S A V I N G M O N E Y ... is very important..
By busybee10
@busybee10 (3186)
September 18, 2011 12:29pm CST
[b]Money money money, without which there is no life at all in this beautiful world.
These days people respect your money and not your character or other background and also the soft and loving nature you have is not recognized...
So it is always good to make an habit to save money for your future not depending upon any one...
Are you in to this habit..
Please share your thoughts which help others also..[/b]
18 responses
@bachyyy (195)
• Bulgaria
18 Sep 11
The money are very important in our world,but they`re not the most important thing.It`s true that people loves the ones that have a lot of money,but i think that it shouldn`t be that way.Money are the reason of many murders.I do want to have a lot of money,but i don`t want them for me,i just wanna help to my family and my friends.I hope that one day i will have enough money so i will be able to share them with everyone in this planet.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
23 Sep 11
Yes bachyyy , what you say is right money is not end of everything,but plays a very vital part in our life, as money makes us so many wonders.. you might well be knowing about that...
It is always helpful to save some money for the future so that we need not depend upon some one for a help..
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
24 Sep 11
Good and broad thoughts...but only one suggestion it is always great to help others but do not go to the extremes to help - sometimes you will be encircled with problems...
So be cautious...it is only an advice...

@ravisivan (14082)
• India
18 Sep 11
busybee: Money is important tool for ensuring safety, happiness and relationship. Even a wife and sister will not respect the person if he is not having money.
At the same time money alone cannot bring happiness. I was taught about saving money. I believe in saving for self. It may help us in rainy days.

@busybee10 (3186)
• India
24 Sep 11
[b]Yes ravisivan, I totally agree with your thoughts.
Just go back a few decades when the trend of love was prevailed in this same life but the all-round developments made and created an importance of money and the real love is not found now a days.
Hence it has gone to the level of only loving money, keeping aside good character,discipline,soft nature and so many things can be added for goodness.
Such high qualities are acquired by people who are the real suffers in this world which is dominated by money.
And also people started spending lavishly going beyond their earnings.
Saving is of high importance when at the time of a need we need not ask for a helping hand..[/b]
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
25 Sep 11
busybee: When I joined as a clerk in a bank forty years back the salary was Rs.320 per month.(In those days $ may be Rs.15 or so). --may $ 25 or so per month. Out of this I use to save Rs.100 (say roughly $ 6). Nowadays a clerk gets Rs.12000($240 ) or so. So they receive more salary and spend more salary. Similarly salary in software industry is correspondingly double. Youngsters most of them do not realise the importance of saving.

@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
Vov ravisivan, Nice sharing message - which reflects my background...I entered into the working atmosphere in the year 1971 and earned my first stipend of Rs 100/-.Out of which 5/- deducted for ESI \and 10/- for bus transport and the remaining amount was Rs. 85/- .Just imagine those wonderful and happy days.
Out of this I used to get Rs.10/-as my pocket money which I saved it and spent for photography, now I have trunks full of photographs which I can say are my real asset.
The birth of IT changed the shape and atmosphere of world.
All the IT employees are earning more and also spending more...any how it is an individuals choice to save or not.

@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
24 Sep 11
[i]"Money money money, without which there is no life at all in this beautiful world.
These days people respect your money and not your character or other background and also the soft and loving nature you have is not recognized...
So it is always good to make an habit to save money for your future not depending upon any one...!"
This is what you wrote
There is life without money as many are starving around the world and homeless!
What I was asking is what are you saving for

@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
This is what you you are saying...
There is life without money as many are starving around the world and homeless!
Should fee pity on this because of more selfishness of individuals which I do not want to mention is the nature these days no one is bothered to develop these pitiful countries.
And we have no other option to do no more than developing.
Dear- you ask this question yourself in a peaceful atmosphere and when you are alone...I assure you will get the appropriate answer..
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
24 Sep 11
Hello the zone, your response is unable to understand because I am unable to revert back for your response can you please write clearly..

@surekharathi (14146)
• India
19 Sep 11
Friend saving money is good but not much more because no one knows what will happen tomorrow so enjoy and live the life today but save small amount of money for future also
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
[b]I am happy to go through your last sentence than the first one....
Who says to save more...which shall lie as a futile one...save according to your capacity and needs,if this is done it is useful to you only and need not stretch hands to others...[/b]
@AgentGulaman (3546)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Yes I am into saving money. I really love accumulating wealth. However, I can say that I don't really live because of money. I just want to be financially free and stable and after I reach that status, I will enjoy life a lot better.
The habit of saving is really critical to be financially free and always feel secured. Now I have saved a bit for emergency purposes and now I feel secured if any emergency would suddenly come up. The concept of money is a human construct. It is not the most important or essential thing in the world but it is important if we are living in a human's world. WE should be able to know how we will cope up with money and saving is indeed a way to do so.

@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
Your thoughts on accumulating money are a refined one and one should have these type of thoughts to improve one's life..
Saved money really gives us the inner strength to face life in a challenging way. No one comes to the rescue for money . It is my practical experience...
This is really a skilled work which comes on practice suppressing and sacrificing many things in life.. [/b]

@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
saving money is important in the future. Lots of people nowadays becomes attached to money. It is very bad in the society. According to the bible, "the love of money is the root of evil". We must not be attached to money we see money as something that is needed to buy something.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
Money makes many things and hence money is the in and out of life.Without money you are not recognized in this beautiful world..
Hence as you say, " saving money is important in the future ".
I totally agree with your statement - " "the love of money is the root of evil".
But to whom can we teach this.......??????
These are the golden words uttered by enlightened soul's...
I like your thoughts...[/b]

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Sep 11
Saving money is a rather essential skill in life. Sadly it is really a skill that many people really have not managed to do. There are a lot of people who don't think about the future. Rather they think of all of the gadgets and goodies, that they can pay with that nice and big fat paycheck. Not thinking about that fact that the big fat paycheck could not be here the next day.
So yes we have to save our money. Even if it is going in by the barrel to our lives and the paychecks are nice and fact. What if a day comes where we lose everything and the money is no longer here? At least the money is not going to really going to be there. It's really not what you make in the end. There are many people who are going to really make loads of money and spend it all. Rather it's what you save that is a measure of a person.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
[b]Yes, as you say it is all a skilled work which one gains only by hard work and many downs in life...
People who have ups in life - some save but many spend it lavishly..
Any how, money saving is always beneficial to an individual which will surely work wonders during the needy days...[/b]
@acrossnation (773)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 11
There is some truth that money does matters. Its not our soft and loving nature which they might thought that we are actually trying to borrow from them money that why we act nice and soft and loving. Before when i was schooling i have a friend who saves her money and after we left school she has enough money to pay her own home deposit. I do safe money then after that and it gives me some kind of security that i know i have some treasure that i have put aside.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
24 Sep 11
Yes, I agree the truth - money really matters than a great human-being...I agree with you.
Money plays a vital role in many of the life's ups and downs - henc we hve to be cautious in every aspect of life..
@sachinkukale (108)
• Bangalore, India
18 Sep 11
Yes its true there is no good/successful life without money in today's world but not only saving is important.It is also important that you must invest your saved money smartly.So you may take use of it and money growing is not easy but important task.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
23 Sep 11
What you say is true....it all depends upon-ones earnings, but few are there whose earnings will be less but they spend more than their earnings. It is totally a very bad habit.Just before spending one should think twice..because once money gone it will not come back...
@emjay86 (640)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I am into the habit of saving money but how can I if I have no job. Now, money comes scarce, I pity myself. But I am happy coz now I appreciate the things money can't buy. The joy of being with the family, sound sleep and the luxury of doing what I love.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
24 Sep 11
Dear emjay86,the real saving starts only when you start earning and prior to that also it can be done provided you a get a pocket money from your parents.
Hence,you have to analyze things in your vicinity and develop a habit accordingly because you are the architect of your destiny.[/b]

@cowgirl03051979 (918)
• United States
19 Sep 11
i agree with you saving money is very important and even though i hate to admit it money does play a very large part in this world and people could not function without it with the way todays economy is it is important to watch how you are spending people are losing jobs left and right so it is a good idea to save at least some money from each paycheck and have some put aside in case of an emergency but it is important to not get carried away and let money run your life and you should take care not to become greedy i am in the habit of saving money although it is quite hard for me right now because they are cutting my hours at work left and right
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
[b]hi cowgirl03051979,I agree with you that money does not play an important thing in life...but it is I say.
Without money no one recognizes you and hence your saving little money shall be of good help to you in the future...good to hear that..[/b]
@silpatenneti (72)
• India
19 Sep 11
Money has been so found by people,but i dont think money has dominated humans characters now,from ancient times itself money dominated human relationships,but in ancient times it was gold now it was turned as currency.i want every person to recognise that money is only a neccessary in our day to day.money is not the one to discide our lifes.give values to relationship,dont show parciality between rich and poor.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
[b]Yes you are totally right-and I agree with you..
Those were the golden days and now money days....
I have practically observed and have seen that these days only money is being respected other than human beings..very rare cases are there we find humans respect..is it right or not...
have you experienced such cases...???[/b]

@labli09 (70)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
yeah saving money is really important..i don't have income yet since i just finished my studies but of course in the future, i look forward to saving money for my own good and for my family in the future.i really wish i could have a great job with good pay so i can save more.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
28 Sep 11
[b]Hope you have a good qualification to face the challenging world of today. Without good qualification nothing is possible and apart from all these one also should be supported with the so called fate.Only then everything goes smooth.
Your thoughts of saving money are highly appreciable..I like it.
God bless you with good opportunities...[/b]
@0CoOlGuY0 (103)
• Portugal
18 Sep 11
"without which there is no life at all in this beautiful world"! Talk about opposite ideas lol! Sure the world is beautiful, but the world + money = crap! Anywayyyyyyyyy, I do consider saving money a habit!! It is rare the time that i spend any money at all and I only run out of it when some of my parents or siblings asks me for some!I agree that money is almost everything but don't get it as your main priority, or else you will have a meaningless life!
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
24 Sep 11
You are right...money is not the end of everything in this world.But, I came across several people who just love people only because of money - here even beauty is not considered only money is the beauty part of it..
Any how we call it only one world but we come across several people whose world's are totally different.[/b]

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 11
I think that having lots of money doesn't make a person happy although having some money just in case is very important. It is great to have a savings account and put some funds in it each month. It is important to get the best interest rate possible. Right now we are in a recession and it is important to have enough money to live on. If a person is made redundant it is lovely if he or she has some savings to fall back on.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
23 Sep 11
You are right money does not purchase the natural happiness for us,but can really do wonders.It makes friendship and also cuts that for ever... and so many things.
But money is of utmost importance in life which should be carefully spent.And also have the habit of saving.
Thanks for your kind sharing of the thoughts..
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Sep 11
Yes, that is important, to have enough money when you need it. Equally important is not to waste money, not to use money on things which are not essential, not absolutely necessary. I always make sure, and give second thoughts, that I use money appropriately.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
23 Sep 11
[b]Very good and refined thoughts I really appreciate that.Because money is very very important.It is the hard earned money which we should always try to save and not spend it lavishly for useless things.
I have observed many do this...which is not good but we cannot advice them as their mind set is like that...[/b]
@GemmaR (8517)
18 Sep 11
Saving money is very important indeed, and it is something that you would do well to learn because of the fact that we need money for everything in this world. At the end of the day, we never know what is going to happen in the future to mean that we need money, and if we have a lot of it saved up then we can be safe in the knowledge that we will always have enough money to do the things that we want to do without having to worry about whether we can actually afford to do so or not. I save a lot of money, and make sure that I always have money in my bank account in case something should happen to mean that I need it.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
23 Sep 11
Yes, money is the main part with which life is linked and the life without money these days is really difficult to pull on..
Many people are the real sufferers without money because of their improper planning,and they spend lavishly,not thinking of the future..
Your thoughts on money saving is highly appreciable....
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
18 Sep 11
My spouse and I are for sure into the habit of saving. Every paycheck we get we donate 10% to charity right away and then we send 20% into a savings account for a rainy day. If we don't have the habit of saving when we can what will happen if we suffer a financial loss and are forced with a burden and we can't cope with it? I would also suggest people to spread out their money into various savings and investments and not all into one basket.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
23 Sep 11
Glad to know that...saving money is a must and a regular habit of this is always good for our future which makes us not to depend upon others. Money plays a vital part in our life...isnt it..