Are you agree with me? Laughing is a good tonic for health without cost.

September 19, 2011 10:39pm CST
Mostly I started funny discussion because I know laughing is good tonic for health and we not required any money for this…and when I have seen many mylotters are laughing after reading my discussion and respond on it in funny way then I also enjoy it and laugh with their happiness..This is my pleasure. Even my offline or real life I always talk in funny way so my both sides of relatives tell me you gives us a good tonic without cost.. so what you think this is true you also feel this laughing is good tonic if yes then start laughing hahha… hahahhah…. Ha ha ha…ohhhh enough enough otherwise your mouth will start the paining haha…..
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33 responses
• United States
20 Sep 11
Oh gosh yes my dear friend! Laughter is like free over the counter medicine. Where it may not take away the illness and or worries but it sure will alleviate the symptoms, especially momentarily. I am like you, I try to live with as much fun and friendly moments as I can, as life is short and there is no point in being grumpy all the time.
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• United States
20 Sep 11
How sweet to want to be remembered as the woman who always shared laughter and smiles.
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hahah good morning my dear friend I am washing cloth in washing machine and join mylot for sometime so I start morning with laughing discussion..yes this is a good medicine but if continues laugh then may be mad break is necessary for me and God give me break some time sorrow so balance is accurate..really life is short but I want to die with smile...
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• United States
20 Sep 11
i believe that laughing is good for you but i do not think it is a remedy it is more of like a quick fix but it does not actually fix the problem for good for example my boyfriend and i broke up and i am devistated then someone tells me a funny joke and i laugh for five minutes for five minutes the pain does not hurt as much but after i stop laughing the pain is still there it did not fix the situation or make me feel any better it just helped with things for five minutes
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• Malaysia
20 Sep 11
yes dear surekharathi it is the best medicine in the whole world ... there is one channel in our country which runs 24 hours of comedies ... we are glued in front of tv the whole time we are home . they repeat it so much that we have memorised the dialogues ... so sometimes while driving or during dinner we will share the dialogues .... be Happy
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hahah.... friend yesterday I start discussion somoone calling me darling then how feel now I dont know you and you are calling dear means now we are good friends. You are absolutely right this is best medicine in the world..ahhhhah....ya in India also a channel specially for laughing....
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• Malaysia
20 Sep 11
are we talking of the same channel Athitia of Sun NEtwork
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@legrande (68)
• India
20 Sep 11
yes of course... wen ever am with my frens, i make them laugh badly... all forget their tensions, and other misunderstandings.... laughter is really a gud medicine...
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hello my new comer friend Welcome in mylot you are right laughing is good medicine on any decease
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• India
20 Sep 11
ya i too think that laughing is good tonic for health as the pro vb say an apple keep the doctor away same like that laughing keep doctor away if you are happy there is no tension and nothing you are free from the tension and everything so i also feel that laughing is good tonic for health
2 people like this
• India
20 Sep 11
AHahh...good laughing keep Dr. away like apple you are right my friend when we laughed we feel relax and free of if you laugh everyday then join my discussion because my most of the discussion specially for laughing like how will you feel if unknown person call you darling yesterday topic...
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• India
21 Sep 11
ya i too agree my dear friend your most of the discussion are of laughing so i will enjoy to join your discussions and my discussion are not of laughing only i think i might be of serious also so you can join serious discussion too, because sometime be serious is also good is it?
• United States
20 Sep 11
Great discussion! I agree that laughter is the best medicine. You can ask all of my family, any time there is a conflict or argument i'm like "get me outta here" I just don't like negativity or anything similar. Life is as happy as you make it... laugh as much as possible and live long!
2 people like this
• India
21 Sep 11
Yes my new comer friend you are right happy life can be give the long life to us so start laughing haha.....
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
20 Sep 11
It is said that laughter is the best medicine and if we could make others laugh, there is nothing like it. We should keep finding the ways and means to make the situations funny and lighter, so that our tension could lessen. You are really doing a wonderful job by posting funny discussions and giving others to laugh out loud. Hope your discussions will be liked by many more mylotters.
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hiii laddu hahaha I also agree with you talkative women's discussion is very funny and I hope more people like it when I read her discussion I laughed at lease once then again read the discussion properly then replied on it..
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@megamatt (14292)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Laughter can really relieve stress. And one of the more common aspects of any amount of stress is a failing health. Therefore, when we think about it, laughter is really going to be something that is going to help us relax, we are going to unwind, and enjoy the various aspects of life, as they are. A little laughter every now and then can go a long way. I try and find some amusement out of life. If you take life too seriously, you're never going to really survive it all that much. So I'm going to rather laugh as much as it is needed. It is going to allow me to eliminate enough of my stress, which leaves to a comfortable life and by extension, a much more healthier life for sure. So I would agree that it is a cheap remedy of what ails you.
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• India
20 Sep 11
Yes my friend laughing means we forget our tension or stress and everyone knows life is short so enjoy the life if God gives us...
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@webgirl01 (689)
• United States
20 Sep 11
I believe that laughter is a best medicine. I think it relieves stress and causes you to be happy or joyful. It gives a positive outlook. It's better than being frowny and angry all the time. Laughing is fun. :)
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@akp100 (13640)
• India
20 Sep 11
Okay Lets start...ha ha ha ha ha ha.. Ohh.. Now I feel good. Surely It is a good tonic without cost. May be that's why many people do this laughing exercising at part in the morning. It surely keep our health good. And also it is quite good for reducing our tension and stress. Even I always my laughing moments whatever I shared here and with my friends and family.
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• India
20 Sep 11
Ha ha ha my friend if you are start laughing competition then definitely I will be the winner hahah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.................
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@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Hahahaha! you are very funny Sure! yes I love to laugh and the people around me keep laughing because I make jokes of everything and every people that I see. Sometimes I play a game with my friends it is call :reading faces" we laugh a lot because we begin to read the faces of the people in the mall or in another public face! That is very funny!
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hahahaha... then I upload my own photo read my face and tell me my friend how is my nature face reading is good job I laugh on any topic but some time break also hahaha
@Rosa26 (2618)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Yes! hahaha! What I can read in your face is that such a sweet woman! Enjoy the day!!
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
I definitely agree that laughing is best for one's health especially if a person is sick. There were some scientific research done that said that laughing enables the body to produce endorphins. These are the body's natural pain killers or analgesic. Laughing also exercises our heart and makes it healthy. So we better laugh to health!
• India
20 Sep 11
Wow! great information shared with me thanks means scientific research also tell this means you are also ready for laughing with me then check my funny discussion once again how you will you call to your husband or wife..
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@fantabulus (4000)
• India
20 Sep 11
Yes talkative women I agree with you laughing is good medicine without cost...and you are right if you laughing continues on every moment then the people and all mylotters feel you are mad Indian married women hahah...just kidding your discussions gives us the continue..
2 people like this
• India
20 Sep 11
Hii funny fanta this is apply on you also because I read your discussion is also funny so if you laugh continues then people will said ohhh see that is mad fanta.. hey I am joking dont anger on me...
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• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.. i am going crazy!!!!!!!!!!!you are sanguine person!you are funny, i am sure you make others open there mouth to laugh and me too! Yes really true,smiling,happy person is always good for health!Agree less in bad moods if you are always happy,see smiling faces!It change the nature of your health!
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• India
21 Sep 11
hahahah my friend then show your face how is looking hmmmm very smart girl great laugh once again hahah.....
@GardenGerty (159850)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Well, it is a common saying that Laughter is the best medicine. In the Bible it says "a happy heart does good like a tonic." and I have heard of people who have cured serious illnesses by laughing. A person like you who makes people smile and laugh is a treasure in a family. Laughter increases your circulation and makes your muscles work and lifts your spirits too.
• India
20 Sep 11
Ohhhh nice word yes laughing can cure the serious illness and I want wish from God when I die only smile should be on my! thanks to say due to smile whats the benefit but friend some time God gives us sorrow otherwise people feel this women is mad everytime laugh haha....
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@greenline (14838)
• Canada
20 Sep 11
You have got me start laughing already now ! Thank you so much. That was without cost right ? Ha ha ! Well , that is good for health, for sure, because laughing means one is enjoying. Happiness is good for health ! Best wishes to you. Just keep on laughing !
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hahah.. my friend green you are right laughing means enjoying the life and now life is short so enjoy every moment of life is necessary..
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Laughter is something that is very good for us. It doesn't matter whether you find laughter in your everyday activities in life or if you are able to laugh when watching sitcoms on television, it is important to laugh to maintaing good mental health. There are times in our lives where it is difficult to find something to laugh about, but we still need to laugh no matter how bad things might seem to get.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
That's true surekha, laughing makes your pain go away. It is actually a free medicine for lonely people and those with pains and hurts. It lightens one's load in life. I am sure in person , you are a funny person, my friend. Keep it up , so wrinkles will be at bay.
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• India
20 Sep 11
HAhah thanks my greenish friend you are right this is best medicine for lonely person..
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
20 Sep 11
Your right, laughing is great remedy and it always leaves you in a happy feeling. I love loving really hard with tears coming out of my eyes, it makes feel so happy and satisfied. Nothing beats a good laugh with your friends. I've heard from somewhere that laughing is actually a good form of exercise. Apparently, i you laugh say a few minutes, it is the same as you walking down the road for about half an hour. So you can lose weight by laughing and keeps your body in good shape but I guess you would have to laugh a lot. So if you want a good work, guess you have to attend a comedian's show!
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hahah.. I maintain my body and I not fat means laughing is good yes I see the comedy show and I always apply new funny incident on people like yesterday I start a discussion if someone call you darling then you will feel.. and everyone enjoyed it... haha...I am a funny women but sometime crying also..
2 people like this
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Hello Ms. Surekharathi! Yes, it's definitely true. Laughter is the most priceless medicine a man could ever have. It eases up for those who are in pain. It helps us to look younger than our age. It relieves our daily stress. Thus, people can possibly live longer because of the benefits we get from laughing, laughing and laughing.hehehe.... And I'm glad to know that you always make it a point to make other people happy, especially to your family and to your kins. Just keep it up!:-)
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• India
20 Sep 11
Hello my dear new comer friend Welcome in mylot yes I always try that people should laugh after my joke or talking way so I started here mostly all discussion only in laughing way.. like if you goes toilet and tap is stop no water then what will happen hah...
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