Children actually making out?!

alarming love-sick kids - An image of 2 Chinese kids making out in public. Did I say kids? I mean children.
By K31
September 19, 2011 7:35am CST
I was digging through my old posts when I happen to see this post. It's an old post and it's quite disturbing. It's a picture of 2 Chinese kids actually making out on the street. Yes, they're young. That's what made it bothersome. Other pics and more info can be seen in this link. Not a referral or ad link.
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19 responses
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
19 Sep 11
That is just disgusting but I have to tell you, the whole time that I was looking at these pics that just got more and more disturbing, I was wondering about the guy behind the camera and asking myself, " now why is he taking these pics and putting them on the net rather than step in and do something to stop it or find out who these little kids are and contact the parents. Yes, it is sick that little kids are doing things like this but even sicker is the adult recording it and sensationalizing it. Are we sure that he is not paying the kids to do this for the camera? This is just wrong.
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
19 Sep 11
Hi, sid556. I said the same thing too. Most likely there is an adult that is behind this camera. So, they are just as wrong as the two children that are making out. Their lovemaking at this age, is very unacceptable! How are they able to get away with making out at such a young age? Oh, I know why, all because the adult that is videotaping this is just too childish to stop these youngsters from getting busy! Pathetic!
@talfonso (246)
• United States
19 Sep 11
Ah, that pic reminds me of the time back in 3rd grade! I was attending a school for disabled people (The Forum School in Waldwick, New Jersey), where my classmates and I had a point system. We get them when we were behaved and don't when we were not. At snacktime, I tried kissing a boy, but because the teacher noticed, I lost a point for that act. I blame watching too many cartoons where the protagonists go on dates and kiss their girlfriends/boyfriends. I bet the kids in the picture did the same thing that influenced them to do so in the first place....
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• Philippines
20 Sep 11
That could also be the case. Again, I don't know if the images are staged or not but whatever the reason may be, this is plain wrong. I'll always stand by the fact that EVERYTHING that the children see is correct/right in their eyes that's why adults need to guide them. Your story about the point system reminds me of my old elementary days only we get points if we recite correctly in class :P
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
OH MY GOD. I went to the site and saw the other pictures and I can't believe my eyes. How can children already feel and know these things? It's really shameful. I really can't believe it. I refuse to believe that these children have been corrupted. How can they possibly understand what they're doing! Couldn't it be that the pictures were scripted? I mean, maybe the children were told to pose like that and the photographer took the picture as if it were a stolen shot. The little guy was looking to the camera in one of the photos... I just can't believe children this age can do this. I am so shocked.
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I'm not sure if this is staged or not but I sure hope they would stop using children in this manner (if this is staged) if not, adults around them should at least be aware of what they're doing and guide them instead.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I'm sure their parents were probably so ashamed of this after seeing the pictures. And they should be guilty because it's their fault that their kids behaved like that.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Oh my goodness...what is happening in the world now? Where are the parents of these kids? I can't imagine small kids doing such thing..and in public ?
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
hi jai, Yeah what is happening in the world now And I am left behind
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Yeah. I know what you mean. I really don't care if this is staged or not but at least they should NOT let children to this. Adults should know more and teach them what's right. And as for the cameraman (or whoever took the pics), I sure wish he didn't staged such act or at least stopped the children from doing it.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
19 Sep 11
want to say that these two children in the picture are simply kidnapped. this is very bad and no good. This happens almost everywhere around the world distinguish young children and do not know what do with them. nice day!
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• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Well, it only shows that whatever children see on television or whatever adults are doing, children tend to copy it. Whether it's right or not, in the eyes of innocent children, everything seems right :(
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@Jenith (1381)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I don't think so that this is real. Maybe somebody told them to do so in exchange of money!
20 Sep 11
its hard to believe there are people out there that would do that.. get kids to pose "caught out style" for sick photographs!!
@Jenith (1381)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
This is really bad example to young ones and not be tolerated by people around. So sad.
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Could be so and could be not. Whatever the reason might be, it's plain and simple alarming and wrong. I just hope this gets/got cleared out.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Oh my ... this is really disturbing. Where are this kids parents? Are they the ones taking those pictures? Shame on them if true. Young as they are this kids don't really know what they are doing, definitely just imitating what they are seeing from others.
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I know. I'm not sure where the parents are but yeah, I agree with you. As I've said before, without parents' or adult's guidance, everything in the children's eyes are right :(
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Sep 11
I can't believe all the fuss about 2 little kids kissing in the street! Whats so awful about these little tikes doing what they see on TV every day? A big part of the problem are those looking to find evil in everyday life in an effort to make themselves look Godly. This world needs more kissing and loving! Why not leave the kiddies alone and rail about the killings and murders that plague our world today?
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
If it's simple kissing and hugging which makes them look sweet and poster-picture perfect, we won't mind but if you would look at the link I attached with the discussion, you'll see why we're alarmed with it. The kids' hands are roaming all over the other's body. Some pictures even looked like they are about to remove each other's clothing. But then again, each of us have different opinions :)
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
19 Sep 11
Hi, keihimekawa. I can't believe this! Where the heck are their parents? I mean, how can anyone not see them behaving in this way. How can a child this age know how to grope another child? My main question is how in the world are they able to make out like this? This is very, very wicked especially for their age! Where are their freaking parents???
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I really don't know. Maybe the parents aren't even aware that this is happening. Worse, maybe the kids saw this on TV or somewhere and copied it. Another could be that this scene was staged. Someone is pulling the string to make the kids act that way. Whatever the reason might be, it's disturbing :(
@Amanda81587 (3042)
• United States
19 Sep 11
It almost seems like the children in this picture were made to do this. Someone was helping them telling them what to do. This is disturbing. I would not let someone on the street take pictures of children doing this and I would have to disrupt these two children and tell them to stop. This is crazy! But like I said they were probably showed to do this for pictures or like the person said in the comment above maybe they were kidnapped and made to do it.
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
I'm really not too sure if this scene is staged or not but there are some areas in Asia where children are actually not mentored by their parents. In the end, they do something which they see on TV, film or simply copied adults. As I've said before, in the eyes of innocent children, if there are no guidance from adults, everything might seem right.
@piya84 (2581)
• India
19 Sep 11
Ohhh i am too much old fashion looks like.
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
Actually that's my first comment too. It's either I'm too old fashioned or this picture went way out of proportion. But then, it's not being old fashioned. This is plain wrong.
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@blink182m (182)
• Philippines
19 Sep 11
All i can say is this picture is very disturbing, even kids now a days are doing the same thing as the matured/adult persons do.
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
That so true. I can agree with you on that. That's my exact thought the first time I saw the pics.
@stringer321 (5644)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
19 Sep 11
Now those pictures are just crazy!!! Where is all the innocence in our generation ?!! I think there must be a law for every couple of parents to learn how to be parents. In my country there is a special place called "beit nagler" and it teaches how to be a parent. This is where "super nanies" comes from.A super nany is some one who knows how to educate and rais children , how to take care of them. If only there was a law that every parents must have a diploma for passing that studdies , such pictures would never come up.
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I know what you mean. The fact that the whole image might be scripted or staged also entered my mind but whatever the reason may be, it's still wrong to have the kids do this. Adults should know more than this :(
• United States
20 Sep 11
i think that is rather disturbing to think of two children so young to be partaking in such behivior but kids now a days are becoming more sexually active and permiscuious at a more younger age with every generation and thats also a sad thought i do not believe in public display of affection in the first place i think it is disrespectful to people around you but i cant help but wonder if the picture was either photo shopped or if the kids were put up to posing for the picture because what pervert is taking random pictures of children on the street like that
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Exactly. We don't honestly know if the scene/picture is staged or not but I don't think it's photo shopped. If this is indeed staged, then the photographer's sick otherwise, I wish the one who took the picture/video would just make them stop since it's wrong :( Seems like the kids need more guidance from people around them.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 11
I've kind of wondered how adults would have reacted if they saw me and the neighbor girl kissing... we were probably a little older than these two (around 1st or 2nd grade) but we kissed a lot, and liked it! I think it's all perception. Wait a few months, then post the same picture and say, "Ahhhhh, how cute" and see how many people react in kind. ;~D
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
For me yes because they feel they like it to shown there mind set not after that they have a parents to said in first.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
20 Sep 11
The world disturbs me with how quick children seem to be acting like miniature adults. This is one of the most awful and prominent examples of this syndrome to say the very least. But it is a huge example never the less. There are a lot of things that are quite disturbing about this situation to say the very least and it doesn't really take too many things to really think about it. So yeah, this is one of those stomach turning situations. I see children as young as nine or ten doing things that they shouldn't be doing when you really think about it. Everyone is growing up way too fast. Kids just can't be children anymore and it just seems to be getting worse and worse. Talk about rather horrifying, I'm nearly mortified beyond words but its not completely unexpected these days. Which makes it more horrifying.
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
hi kei, I was uuuhhmmm.......I don't know how to react really I was thinking am I too old or I am going to expired soon........I mean what the heck is happening to this kids I had my first bf when I was 14 but we never did such act darn we never make out in public I want to regret it now just kidding. this is really shocking happy mylotting
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
20 Sep 11
So how was this photo even taken, did heir parents take this photo? This picture is really disturbing, it's cute when the kids maybe peck on the cheek but a full make out session is just not right. Those kids are fully at it and it's so gross because they're just little kids. They look like they're just from kindergarten! I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do something like that on their free will, probably someone persuaded or urged them to do that for the cameras. Maybe kids are too exposed to too much mature content these days due to to TV and the media that innocent kids are copying these acts. Kids are symbols of innocence, we can't allow this to happen!