many willing to want to punish others. Maybe many would like to be God. Without the true wisdom that God has, it will only end up hurting others. I think some like the view that God backs them. After all, if they have God's backing they can justify anything. Like you said. They are blind to the truth. They are doing what they want rather than what God wants.
• India
18 Sep 11
Yes bird they should just think one time what God wants then they will make peace and love that is the only thing that can make happy God too.
• United States
17 Sep 11
How would you feel if someone you wanted to have a relationship with treated you with contempt? God will not force us to love or respect Him; but since He created us to have a relationship with Him, I believe it bothers Him when or if we speak impiously about Him, when we blame Him when things are not His fault, and when we give the credit to anyone other than God when God is the one who deserves credit. Whether or not God "needs" us to defend Him, don't you think He'd like us to show that we're on His side by speaking up for Him?
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Sep 11
You must see God for Who God really is. God's intellect is much higher than anyone you know. Further, when you are capable of loving unconditionally, you are above the petty things of mankind. Unlike mankind, there is no ego to bruise. God understands completely what and why you are choosing to do what you do.God loves His children and will teach great wisdom through their choices. After eons upon eons of free choices, God's children will come to understand. When they do, they will realize that the only real choice is to Love Unconditionally. That is where it's all heading. Carry on wayward children. There will be peace upon understanding. Choose for yourself. Don't take this statement wrong. Widen your view. It stares you in the face. God has much more depth than who we are. I know it's within you. Step into undiscovered country and discover for yourself.
• United States
18 Sep 11
After eons and eons the blasphemers continue to blaspheme. What makes you think anything is going to change? Saying God's love is unconditional isn't getting it with the blasphemers. I see God as our loving, heavenly Father, but others see Him as a monster, never mind how intelligent He is. People do need to learn who God is; and if they do, they'll understand why things are as they are.
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• United States
18 Sep 11
God is love and righteous, but He's also just. It's not that blaspheming harms God, but that it harms the blasphemer. If you show such disrespect toward the highest being, how might you act toward your fellow human being? Really, if you don't respect God, who will you respect, and isn't disrespecting one another one of our biggest problems?
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• Philippines
18 Sep 11
You may be aware how weak people are. People and not perfect and weak that they easily get attacked by the devil no matter how religious they are. I know you're thinking right now, 'why does people always blame evil'. . Because they're the one to be blame. I heard in one radio station here in our place that evil can impersonate a ministry people and pretend like one just to destroy the whole community. Evil will find ways and will seek you every minute and every second just to get a victim. When people get angry they can easily be controlled by the devil. It depends on how the holy spirit dwells within that person. Have you read the article about the 7 Columbian youths who experienced seeing heaven and hell? I'm not sure if its true or not but what if it's true? Even if you don't believe that God exist it's better to be safe than be in eternal flame. So I mean it better not to blaspheme than make people believe you are right in your belief.
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
To be honest, I do good thing not because I'm afraid to go to hell. It's not really in my mind. I know if I haven't forgiven anyone I'll go to hell. I tell you I have this one person I haven't forgiven and until now it's really hard for me. What's in my mind is I don't want to become evil and I don't want to follow evil's acts. You know I listen to people but I believe what I will want to believe. I open my mind. I'm a catholic but I listen to a Christian when we have bible study. Sometime I also feel like attending in an Philippine Independent church or "aglipay" in tagalog. Because I like the teaching and I learn more. I tell you I don't just listen to what people and saying and just believe what they say but I keep what I hear in mind and find truth to it. I know my God. It's just that people don't know everything even religious people and even atheist. We don't know the the truth. We are all the same, believing in our own beliefs.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Sep 11
You are still pointing fingers trying to blame the devil or someone for your own choices. Let's really think. If you fully understand a certain evil action, could you ever choose that action no matter who was talking to you??? I say no. It would no longer be a choice for you. Granted, many many people need to learn many lessons but isn't that what this world is all about??? Finally, if you must alter your actions for fear of what God will do to you, I find that very very sad. You don't know God at all. You have allowed others to influence your view of God rather than discover who God really is for yourself. God is above the petty thinking and things of mankind. Can you see??? I hope you will strive to discover for yourself.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Sep 11
It's good you branch out to discover the knowledge from the diversity of people. It is learning. Perhaps, it's time to stop the value of beliefs. I rely very little on them. You can understand anyone through their actions. Look around you. Study God's actions. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face including the diversity around us. We must widen our views and open our minds. God works on multiple levels with multiple views. We must look for the depth that is so easily overlooked. The more you come to understand; the more you see how God thinks. This will lead to many more doors to open. None of this requires belief. It takes much work, study and time. The rewards will amaze you. Your road to discovery will lead to God.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I find your statement rather odd. The blasphemer has cursed God and yet you accuse the religious person of spreading hate because he takes exception to anyone cursing his God. If I’m reading you correctly, you believe it’s all right to blasphemy God but not all right to object to that blaspheming. You say God doesn’t need us to defend Him. Maybe He would like to know that there are those who love Him enough to defend Him. I find it hard to believe that anyone who suggests it’s all right to do evil has love and kindness for us. Kindness is the quality of being kind and to be kind is a willingness to do good. Are you doing good towards others when you tell us it’s all right to do evil, even when you use the excuse that it’s God’s way of teaching us? God does not teach us to do evil so we can learn to do what is right. He has given us examples throughout the ages of what evil can and will do. We don’t need to do evil ourselves to know the results or to learn to do good. Those who know God know what is right. Those who don’t know God ask silly questions like, “Is blasphemy really all that bad?”
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
20 Sep 11
You might not be telling people what to do, but you are suggesting it's all right to do what is wrong. Your view of God doesn't add up to a loving God but to an evil god who wants man to sin so he can see him punished. An evil god, the one you endorse, doesn't love unconditionally or any other way. He hates unconditionally. I didn't realize I needed your permission to make my own choices. One of the definitions of blasphemy is the act of claiming the attributes of deity. I guess that makes you a blasphemer. You think my defense is only for my religion. I don't have a religion. I have a faith and that faith is in Jehovah God and His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. My defense is for God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and for all who have accepted them. I also try to point out to those who have deluded themselves into believing they are more intelligent than they really are, that they have fallen for a false god, a figment of their imagination, someone they have created to satisfy their desire for what they want their god to be.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Sep 11
The REAL God isn't about punishment. That is mankind's idea. I think it's one that you like. Do you want to punish others???? Do you get angry because deep down you know I am right?? Does this bring you fear because of what your religion raised you on?? Do you think I feel that I am intelligent?? You forget that I have seen real Intelligence. I am but a mere ant, however I am walking in the right direction. Yes there are many things I want to know and learn, however discovery takes time and effort. I am working on becoming really intelligent. I hope you will do the same.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Sep 11
I can see, once again, bestboy19 you are confused. I have been attempting to bring people a view of God. I am not telling people what to do. Just like God, I will gladly grant you the total freedom to make your choices. As for defending God, THINK! Is it really God that you are defending??????? Hmmmm????
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
Some definitions of blasphemy: 1. impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things. 2. an act of cursing or reviling God. 3. the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God. 4. irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred Now: why would anyone want to blaspheme?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
@ smilingjack... I don't mind answering when you make sense but I can't say much for that reply.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
@ bird123... Yes, so many don't understand. The real question is: do they want to understand? Or, do they think that there is only one point of view; theirs? I don't mind anyone challenging anything I say but when they stop being sensible and just spout nonsense then I just let them enjoy their misery.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Sep 11
1hopefulman. When people are hurt due to events in their lives along with the lack of understanding of what is really going on, they can say anything. People who really know God, love Him. How can anyone say anything against Unconditional Love??? On the other hand, when it comes to religion and religious views, one should speak truth regardless of the teachings of others or what is accepted truth. Still, way to much hate is said through anger. WE can all work on that. smilingjack, am I wrong or do I sense a bit of anger in you?? Remember, rational thought is the process to where people will understand. Move the grain of sand at a time. If you try to move the whole mountain at once, we are all going to step back out of your way. Thanks everyone for your views. I can see you came as you are. That's Great!!
@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
17 Sep 11
This is a blasphemy and for this you'll burn in eternal flames bla bla bla You pointed a very good issue. Many things about religion are so illogical, one can easily start questioning .. religion and even God. One you pointed - God need no defense from humans .. he created humans, how could he be protected by his creation against his creation? Stupid .. Another is religion say God ask us not to judge others. Yet, that's exactly what religions promoters do .. Next, all religions agreed God ask us to be tolerant with those who have other opinions or beliefs. Religions promoters say that loud and clear while they apply violence and non-tolerance .. So, as you have pointed out, religions promoters do more harm to God and God's ways than enemies of God. And this is so sad ..
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Indeed, many of God's children have hard lessons they are choosing before they understand. Like you said. It seems it's so much like common sense, however people are choosing and teaching this kind of hatred for others. I can not understand why. How can they think God wants them to hate??? It doesn't add up.
@Galena (9110)
17 Sep 11
I'm sure if there are any deities out there (And don't get me wrong, I beleive in a few myself, I just don't think they can be proven to exist) then I'm sure they've got bigger things to deal with than the vocal communication of one of thousands upon thousands of species in the universe. they're big enough and ugly enough to take care of themselves, I'm sure. people teach their children (wrongly, as anyone who was ever bullied can tell you I'm sure) that sticks and stones may break their bones but names can never hurt them. and then get up in arms if anyone is less than flattering to their particular brand of deity. and it's funny what some people consider Blasphemy. someone once said I was being blasphemous when I said I wasn't a Christian.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Sep 11
I thought you knew. Anyone who doesn't agree is simply rude and in the case of religion, blasphemous. It must be hard for some to keep everyone under control. Yes, I've seen them frustrated as well. The biggest crime I think is that whether they realize it or not they are teaching people to hate. In some parts of the world, it is really bad. There must be no thinking at all going on with some. If people were asked to kill, why wouldn't they start to question? Blind faith can really be blind at times.
• India
2 Jun 12
It is the worst, sin, in the eyes of the lord.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
17 Sep 11
For me yes because they don't like to be good at all so keep up the good work ever.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Sep 11
So you are saying that being bad will just make one choose more evil?? People who choose evil do until the understanding returns to teach them. When it becomes crystal clear, the temptations are never there.
• Mexico
19 Sep 11
Hi bird: This is a very interesting discussion. I have to say that some people are very insulting with other beliefs and they make what people call "blasphemy". I don't like when people use their right of speech to insult other people and to promote intolerance. It's not right but most of the times I respect people who express that they don't believe in what I believe and that they don't agree with my beliefs and they have the opposite ideas. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Yes, there is a difference from being mean and insulting compared to simply speaking the truth. I know that many have been hurt by religion and I have seen many things done just to be mean. Instead of getting angry, we should see and understand what is really going on. We can work on the problem then.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
19 Sep 11
Interesting, though I may be just the same as the other people. I would not hate people for not believing in God, but I would check words and actions before I know that is okay to continue talking or befriending them... Manly because I would not know what to say or do when our thoughts are different.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Oh. I can see you are kind. You don't want to step on any toes. Good for you, however it is an act of love when you shine the light of truth into those who are blind especially when you know there will be Drama. Interaction is learning at it's best. You do know the secret. Add a dose of unconditional love with those interactions. Kindness is always nice. Just the other day you were trying to convince me to are a devil. We could never believe that.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
20 Sep 11
I guess I am in between... that is why I am human.