Are you strong enough could you do it?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
September 18, 2011 11:29pm CST
Are you strong enough to survive 127 days with no food, and very little water while trapped in the desert with your arm crushed between a big rock and your only means of survival and only chance of making home alive is to sever your own limb? I'm of course referring to the situation that occurred in the film 127 days the film is based on a real persons life, and to my knowledge is not fiction Quite honestly I'm not so sure I would have been able to do it, I consider myself a mentally and emotionally strong person, but physically I don't think I'm that strong, I mean to endure what the character did in the film and then to finally have to remove a limb with no way to lessen the pain, and using only a very dull cutting tool nuh I don't think I could do it though I'd love to boast and say yes I could do it, but I honest don't think could. how about any of you could you make such a decision and could you last days without food or water? really think about it.
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4 responses
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I would not be able to do it. And in the first place I wouldn't go out alone on such an expedition. The character in the movie or in real life could have saved his arm if he didn't go there alone.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Sep 11
I've never been the loner type I'm a people person and I know there is safety in numbers, so I would have most likely had another person with me in case things want wrong also I love nature but going out in the desert mountains miles away from civilization is not my idea of fun, but everyone different I guess I agree that if you gonna go out somewhere like in the film you should always bring someone with you and tell people where your going. and No I would not have lived long enough to make the decision to sever the arm I don't do well physically without food for more then 24 hours let along cut a limb.
• United States
20 Sep 11
I wouldnt either, in fact i dont think thats even possible with all the will power in the world to survive! I could be wrong but 127 days with little water and no food seems like an impossible feat. As impossible at it already sounds you add in that you have to cut off your own arm? I dont think anyone would survive.! (:
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
19 Sep 11
i think anyone could do it because survival instinct kicks in. I dont think you would even realize what you were doing it would be that big of an adrenaline rush.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Sep 11
The thing is I already know how my body responds without food for 24 hours, and I get physically sick very fast without food I could not imagine having to go without food for more then a day and then muster enough physical strength to sever a limb, No for me it would not be a matter of adrenaline for me my body could not last without food for more then 24 hours I'd be faint and jittery so fast that I'd probably die from the lack of food alone I'm not over weight either I just get phyically ill fast without food, so honstly I'd be a goner forget about the limb removal I would not live long enough to remove the limb.
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
19 Sep 11
this is a very good point. Im not fat but i cant imagine living that long with out food either
@bachyyy (195)
• Bulgaria
22 Sep 11
I don`t think that I am strong enough to do it like that man in the movie.I don`t know to what are able people when they stuck in a situations like this..may be they get stronger,but 127 days that`s a very long period...
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
22 Sep 11
The film was actually titled 127 Hours, but still a very long time to be trapped without food and water I know most people are capable of doing amazing things when in extreme situations But I also think that the real person that the film is based on had a certain level of endurance because of his mountain climbing and other athletic experience it provided him better odds, I mean his endurance training may have helped him to survive and possible gave him the physical, and mental strength to ultimately remove his limb, and live through the harsh conditions of the mountain desert That said the average person who does not have the same physical endurance, I'm referring to regular folks who do not exercise or like the outdoors, and also never had any type of survival knowledge or training might not have the same odds as the real person did, and the character in the film, hopefully no one else will have to test that theory any time soon or better yet ever.
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
It's hard to answer now cause I'm not in the situation. I think I can. I think I can't. But if it did happen, then I guess it's possible. It depends on the persons resolve. Would you rather die under the hot sun or try to do something to keep yourself alive? I think a great factor in this is our adrenaline rush, and our fight or flee response.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
20 Sep 11
I would of course want to survive, but my body is not strong enough to go without food and water for 127 hours I know my own body, and as much as I'd want to live I know how quickly my body gets sick without nourishment I would feel so shaky after only one day from the lack of food I would not even be able to hold the knife to cut the limb I'm not physically conditioned to handle anything close to what the character did in the film The film is based on a real person who was and still is an athlete and an experienced climber and biker also in a TV interview he stated that he had a bit of medical training, so this person obviously had better odds then most people would have in that sort of situation I have gone through some amazing things though nothing as extreme as the person in the film, but I've gone without food for 17 hours many years ago, due to circumstance beyond my control, and I got so sick I know I'm not capable of going through anything close to what the character in the film had to go through, I'd love to be able to say I could but my body is not that strong also I don't have the athletic conditioning or training to help me through something like that.