Being badly hurt, How can it be God's plan?
By chiyochan
@chiyosan (30181)
September 22, 2011 5:04am CST
We always have sought him, we prayed to God, we asked for signs even... but he has often times remained silent... and when he answers we'd be hurt, we'd discover things that would break our hearts.
How can it be part of God's plan to dishearten us? Why would he allow these things to happen to us, we have tried so hard to be faithful... and yet, why can't we seem to live a life with freedom from bad feelings, from things that could ultimately change us, harden our hearts?
Do you think God intend bad things to happen to hurt us and eventually make us strong? what about those who were'nt able to cope up?
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14 responses
@ur4mae (217)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
We experience trials in our lives because (1) It is God's way of strengthening our faith in Him; or (2) We are experiencing the consequence or punishment of the sins we commit. God never intends to hurt us. And He wouldn't allow problems in our lives that we wouldn't be able to handle.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
consequence or punishment for the sins... =( I really cannot understand what that is that i did to deserve the hurt and pain i am feeling right now. I know there is some good that will come out of this. but i pray it comes around quickly, please. I sure hope it does... I tink i need to be able to see clearly now, already.

@allyoftherain (7208)
• United States
24 Sep 11
I believe, this side of heaven, we are not promised or guaranteed happiness... in fact we are guaranteed trials and pain. I love the song "Held" by Natalie Grant, which is about this very premise. We're not promised happiness here in this broken, fallen world, but we are promised that God has not forgotten or forsaken us.
I find the Psalms comforting during times of pain. David isn't always singing God's praises in those, in fact there are many times when he seems just as lost and confused as the rest of us. But ultimately, even in the face of great adversity, he remains faithful.
I don't believe it's God's plan for bad things to happen, but because we live in a world where the Devil runs free and we are allowed to make our own messed-up choice, bad things do happen, and it is God's plan to make us stronger and wiser through them.
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@allyoftherain (7208)
• United States
26 Sep 11
I'm so sorry that you've been feeling this way. I can't do much from over here, but I do promise exactly what I said... God has not forgotten or forsaken you. I'll be praying for you, and I hope you find your way through the valley.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Do you know the story of Job? Even though God called him blameless and upright, He allowed Satan to persecute him. Job lost his possessions, his family, and his health, but he never lost his trust in God. And because of his faithfulness toward God, in the end God made Job prosperous again and gave him twice as much blessings as he had before the persecution.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
thank you precious. your response made me feel all the better again. I am glad to have read your response and I will bear that in mind, keep his story in mind and heart and know that i should not lose the faith and believe in God's great plan... plan not to harm me, not to persecute me... but to prosper me
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
There are times that we feel down, sad and hurt. Sometimes we can't feel His presence at all as if He's not there. I think God allows these things to test our faith. I've been in such situation and it is very difficult. I just prayed that I will be able to cope to my problems. I just trust Him that there's a reason why I experienced and encounter such things.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
I am really really going through a hard time right now. its been really hard to be deceived. its hard to be in a situation where someone made you feel so bad, so idiot and stupid. I do not see clearly what is God's plan as of this time, I hope he helps me out of this stronger, amazing and willing to be more like him.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
Didn't you ever wonder for yourself , why you have been deceived? Maybe there are areas in your life that is to be checked.
Don't feel bad, instead be strong and fight the bad feeling. Count your other blessings and you will realize that you are a lot luckier than those people who were born physically defective, those who are the poorest and those who don't have someone to ask for help.

@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
Sometimes God allow us to be hurt in order to grow and be strong. In the Bible, lots of disciples and followers of God were tested just like Job. In the story of Job, God allow satan to test Job, all of belonging of Job loss but he did not exchange his faith. In the end, God double the blessings of Job. In this story, we must never forget God in every trials we may enter because God knows that you can always overcome trials that he has given to you. So always pray to God, we must ask, seek and knock to Him.

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@silpatenneti (72)
• India
22 Sep 11
If we think on,we will have many questions to say.anything which happens in our lifes,are due to our behaviour.which we did in past life(previous karma),and which are doing in this life,think good and do good,then good things will happen.god shows us signs but we should be capable to recognize that.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Sep 11
that is one thing that i could not understand when people says that it's God's will. how can God will give us something that will hurt us badly? i know He loves us too much and so i believe He will not make us feel bad. i am more to believe that it's us who makes our problem and everything that we have to deal with it and be responsible for what we will do.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
hi there neil. i believe this has been the case because we know that God is supposed to prevent things from happening and if he did not do so, he could have put this as part of the plan.
Well you are right and that we should really be the only ones who can hurt us. but sometimes there are things beyond our control, like what other people do, for example.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
27 Sep 11
yes, beyond our control and like what others do, but not God's.
@obe212003 (2299)
• Philippines
22 Sep 11
everything happens for a reason, it either breaks or makes us. accept and realize, learn and be wiser, be strong and open-minded, and most of all don't blame God for the bad things that come your way, just have faith and believe. Jesus carried the cross, crucified, and sacrificed his life in order to save us! the harsh realities of life would surely create significant influence in our lives, and i guess faith would help keep us strong and have a firm belief in ourselves.
@Firestorm0122 (735)
• United States
22 Sep 11
Did you know a majority of our pain and strife is not caused by God but by humans? It is the human choice to give into that temptation to make life difficult for another person.
And who's to say God is silent? While He may be silent to you, He may be speaking to another person. Sometimes, you have to just wait, wait and listen. The problem is we expect Him to speak openly to us, but most often He speaks to our hearts. It is said that the adversary to God works in the minds of men, whispering ideas to them. Many believe him, some are wise enough not to.
The point is..everyone suffers. Some suffer more, some suffer less. Human suffering is based on what we allow ourselves to do to others, and what we allow others to do to us. And being careless (such as walking in the middle of a busy road) doesn't help either.
There is a movie I'd like to suggest. It's called The Encounter. There is an atheist on there who questions some of the things other atheists do, particularly about pain and human suffering and why a loving God would allow it to happen. You might be able to find it on Youtube, but definitely on netflix.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
Yes, I think so that is true. People around us did cause the pain. There is always the choice the had to make, and they can choose not to hurt us but they did. How come God did not interfere at the right time so we'd be spared from all these?
=( I hate the idea that everyone suffers, not consoling at all even though every one goes through the same things, like being hurt, suffering... but it just makes us feel so ordinary... always an open target... I hope i can walk my life better from now on, always ready to spot what would make me feel hurt;
Thank you for your movie suggestion. I'd wish i would be able to find it and watch it too. :D
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
25 Sep 11
i really appreciate your response to my discussion. I have been feeling really low, for the past week i feel i have been crying everyday and the pain is never a tear less. its always the same weight.
maybe i will just think of it in the same way as many people have always - people who survived the same, or even worst experiences than mine.
thank you very much for your understanding of my hurts too, i shared with with my family and they were so angry and i think their thoughts of the situation was rather biased; and was not logically thinking too. i know they are protecting me but i just needed someone to listen to me and not nag at me like my mom is doing and its hurting me more...
@Harold_ks (1673)
22 Sep 11
I believe all God's plan are good and to make us better. But since devil is also around, people sometimes tend to fall into trap. It may not be us who fell, but our partners. Devil are the root of all the bad happenings. That's why we should always be careful on every steps we make. If we and our partners will have a strong faith, we will not fall into devil's trap. But if ever bad things already happened, there is always a way to survive and live new life. And God is always there to embrace us. Let's God be our guide and believe in Him. You can recover my friend. God bless!
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
thank you Harold.
Yes, he fell right into it. He's not srong... He is not the person i thought i knew and i am sorry i spent my time with him... I just want to know how i can get over this really soon; I just want to have a selective amnesia or something... i want to forget all this... to move on. God be with us all the time, and amidst all this i hope he's really embracing me, comforting me in his arms.
@sophiecheer (931)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
As said, sufferings are what make us stronger. I agree wholeheartedly.
And also, I agree that the Lord does not test us beyond what we can endure. And that in every step of the way, He is there to guide us..just as long as we remain steadfast with our faith.
There have been lots of moments in my life that I felt like I was greatly persecuted. With the many trials and tribulations, I feel like the Lord is nowhere. Gratefully, with persistent endurance and faith, we are able to get pass those trials.
@sophiecheer (931)
• Philippines
26 Sep 11
I know that you will rise above all these problems that you are encountering in your life. A gentle reminder Chiyosan, Our God is BIGGER than all our problems put together..we need not be afraid.
Like you I had huge struggles at the past. not only that..another problem comes just when the current problem is not yet resolved. You can just imagine how distress I am. To wit, my father lost his job weeks after I resigned from mine, my sister is graduating in college and we have to pay for her tuition if we want her to graduate, my brother got imprisoned because he and a few his friends robbed a jeepney and my mother got rushed to the hospital upon knowing of my brother's arrest. And because none of us are working, we have to rely on other people's provision in order to survive. We've been like that for more than a year!
Throughout our ordeal, we've been humbled. I can say that we've been greatly tested. Just looking back at the past often make me cry. But knowing that the Lord is within reach, we don't have to feel alone. So I hope that whatever struggle that you are having right now, you will not forget to call on HIM. He will help you, just as He did with me.
@cowgirl03051979 (918)
• United States
22 Sep 11
i dont even know anymore i used to be a loyal follor of Jesus then i fell in love with this man and he was a good church going man very loyal to God and that got me into church even more and i had never been stronger in God but then because of things that him nor i could control we had to break up (the reason seemed like it was more of in Gods hands) i just cant understand why God would want to take someone that was so good for me that drew me closer to Jesus out of my life since then i have stopped going to church and i hardly ever pray anymore (i still love God im just mad at him) i was so faithful to Him how could he let my heart break like that if he is trying to make me strong because of it it is not working the love of my life and i split 4 months ago and i am still crying every night and so weak
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
I am sorry to hear about this cowgirl.
I can feel that i am in the same situation as you. I am wondering why did God have to test him, we were doing great, we were supposed to be together good, with no worries.. =( I do not know what to do, im confused as much as i am hurt.
I hope you too do well. You have a choice, and i hope you make the right one... can you not try to patch things up with this man? I believe you still love him and you can do something about it, right?
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
23 Sep 11
yes, maybe this is just one of the tests i will have to take in my course called life. I want to pass it with flying colors, actually and i am hopeful... i want to be happy... i want to know that feeling again... i want to be free from this misery that is always on my head. i hope to get out of it... Ah my prayer does contain this wish that i would be well again.