. blessing from god, not luck

@SIMPLYD (90722)
September 18, 2011 9:49pm CST
“[i][b]Very often we forget, or fail to see, the "marvels" that the Lord works for us. It's not that we are ungrateful, but rather sometimes we take for granted when things go smoothly. How often have you heard someone say they were lucky, when in fact it was not luck at all but a blessing from the hand of the Almighty?” [/b][/i] This was what is in today’s daily meditation , and all I can say is, it is indeed very true. I don’t really believe in luck, but I do believe that God works in many mysterious ways, specially when she sees that our desires is really very much needed.
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14 responses
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
19 Sep 11
Yes, many people say good luck, while very few are thankful to the God. I'm agree with you. Luck is a form that is felt by us as human beings meanwhile luck is a form gift from God to us as human beings.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I too used to say that about luck. But having read this meditation, i come to realize that it is indeed God , not luck that is working in us.
@glowin100 (124)
19 Sep 11
You said it. I do not believe in luck, either. God is real and when something good happens it comes from God, I think. After I got saved, I realized there is no such thing is luck. When I get blessed, it is from God,not luck. Have you ever heard someone(including myself, at times) say something like "thank goodness". Well, in my opinion, who are you thanking. Goodness cannot say you are welcome. Goodness cannot do anything. Now, I say, "Thank God". He can hear and it lifts Gods name. glowin100
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Like you, i don't believe in luck. What i do believe is when we pray and ask for something so fervently, coupled with good works, God will give us surprises, that we sometimes don't think of, as answers to our prayers. But actually, they are really God's doing , not luck.
• Thailand
19 Sep 11
It was luck.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
how can you say that it was luck?
• United States
19 Sep 11
the same way you can say it's not...both of you are just guessing (believing)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I do have to tend to agree with you. Once in a while I myself would say that was just luck, but I know that it was God that had everything to do with that luck. I might not be the type to go to church on a regular basis, but I always pray and wish at the end of every night and have taught my children to do the same. God is everywhere and listens to everything.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I used to believe when something good happens unexpectedly , that it was luck. BUt then , i realized that all these things are God's will. Like you said, God listens to everything . He may not give us our prayers as we have requested , but gives them in the guise of things and incidents. God is awesome!
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
I am happy we are the same about God.
• United States
20 Sep 11
God is definitely awesome. Like you said he doesn't grant us our every wish, but he definitely puts things in perspective and in clear view for us to see and make our choices as we see fit.
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Everything happens for a reason I believe. Me too, I do not believe in luck, I believe that God provides when you are in need and if you ask. God is the author of everything and everything that happens in our lives were already written and is happening according to His will.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I totally agree with you staria. Everything happens for a reason. Whatever good thing that surprises us, is something that God intentionally gave us , so let's always give thanks to him for everything.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Correct staria, At all times we should be thankful to God. Life by itself is a very big gift from HIM. Welcome my friend. You deserve it.
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Yup, for good times and even the bad, let's give thanks to the author of life. :) Thanks for the best response too! :)
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
19 Sep 11
What you say is very true. When good things happen, we should recognize the hand of God in giving them. That's not too hard. The harder thing is to recognize the hand of God as well when the hard things happen, like losing a child or spouse, or a terrorist attack, or a flood or earthquake. Are we able to sat with Job, "The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. " That is our real test of faith.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Very correct nagarad. yes, we just fail to recognize them as coming from God, or maybe because we are expecting God to give answers to our prayers as we have specifically asked them. So when they come in another form, we would say luck.
@00fear (3216)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I hear that a lot of people do say "it was my luck today" or similar ways of saying it when something good unexpected happens to them. I myself must admit that I say the same thing when something good happens to me. I am grateful but I do not even think of thanking him for giving me the "luck" I got. My aunt and my bible study group has mention the same thing. We get things and instead of thanking god, we just get happy and act like we forgot him.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Yes, that's true my friend. So, let's always remember to thank God for whatever help or blessing we receive from Him, be it small or big.
• India
20 Sep 11
Dina I believe in luck as an astrologer, but luck is not enough, we must get blessings from our gods and goddesses and our ancestors.. when things move in wrong track, we give the blame on luck, it is wrong, it is due to our karma.. May i ask, you say here---'when she sees that our ---', do you have goddesses too like us? Just want to know, no offence please.. Best of luck. Professor
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Sorry for that typo error Professor. It was meant for He, who is God. I respect your belief professor about luck. What is important is we get to thank God for them .
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
19 Sep 11
You are right my friend luck is made by God so that is the blessing of God... and luck is automatically supports if our efforts is more because we cant eating without efforts. I believed on both luck and efforts but without efforts no luck that fact of life..
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Yes, my friend. In order for God to give us blessing, we should really work hard for it. But in the course of working, let's just make sure that we don't step into others' feet.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 11
yes..true..blessing of god is everywhere..and anywhere..all the time.. and always..
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I totall agree.
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Well said...Most people just remember God when troubles come,but often forget to be grateful for God's blessings.There is no such thing as luck,everything whether good or bad is given to us for the best of reasons.We should always thank God instead of questioning him even if misfortune occurs on us.Surely He has the best reasons for everyting.If we lost something,surely God has prepared something better.God knows best.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Very well said too my friend. Some people could just really remember to pray whenever they are in trouble. But in their bounty, they tend to acknowledge and thank God for it. How i wish people should be aware that everything good comes from God.
@emjay86 (640)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I definitely agree. I am a man of little faith but I continue believing. I am a sinner but I know He forgives me. I believe in one God who knows my innermost desires even without being said. I believe He listens and He answers in His own way and time. I continue to believe. For without God, I am nothing. Thanks be to God always and blessed be His holy name.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
You are a great believer and i salute you for that my friend. Keep it up and someday, God will give you the desires of your heart, surprisingly and abundantly.
• United States
19 Sep 11
i really dont know what i believe anymore when i started dating the love of my life i knew it wasnt luck i knew that was Gods doing and i thanked God every single day for bringing him into my life but then from things that were out of both mine and his hands we had to split up the reason why seem more like it was in Gods hands and i try not to blame Him but i just cant understand why God would want to take someone that was so good for me out of my life so wrether it is luck or God i think i believe in them both half and half
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
What happened to you was part of God's will. He wants you to grow as a strong person, so He lets that happen to you. God knows that there is someone better for you still, out there. Just don't fail to pray and when you least expect it, God will answer your prayers. Don't call it luck, but a blessing.
• United States
19 Sep 11
I don't believe in luck either or coincidence for that matter. God is responsible for so many good things that happen to us. He manipulates things so they can come out in the best way possible. I am a total believer...
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
I am happy that we all believe the same. Like you i am a total believer too!