Obama wants people to sue employers for not giving them jobs!
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
September 21, 2011 11:31am CST
Yup, sounds crazy, but that's exactly what he wants. In Obama's jobs bill, which even democrats in congress have refused to put up for debate, he adds the unemployed as a protected class that can sue for discrimination.
If you are unemployed, and don't get a job you apply for, you can sue claiming that you were discriminated against because you are unemployed. He's putting them on the same level as people who sue claiming they weren't hired because they were black, or because they were a woman (note, it's still legal to discriminate against someone for being white, male, under 40, and/or being Christian).
So what do you think? Should unemployed people be able to sue potential employers for not hiring them? If you were, or currently are a business owner, would this make you want to hire people, knowing that anyone you don't hire could sue you?
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14 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I laughed so hard at the start of reading your discussion. Then I realized how possible this is.
This PC crap has gotten so out of hand. I have to ask myself, why in the world would ANYBODY start a business these days.
The regulations alone will strangle you. Then take into account the taxes and Obama's desire to only raise that more!
I am self employed, no employees. I have no desire or inclination to hire anybody. I have direct contact with a lot of handyman and contractor companies. They will not hire a person. They will do day labor or temp service if at all.
Boy what a bang up job Obama is doin for our economy and unemployment!

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@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
21 Sep 11
ROTFL, Well I don't think you have to see into the future for that.
@SocialSocietyNews (107)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I keep hearing about the spending side but you have to have revenues coming in in order to Keep the government functioning the speaker of the house John Boehner said this in April on abc news in a topic called gas prices could cost obama the 2012 election go Take a look and see what he said about gas prices and big oil companies.If you have A business and it has stopped functioning to do what it is suppose to do then you Might as well close shop because you can no longer compete With other likewise businesses unless it gets corrected and really spending is whats needed in the short term to get it corrected.If we are Not going to do all of the right things that are necessary to correct this then you can kiss your freedom and the dollar good bye because both will phase out in due time on their own. go to youtube and see what honest John said about Our democracy is being stolen.Mr.Obama is just another American who has his focus On what needs to be done to get America,Jobs and congress working or somewhat more Functional again more power to we the people for the people unless you are for the Extremely wealthy why do anything that is not going to benefit you?Also more information go to youtube and type in city talk wing nuts and in your browser go to new america 5 or 7
Thank you
Have a Good Day!
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
22 Sep 11
So, I guess we get to sue the Federal Government for not creating jobs. I may not have even filed out an application but let's sue the Federal Government for their failure to hire me. (Heavy Sarcasm).
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
23 Sep 11
I think it would have to be more complicated than that. After all more than one applicant gets to the interview stage and only one of them gets the job. They are all qualified and experienced or they would never have been short listed for interview. The people who are not qualified etc never get past the applicantion checker.
However, if the job was unskilled and the employer gave it to someone becuase he offered to work for less then yes you should have the right to sue the b*stard. Too many businesses these days are sacking good staff just because they want to cut wages. Often they go offshore for slave labor, hmmm these days called indentured. You pay the employer for the right to the job, if you quit you have to pay 4 years wages back and you are paid almost nothing to live on. But hey they make great airline staff. NOT!! Australian airline Qantas is doing just that. Sack 1000 Australian staff and employ slave labor overseas as replacement cabin staff. I wish the workers could sue them. They can't legally because the company has moved the business offshore they say. It is just about greed since the CEO of the company got a $2 mil pay rise for doing it. It stinks.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
24 Sep 11
If we did not know his true motivation, we might just think this inane. We know he wants to destroy our economy in any and every way possible. It's called terrorism.
In his continuing use also of taqiyya, he wants to divide and conquer by any means possible, deceive, distract, dismantle disable and vanquish our country, his enemy. Either way it's a roundabout to stop business owners from hiring. Either way we lose, because he does not want anyone here to succeed so he can cripple our economy and reduce us to third world status as is his mission.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
25 Sep 11
More on Obama's economic terrorism and "Obamanomics":
In any and every way he will cripple our economy and make it impossible for employers to hire whom they will, not hire whom they can't and be fined and threatened either way, coming and going.
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@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
24 Sep 11
I am not an American. I dont think it is right for employers to be sued for not hiring anyone. And if i may, if this would ever push through, it is like giving a leeway for companies sueing the consumers for not buying their products. Employers as much as possible wants to hire people but if business is not doing any good, where would you get the money to pay for the people that you hired?
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
21 Sep 11
This I strongly disagree with Obama on. People have to earn the jobs that they receive. If you are qualified for the job and meet the criteria for that job, then you should get and have that job, and if you do not meet the criteria for that job or you are not qualified for that job, then you should not have that job.
That is the problem with this country. People have to earn their jobs and earn their living. It's only fair.
As for discrimination on the job, the sad reality is that most jobs are given to White men under the age of 40. This is still a reality. I know many women who aren't hired simply because they are women and employers are afraid that the woman they hire will have to take a maternity leave. This is still true today, and I have actually heard this from some employers. This is a case where it is unfair to not to hire women simply based on the fact that that woman could get pregnant and have to take a maternity leave.
I think that companies should be more equal opportunity friendly, but I still believe that people need to meet the qualifications and the criteria needed to have that job. If you don't have the skills, then you shouldn't get the job. Simple as that.
Think of it this way, what would happen if you went to your doctor, and he or she didn't have the qualifications to treat you. Would you still go to that doctor? No. Well, this is the same for job placement. Would you hire someone who couldn't do the job? They have no experience or job training at all? No, you wouldn't hire this person because they wouldn't know what they are doing.
Now, there are some jobs out there where you can learn by doing. I think that if people need jobs and job experience, they can hit up on those jobs, and many community colleges do have job training programs and trade programs. There are so many things that people can do to get the job that they want.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
23 Sep 11
The key point is that you are qualified for the job and have considerable experience and still do not get it. Well there could be a number of people like that going for one job and only one person can get the job. It is most likely to go to the male under 35.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
25 Sep 11
Imagine that!! If I sued everyone who didn't give me a job in these tough times, I'd have enough money to get out of this apartment, get off of disability, and move into some place really great. I could eat lobster every night, and drink champagne that costs over $100 a bottle! :)
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
21 Sep 11
It is actually a very interesting thought. I think this is prompted by the fact that quite a few employers ask unemployed people who have not had a job for some time not to apply. I think that actually is a discriminatory act. Having said that enforcing this law in spirit is not possible at all. Even if employers need to call such people to interview, they can reject them in the interviews for any of the various reasons.
So in a nut shell I do not think this can be a seriously enforcable law.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Sep 11
I just don't see why employers should not be allowed to discriminate in such a way. While, in this present economy, many of the unemployed are skilled, hard-working people, typically unemployed people are unemployed because they were fired or laid off from their last job due to being less productive than other employees.
That's not the only problem though. What about jobs that are listed internally in an organization? What if it's a company like UPS, that prefers to promote from within. It's a simple fact that they discriminate against unemployed people because their current employees are the first looked at and the first chosen for higher positions. A law like this could invite thousands of lawsuits against them and other companies with similar procedures.
The last time I was interviewing people for a job at the library the first thing I did was narrow down the application to people currently employed by either the library, or the county. Guess what I did with all the applications from unemployed people? I passed them on to HR so they'd be informed they weren't called for interviews. It was one job with 30 applicants, 7 of which were internal, one of which had already taken and passed the test necessary for the job. Under this law my library could be sued because I chose the best applicant instead of making it a pity party for unemployed applicants.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Since my "job" is writing perhaps I can sue everyone who didn't buy my novel. Okay, I need everyone's name and address. You'll be receiving your summons soon. Who do I contact to sue the libraries, Taskr?
I swear this is the stupidest idea coming from the anointed village idiot!

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Sep 11
My library can only order through a contracted distributor! Sue them not us!
*prays that Irish doesn't know the golden rule of suing is to sue EVERYONE with money*
I agree, this is possibly the dumbest idea that he has come up with so far.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Yeah and I bet a certain couple of plagiarists are on your shelves.
Hey, I loves me some rich people. They are the ones that spend the money! But, maybe I should be suing them for not buying my novel. LOL
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Hi, Taskr36. My only statement for this is that this right should only pass, if people have substantial proof that they are being discriminated by their potential employee. Otherwise, it would not be fair to just go around suing an employer just because they did not hire you. Now, what Obama can implement is this right. No Landlord has the right to put a family out of their home, if they can show proof that they have been out of work, because of a medical condition or an physical emergency of some sort. Another right would be that no Landlord should make a person pay an high rent fee, if the place that the tenant is renting has already been fully paid off by the depreciating years. I believe that Obama should tackle issues about helping people more that are having a very hard time paying their utility, bills and personal expenses. The money that the rich people are getting should be set outside to help many people out that really need help. This can be for anything. Every rich person is expected to pay, $1,000 every month. This money should be set aside and used to grant to individuals in every county enough of money to give to people that are in extreme need. Every government assistance, county should have at least, 20,000 a month to help out any person that really needs assistance.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
25 Sep 11
It sound crazy to you, but unless you know the under table deal the administration has with all these lawyer group in Washington D.C, the percentage of cut the administration (government) can collect, then it may begin to sound reasonable for employers to be sued for not hiring new worker. 

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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
21 Sep 11
As long as an employer is not discriminating on gender, race, religion, and possibly a few other odds and ends, everything else should be fair game.
We have to face facts here. A lot of America's workforce is unemployed not only because jobs are scarce, but because they're low-skilled people. Especially America's younger people, supposedly "highly" educated by those shining examples of enlightenment we call universities.
No one is entitled to a job. Maybe you can have government make that so in a country of 4 million people with sealed borders and a monochromatic society sharing the same values and succumbing to the same tamped-down expression for the greater good. But that is just not America, and will not be America no matter how many little tweaks they make to the system along the way.
As an employee, you need to help a company prosper. You need to give something of value for the money you will receive. So obviously employers are going to discriminate. Obviously they want the best people.
If I hire someone to assist me in a writing campaign, I DO discriminate. For example: If I have a choice over an editor who has been out of editing for three years or one who is still editing, I'm obviously going with the higher-skilled individual whose talents are used instead of waiting on the shelf.
There are a lot of quotes in the world that have really stood the test of time and nail the situation so perfectly that they always bear repeating. And I think my favorite of all time is, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
All the things enormous government has tried along the way to make things "better," and look where we're at now. And they'll just keep doing more until the system is so thick and bogged down that no one can get a job outside of politicians and lawyers.
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@reasonable81 (1)
• United States
30 Aug 12
You're a total idiot. Next time, do REAL research instead of quoting some right-wing rodeo clown like Sean Hannity and his "Truth-o-Meter". Truth-O-Meter + Hannity... Now THAT is a hoot!