do you believe that love unexpressed is a crime against the heart?

September 20, 2011 8:13pm CST
i just read this phrase from a book i read last night. it made me think about it's meaning twice, the truthfulness of what it wants to tell, i am convicted with it. unexpressed love is really a crime against the heart. it is tough to just keep in yourself the love you felt for another person, and by doing this, it is your heart that you are cheating. suppressed feelings are painful, and could be a cause for stress. nothing is more lighter than to express the feelings no matter what it takes. whew! too sad sometimes we need to hide it, to make things easier and simpler.
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16 responses
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Love can blind you.but true love should be expose to the person you love.True love is really not to hide,sometimes you are shy to tell or to express out.But love always shown on is/her actions,and also you will know it.Love is powerful..
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
thank you for your response and for sharing your idea. you are right, true love should be expressed, although sometimes, it is better if we hide in order not to hurt anybody. because there are times when situations won't permit us to express our love. happy mylotting!
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
21 Sep 11
To love when it says Ise naisitna shows us is easy. I think each of us lies a love. each of us is not always able to explain to love someone and I was totally ignored and that most of us very hurt. but sometimes there are those moments. I also hold back my hidden love for a man dare not tell him because he is married. saw him suffer but not how such fate. nice day!
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
thank you for your response nezavisima. yeah, there are situations that we better hold back to our self what we felt, because we know that we could hurt someone if we go with our feelings. it will be painful, but at least we are human enough to feel it.
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
I think so. Why? When I was younger, I fell in-love with a guy, but never dared to express it. I kept it for myself. That's was my secretest secret.I married another guy, but I still feel 'something' for the first guy, and sometimes, I can't help myself wish that he would have been my husband. These days, I just found out from a childhood friend that he feels so bad because he was not able to marry me.See, isn't that a crime in my heart?
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
oh, i felt sorry for you. it's sad when you haven't try to express your feelings at the right time for the right person. i know you felt bad about it, but i wish you are happy and contented with your married life now because at this present situation, you could not get out and tell him about how you were feeling for him before. it is too late, the crime was already committed and you cannot make another mistake because of it. happy mylotting and God bless your married life!
21 Sep 11
hi:) yes I agree with that phrase, whenever your love is suppressed you feel like it's a burden in your heart because you want to say and even shout that love, but there are some circumstances that telling you not to, so it's really hard. hehe sorry I don't really know how to express my thoughts, it's hard to put it in words:D love is always complicated:D
• Philippines
27 Sep 11
thank you for your response, i appreciate it. yeah, you are right, when you suppressed a feeling towards someone, you will really have a hard time bearing it. emotions and feelings are too hard to handle, this will affect everything you do, no matter how hard you will try to hide it. happy mylotting!
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Yeah.. I agree with you... Please let me explain further from my humble heart. It is sad you won't able to express your feelings towards the person you ever loved... It is frustrating when you don't have the strength to say it to someone personally. It is breath taking, suspense, thriller, and dramatic situation when you struggle to set the feelings free while holding it back and keep it for yourself. Which you are afraid the person you dream about might knows your secret... Time out... Take a deep breath. Let's stop the time for a moment and freeze everyone... Think it over again while you still have the chance left ... Don't be afraid to fall in love and to be hurt... You are not alone. Listen to your heart and have your heart to guide you the truths free. Don't let go if your feelings are right. don't give up if you know it is worth. And never let those precious moments fade away in your life. Let your dreams happens in reality. You will never know, you will realized it is too late to regret when the person is already gone away. In fact the person is just waiting and ready to listen for you to say those words. :)
• Philippines
27 Sep 11
thank you so much for your nice explanation mark nathaniel. it is true that love is a beautiful feeling and we need to express it. it feels good to love a person and let them know about how you truly feel. nothing is more fulfilling than to express how you felt, but it is so sad that sometimes, situations won't permit it. i have experienced it before, although we are bought single that time, it is hard for us to get into a relationship, for so many reasons. and we are better off as friends. it was tough, it was painful, and it hurts when i see him dating different girls and he would also get jealous if i entertain suitors, but that's all that we could do. for we are better off as friends than lovers. but we don't know the reasons, it is mystical, and i find it hard to understand. though, i thank GOD that i am happily married and very contented with my life now. he's still searching for the right one, and still very vocal with his feelings towards me, but because i am already married, i just wish him well.
@eseulhan (199)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
You just had the right explanation for that! Why do people suppress their feelings to the other, don't they know theyre just hurting themselves by doing so? Sometimes people express their love thru actions. Acti0ns does speaks louder than words, but n0t all times..It depends..What if s0meone is blind en0ugh to see all your acti0ns? Would you still keep on showing your love without telling him directly? Acti0ns may be mistakenly underst0od and words may be lies..But words are the only most visible way to show your love. We all kn0w, n0w we live in a w0rld that is full of lies, but for once, give chance to tell s0meone, the only truth you feel at one very special m0ment. To all the readers, im n0t commanding you to tell your feelings directly to s0meone.,im just sharing one side of what you called LOVE that you enc0untered or may enc0unter in the future.,
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
thanks for sharing your idea and for the response. love is really confusing and painful sometimes. there are situations wherein we are better to keep in silent our real feelings towards that person, and resort to becoming MU's instead of sharing a special feelings for real. it is hard and painful, because no commitments are being made, but it is the only way sometimes to make the feelings expressible, at least with no attachments and commitments. this is when although we are falling for a person, and he also got the same feelings towards us, but it cannot be work out for so many reasons. there are times when two people are better off as friends than lovers, although they love each other so much.
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
That's nicely said. I used to use think of it this way: Love is a gift that is meant to be shared. If you decide to keep it from the person it's meant to be shared with, then that's being selfish. It could also be regarded as a crime, like taking the mail of someone. Anyway, I know it is more advantageous if we express ourselves, but sometimes there are situations when you can't. As you said, it is easier and simpler, but also because we can also hurt other people. What weighs more, a crime against your own heart, or a crime against someone else's heart?
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
thanks a lot for your response, and for the idea shared. what you've said is true. although love is a gift we should give to someone, there are situations when it is better to keep it to our self. for me, it is forgivable if it is my heart that i committed a crime, than hurting someone else heart. i could take the pain and hide it, but to break someone's heart is tough for me to carry. so still, we should be cautious and we must use our mind too in loving someone. happy mylotting!
• United States
21 Sep 11
I would say yes since I suffer from this myself. And I think if you do dwell on it, it can cause physical sickness as well. We all know stress affects your physical body and I think this is probably the same. The sad thing though is that it's an easy cure. Well on paper it's an easy cure. In reality, not so much.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
21 Sep 11
I totally agree with you.Unexpressed love is really a crime against the heart.It is very difficult to be at peace when you are in love with someone;your heart and soul keeps reaching out for that person.You cannot concentrate and the fear of love not being reciprocated by the person you are in love with leads to a lot of suppressed pain and anxiety.I believe that one should just communicate one's feelingS even if there is the fear of rejection.Suppressing one's true feelings and emotions is really giving further pain to the heart and so one should say it,not thinking of the consequences.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
27 Sep 11
I will have to free with that quote. Mainly because I lived it for many years. I held in in so hard that it became invisible for many years. I even went on and got married in the mean time. Now that my marriage no longer exists, I see that I was searching for something that was not there. But, I guess serendipity came true for me. I found the love of my life again and now I am happy. Now I no longer need to hide it.
@sunli123 (538)
• China
21 Sep 11
I agree with you. Some people don't dare to express their love, or just admit it. Love is love, just express it. As no matter we do, we couldn't cheat our inner heart. Just do it, don't let ourselves regret.
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
yeah, if the love is at the right time and for the right person, i think we could find no reason why we should witheld it. although, sad to say that in some situations, we should keep it to our self specially if we are already married. love is love, and no matter how we hide it, it will continue haunt us. so i think, we should also use our head, so we could not hurt anyone in the process. thank you for your response and for sharing your idea, happy mylotting!
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
21 Sep 11
i think it is but i also think it would depend on the situation some times it is better to let it go difficult question
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 11
To be honest with our own feeling, I think that is good enough. :) But even we consider unexpressed love as crime against our hearth, we can't express every kind of love by any reason. For an example, we are falling in love with woman who are already married. While unexpressed love is a crime against our own heart, this kind of expressed love is a crime against society. And society consists of a lot of hearts. That means the expressed love is also can be a crime against the heart(s). Heart may be sincere. But it may mislead you also. If we are just following our heart, then we will make a crime against our brain and logic. God had created it, for a good sake. So we have to use both wisely :).
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
thank you so much for the response and for the idea you shared. i agree with you. we should not only use our hearts, but it is very important that we must listen to what our head is telling us.being in love sometimes makes us blinded with reasons. we ought to think what we are doing is right, when in fact in the eyes of God and the people, we are already deviating from the right path. so it is very important to listen both to our judgment and to our feeling. happy mylotting!
@Hazelme (647)
• United States
21 Sep 11
It's an expression as to not hide our feelings, what the heart really feels. I think the best thing is to show what's in the heart but many people don't do it for many different circumstances. I know many parents that really care about their kids but they don't show it at all! I think just because they don't show it doesn't mean they love them many people don't and it's really misterious why?
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
yeah, it is true. there are parents who are not showy with their affection to their children, reason why their children are not also affectionate towards them. for me, no greater love is the parents love towards their child, and it is just right that parents should express it to their children. i remember when my daughter was only one year old to four years old i think, i used to carry, hug and kiss her in the public, but when she was about five years old, she hates it when i carry her. she said her classmate would tease her, but i explained to her that it is not something to be ashamed of, and that she must be proud for it. now that she's seven, gone are the days when i could kiss her whenever i want, she said she's already an "ate" and that i must not treat her like a baby:-(
@urbandekay (18278)
21 Sep 11
No, this is wrong, there are times we must not express love, if for instance, that love is for a married person it is wrong to express it all the best urban
• Guatemala
21 Sep 11