will we fight for spratly islands or give it up?

September 21, 2011 7:42pm CST
spratly islands is within the 200 nautical mile territory of the Philippines as mandated by the international law of the sea of united nation. actually it lies only 80 miles from the Philippines nearest shore the Palawan compare to the distance of other claimant including China which is more than 500 miles from their shore. the whole world knows the bullying tactics and strategies China is doing against other claimant specially the Philippines. China even put defenses and structures to push their claim to it in direct disregard to the existing policy surrounding the spratly controversy. We know that in case of aggression Filipinos are outnumbered and inferior as modern warfare equipment is concern and what we have right now is the friendly support of allied nations like the u.s, and other neighboring countries. as a Filipino i have this sentiment that if we give up spratly to China is as giving up our sovereignty and freedom as free loving nation. what your sentiment and opinion about this issue?
5 responses
@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
We should fight for those islands even it would mean war. It is very clear in the international law of the sea that we are the righteous owner of those islands. China has claimed a large part of the spratly islands and it's attempting to own ours as well. If you try to look in numbers and military might, China is of course superior but it doesn't mean that we will just give it up to them. I think the most effective way to tighten our security is to have a joint alliance with countries that also claim a part of the spratly(excluding china) countries like Taiwan,vietnam,malaysia,indonesia,etc. and make an alliance with nearby developed countries (that are enemies of china) like Japan, South Korea and even India. That act might worsen the crisis but at least we are secure because we have many allies nearby. We should strengthen our military too our ageing fleet of world war II warships should retire and replaced by modern second hand US destroyers or frigates. If our air force has advanced multirole fighters like US f-16 or f-18 china won't bully us anymore.
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
lately china and u.s relationship is being tainted with animosity since the latter is dealing with Taiwan for about several billion dollars worth of military equipment and armaments, a move that will greatly strengthen the military might of Taiwan. China knows the seriousness of the matter if he will apply force to gain back Taiwan, so he is somewhat deter to do it against Taiwan. China is bullying Philippines because he know our weak military force.. and it will continue to insult us if we will not do the same as Taiwan..that's my opinion anyway
@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
I agree with you. Did you know that a decade ago Taiwan purchased 100 F-16s from the US? Those F-16s are single engine and cheap but multirole fighters. China is afraid of Taiwan because of those F-16s. A single F-16 costs around $25M so I hope our president decides to buy some of it before his term ends.
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@Jacruz25 (1124)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
I think China is a bit threat to india too. Our air force may be weak for now but just you wait and you'll see the future air power the philippines can show.
@Harmonics (251)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
China basically knows that from the legal standpoint, spratlys is indeed withing the territorial limits of the Philippines. No question with that. However, China also knows the fact that in terms of military might, the country's arm force capability is laughable. So it is making its claim by way of force, something a country like Philippines cannot respond to. By assessing the situation, Philippines is indeed helpless in this situation and the only way she can have those islands is with the help of powerful allies like US. But then, because of dirty politics we cannot expect that US will play the role many Filipinos want unless of course the US can gain something from it. Personally, I don't mind if the Chinese occupies spratlys. Everything is just politics, greed, and selfishness.
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
if it comes to allies i would prefer U.S to help us in the exploration of the resources of the island, yes we know that the Americans will not do it without Gain thats very normal. and if i will compare americans to chinese businessman the former is far more a considerate than the chinese
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
Not really from my point of view (take for example the Kissinger report). They are just the same dog with different collar. I have nothing against individual Americans or Chinese or anyone. The only thing I don't like is their political policies which are really subtly oppressive. I cannot do anything about this kind of despicable situation wherein the weak are taken advantage by the powerful but nonetheless my mind is not blind as to the political ends of these countries.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
i think as much as we want to keep it and fight for it.. if we are to do so.. it would take more than a lot of resources... right? i mean i am quite sure we won't be able to fight china...
@nanayangel (7878)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
Hi there Arnold Dream! I have asked this in an interview with the Diocese of Kalibo and I agree with his answer. He said that if there's enough proof that it belongs to the Philippines, then by all means, we should do what we can to get what is ours. But, he also believes in the power of a dialogue. If both parties are willing to compromise and come up with a just resolution, everything will work out fine without having to resort to violence.
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
i do agree with what you said, that this issue must be resolve in diplomacy rather than resorting to violence. the issue here is not whether Philippines doesn't have enough proof for its claim of spratly, the thing which disturb us all, is will China abide with the international law and its mandates.. as i can see china is showing the opposite.
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
It depedns on the situation and also it depends on the will of our leaders. Of course, in any case, we should be prepared for anything and everything - that means military encounters, legal disputes and so on. But it is dependent on what and who moves first. The situation today is a status quo - it's just like a big waiting game for both countries on who should move first. We definitely have a claim and so does China but as other responders as said, we should know our strengths and weaknesses if we are going to clash with the Chinese. It's just a big strategy game and whether it ends or not is very much dependent on our actions and our reactions to the actions of the otehr party. Waiting the game is never fun, just like picking up a fight with a big bully. But somehow somewhere we n3ed to draw the lines on whether or not we are ready for a fight or a peaceful talks. This discussion reminds me of a debate with my friend regarding the same topic. I believe the everybody should have a slice of the Spartlys becuase one coutnry ended up killing another.
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
psychological warfare begins before an actual engagement, it is a period of evaluation and study whether an involve party could withstand and triumph over the other. the bible does mention to size up what you have and your strength if you could match up at least otherwise if you are short of the requirements to gain victory then you should resort to peaceful means as suggested..Philippines military capabilities will no match with this giant and it is a big mistake to resort for any military action against them...what we can do right now is to strengthen our military might that nonetheless will make others to think other option than what is expected..its time not to trust china over this issue because the way this country is doing is somewhat opposite and against international law and a total disregard of the other claimant who abide with said law.