Re-Elect Obama?
By dizzblnd
@dizzblnd (3073)
United States
September 18, 2011 8:29am CST
It's been a while since I have been on here. But I wanted to know if any of you that have answered me previously about this topic have changed your mind.
If the election was held today and Obama was up for re-election would you vote for him again above any other Democratic or Republican candidate?
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12 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
18 Sep 11
I don't have a vote but I do think that if you think that you have it bad now just wait until you have a Republican back in the White House - especially if it were one named Palin. Obama is a great disappointment although I think that it true of most politicians of whatever party. He inherited a mess and doesn't seem to have been firm enough in dealing with it. The truth is that his destractors would never have accepted him. What his presidency has highlighted is just how polarised the US is between those that feel that there should be more of a general socialised (NOT Socialist) economy and those that want to keep the US a nation mainly centered on self-indulgence at the cost of others about whom they care less. Actually I think that he might get back. Interesting to see what happens.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
How did you feel about Hillary's stance on universal healthcare?
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I voted for him the first time, and will vote for him again next year (unless Ron Paul get's his head out of his a$$ and leaves the GOP). I am a middle income American and the policies of the GOP do not help me personally, nor do they help this country. Funny how the only thing that republicans run on is taxes, and ending regulations, when low taxes, and lack of regulations caused our problems today.

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
19 Sep 11
Well to start off he led the country through the Bush Repression, which was a feat all in itself. He actually was able to do what Bush and Clinton couldn't in 16 years: Kill Bin Laden. He has ended the war in Iraq, which we NEVER should have been in anyways. The economy is struggling, but that as more to do with the fact that the economy is recovering from the Bush Repression. It takes time for the US consumer to come back to spending. He actually has done a lot in three years. You just have to look.
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@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
19 Sep 11
all you liberals do is blame bush it took way more than bush to put the nation in this bad economy. Also im sorry but OBAMA did not kill Bin Laden a american soldier killed Bin Laden. In my opinion the second those towers fell we had every right to go fight. Obama almost killed the economy even more with his health care plan. congress pulled us out of repression not obama
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
He has been in politics for nearing two decades. I guess he has to learn how to deal with sabotage a lot better, but what more experience were you expecting?
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I am American and you are right about so many being disappointed with Obama. I too thought he was rather inspiring though I am a republican. I did think he needed more experience and now I think he has lost the respect and hope for great things from him from most Americans,
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
18 Sep 11
Didn't vote for him last time and won't this time. I'll vote for anyone who isn't him even if it means having to hold my nose when I cast my vote. I don't care who it is-I just want obama out of the White House.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I'd vote for anyone or anything that ISN'T Ovomit. Period. His record is more than enough proof he's the worst thing that ever walked into the White House. Enough is enough of the sociopath.
RuPaul LOL
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
What if it came down to Perry and Obama?
You want someone who doesn't lose sleep after executing a man in office?
What if it came down to Bachmann and Obama?
You want a complete lunatic, whose husband ordered her to become a tax attorney, in office?
Exercise caution. You may not like Obama, even though you have yet to prove a legitimate reason why, but if you vote for some of the more colourful GOP candidates, that is just stupidity at its finest.
I can understand plugging my nose and voting for Ron Paul - but the rest are nuts.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I didn't vote for him in 2008 and certainly would not vote to re-elect him. I knew he believed in redistribution of wealth, I paid attention during the campaign and saw trouble ahead--but never thought we'd be in this much trouble. He repeats the same things over and over, just changing the words around, and even his "new" proposals are recycled old ideas, ideas that haven't worked in the past 3 years and won't work in the future. Mr. Obama has succeeded in ruining an economy that was on the road to failure and it will take us years, if not decades, to recover. But mostly I blame Congress, which has the power to put his ideas into practice but doesn't have the stones to give voice to the people they have been hired to represent.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
You answered your own question. His ideas have not worked in the past 3 years because the party-of-no congress would not put his ideas into practice. In case you haven't noticed, they have taken a pledge to do nothing other than to make him a one-termer, at your expense.
Oh, well.
Oh, and just wondering, where are the jobs the republicans promised us in the mid-terms?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Sep 11
There was a democratic majority in both houses till 2010, what was the excuse before that?
Don't know about the jobs promised--they're all liars. Anyone who believes a politician and votes for them because of what they promise is foolish.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Sep 11
You really should rid yourself of some of that venom. This is supposed to be a civil discussion and you're indulging in name-calling. Politics should not be filled with such hate and vitriol. We should be respectful to each other.
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
19 Sep 11
Jazzy I love your spirit!
Keep it up. Wish more young Americans would just VOTE!
@mehale (2200)
• United States
26 Sep 11
I voted for him in the primaries, but not in the general election as I had begun to loose faith in him prior to the actual election. I honestly don't know who I will vote for this go round. I certainly don't want Perry....we have had enough of him in Texas, lol! I don't like Romney any better...he has a tendency to flip flop on issues too much to suit me.
Actually, out of the GOP field I think I like Cain and possibly Huntsman the best, but I doubt that either of them will gain the nomination. I guess I will just keep following the news and the primary season, see who wins the nomination and then just have to wait and see what comes out in the actual campaign. Until then I just don't know which way to cast a vote. One thing is for sure though, I will vote. It would be nice not to have to vote for the lesser of two evils again though.
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
18 Sep 11
Despite all his pointless pandering to the right (which, as you will probably see here, served him no purpose seeing as they'll still accuse him of being a pinko), I do think he'd be a much better candidate than anything the Republicans are offering. They can criticize his economic policies all they want, but I seriously doubt their ideas will do much to provoke economic growth.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
It took three years for him to come out as a republican.
But, I think the pandering was needed just to get 1/1000th of what he wanted through.
It disappoints all on the left, but anyone is better than any republican, especially of these circus clowns running for office.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I most certainly will vote for Obama again.
If Alan Grayson or Bernie Sanders ran, I would vote for them because the wouldn't waffle and constantly cave to the right wing. Nader is an excellent option as well, but this year, it is coming down to the two party ticket.
The worst that can happen would be for Romney or Paul to win the GOP primary, because they would have a better chance against Obama, because the others are completely psychotic/borderline evil.
We could have seen MAJOR progress from Obama, but because he is such a great leader, we have merely remained stagnant. We could have regressed big-time with all the unreasoned opposition Obama has faced. He has managed to keep us afloat, maintaining the mess he inherited. If only the republicans and blue dog dems would have worked with him, instead of against him, we would have pulled out of the gutter.
Right now, the best idea we have before us is Obama's jobs act. The party, who swore their number one cause was jobs, is now fighting against the jobs act. BECAUSE - it would repeal oil subsidies.
The right wing party, who hates government involvement, and subsidies, has always gained most from subsidies.
The hypocrisy is nauseating, but the worst is that you can't reason with their mindless supporters.
I will be voting for Obama, because I support his progressive ideas, not his waffling all the time. It will be a big f-you to the party of no, who will actually have to answer for themselves as to why they did no work for the previous 4 years.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I am in California.
And Reagan was shot.
What does it all mean?
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I guess my question is to answer your question, why are there 8 republicans running for President and not one Democrat has come forward to run against the big "O"?
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
18 Sep 11
What kind of experience/length of terms, etc, are you talking about?
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