Coffee keeps you a wake.... NO WAY!

@Amfyre (512)
September 19, 2011 10:49pm CST
Just before I go to bed I like to have a nice hot cup of coffee, bit of sugar and a splash of milk... then something to relax perhaps a good book, nice tv show or burn a bit of time on the computer. So I said to my girl friend... She says it keeps her up, any coffee after 6 and she's up all night... so I asked around and around... Apparently I am the odd one. I can drink expresso before bed and I am fine. I sleep like a baby! I like strong coffee, none of the burn the beans for a strong taste or that dish water stuff at Timmies, but the strong stuff, fresh ground beans, boiling water over the beans, nice rich dark coffee with a bit of sugar and a splash milk. Does it keep you a wake or are there anyone else out there like me???
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2 responses
@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Coffee does not keep me awake too.I usually drink a cup of coffee before I sleep,but it doesn't keep me awake all night.Maybe coffee just have different effect to different people.
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@Amfyre (512)
• Canada
22 Sep 11
maybe! I am having a nice cup of earl gray right now and browsing in mylot. a little bit of R&R before bed!
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
20 Sep 11
They always say that about tea or coffee. It wires my son and keeps him awake since he has to work into the mornings babysitting all the adult children at the club who are DEFFINATELY not drinking coffee lol I drink hot tea in the evenings and I have read there is more caffiene in tea than coffee and it never bothers me. In fact a cola gives me a better jolt to wake than any tea I have ever drank.
@Amfyre (512)
• Canada
22 Sep 11
I heard that too, but whether it is coffee or tea it doesn't affect me. I can drink cola before bed too. Luckily I am not working nights, I won't know what to take to keep up all night long! lol orange juice ? he he he
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@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
19 Oct 11
THanks for best response I am unwinding too for the night and drinking my second cup of tea.