how to enjoy life when you have economy problem?

September 18, 2011 10:53pm CST
I know we live in material world when we need money almost on every leisure activities. Sometimes I wonder whether any research to measure happiness level of rich guys compare with ordinary people. Many people says to enjoy life you should able to satisfy your needs which is need money. What do you think? Is there any thing we can do to enjoy life without being rich?
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16 responses
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
19 Sep 11
I think everyone has problems and maybe even money problems. the more money they make, the bigger house they live in, the nicer car they have and so they might have money problems too. But it is hard for me to feel sorry for anyone who is making four thousand a month or more talking about having money problems because I don't even make two thousand a month. This economy is affecting evereyone and I think everyone should just try to make the best of it.
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• Dalian, China
19 Sep 11 i just read a book write by Dale Carnegie. it said that happiness has nothing to do with the material. it's relative to your heart. you know, many people have same condition, but some can enjoy life some can't. the reason is the unhappy one never be satisfied with his/her material. i think however less money you have,if you can be easy-content,and who you always touch with isn't too better than you,you may enjoy your life. just like me.i'm a chinese grow up in a little town. our wealth can just afford the basic neccessary. but we are satisfied so we are happy. when i leave my hometown and go to college in a big city,i always feel unhappy though i have more money to use--it will never be enough to catch the trend in city.
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
can i ask whats the title of the book?i read 1 carnegie book and it was about leadership,id like to check out the book you mentioned. thanks :DD
• Dalian, China
21 Sep 11
sorry i forget it- -||..i had read it in the libaray. i think all his books are worth reading. why not try to search online?
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
19 Sep 11
I know people say that money can't buy happiness. My answer to that is that I wouldn't mind finding out! People can enjoy life in lots of ways. Having more money can make it easier. Of course, it makes no difference to some because they may always spend more than they earn but for most ordinary people, a little bit extra cash can make life more comfortable. I do get annoyed with some people who have money when they say they can't afford things or they are struggling. A lot of the time, they could quite easily cut down their spending. It's times when a family has to choose between buying bread or milk (or not being able to afford either) when economy problems really do make life hard to bear. So, yes, people can live an enjoyable life when they have economic problems but, for many, life could easily be that bit better without that because there is no getting away from the fact that we all need money to live.
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
21 Sep 11
I donĀ“t think people have to be rich in order to be happy. I even think that for rich people hppiness is more difficult to achieve. We must have enough money to have a shelter and food and clothes. Enough yet not a lot. But one this is to satisfy resonable needs and quite another is to have enough as to satisfy every wish you have. As that is impossible even with money, happiness much be seeked somewhere else.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
hi, now a days our life also base in our economy status,for me i think i can still enjoy life in other way,but sometimes it will affect it when the economy down,because it will affect our daily needs and other things/materials to make us happy too.
• India
6 Aug 12
Hi friend, if we are lack in money, we can enjoy our life with our family members with our real love and affection, we don't have the ability to buy expensive things if we don't have money, but we can share our real love and affection with our beloved persons and hang out with them to various places to enjoy our life in short and sweet way
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Sep 11
One cannot enjoy life if basic needs of self and family are not met. If there is not enough to eat, a place to live in and some clothes to wear how can a person be happy? But, if the basic needs are met, there is enough for a decent education and one enjoys good health, then other things fall behind in priority. THere is nothing to prevent one from enjoying life. Money is for essentials and if there is surplus after savings, then it can be used for enjoyment and this would vary with each person's wherewithals. More than a case of "one should b able to satisfy needs", if a person has "needs that would fit within his resources , then life is always enjoyable. Good health , well being of self and family, and a relatively problem free existence should be enough to enjoy life.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
19 Sep 11
the trick is to become happy with the stuff you have already. do you really need another pair of shoes? we visit the library each week for books, movies and music cd's (they also have video games there too). there are lots of things that you can do that dont cost much money (or no money at all). all it takes is a little imagination and research.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
19 Sep 11
I think that there are ways to enjoy your life without a lot of money. I am trying to do that at the moment. I love to visit new places, go out for dinner, drink coffee in a cafe, go shopping etc, there is just one problem - all those things cost money. I am trying to find alternative ways to enjoy my life. I spend more time at home and I use the internet to find entertainment instead of going into town. I use the library a lot, I am able to find books, cds and dvds at my local library instead of buying them. I visit the parks, the beachs or other kinds of places where I don't have to spend a lot of money.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I think rather taking things slowly, one day at a time. Just got to get through everything in life and everything is going to hopefully work out of the better. Some days it is really going to seem to be a lot harder. We don't need to think too big but rather thing small but small things can really make us rather enjoyable as well to say the least. There are a lot of enjoyable things that are at a low cost or really no cost at all. A lot of activities that could be done with family and friends on a shoestring budget. For instance, if it is nice out, leave the car keys at home and head out for a nice walk outside. Get some fresh air, enjoy nature, all that sort of thing. You don't really need to burn through your wallet all of the time, even in the best of times.
• United States
19 Sep 11
i know the economy has effected me largely with the economy being so bad they have majorly cut hours at work and since i am working for an hourly wage my paycheck has almost cut in half this has taken a major toll of me because now i am no longer able to afford going out or doing very many leisurely activities i have always loved taking my dogs to the dog park downtown but now i am not even able to afford gas to go all the way down there and back home it is sad that we live in a world where everything costs money
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
of course, we could still enjoy life even without being rich. i hope money could not make our world go round. we should always keep in mind that contentment is the key to happiness.. we must feel blessed that we could eat three times a day and buy our needs. It's a good sign that we are still lucky. :)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Of course there are ways that we can do just to enjoy life. We should always keep in mind that money should not make the world go round. We must treasure life the way it should be. We should feel blessed that we could still eat three times a day and buy all we need. Being contented is the key to happiness. :) get inspired and live well.. :)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
happiness is just a state of mind,sounds cliche but it is true.they say the more money we have the more contented we become, but its the exact opposite. rich people are more pressured, more anxious and ten times more problematic (i think). i think the secret to happiness is contentment,learning to just enjoy what we have
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
More people are becoming depressed over financial matters.nowadays.I just read the faces of poverty in America on Yahoo news.It's just so depressing that people are not even having a decent place to live. I think we can still happy amidst this economic turmoil by spending more time with families and friends.When people are having their jobs,they don't even have time with their families;I think this is the best time to connect with them.Morever we really need to improve our connectiion with God and obtain spiritual happiness. We can also be happy by doing the things that we love like watching our favorite TV show,participating in our favorite sport activity,writing, reading,etc.The best we can do is to appreciate the things that we have rather than the things that we don't have to avoid depression.
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
19 Sep 11
yes. Riches do not make you happy you think that they would make life easy but they may not. Picnics, ramin noodles they can all make you happy it depends on what your veiw of happines is