will you change religion if your fiance ask for it?
By arnoldream
@arnoldream (1332)
September 21, 2011 4:49pm CST
for all the miss universe finalist,miss Shamcey made a direct answer to the question specially directed to her, without an interpreter she answers it in vividness and i admire her for her frankness and wit, though she did not please well the pageant's judges and later on rank only as the 3rd runner up. well i feel sad about it and i thought its just my own opinion that shamcey was just unforunate not to make it to the top, but when reactions from big names and celebrities were noted, then i think somethings wrong went out there. well we just can't undo it like these things that i type on my keyboard, nevertheless were happy for Miss Shamcey, such beauty and brain, what can you ask for more? how about you if you're miss Shamcey will you change religion for your boyfriend or your fiance?
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18 responses
@courtknee525 (3742)
• United States
22 Sep 11
If your fiance really loved you, they would accept you as you are and not change your religion for them. I find it perfectly acceptable to practice both religions and respect each others' beliefs if you are married.
It's one thing to voluntarily convert for your fiance, but if your fiance specifically asked you too, then that's just out of line. Someone who really loves you won't ask you to change because they should love you just the way you are.
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
thats very true, but when it comes to reality at the end of the day if religion issue shore up thats when problem begins to make a very critical differences between relationship. and its actually the trendsetter in our religious system
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
i have a cousin who is married to a guy of another sect of the christian religion. my cousin family is what we called devout catholic and actually part of the ministerial program of their parish. their relationship did not last long for no apparent reason..and i guess its all about differences on what they practice and believe. your true about that it always depend on each other how will they work it out to resolved their religious differences.
@courtknee525 (3742)
• United States
22 Sep 11
A lot of times though, people of certain religions tend to marry others of the same religion because that's what their religion tells them to do. Yes there are certain cases where this isn't true. I've known people that have converted for their fiance and I've also seen families with mixed religion. I guess it all depends on what the couple wants to do.

@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Personally, no I would not.
And, out of respect, I do not think your partner should ask it of you. I believe everyone has the right to believe in what they want to believe in, regardless of what others around them believe.
I think partners with different religions should respect each others religion and beliefs, but they do not have to change their personal beliefs.
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
personally i would admit that religion takes a very vital role for a better relationship and many times relationship comes to an end because of this factor. not to mention known celebrities but ordinary people whose relationship either marriage and friendship were somehow been divided by different religious belief.
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
very well said, i think if were going to have a kind of respect on ourselves and to others, living will be a lot peaceful.
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@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Yes, sometimes religion can come between relationships. But, if both people have respect for one another, and love each other... then they can make it work. 

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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
21 Sep 11
If I were you, I would only change my religion only if I thought his religious belief were better than mine. To avoid such problems, it is often wise to date people with your same religious background.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
22 Sep 11
When I was a teenager,my first boyfriend was not a christian and I would not change then,even thou I was young and nieve and I thought it was possible.As adults we were still friends and he married someone that was catholic and their marriage did not work out.
And we would talk and argue about religion for hours.
He does not live around this area anymore and I talked to his mother a few years ago and she said that he and the whole family have become christians.She proceeded by preaching to me about Jesus Christ being our savior.And,I told her that that's what I had been trying to tell her son and his sisters years ago.

@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
i think your right, but who will admit that other religion is better than the other? they all claim to be better than the other, Is it not?
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
ha ha ha..thats the name of the game..just get used to it..and live what you know is right..remember the "golden rule"
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
21 Sep 11
No way,because I know that my religion is the correct way to live and believe.I am a christian and I know that Jesus Christ is my savior.
First I wouldn't even of been dating him if he was not a christian.

@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
21 Sep 11
ha ha ha..thanks for such a direct and honest response, well it is well said and everybody knows that this issue goes a long long way of discussions. and were all have to choose along the way.
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@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
no such religion is correct under heaven,
all things and matters withing the universe contains 50 percent wrong and a remaining 50 percent correct....
all things must be balanced....
no matter how light reflects upon the object, the same depth it produce a shadow...
even Jesus Christ and God of Abraham never specify which religion is correct and which religion is a scam religion....
when it comes to question and answer about what happen in miss universe....
i think the correct way to answer is not to change religion but to add a partner's religion so that you'll learn more about God by combining new faq's about God...
it makes you more nearer to God if you combine your religion and your partner's religion....
absorb what is useful...
reject what is useless...
add what is your own....

@katrinapaz (2436)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
i will not change my religion, it should be my partner who will change his religion if he will marry me. it would be a true profession of love if he changes his religion for me. i will surely be happy and greatful for him.
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
you should stand for this well enough, though its easy to say than doing it actually..
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
21 Sep 11
No. Never.
I can't be expected to change my religion because that is what I believe. I think anyone who would change their religion just because someone wants them to doesn't truly believe, or have faith, in their religion.
Just for an example, I'm a Christian, thus I believe Jesus is the Son of God. If my fiance were to ask me to become Jewish, and I agreed, then what does that say about my beliefs? All of a sudden I no longer think Jesus is the Son of God?? That just doesn't make any sense to me!
To change your religion, I think someone would have to have a change of heart, not just decide to call themself some other title or classification in order to please someone else.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Mayuko,You are so right,what would that say about your religion!
I totally agree with you on that point,which was a very good one.

@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
i believe on what both of you have said. and it is not that so easy to decide in giving up one's religion and faith specially if the reason involved doesn't much the weight of giving it up..
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@SeductiveAnn (39)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I personally don't believe in religion, but I respect others in thier choice to beleive. Hopefully before accepting the proposal (or proposing for that matter), one would have thought the matter of different faiths through. Dating outside your faith is fine, if your religion allows it, that is. When the relationship starts becoming serious, it's time to start asking yourself, 'Would I be willing to...'
This question not only applies to ones faith, but in ALL aspects of thier life. I think this is why so many marraiges fail, people don't ask themselves what they are willing change in thier life, because once you are married you go from 'Me' to 'We.'
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
to be involved in any relationship will demand a great deal of what is in you, it is a compromise sometimes, that's why people who get tangled up with this kind of situation is because they dont know the cost of having such kind of serious relationship. when you decide to get with somebody your no more by yourself but there's always 'we" as you have said to consider.
@my_january (967)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
No. And I also don't expect the person I love to change his religion for me. Religion is something sacred, it is one's person's Faith. I've seen many couples with different religion/beliefs who are happily married for years. If you love a person, you will respect, understand and still love that person no matter what his belief/religion is.

@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
What? He is just a fiance. How can he make me change my God? For me, no man is so great as to make a woman change her belief. And I also think that men should not ask too much. We can vary in many ways and still respect each others' beliefs.
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
Cutie, surely this query did raise your brows, yet it is very common among every nation and people across cultures.. and man is always in the demanding side
@acrossnation (773)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 11
I missed the part when Miss shamcey was ask question about religion. First and foremost how can a question about religion been ask. Isnt it a universal thing not to ask or discuss with the public this 3 Question , RELIGION, POLITICS AND SEXUALITY.
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
politics and sexuality are actually less sensitive compare to religion issue. often times people do have different belief and notion about God and religiosity..sometimes even people with the same religious affiliation doesn't agree per se with each other belief and interpretations of their tenets.
@Judewang (93)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 11
I don't think that I will ever change my religion just to win my fiance. If she loves me, then why am I bound by such conditions as this? The way I live my faith will speak for itself, meaning if I live my faith positively and through this, show signs of being able to love, forgive and live the way I am before the God whom I worship, then what is the point of changing my religion? Religion is something personal in the first place.
In the place where I come from,where Islam is the dominant religion,I have seen many cases where the girls (aged between 15-early 20's) especially feels forced to change their religion just because their boyfriends says that their relationship will not be blessed by his parents if she would not convert. Some of them even do it in secret - lest their own parents would disapprove of it - and every time, that has been the case. Ultimately, she end up rejected by her own parents and siblings while remaining unsure if her boyfriend would not look for a second and a third or fourth wife, once their marriage is consummated. After marriage, problems between in-laws of different religious persuasions usually becomes acute.
No! I think changing one's religion for the sake of maintaining a relationship that has no guarantee of happiness is not a wise move. It saves one so much trouble by dating the opposite gender who professes the same religion.
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
that's the common scenario, and it's happening around the world of men..it is a form of prejudice and discrimination. for all claim to be better than the other religion..and it's taking its toll...you are right there my friend that to be save from so much trouble with this religious differences it is wise to choose your partner who professes the same belief and religion.
@VennuAnusha (14)
22 Sep 11
No,i won't.I feel that religion is not a matter in the context of marriage.If my fiance wants me to change my religion,i better will break up with her because how can i trust a person for the whole life who keeps condition before marriage and i feel that it is once personal matter and a religion is one of the identity of a person.If a person wants to change there religion its entirely there wish,no one can stop them and no one can force them....
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
religion is a strong issue that whether we like it or not will affect avery relationship that come in opposition to each other. what seem to be not a great problem or issue will one day be the breaking point of a relationship which did not consider this thing enough
@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
Shamcey got the good answer and i vote her.She did it right,and she is proud n what she did because it is from the heart of her..
Some agree with and did not..So it is not the people ,but for the good of her because she is proud to be Good girl,being known to Her God and also great..
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
shamcey just did it to stand on what she believe is right, who will compare anyway God from man..or religion to personal feelings. that is actually an absurd and ridiculous question knowing that the judges knows what everybody will answer for such infamous question..even kids can answer it in frankness..
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@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
she did stand what she believe it right,according to the questions..It is easy,and also the judges should be agreed with her,but not at all, because not People agree ,and believe to what she did stand for her true God...People should amaze her because she did right and from the heart answer of her..
@iRiZkiE (68)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
no i won't change my religion for my fiance because for me,if he really loves me he would accept me for what i am and what i believe in. so i would stick to what i believe in and i will be proud of it. so if he would insist that i should change my religion, then i'd rather loose him than to loose my religion because religion is a big part of my life and it helps me a lot with my day-to-day life, as to how i face the world each day....=)
@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
it is good thing that the issue of the respect of religion should be address earlier before any serious involvement between two different belief couple.
@Galena (9110)
22 Sep 11
if someone asks you to change something as important as your deeply and sincerely held spiritual path, then their love for you is CONDITIONAL, and they are not worth marrying.
for many people, their religion is a way of life, and colours how they see the universe. it's an intrinsic part of a person. unless they just pay lip service to it.
so if someone can't accept that part of you, then they don't love the real you. they love what they think you can be moulded into.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Sep 11
There would be nothing that could convince me to change my religion for anyone. I grew up in a Roman Catholic family and that is the only set of beliefs that I know. I've visited lots of other churches throughout my life, but none of them seem quite right to me.
So, I would be willing to visit my fiance's church with him if he would be willing to visit my church with me, but I would not go from one religion to another.
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
I will never allow this. It is because I can always change my future spouse, specially since we are not yet married. But, I won't be able to get in touch with my God through another channel, the way I am in touch with Him now. I am not saying that other religions are false. What I am saying is that I have a strong connection with my God right now in the religion I am comfortable with. But with other religions, my connection might not be the way I am comfortable with, and so the connection might not be strong like it is now. But with my future spouse, I will always have strong connections, whoever she may be.
@PsrSarkar (55)
• India
22 Sep 11
If the person loves you for what you are then it is true love else it is a compromise.