Are there any disadvantages for accepting blood?

@Sreekala (34312)
September 21, 2011 2:17am CST
Hello friends I was talking to a friend who underwent a surgery for removing her uterus before two years. She received blood at the time of her surgery from the blood bank of the hospital. She becomes alright with her problem after the removal of uterus but she is often falling sick once she recovered from the surgery. She consulted her doctor and doctor said that it may be after effect of accepting blood, we are testing only major diseases in the blood and if there is a small disease it won’t be tested properly. I don’t have any idea what is checking while getting blood from donors so her statement give me some surprises, I mean it is not safe to receive blood from strangers or from the blood bank. But at times, we are helpless and there is no other way but to get the blood when in the case of saving a life. [b]What is your opinion on accepting blood? Have you ever accepted blood or donated blood? Please share your knowledge and views here. [/b] Have a nice day to all Date: 21-09-2011
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25 responses
@allknowing (142676)
• India
21 Sep 11
I too have had a blood transfusion when I had a road accident 5 years ago. All is well with me hopefully. Blood is processed and tested for compatibility as well as for any possible diseases. "All donated blood is tested for infections. The current protocol tests donated blood for HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-1, HTLV-2, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis (T pallidum), Chagas disease (T cruzi), and West Nile Virus. In addition, platelet products are also tested for bacterial infections due to its higher inclination for contamination due to storage at room temperature. Presence of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is also tested because of risk to certain immunocompromised recipients if given, such as those with organ transplant or HIV. However, not all blood is tested for CMV because only a certain amount of CMV-negative blood needs to be available to supply patient needs. Other than positivity for CMV, any products tested positive for infections are not used." Source: From the above it shows that every care is taken before blood is transfused
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Sep 11
Hi dear, We all have an impression like that only and we are confidant on the hospital and their facilities. However, there may be a possibility which may happened with this friend and her doctor mentioned the same then we have to think something wrong at least with that hospital (where she undergone the surgery).
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
21 Sep 11
It is comforting to read the response of allknowing! Let us pray and hope for the best Shree!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
24 Sep 11
I've never needed blood transfusion...but when anyone in the family needs it, we look at family members first to be donors. I'm from a huge family. As far as I know, the blood in the blood banks are tested and checked....but of course, there might be a few smaller checks that are not made.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
24 Sep 11
Hello SV, You were on hibernation again... hope everything is fine with you. It will be a great idea if we choose our family members to donate blood for us. At least we can be sure about the health conditions.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
21 Sep 11
Excellent topic for discussion Sree! It is really scary to think in these lines . However, as allknowing has pointed out, I guess it is mandatory for hospitals to be as careful and cautious as possible. We have to really believe only in GOd and nothing can help us other than His hand in this totally corrupt world. THe doctor may have been unable to identify the real problem with your friend and may have conveniently shifted the blame like this . We will have to go from the majority of responses you get here. Did your friend take care of herself after the operation? Did she have a proper post operative care? Now, with problems compounding , she will tend to feel even more guilty and depressed . Ask her to go to her parents' place for a change if she had had this operation in her husabnd's place ;a good period of rest for a month may do her some good[provided it is feasible of course]
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
22 Sep 11
Do not worry Shree! She will soon be alright.Her immune system would have been down and she has caught all these infections and viruses. After her operation probably the problem of piles would have started. If you talk to ehr tell her not to be too exacting on herself and she sjould adjust with the substandard work of the servant. We can always redo the work thta they have done . That would put less strain on us.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Sep 11
Hi dear, I agree all is in the hands of that Great Power. About my friend, she is my earlier niehgbour actually, we lived just opposite to her house for three years. She is a well educated, very hygienic and pure vegetarian, even do not eat onion and garlic. She left her job after her second child born, first son is 21 years old and second one is 10 years old now. She is doing all works herself at home but after her surgery there was a maid to do the works and her elder son also able to do works at home. She took rest on the necessary period then she sent back her maid as she was not satisfied with the cleanliness (on that period she was helpless). I know her habit of cooking food, she never user her fridge for keeping food in it, she is making food instantly and serve the same hot, there won’t be any leftover food (She is much experience on making it exactly). I really appreciate many of her habits which I can’t follow because you know I am working and I don’t have that much spare time. In nutshell she is a well organized person. She got small pox, she got piles problem, the second one surprised me too, according to her lifestyle or eating habit this issue never happens.. (she recovered from this problem within one month by drinking radish juice on empty stomach regularly) .. I have given a short summary here as you asked some questions dear. Thank you so much and let us believe that the Almighty will save us.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Sep 11
She is settled in Delhi now and her parents are no more, she hardly visits her native, her siblings are also in this place.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
22 Sep 11
Hello, In emergency we have not more options. So we must be accept blood of any donor. I never need blood. What happened with your friend may be possible if we get blood from government blood bank. Every one know about the working style of government hospitals. We must be preferred blood from a private blood bank. Although it is costly then government blood bank.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Sep 11
Hello anil02, She was so anemic due to her problem so she needed blood on surgery. She did her surgery in private hospital and get blood from their blood bank only. There may be some mistakes happen while screening the blood. It may be her bad luck. Thanks for your opinion.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
24 Sep 11
Of course.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
23 Sep 11
Mistake may be possible.
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@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
21 Sep 11
Hi Sree, Your topic has timely importance. I think the hospital doctors are just skipping their responses by saying like this. In fact, from my experiences, I think when we donate or provide blood to any hospital or blood bank, we are supposed to fill a form where so many questions are asked including our physical and disease history also. Like whether we had previous operations, accepted blood before, given blood before, background of other illness etc. We just fill the form without knowing all these and even the hospital people never check for the accuracy. They will check the basic contents like sugar and some routine counts and blood group to confirm. Now-a-days, they can go through proper checking of the blood if there is any inconsistencies. Last month I gone to donate the blood to a patient and after testing the blood, the technician informed me that today it seems that you got my BP level slightly on the border line so that they cannot accept the blood. He asked me to relax and take rest for 15 mts. and again check and there was minor difference. In fact I had a late night sleep on the previous night and that was the immediate reason for the variation. However, the blood was required to an old aged person for an operation. As it was a direct donation (not replacement of any group) and I was the person who belongs to the same group. I think here they did well and they didn't accept my blood and asked me to come in the next day morning, if ok, they will collect as the operation was supposed to be in the next day. So, I think some hospitals are particular and strict on their formalities where as in many places it is not. I used to give blood for every 3-4 months and it is for the last 13-15 years. Still I am having no problems and this is the first time I said NO to accept. As a continuation to it, there was a blood donation camp one of the railway station here and I showed my willingness to give the blood. They did the routine check up and took my blood as usual. So, I think if we are aware of that we are affected any kind of major illness and medicated for a long period or it is on going, it is my suggestion that we should not give blood to others. If we are not there, somebody will be there for the same. In your example also, the matter CAN be something else also. All are depend on the physical conditions of the person and the medicine they are used. One of my friend's son was affected with a normal fever and he was adivised wrong medicine. The 18 years brilliant boy is under treatment for the last 3-4 years and his fate in the hands of God now. They spend about 20-22 lakhs and more and for operations and hospital charges. It is so sad to see the boy now and just a minor carelessness caused all these. So, everything is depend on various matters and even doctors and hospital authorities are also won't care much of it. If we talk about the doctors and hospitals around, we need a separate topic itself. Thank-s
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Sep 11
Hi thank-s, Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I learned many things from your response. I have never donated my blood but my hubby does twice that also for friend’s son who got severe burning from an electric wire and underwent 2-3 surgeries in a government hospital. I am not sure whether they asked any questions to my hubby on accepting blood. I think it all depends on the responsibility of the hospital and in my friend’s case it lacks (I felt like that). I agree the negligence of hospital authorities or irresponsibility of doctors; many are becoming victims of bad treatment. One of my colleague’s son admitted in a hospital for fever and when he discharged from the hospital he could not walk by himself as there is some problem with his spinal code. Then he seeks treatment in famous hospitals in Delhi where nobody could find out what happened to him exactly. He can’t get up by himself from the bed and he needed somebody’s support for walking and it was shocking for all of us, as he was very active before the treatment. When all allopathic doctors gave up the case and asked him to do some exercise. I told them to consult the Kottakkal Aryavaidasala which is situated near to our office. Fortunately the treatment worked well on him, he took almost two years to recover completely now he is active and doing well in his studies. The ayurvedic doctor told me there is an imbalance in the water in his spinal code If we write these kind of incidents the space is not enough here.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Sep 11
I completely agree with you. I would like to share another shocking news, which is shared by my niece who is working in a reputed private hospital. She told me if there is any mistake by nurses, it will report soon and further actions will take against that staff including a suspension or dismissal but in case of mistakes from doctors (of course, it happens often) they hide the same. No one will utter a word. I don’t know why the discrimination, among medical staff, they won’t do any mistakes intentionally (as they are supposed to be here for saving life).
• India
21 Sep 11
Hi Sree, These all a few one-off incidents that we are coming through in our life and millions of such cases may be happening around, and all are not getting noticed. Fortunately, most of the ordinary people are unaware of many things and under this shade, doctors are saved. We can learn from here and there that many hospitals are destroyed, doctors were beaten up and the like, mainly due to the carelessness of these doctors. In the last 1 month itself there were many cases reported in the news papers. Only thing, it is our responsibility to be cautious maximum possible whenever it comes to us. Also, just like we people, all are to be taken care of when incidents happens. Here, especially when it comes to medical terms, we have just to obey the instructions from the doctors, as they are the supreme power and we are illiterate (in most medical terms). They are spending lakhs or rupees to get admission in medical colleges and once come out as doctors, their only intention is to just recover the money what they spend and looking for a better life, service is secondary. Any way, we should be cautious at our end and the rest are as per the will....... Thank-s
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@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
Hello there! There many disadvantages of accepting blood. One is you are not sure if the blood is 100% clean, another is incompatibility of patients blood from the donor, contamination of the blood in the process of transfusion and Hemolysis- a term used in medicine when kidneys fail in the process of transfusion. This happens when haemoglobin is released in the blood stream. I hope my reply to your discussion helps in some way or another.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
24 Sep 11
Hi mini, Yes, of course, your reply helped me to understand some negative sides. In fact, I really surprised to know the negative side of accepting blood on the first time. Now I have more information with this topic. Members share their own experiences with me. Thank you so much for your information.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
29 Sep 11
Hi Sree dear, to me it's considered to be very unsafety to accept blood from unknown donar for there were cases happened here before unfortunate recivers were discovered to suffer from aids. But as what we know aid has quite long latent period and it's not easy to find out. I also learned from the local news saying that blood donars were not checked properly before the donation. It's suspected also that during blood transfusion used injection needles were reused without thouroughly disinfection It's really scary that the donars blood has saved a person timely but it's great sorrow that it actually pushes him to another grevous pain. I had donated blood several times before but I haven't accepted blood before. I hope all blood donars are conscientious to donate blood to save others life but not for the selfish purpose just to make money without take into account that their unhealthy blood will destroy others fortune and undergo a grievous lengtily life Today is already 28 sept lol...means that I'm a week later to join in the discussion. Take care and have a nice day dear
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
29 Sep 11
Hi dear, Lol, that means I did a good job by putting the date in discussion... in fact I thought about you as your response not reached... Now about the topic, it is true that people are selling blood simply for money especially those who are living in poverty. (One of the respondents pointed out this fact already). Those people may not be educated well and I think there are fewer chances to reveal the whole history as the person badly needs money. In case of lacking proper tests then what? At the same time I agree the reputed hospitals are showing more concern on the process of accepting or donating blood. Take care and have a happy time.
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@aprilsong (1884)
• China
5 Dec 11
Hi,i think if it is not very necessary, i don't want to accept blood from others, and if i have to accept blood from others, first, i will have to find my family members or friends i know very well for help. Because it is so dangerous to accept blood from a blood bank. Because as you have said, tests only check some major diseases, and there are lots of others selling blood for life. I have donated blood twice. I think it is our responsibility to help others. So i made the donations. I am a healthy person, don't have any diseases. If not, i won't donate blood to infect others.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
13 Dec 11
Hello aprilsong, If we aware about the consequences then we will be more careful. I think in case of my friend, she or her family was not aware about such consequences and thought that it is safe to get blood from blood bank. Once we experienced the bitter side then only we start to take preventive measures. It is really unfortunate what happened with my friend. Even I too do not aware that any such consequences on accepting blood. I really appreciate your blood donation, which means to give life somebody, so please keep it up. Since you don’t have any health issues, it will really helpful for the needy. Thank you so much for the participation. Have a nice day.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Sep 11
I think sometimes it is too difficult to ensure that the blood will be safe. If you need it when you have the surgery, what if the blood is polluted with some diseases? This may cause a worse situation. In fact I always wonder why the doctor will not consider the donated blood which comes from the patient's relatives at first? I am sure the relatives will be willing to donate the blood at that time. Since they are relatives, at least we know their health situation. It may be safer. By the way, I haven't had an operation which needs to accept the blood yet. But if I have such a chance one day, I hope that my doctor will accept my idea and adopt my relatives' blood. I love China
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Sep 11
Hi youless, That is a fantastic idea, to check with relatives.. I agree, we must know about the health situation of our relatives. Here in my friend's case, she is living away from her native so I don't know your suggestion was suitable for her or not. Thank you for your great idea.
@mayka123 (16984)
• India
3 Dec 11
Your friend has been very unfortunate. I have neither received blood nor donated blood at all. But last year my brother had to receive blood after his bypass. Luckily he did not have any complications after the blood transfusion. We took the blood from the blood bank because we were in a hurry and there was no one around to donate at that moment.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
3 Dec 11
Hello Mayka, I remember about your brother's problem, once you told me. I hope he is in good health now. I think, not everyone get problems but those who unlucky people face problems. Have a great weekend and thank you so much for your views.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
5 Dec 11
Glad to know that. Have a great week ahead.
@mayka123 (16984)
• India
3 Dec 11
My brother is fine now. Thanks dear. Have a great weekend.
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
5 Jan 12
I've read that you've got some good answer or responses regarding to blood transfussion, which maybe helped your friend! I don't know much about this matter anyway, LOL! My Sister had gone under blood transfussion, we all (my family) noticed that she's acting differently for the past few weeks and we all just thought that it maybe the new blood! She's pretty much back to normal after that few weeks and thank God I haven't heard that she get sick badly again.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
19 Jan 12
Hello CJay, It is really good to hear that your sister is alright now. I think bad incidents rarely happened and my friend is one of the bad victim. Thank you so much for finding time to my old topics. Take care and have a nice day.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
dear sis, I am also a blood recipient with my first delivery (i gave birth thru ceasarian section- all 3 kids) But only with my first child that I was given a blood transfusion due to blood loss. I am not sure about the process of blood donation in your place. but here in our country, the Red Cross are very meticulous with checking the blood donors. You cannot even donate or sell blood if you have colds or cough..not even with a small tattoo. I am thankful that after 18 years since I gave birth to my first child, I never had any problem with my health. Maybe your friend needs proper health needs to know her well-being before it get worst. Have a good day sis
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Sep 11
Hello dear sister, There is something lack in your response. Regarding the topic, I am glad that you are safe with the acceptance of blood and in your country; people are more concerned about the health issues. Here, particularly the hospital where my friend done her surgery, may not have that much concern. But her story shocked me, as I never knew that there may be some bitter consequences too on getting blood.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
21 Sep 11
That means you are also holding a card from them.
• India
21 Sep 11
Hi Jaiho, I think I have already donated about 25 times during my span so far. All are did with my own will and few are on emergencies. If it is direct to a patient, they will the hospital will do thorough process and once all the process completed then they will call for the process. But if a person is in need of blood, we can go to the hospital and donate the blood in the name of the patient. In this case, they will accept our blood and it is not necessary that our blood only giving to the patient. The authorities would use the blood which is already collected and they will use our blood for some other person when it matches with someone else. The Red Cross people used to visit our office and organise the blood collectively. Here also they do a complete process of checking the person and then only they will collect it from our body. Even they will issue a card or certificate which can be used if we are in need. Only thing we should carry the card to the hospital and they will do the needful, when we require blood at any time. Thank-s
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@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
I think there is a situation where one has to be careful. There is the dangers of getting unpure blood. It is never safe. There are cases of these, so it is better that if one will be sourcing for this, the blood should come from responsible sources, and reputable institutions.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
4 Oct 11
Hello globaldoc, If we are sure about the source then there won't be any problem. Many prefer to get blood from known people. Unfortunately this is not possible for all and always. Thank you so much for your views.
@Qsunny (10)
• Hong Kong
22 Sep 11
Hello,guy,as I know, accepted blood has some disavantages for a person. One thing is you may not sure the origination of the blood, that means you can not sure whether the blood is clean, without no virus or not. Additionally, each one has his own kind of blood. Nowadays it is too simple to classify all the blood into A B O AB four sorts. So,there is high possibility of some condition that once a patient accept a blood at the same time his body identify that the new blood is not belonged to him. It would make a serious accident.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
21 Sep 11
I have donated blood to others and I have also received blood. My husband gave me blood when I had to have surgery.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Sep 11
Hi steph, It means both of you have the same blood group. It is always safe to get blood directly from people who are close to us.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
21 Sep 11
Dear friend, I feel receiving blood at the time when it is needed most sometimes makes the needer in hurry. But the authorities those who do this procedure should be careful to test the blood and blood donor as long as there are various hidden diseases which may be know with proper diagonalize. Here in our region the healthy donors are given identification cards. One of my aunt had to accept blood and we got it from the recognized donor. She is going well even after 5 years of surgery. I feel the hospital or the concern authorities have to be more careful while they get blood from a donor.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Sep 11
Hello Sham, That is great news from you; healthy donors are getting their identification cards. I agree it is a good way of approaching the right people. I don’t now any kind of such facility available in this area; most probably people are depending on blood banks on emergency. Your new avatar is good.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
Hi friend!I believe it is the blood bank's responsibility to assure that the blood they give out are safe. Isn't that before a person can donate a blood he must first be tested if he is really qualified to donate? Even if one has colds only and no other sickness(imagine just colds) he can't donate blood unless she has recovered. Now if a blood bank does not do that process then it is really very risky. Blood transfusion is a serious thing because if one gets a blood from another who has HIV, or Hepatitis or whatever disease that is really a big, big problem.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Sep 11
Hi salonga, Doctor said they are checking the major problems and I think which may include, HIV, Cancer etc the kind of serious issues. However, what I understand from the replies here, all blood banks are supposed to test all infections. The only thing is we can’t evaluate how efficiency and dedication is with each and every blood bank. Thank you dear.
• India
21 Sep 11
Hi Sreekala, Hope you have recovered completely and back to normal routine. I was given three to four bottles of blood after my second delivery. I belong to the RH negative group and getting blood for this negative group is very rare. My husband is also RH negative but could donate blood as he has wheezing problem and i could also get the problem. So had to accept blood from the blood bank and since then there have been many health problems. Like you have said the doctors only see if there are some major diseases in the blood. Rickshawpullers and other people from the lower strata of the society with unhygienic habits donate blood for the sake of money. So there are more chances of getting other health problems when you accept blood. But nothing can be done in grave situations. Only god can help us. Happy mylotting.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
22 Sep 11
Hi bewitched, I am back to the routine life but not completely fine on health issues. I have a reason; typhoid may take much time to leave the person… Now coming to the topic, I think you have a deep insight with the problem, I mean you know how the system works here. There may be chances since people can do anything for money. I don’t think the hospital people will do everything exactly and accurately because they are also doing business. Thank you dear, hope you and your family is doing great.
@whatrow (792)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I have been donating blood several times a year for over 40 years. Before the procedure they do a general check (blood pressure, temperature, etc.). After that they take a drop of blood to check the iron level. Finally, they go through a long list of questions which are so personal it is almost embarassing. But that is not the end. After the blood is collected it goes through several more tests. All of this is done to ensure that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the donor's blood at the time of collection. But this is how it is in the United States. If you live in a foreign country, the procedures and routines may be different.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Sep 11
Hi whatrow, Some people from my country also told me there are many process before donating blood (they said from their own experience). The only thing, it is not sure all the blood banks are following the rules strictly. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
@cgracie97 (172)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
I have been a blood donor for so many years now, it gives a lot of advantages being a blood donor. Whilst being a person who needs a blood, i think it is quite dangerous especially if the source of the blood or the blood bank does not follow strict instructions about screening the donors of the blood. Better be careful than facing tremendous outcome of receiving soiled blood. :)
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Sep 11
Hi cgracie, I am glad to know that you are a blood donor for years. Yes, it is really great, donate blood means donate a life. So I really appreciate your work. I agree, it is very dangerous to those accept blood, if the blood bank or the hospital failed to scrutinize the blood properly. Thanks for the participation and have a nice day to you.