How many Stupid and Dumb Discussions are there on My Lot?

@jennybianca (12912)
September 19, 2011 11:56pm CST
I couldn't believe the cr... I was seeing.. After responding to some discussions from My Friends, Todays Top, No Responses and New, I decided to do a search for my favourite topics. What did I see? A discussion about Europeans descending from Aliens (as opposed to Asians and Africans), and cats being thrown on the highway ( as an eveyday activity)! This is just the name a few. I would love to put the links here to show you, but I am probably not allowed to do that. I know there are many good discussions here, but I can't figure out why people write such stupid discussions? Have you found dumb stuff here?
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17 responses
@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Of course I have, and some days I just do not see too many things to answer. There are also occasional trolls. If a discussion is a violation of guidelines, go a head and report it, even if it is very old. I bet that one about Europeans descending from Aliens was a hoot, unless they meant it seriously.
@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I think you had a troll when you were here before. Someone was stalking you and harassing you. A troll will post untrue stuff and will keep trying to pick fights with you, or post totally dumb stuff to get you to get mad.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
It was hard to say, the writer seemed to really believe there was a difference between Aficans/Asians, and Europeans due to our alien ancestry! I don't know what the trolls are?
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• United States
20 Sep 11
Yes indeed! What a difference in the type of discussions I see now compared to what was posted 4 or 5 years ago. Now I only respond to some of my friends discussions. When I think of how I would spend a few hours a day posting on myLot now it is seldom more than half an hour. The past two years I have been quite active in the Politics interest ever since the "Obama the Destroyer" appeared in American Politics.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
Yes, I have noticed abig difference since I started again afew eeks ago. I think the change was occuring when I was last in my lot, two years ago. Theri has been a big change in the tpye of people joining My Lot, which is not an issue I like bringing up, if you knoew what I mean. The only reason I dont respond to some of your poltical discssions, is because I simply don't know enough about waht Obama gets up to. I wouldn't be able to make an intelligent reponse.
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@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
Stupid discussions are everywhere here. Hehe. But I can understand that for some if not most here just post or make discussions with one purpose. And I think you know already what that purpose is. Another thing is that we have different cultures and beliefs. One thing might sound dumb to us but for them it isn't. That's why I just try to understand stupid/dumb discussions or ignore them at most. :) shadow41
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
I am sure the purpose is to earn more money, which is a theory that doesn't really work, No responses means no earnongs! Yes, I am aware of cultural differences, but the discussion I saw overdiany cultural issues.
• United States
20 Sep 11
Hahaha, there is definitely some silly stuff being posted, but that's pretty much in all forums online.
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I actually think there is less here than at some other places.
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@surekharathi (14146)
• India
20 Sep 11
You are right my friend I also seen some discussion in which people tell Americans is such like this and others. I dont like to discriminate between any country or between any culture we should respect to every culture not on us but also others. Because every tradition is important for everyone...I not like this type of discussion I start only funny topic or some news topic..
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
You have started an excellent range of discussions. I am only sorry that I dont time to reply to them all.
• India
22 Sep 11
Thanks my friend but sometime I feel sad because even lots of mylotter told me my discussion is good still no single rating is increased but anyway I feel happy because at least mylotter likes my discusson..I try mostly funny discussion so people should laugh after reading my discussion.
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@stary1 (6612)
• United States
20 Sep 11
I kind of think anything anyone wants to post is ok. Some people may like the subjects you just named. I didn't see those posts but I think I would have responded if I had. There are some who believe people descended from visitors from other planets. Have you ever read von Daniken's book...Chariot of the Gods? I skimmed it and it's quite intriging..I don/t necessarily believe it but I found it something to think about. As for cats abandoned that is an awful problem and my heart breaks for the ones being thrown out of cars.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
I haven't read the book, but will add it to my ever grwoing list! The person who mentioned aliens, said that Asians and Africans didn't descend from aliens, but that Europeans did, and that was why Europeans were more advanced... his words, not mine. He had no reasons for his statement and his discussion took two lines.
• United States
20 Sep 11
I read Chariot of the Gods decades ago. Great book!
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@stary1 (6612)
• United States
20 Sep 11
abitosushine and mike I found the book intriging...especially as he analyzed the ancient drawings and interpreted space ships.and astronauts
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
20 Sep 11
There are some that just type anything that they can come up with. Although I don't bother to respond to any of them. I am guessing that they are just trying to get as many discussions started as they can, to make that penny.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
Yes, I suspect it is related to trying to earn more, although I dont think that theory works very well, if there are few responses.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Sep 11
I see some dumb stuff here every single day LOL. I have seen alot of them since joining here about 5 years or so ago.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
20 Sep 11
Yes. I don't like to say it is cultural, as I think I can distinguish beween that and stupidity.
@telmesh (1793)
20 Sep 11
Hi Jenny as you see I haven't been here long but you are the first Aussie and one that doesn't like stupidity, well that's great you and me both. Must admit have not come across anything like the ones you refer to and don't think I will be bothering to search them out.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
Good to meet another Aussie. There are quite a few on this site.
• United States
22 Sep 11
oh yea.some days i sign off in disgust at not finding anything to comment on. whole lot of nothing.literily. as far as the alien thing goes-i've seen that blood group is either called alien or neanderthal,conspiritists can't figure out which.well,heck.might as well just say some of a slept with b,and kill two birds with one stone. neanderliens!
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
26 Sep 11
There are days when I resort to my favourite topics, which may be oldish discussions.
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
20 Sep 11
jennybianca, I share the same views and experience here. Rather than, finding the blame I am concern if these discussions are created out of desperation, posting for the sake of posting. The fact that it lacks quality just tells me that way.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
I think many are created out of desperation, to earn money I guess, which is a theory that doesn't really work. No responses means no earnings@!
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
20 Sep 11
If the discussion does not interest me i, i dont reply simple. But i guess people see it as a way of earning money, even if it is a weird topic. No worse than being told every little detail of someone's day on face book.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
I know what you mean about stuff written on facebook!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Sep 11
hi jennybianca I did not find that one, and they really believe that stuff I mean about aliens and Europeans that really floors me. I don't think I have e very seen a cat thrown on the freeway so cant be an every day thing.oh help. sometimes I have worried that my discussion was not' really mind blowing but at least I do not belien in aliens yet.the ones that get me most are how c an I make money on mylot? what is that star for? How much do you make on mylot a mponth? and they are so repetitious that I wonder mylotadnmins does not delete a few.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
26 Sep 11
I started one recently, that I knew was definitely not mind blowing, about loving coffee. I have had more reponses for that discussion that any other!!
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
21 Sep 11
I have found some of the discussions are kind of dumb and yet there are a lot of good ones also. I have learned a lot on here. Some of them are so dumb I don't even read the whole thing. People believe in a lot of things that I feel are stupid, but the reverse is probably true also.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
There is no doubt I have learned alot on My Lot too, and some people have been very helpful. But I have to admit lately, the number of ridiculous discussions has risen.
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
20 Sep 11
Stupid is a relative word -- just like trash,for as we know one man's trash is another man's treasure. Have I seen a lot on here posted by my friends I have no interest in responding to? Yes. I've seen many local events I don't have any knowledge of to use in a response. I've also seen a few discussions I can't believe actually got posted because of their adult content, but I guess I changed my settings to post a response that was deemed to have adult content, though I couldn't figure out what about my response was "adult." I have determined not to get involved in discussions that have little substance and would rather spend my limited time and energy on discussions that might really matter to a lot of people as they make decisions. I'm sure I've seen discussions I did consider stupid, but I can't think of specific examples right now.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
I probably should have been a little more specific in my discussion, but I didn't want to identify the discussions I had found. I wasn't referring to local events that I have no knowledge of, and no else seemed to think the discussions I saw were "treasure". If you see my comment with reponse 2, I gave more detail (only just wrote it).
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
22 Sep 11
there are really lots of them that we see each day posted mostly by newcomers. when i see one, i read and do not leave any trace that i saw them.
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@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
20 Sep 11
Hello Jenny, It depends on the interest as the discussion which i may feel is stupid may be interesting for someone else.But no doubt some of the discussion are really stupid only thing which i do is to skip them and go ahead to find the interesting ones. Don't worry friend there are lots of interested ones also which you may not be able to read in whole day hehehe.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
22 Sep 11
The two most silly discussions I saw did not appear to be of interest to anyone! But you are right, I must seacrh more for intersting discussions.
@0CoOlGuY0 (103)
• Portugal
20 Sep 11
i guess it's their tries to get money lol